Supply Chain Analytics Quizz

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Question 1

0 / 2 pts
__________________is the process that defines how a company interacts
with its suppliers.

Supplier relationship mangement

Customer relationship management

customer service management

production management

UnansweredQuestion 2
0 / 2 pts
The assignment problem where in the number of rows is not equal to
the number of columns is said to be an _______________ problem. Such a
problem is handled by _______________dummy row(s) if the number of
rows is less than the number of columns and dummy column(s) if the
number of columns is less than the number of rows.

Balanced , Introducing

Unbalanced, introducing

moderate , deleting
rejected , addition

UnansweredQuestion 3
0 / 2 pts
Which of the spatial interaction model measures the boundary of the
market areas between two locations competing over the same market
based upon the intensity of their respective interactions?

gravity model

retail model

distance model

potential model

UnansweredQuestion 4
0 / 2 pts
In which of the following types of problems, the products are delivered
from source to destination using the intermediate point?

Transportation problem

Assignment Problem

Transshipment problem
Both a and b

UnansweredQuestion 5
0 / 2 pts
How will you solve the transportation problem when the supply does
not equal the demand?

These are balanced problems can be easily solved by introducing

dummy sources and dummy destinations. If the total supply is greater
than the total demand, a dummy destination (dummy column) with
demand equal to the supply surplus is added

These unbalanced problems can be easily solved by introducing

dummy sources and dummy destinations. If the total supply is greater
than the total demand, a dummy destination (dummy column) with
demand equal to the supply surplus is added

These problems can not be solved by If the total supply is less than
the total demand, a dummy destination (dummy column) with demand
equal to the supply surplus is added

These problems can be easily solved by introducing dummy

destinations. If the total supply is greater than the total demand, a
dummy destination (dummy column) with demand equal to the supply
surplus is added

UnansweredQuestion 6
0 / 2 pts
Calculate Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) from the following -
Annual consumption 6,000 units

Cost of ordering Rs. 60

Carrying costs Rs. 2

600 Units

6000 units

60 units

660 units

UnansweredQuestion 7
0 / 2 pts
In which of the following site selection techniques, a weightage
between ‘0’ to ‘1’ is provided to factors that influence its location

Transportation technique

Location rating factor technique

single period inventory model

Centre-of-gravity technique

UnansweredQuestion 8
0 / 2 pts
The effectiveness of Push & Pull strategies can be product dependent.
Which of these statements are CORRECT regarding this?

Pull tends to work better for high value and salow moving items

Pull tends to work better for low value & fast moving items

Both A & B are true.

The choice is not product dependant

UnansweredQuestion 9
0 / 2 pts
"Newsvendor MODEL is a great method to use when the demand is
uncertain. Identify the reason.

Because it provides a structured way to deal with those variabilities

and choosing the better stocking point.

Because it ignores variations in inventory to tolerabel limits.

because it overwrites supply part.

all of the above

UnansweredQuestion 10
0 / 2 pts
Identify the correct mathematical programming approach for this
situation - " When warehouse costs are given as fixed charges plus a
linear variable cost per unit for throughput as handling cost".

Mixed integer programming approach.

Nonlinear MP Models

Combined Method

Guided linear programming approach.

UnansweredQuestion 11
0 / 2 pts
If you’re opening a retail store, the first thing you have to understand
is ‘how many customers will patron your store'. Because according to
distance decay, as the distance between two locales increases, the
amount of activity between them decreases. which model will help you
to solve this ?

Huff model of retail location

gravity model

cenmter of gravity model

None of these.

UnansweredQuestion 12
0 / 2 pts
Think "Cubic feet of the space "rather than just the building's footprint.
This philosophy is more applicable in which of these decision making?

Decisions in warehousing

decisions in logistics

decisions in transporatation

decisions in invenetory management.

UnansweredQuestion 13
0 / 2 pts
Consider the case in which total production of 4 factories is 1000
units and total requirements of 4 warehouses is 900 units or 1,100
units. This can be interpreted as ?

Balanced transportation problem

Balanced assignment problem

Unbalanced transportation problem

Balanced LPP.

UnansweredQuestion 14
0 / 2 pts
With reduction in product cost ,how EOQ will react?

If you reduce your product costs your EOQ will go down

If you reduce your product costs your EOQ will go up

If you reduce your product costs, there will not be any change in EOQ.

there is absolutely no relation between product cost & EOQ.

UnansweredQuestion 15
0 / 2 pts
Which method among the options are most useful in systmatically
arriving at the solution that is largely near optimal.

