Q C Training Guide

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sweeping quads & massive calves


Learn the simple truths to grow massive

amounts of lean muscle in your quads
and calves while avoiding the common
concepts that are the very thing causing
poor gains, sore backs and knee pain.

The Complete training Guide to quads + calves



But do you really?

How bad do you really want to build big legs? applied it at a level of effort, consistency, and
Most people say they want something, but discipline that would challenge anyone in the short
when it comes time to put in the effort, their real history of the sport of bodybuilding. Theory is
priorities show up, or their desire for comfort important, but without the searing pain of feeling it
exceeds their desire for growth. Luckily for you, in application, it’s impossible to offer true value or
building big legs is simple. perspective on how to truly make building a ton of
muscle reality.
It is NOT easy. But it is simple, and I’m going to
explain it to you in detail here.
You can focus on the nonsense that every online
trainer in the world is preaching, or you can
focus on what actually works. I built the best
legs in the world by being disciplined, ruthlessly
focused, and absolutely obsessed.

Obsessed with detail, obsessed with doing it

perfectly, obsessed with being the hardest You will build muscle in exact
worker anyone has ever trained with. I used to
dream about it, see it clearly in my mind, think
proportion to your ability to
about it when I’m driving, walking, eating, talking apply the information in this
to friends, sleeping, having sex, you name it.
document, and do it with a
I had such a clear vision, it was impossible to ruthless obsession.
stop me. Success for me, was never a matter
of “if”, but a matter of when. Doing something
exceptional in life (which building muscle is),
requires exceptional measures.

I did every type of workout that exists.

For better or worse, I tried it all. Because of this,

there is no one in the world that can teach you
more about building your legs (or any muscle for
that matter). I’ve spent every year of my adult
life (and most of my teens) learning the muscle
building game, and taking what I learned and

The Complete training Guide to quads + calves


If you haven’t built the amount of muscle

you want, leave your beliefs, excuses and
“reasons” right here.

You’re focused on
the wrong things.
If you want to build maximum
muscle there are two steps:
1. Learn the steps in this guide.
2. Work harder than you ever imagined was possible.

You will get results in exact proportion to your ability Intentionally seek people who will push you
to commit to these two points. Master the steps beyond your limit, challenge your mental limits and
necessary to perform the skill of each exercise. be grateful for them. They are angels sent to make
you better. Never accept people elevating your ego
Second, maintain that execution mastery, and push and extinguishing your drive by floating words of
your body and mind to new levels beyond your unfounded praise. You are the standard, and even
current level of understanding. when people are telling you how great you are,
Repeat. you’re not there… yet.

Maintaining this amount of work and meticulous

focus over time is impossible without an obsession
for creating and maintaining a world class standard.
Without my desire to be the best in the entire world,
I could never have endured the torturous training Don’t accept
sessions, the fear, the hunger, the pain, the failures,
the ridicule, the judgment (and the many torn pants)
I would subject myself to.
anything less
The fear that sunk deep into my belly every single than greatest.
time I walked into the gym in anticipation of what
I was about to subject myself to never went away.
Anytime it did, I would find a way to make it harder.
I harnessed that energy to propel to new heights.

I didn’t always want to do it, but I did it, and I

insisted on working harder than anyone I came
across. Intentionally seeking the people that are the
“best”, and commit to being better until they are no
longer competition.

The Complete training Guide to quads + calves



• Train like everyone else.
• Thinking more is better. It’s not. Better is better.
• Focus on moving weight and completing sets and
• Mindlessly lift heavy.
• Go back to the same stuff you’ve been doing.
• Avoid doing something because it doesn’t feel
good….. yet.
• Get sloppy in your training so you can pad your ego.
• Be attached to old school bro-splits like once a week
per body part nonsense.
• Think lifting heavy is the key to growth (it’s not).
I’ve been where you
• Think that free weight movements are better than are now.
machines, or cables (they’re typically not).
I struggled, pushed, pulled, and
willed my way to a deep
understanding of this stuff, and that
is why I am now able to tell you
exactly what works, and perhaps
more importantly, what doesn’t work.

