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Guevarra, Mikaela D.

November 8, 2023

BSN – 2B Global Voices and Social Vision

Activity: Functionalism

Each institution possesses particular duties in the multifaceted fabric of the community, and
they all work together to ensure the smooth operation of the entirety. Among these institutions, the
hospital, university, and city hall are foundations of community life, performing essential roles that
focus on the different requirements of people as well as society. These organizations are seen as
essential elements of a complicated structure from a functionalist standpoint, and every one of them
demonstrates its role in everyday operations. Their interdependence is critical for sustaining the
equilibrium and consistency of the larger social framework given that they collaborate to foster the
well-being, knowledge, governance, and health of the community that they collectively provide


The hospital's main objective is to offer medical services to the community, which include illness and
injury evaluation, therapy, and medical treatment. The hospital has several departments and units
that collaborate to offer medical care for people in general, involving medical professionals, patient
care, an emergency department, a laboratory, and a pharmacy. This institution is critical to the
physical health and wellness of the community's members.


Universities serve as educational and knowledge manufacturing centers, providing an extensive

variety of educational offerings, research opportunities, and intellectual growth. A university has
numerous academic divisions, faculties, as well as research centers. Instructors are responsible for
educating learners, conducting studies, and creating knowledge. Learners obtain knowledge and
abilities that will help them in their chosen fields in the future. Higher education institutions
contribute to the community by disseminating research results, hosting cultural activities, and
assisting local enterprises.

City Hall

City Hall operates as a center for community affairs and governmental operations, as well as
representing the local government. The administration of local governments is managed by
several offices and divisions run by city halls, such as city boards, mayoral offices, public works, safety
agencies (police and fire departments), zoning and planning departments, and social service agencies.
They make sure that the city runs smoothly, that laws and regulations are followed, that public
infrastructure is maintained, and that the citizens have access to basic amenities.
Interrelations between these institutions:

• The educational institution and a healthcare facility may collaborate on medical education, clinical
studies, and healthcare provider training. Medical schools and academic hospitals frequently
collaborate to educate medical students while conducting studies to improve healthcare
• Higher education institutions help educate and develop professionals in a variety of areas,
involving medical care and government administration. The university's function of generating
competent employees who may meet local healthcare and administrative requirements benefits
both the hospital and city hall.
• The hospital, university, and city hall are essential to the community's general well-being. The
hospital cares for the population's physical well-being, the university fosters academic growth and
education, as well as city hall oversees leadership, facilities, and government services.
• Universities may boost the local economy by conducting research, spending by students, and
forming collaborations with local companies. Hospitals usually have an important financial effect
on a community. Utilizing regional strategies as well as laws and regulations, city government
contributes to economic growth.
• City hall functions as a focal point for civic engagement and involvement in the local government.
University and hospital outreach campaigns, programs for public health, as well as educational
programs, may be utilized to interact with the community.

Overall, the functionalist viewpoint regards the hospital, university, and city hall as being
interconnected institutions that mutually contribute to ensuring the community's equilibrium and
balance. Each institution provides a specific purpose, and their collective efforts cater to the diverse
demands of the local population, such as education, health care, government, and general well-being.
The well-organized operation of these institutions is critical to the community's overall welfare and

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