P solution method
mixed integer programming approach

Baumol & Wolfe method

drop heuristics

Question 1
0 / 2 pts
Finished goods are to be shipped from plant inventory to warehouse
inventory some distance away. The expected volume to be shipped in
a year is 180,000 units. The product weighs 10 tons each.The product
is worth 40 $ per unit ,and the plant and carrying cost are 25% per
year. The plant keeps a safe inventory of 50% of th demand during the
lead time which includes 1 day for processing of the order by
warehouse and the transit time of transport mode that is used.Several
options are available for transportation like rails ,roadways ,alliance
roads etc. with this data ,identify the type which kind of trade off
example is this?

linear trade off

Horizontal trade off

vertical trade off

None of these

UnansweredQuestion 2
0 / 2 pts
The order service level can be interpreted as the proportion of cycles
where customer demand is satisfied."do you agree with this ?

yes ,completely agree

not agree

not sure whether it can be done with few modifications

none of these

UnansweredQuestion 3
0 / 2 pts
Imagine a store open non-stop from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. At its opening,
the store has 9 units of product A in stock. During the day, 2 clients
enter the store, intending to buy this product A: the first client comes
at 11 a.m., willing to buy 9 units, and the second at 4 p.m., willing to
buy 1 unit.In this scenario, If the service level represents the
percentage of the total demand in units that is actually fulfilled, then
the service level for the day is 90%. (9 units served out of a total
demand of 10). Is this argument true?If yes , justify.

This is not true, as information is not sufficient ro conclude

This is true, because it represents a certain perspective on the service

level definition, and is centered on lost sales

not sure

it can be true but not in line with service definition.

UnansweredQuestion 4
0 / 2 pts
The key differentiator these days between a highly successful
company (e.g. Wal-Mart) and a company that has sub-optimal
performance (e.g. Kmart) is an ability to increase the inventory
ability to increase inventory turnover

ability to increase the demand of the product

ability to decrease the price of the product

all of these

UnansweredQuestion 5
0 / 2 pts
Nike’s distribution network consists of 7 RDCs and more than 300,000
DCs; and these DCs serve end customers. Here, the DC and RDC both
are under the control of a single enterprise – Nike, Inc. This is example
of which ype of inventory system?

Single Echelon Inventory System

company managed stocks

Multi-Echelon Inventory System

None of these

UnansweredQuestion 6
0 / 2 pts
Bullwhip effect can be observed in which type of inventory system?

company managed stocks

buffer inventory

Single Echelon Inventory System

Multi-Echelon Inventory System

UnansweredQuestion 7
0 / 2 pts
How multi echelon inventory system optimizes the networks
inventory? Identify the INCORRECT OPTION .

By Monitoring and manage the bullwhip effect

by Enabling visibility up and down the demand chain

By Synchronizing order strategies

None of these

UnansweredQuestion 8
0 / 2 pts
Clear Day Corporation manufactures various glass products including a
car window. The setup cost to produce the car window is P1,200. The
cost to carry a window in inventory is P3 per year. Annual demand for
the car window is 12,000 units.Refer to Clear Day Corporation. If the
annual demand for the car window was to increase to 15,000 unit,

the number of setups would decrease.

the total carrying costs would increase.

the economic order quantity would decline

all of the above would occur

UnansweredQuestion 9
0 / 2 pts
How do we quickly determine if the graph will have a Euler's Path?

All even degree verticals

exactly 2 odd degree verticals

each vertex will be used once.

None of these
UnansweredQuestion 10
0 / 2 pts
The travelling salesman problem involves finding a tour of minimum
length." What is your take on this?

it is false

it is true

not sure about length or distance

None of these

UnansweredQuestion 11
0 / 2 pts
How does the practical travelling salesman problem differ from the
classical travelling salesman problem?

in practical travelling salesman problem each vertex can be visited

only once

in practical travelling salesman problem each vertex can be visited

more than once

in practical travelling salesman problem each edge can be visited

more than once
in practical travelling salesman problem each edge can be visited only

UnansweredQuestion 12
0 / 2 pts
What are the most important steps used in AHP application?

data collection

data acquisition

data accuracy

all of the above

UnansweredQuestion 13
0 / 2 pts
An influencer engine with rules is an inference which is made based on
a set of rules.



UnansweredQuestion 14
0 / 2 pts
What is the objective of TOPSIS?

Selecting optimal solution or criteria in such a away that it is farthest

from anti ideal solution and closest to the ideal solution.

Selecting optimal solution or criteria so that an oragnisation can

create goodwill in the market

Selecting optimal solution or criteria in such a away that it is farthest

from ideal solution

none of these

UnansweredQuestion 15
0 / 2 pts
Suggest ONE word for - Nonlinear mapping of an input dataset to a
scalar output data.

fuzzy logic system

fuzzy map

critical fuzzy

fuzzy scale

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