When you’re done here, you will

understand what to do to add any
amount of muscle, to any body part.

It’s only a matter of time. Let’s get to it.

The Complete training Guide to quads + calves



MASTERY TIPS • Quad growth is dependent on being

able to access the full range of motion
FOR QUADS AND (at the ankle, knee, and hip), with
concrete-like stability.

CALVES: • If you can’t get into a position, you

can’t build the muscle that moves you
to/from that position.
If you were to walk into my facility today and say, “I
want to build some legs, Boss”, like countless men • Mobility for quads starts at the feet. Flat
and women have over the years, the first place I’m feet or fallen arches will lead to poor
looking at is your mobility. Do you have the requisite movement patterns, and sore knees.
mobility to get into the ranges of motion you will need
• The path of motion at the ankle is to the
to at the ankle, the hip, and the thoracic spine?
outer half of the foot (little toe).
If not, there is your starting point. • The hip joint is meant to move in isolation
The second place I’m looking at is your core and to the lower back (no rounding the low
pelvic stability. Tightness and instability in these back) Test your Active-ROM at the ankle,
areas are a sign of weakness. If something is tight or knee, and hip. That dictates your range.
unstable, we start by spending time in those positions • Spend time in positions that your are
in a static way loading from different angles to weak, or where you are lacking mobility.
encourage strength and stability in these positions of
structural weakness. This is not stretching, but finding • Breathing mechanics lay the foundation
of spinal and trunk mobility and stabil -
ways to add micro increments of resistance.
ity. Breathe into your diaphragm and
always through your nose.
Your ability to contract a muscle
is dependent on stability.
Train stability. • Stability is the key to muscle contraction.
• The body will down-regulate muscle
Mobility and stability should be looked at as contraction if it senses instability.
inseparable. Stretching to improve mobility can be • Stability at the trunk/spine, and the
used lightly, preferably in a PNF format, and always pelvis are the keys to maximum muscle
followed by challenging stability at that joint to ensure contraction of the lower body.
active control of the joint by muscles, rather than
• Brace your core before beginning any
simply passive movement.
rep, as though preparing to take a
punch. Do not crunch. Check in on the
bracing at the top and bottom of every rep.
• Pull your pelvic floor up (think kegel or
how you stop urine mid-stream) to
contract the Transverse Abdominis (TVA)
• Once you’ve got these, you’re ready to
begin. Without these, do not attempt to
load a muscle significantly.

The Complete training Guide to quads + calves



1. The goal is to challenge muscle, NOT move weight. 13. Become present.
2. Load matters, but only once you’re absolutely 14. Be aware that the body is trying to find ways to
certain it’s being moved by the working muscle cheat. Pay attention to the gains thief.
100% of the time.
15. Challenge all aspects of the range of motion.
3. Master the skill of the basic movements before
16. Spend time where you’re weak.
adding load. (60-70% of max load is ideal for
learning). 17. Challenge time, then distance, before adding load.
4. Weight DOES NOT equal muscular challenge until 18. Think “what is the action of this muscle”
form is mastered AND reps are controlled 100% of (extend the knee) and how do I challenge that
the time. as much as possible.
5. The “IDEAL TEMPO” is control. 19. The knees are supposed to go over the toes.
Let them. In fact, encourage it.
6. Find exercises that allow for full range of motion at
the knee joint, while maximizing stability at the hip. 20. Lead squats by driving knees forward, no hips
(Note: some exercises will allow for full ROM but back.
sacrifice stability at the pelvis). 21. Include some variations of lunges in all
7. Use some exercises that are internally stabilized workouts.
(Squat), and others that are externally stabilized 22. Use whatever foot position that allows you
(hack squat). full depth and maximum knee flexion without
8. Train both isolation, and function/integration. rounding the back.
9. Master the skills of a small number of exercises first. 23. Turning the toes out may allow for slightly
greater range of motion at the ankle and
10. Push the floor away, don’t stand up.
therefore can affect depth.
11. Use a belt only on max effort sets.
12. Actively use muscle contraction to create motion
on the eccentric, as well as the concentric.
No bouncing.

