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Traveling wave.

One way to demonstrate wave motion is to flick one end of a long rope that is under tension and has
its opposite end fixed, as shown in Figure 16.2. In this manner, a single wave bump (called a wave
pulse) is formed and travels along the rope with a definite speed. This type of disturbance is called a
traveling wave.

The rope is the medium through which the wave travels.

Transverse wave

A traveling wave that causes the particles of the disturbed medium to move perpendicular to the
wave motion is called a transverse wave.

Longitudinal wave

A traveling wave that causes the particles of the medium to move parallel to the direction of wave
motion is called a longitudinal wave.

Many interesting wave phenomena in nature cannot be described by a single moving pulse. Instead,
one must analyze complex waves in terms of a combination of many traveling waves. To analyze such
wave combinations, one can make use of the superposition principle:

If two or more traveling waves are moving through a medium, the resultant wave function at any
point is the algebraic sum of the wave functions of the individual waves.

Waves that obey this principle are called linear waves and are generally characterized by small
amplitudes. Waves that violate the superposition principle are called nonlinear waves and are often
characterized by large amplitudes. In this book, we deal only with linear waves.

One consequence of the superposition principle is that two traveling waves can pass through each
other without being destroyed or even altered.

The combination of separate waves in the same region of space to produce a resultant wave is called

The combination of separate waves in the same region of space to produce a resultant wave is called
interference. For the two pulses shown in Figure 16.8, the displacement of the medium is in the
positive y direction for both pulses, and the resultant wave
(created when the pulses overlap) exhibits a displacement greater
than that of either individual pulse. Because the displacements
caused by the two pulses are in the same direction, we refer to
their superposition as constructive interference.

Now consider two pulses traveling in opposite directions on a taut

string where one pulse is inverted relative to the other, as
illustrated in Figure 16.9. In this case, when the pulses begin to
overlap, the resultant wave is given by but the values of the
function y2 are negative. Again, the two pulses pass through each
other; however, because the displacements caused by the two
pulses are in opposite directions, we refer to their superposition
as destructive interference.

The wave represented by this curve is called a sinusoidal wave because the curve is the same as that
of the function sin plotted against . The sinusoidal wave is the simplest example of a periodic
continuous wave and can be used to build more complex waves, as we shall see in Section 18.8.

Types of Waves

1. Mechanical waves. These waves have two central features: They are governed by Newton’s
laws, and they can exist only within a material medium, such as water, air, and rock. Common
examples include water waves, sound waves, and seismic waves.

2. Electromagnetic waves. waves. These waves require no material medium to exist. All
electromagnetic waves travel through a vacuum at the same exact speed c= 299,792,458
m/s. Common examples include visible and ultraviolet light, radio and television waves,
microwaves, x rays, and radar.

3. Matter waves. These waves are associated with electrons, protons, and other fundamental
particles, and even atoms and molecules. These waves are also called matter waves.

The group velocity is the velocity with which the envelope of the wave packet, propagates through

The phase velocity is the velocity at which the phase of any one frequency component of the wave
will propagate. You could pick one particular phase of the wave (for example the crest) and it would
appear to travel at the phase velocity.

The speed at which a given phase propagates does

not coincide with the speed of the envelope.

Note that the phase velocity is greater than the

group velocity.

A wave packet is said to be dispersive if different

frequencies travel at different speeds.

Surface waves are dispersive!

Question: Why do the longer periods travel faster

than shorter periods?

A wave that repeats as a function of time

and position is referred to as a periodic
wave. Amplitude, frequency, wavelength,
speed, and energy describe the
properties of the wave. The phase angle is used to describe the characteristics of
a periodic wave.

The phase angle is the characteristic of a periodic wave. It is synonymous

to Phase in many contexts. In phasors, a wave exhibits twofold
characteristics: Magnitude and Phase.
The phase angle refers to the angular component of a periodic wave.
It is a complex entity. A periodic wave is represented as:

• A is the magnitude
• θ is the phase angle
It is measured using degrees or radians

Measurement of a Phase Angle

Consider a periodic wave. The phase angle can be measured using the
following steps:

1. Phase angle can be measured by measuring the number of units of angular

measure between the reference point and the point on the wave. The reference
point can be on the same wave or another wave.
2. The reference point is chosen from the projection of a rotating vector to the real
axis of an Argand diagram.
3. The value of the point on the abscissa corresponding to the point on the wave
gives the phase angle of that point.

In general, the wave can be plotted on any standard coordinate system. One
complete cycle of the wave has 360º of phase angle in the Cartesian plot.

The phase angle plays a crucial role in electronics where the voltage and
various sinusoidal waves are involved. In electronics, the number of
electrical degrees of lag or lead between the voltage and
current waveforms in an ac circuit is also defined as phase angle.

Relation Between Group Velocity and Phase Velocity

Waves can be in a group and such groups are called wave packets, so the velocity
with which a wave packet travels is called group velocity. The velocity with which
the phase of a wave travels is called phase velocity. The relation between group
velocity and phase velocity is proportionate.

The Group Velocity and Phase Velocity relation can be mathematically

written as-

• Vg is the group velocity.

• Vp is the phase velocity.
• k is the angular wavenumber.

The above equation signifies the relationship between the phase velocity
and the group velocity.

Group Velocity and Phase Velocity relation for Dispersive wave

non-dispersive wave

Group Velocity And Phase Velocity Relation

The group velocity is directly proportional to phase velocity. This means-

• When group velocity increases, proportionately phase velocity will also

• When phase velocity increases, proportionately group velocity will also

Thus, we see the direct dependence of group velocity on phase velocity

and vice-versa.

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