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Hello, right now we are at Hyde Park in London, UK.

In Hyde Park, there is a place called

Speaker's Corner where people come on Sundays to speak and discuss various topics. Today, we
are here on a Friday, and there is no discussion happening here. We thought we could learn
something and gain some understanding by sitting here.

What is this place? It's a ground where people gather, and there is some construction happening
in Hyde Park. There is a flag or banner erected, and some function or event is being prepared.
Maybe they are constructing something for a function. We are sitting here with Sheikh Sahib,
hoping to learn something valuable. If Sheikh Sahib has any good thoughts or something to
share, we are open to it.

In reality, whenever you come back from your country, the issue of what is halal and haram
comes up. Halal and haram are about what is permissible and forbidden in Islam. I, for example,
fly from Pakistan to the UK, where I get food on the plane, including meat. All sorts of meat are
available: beef, buffalo, chicken, and even pork. Cattle are animals like cows, buffaloes, and
goats that people eat. Cattle are consumed by people all over the world, whether in non-Muslim
countries or Muslim countries.

Now, it surprises me that Allah has allowed this in the Quran. Allah has made cattle halal. Cattle
include cows, buffaloes, goats, and even camels. But within the cattles, the meat of the pig is
haram. Cattle are animals that Allah has created, and people eat them. Allah has made their meat
halal. However, the meat inside the pig is haram.

So, when we find out that these animals are halal, we eat everything from these animals, not just the
meat. We eat things like the tongue, the feet, and even the tail. We consume everything except the
prohibited parts. Allah has made this halal, and we eat it. The meat, as well as other things like the skin
and fat, are utilized.

So, what did Allah do? He declared the meat of the pig (swine) as haram. Now, about its skin and fat—
whether to wear a jacket made from its fat or use its fat for various purposes—there is no harm. Its skin
can be used, and various items can be made from it. There is nothing inherently forbidden in using the
skin of the pig.

As for eating the meat, it is considered haram. If it is not permissible to raise pigs, the animal itself was
created by Allah. You may raise a horse, a rabbit, or even a donkey, but pigs are prohibited from being
raised. Why? Because raising pigs is explicitly prohibited. Pigs are considered impure, and there is
animosity towards them. The animal is created by Allah, and there are various creatures in the entire
creation that humans have not even seen.

"Under the sea, there are numerous creatures, and there are countless animals in the world.

Animals in the present days, animals in ancient times—these are things you may not even be
aware of. It's a fascinating and seemingly irrelevant topic, but wherever you go in the world,
there are animals, cattle. Animals and cattle are distinct terms in English. In Urdu, animals are
referred to as 'janwar,' and 'maweshi' is a term specifically used for animals that humans
consume. The term 'janwar' is also used in Arabic, while another term for it is 'an'am.' Another
word is 'dabba,' and it is used when Allah emphasizes His creation, like lions, elephants—large
creatures of all kinds. Every type of creature is called 'daabbah,' and it is referred to as 'an'am' or

Surah Al-An'am (Chapter 6, Verse 6) mentions these animals, and Allah declares them
permissible. Now, think about it—these are halal animals. Will you not sacrifice them? Yes, they
are halal.

Now, wherever people go in the world, those who are roaming around are eating these same
animals. They are consuming these animals everywhere they go. These are the same animals that
people are eating—cattle."

What happened, sir? What happened is that when Allah Almighty informed you that this is
permissible, then whatever is permissible, you make it into food, and we call it food. And
regarding drinking, He also mentioned about it. It means intoxication, which is wine; Allah is
saying that in it, there is both benefit and harm. So, it is evident that if you call it wine in Urdu,
in Urdu we call it "sharab," and in Urdu, we say drinking wine.

And He has also informed about drinking that those substances which are like drugs, intoxicants,
or addictive substances, Allah has not declared them as forbidden. There is both harm and
benefit in them. If doctors, from a medical point of view, prescribe drugs to balance mental
imbalances, Allah has made it permissible. And similarly, it is a kind of intoxication. If you are
using it for addiction or to unbalance yourself, then it will be forbidden because it is an impure
act of Satan. Allah has not declared it forbidden; Allah has permitted its use. It is used inside
humans for treating diseases. When you become unconscious, drugs are given to you, which the
poor people, who have psychological disorders or mental illnesses, are given to set them right.
They are given substances to balance them so that they can become balanced.

Now, you remember two things: eating and drinking. You eat halal food, which Allah has made
permissible worldwide, except for swine's meat, and you drink not wine, which Allah has made
permissible for drinking. You drink fruit juices. When you eat or drink, remember to say,
"Bismillah," and invoke Allah's name. Whenever you consume anything, read or say: "Bismillah
al-Rahman al-Rahim" or "Allahu Akbar." I don't know what people read; they read Surah Shura,
verses 78, 79, 80. Now, the connection I made with these verses, you people invoke the name of
Allah. Just as there is a goat, say "Bismillah," "Allahu Akbar." What happened, sir? Do not eat
anything other than the name of Allah. Eleventh Sharif, Tenth Sharif, are eating Imam Hussain's
name. This is what you are eating.

"Consuming food in the name of someone other than Allah, someone passes away. Who are
these people who pass away? And then, there is uncertainty about who passes away, so it
becomes the fortieth day. This is what happens when consuming food in the name of someone.
Then, the text says, 'And then, they are consuming food in the name of someone other than
Allah.' So now, in reality, Allah has said that he the one who feed us'

He is the one who created us. Ibrahim is praying, saying, 'Allah, You are the one who created
me.' Allah mentions that Ibrahim is saying, 'Allah, You are the one who created me.'"

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