The Complete training Guide to quads + calves


1. Mindlessly moving weight.
2. Slinging; bouncing; launching.
3. Thinking narrow is for sweep.
NOTE: IF I found it
4. Thinking that turning your knees in or out on leg
extensions is useful. important enough to take
5. Adding more weight when you can’t control my time to write it here,
what you’re using.
6. Letting the knees cave in.
it matters. Do not gloss
7. Moving the feet while lifting. over any of these points
8. Mouth breathing. because you assume it’s
9. Leg presses. not important.
10. Quitting before the muscle exhausts.
11. Not training the limiting factors in isolation. (Skill of the
exercise, breathing/CO 2tolerance, mobility and stability
of the trunk and spine, ankle mobility).
12. If the feet are moving mid-set, you’re lacking hip mobility.
13. Rounding the back.

I know, this is a lot to remember.

I really don’t expect anyone to remember it all, but I want it there as
a resource for you to look back on when those mindless days creep
up on you.
Some points will stand out to you, other points will stand out to
others. It depends on where you are, and what is holding you back.

The Complete training Guide to quads + calves


Calves are very simple
to master as far as
execution, yet many
common mistakes exist.
If you can create the habit of thinking, rather
than simply doing, calves will be an easy
muscle to build. The best opportunity for
progress for calves lies within perfecting
execution, intelligent programming, and
ruthless effort moving toward excruciating

I think I may have literally done every

combination of calve training known to man.
From sets of 50 reps with 15 seconds rest,
to sets of 40, 30, 20,10, 20, 30, 40, sets of
6 reps with 4 drop sets, single leg, seated,
standing, leg press, bodyweight, donkey

No matter what, these are going to be

uncomfortable. The person that can first
optimize execution, then endure the most
pain, wins.


The Complete training Guide to quads + calves


• Ankles, knees, hips in a straight line. • Utilize many rep, set, and volume schemes.
• The motion is plantar flexion of the ankle, not • Soleus is best targeted with a bent knee.
inversion (do not roll onto the outside of the foot). • Gastrocnemius is best targeted with a straight
• Load through the ball of the foot, nearest the big toe. knee.

• Full range of motion with 100% control and • Train the front calf muscle (tibialis anterior).
ownership. • Use partial reps often to increase time of
• The path of motion is taking the ankle UP, then challenge.
FORWARD. • Seated calf raises train the soleus. Extended sets
• Do not allow the knee to bend or move in space work well there.
during a rep. • Standing and donkey calf raises target the
gastroc, heavy loads (6 reps) and variable rest
• Activate the inner thighs when possible for added
periods works really well (40 seconds, 1 minute,
2 minutes max)
• Active lengthening of the calves eccentrically, don’t
drop the weight.

• Pause at the bottom to minimize momentum.

• Get all the way to the top of the rep (short position),
then go further. You’re not there yet.

The Complete training Guide to quads + calves



Setup is the key to ensure the muscle you’re
trying to work is in fact the prime mover.

You body will turn down contractions if it senses
any instability. Stability is the key to hard
contractions. Lock your body in stone.

Make sure the muscle you’re working is the
muscle that initiates the movement from the
stretched position on every rep.

The Complete training Guide to quads + calves


1. Short reps.
2. Never taking the time to master the form
so it becomes unconscious.

3. Training at the end of a workout.

4. Believing you can’t build calves.
5. Turning toes in and out.
6. Bouncing.
7. Not getting the calves fully shortened.
8. Going too fast.

Here are the Core Exercises to Master for Quads and Calves:
• Quad Squats (Dumbbell/Barbell/Trap Bar)
• Hack Squat
• Leg Extension
• Quad Lunges/Step-ups

• Seated Calf Raise
• Standing Calf Raise
• Donkey/Flexed Hip Calf Raise Videos for these
exercises, and all
the Core 40 exercises
are in MI40 Nation.
Head there now and
watch them.

The Complete training Guide to quads + calves


How much, and how often is a question
that is dependent on a number of different
individual variables:

How well do you execute this exercise? Your ability to recover from your training is dependent
The better you train with a Muscle Intelligence TM on: nutrition, sleep, stress, environment, perception of
approach and without extraneous movement effort, history, aerobic fitness, mitochondrial health.
(swinging), the more direct tension you send If any of these are not optimized, your recovery will vary.
through a muscle. More tension means the muscle Make a list, assess yourself subjectively.
will receive more damage and direct fatigue, and
therefore need more time to recover.
The muscular system doesn’t need as long as the Neurological, hypertrophy and metabolic style training
nervous system does to recover, so when training will all impact your recovery time differently and therefore
with intelligence, you can really expect to feel better how often you should train.
physically and mentally even when training more In general, the nervous system will take 48-72 hours,
often and with higher volume. the muscular system will 24-72 hours*, and the
metabolic system can take much less time.
Neurologically taxing workouts (heavy workouts or
mindless lifting) tend to cause more overall fatigue *NOTE: the more time spent eccentrically in training,
to the body and mind. Doing this strategically, or the more time you need for recovery of the muscular
when the goal is to get strong, is a necessary part system.
of the training adaptation. However, this type of
neurologically taxing training is not the best way to
build muscle.
Volume and Frequency is inversely proportional. As one
Think of training like this: goes up the other goes down.
You can only ever have one “choke point”. One Training a body part more often (every 1-3 day), means
system that is challenged most. If your goal is to the volume in each session must go down.
build muscle, this has to be the muscular system
This is a great place to begin for someone looking to
more often than not.
improve the skill and contractile ability within a muscle.
If your choke point is the nervous system, or In general, the faster you want to learn a skill, the more
metabolic system (your ability to produce energy), often you should do it.
those systems will be taxed the most and therefore Training with a lot of volume in a workout, and the
they will be the one to adapt. muscle needs longer to recover. Typically 48-72 hours
Ensure the muscular system is most often the one between workouts, or more for the muscular system
being taxed by not training to complete failure every to recover.
set (let your perfect execution be your guide), and
by measuring rest periods to allow enough time for
the body to replenish energy substrates.

The Complete training Guide to quads + calves


• You must walk into the gym with absolute confidence.
• Prepare your mind. Create an anchor of the person you
are in the gym.
• Become a Jedi. Laser focused effort.
• Skill mastery must precede hard work.
• You must know your plan, and execute with relentless
• Focused savagery during sets.
• Equanimity (Calm, undisturbed mind ) between sets.
• No anger, no anxiety, no fear.
• Absolute certainty that you will accomplish every rep
with perfection and aggression.
• Always do more than is expected of you.
• You can do so much more than you believe. Your mind
will always limit you.
• Never let anyone beat you. Find their weakness, and
exploit it.
• Every single workout is an opportunity to create your
greatest self, or retreat into weakness and defeat. AND THE BIGGEST
• You must feel the fear, and smile, knowing you’re
becoming a better version of yourself.
• Seek to challenge your muscles, not to pad your ego.
• Challenge your weaknesses, don’t simply pursue your
Don’t EVER be a victim.
• Seek to challenge all properties of the muscle. Choose your words.
Strength, Endurance, Volume. No weaknesses.
Choose your company.
• Skill of exercise is the foundation of all growth.
• Your mind is your greatest ally, or your biggest enemy.
Choose your body.
Train it. Choose your mindset.
• Never quit.
Create your life.
• Never quit.

The Complete training Guide to quads + calves


Now that you’re well versed at the
keys to develop this and any body
part, the next step is implementation
and progression.

How to Proceed and Succeed:

START NOW! Do not wait to implement these tips tricks and cues.
READ one tip a day and master it.
WATCH one video a day and practice practice practice.
NEVER revert to poor habits. Your ego will be a worthy opponent.

FOLLOW up with one of our intelligently designed workout

programs. They are designed to increase skill acquisition and
progress maximally without plateaus.

The Complete training Guide to quads + calves

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