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Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97

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Determination of bruise susceptibility of pears (Ankara variety) to

impact load by means of FEM-based explicit dynamics simulation
H. Kursat Celik*
Dept. of Agricultural Machinery & Tech.’ Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Akdeniz University, Turkey


Article history:
Received 20 October 2016 This study focuses on determining bruise susceptibility and the realistic representation of time-
Received in revised form 28 January 2017 dependent nonlinear deformation behaviour of pears (Ankara variety) under various impact cases. A
Accepted 29 January 2017 reverse engineering approach, physical material tests and finite element method (FEM)-based explicit
Available online 6 March 2017 dynamics simulations were utilised to investigate impact deformation characteristics of the fruit. Three
impact heights (0.25, 0.5 and 1 m), three impact surfaces (steel, wood and rubber-based materials) and
Keywords: three impact orientations of the fruit (vertical, horizontal and at a 45 angle) were considered in the
Bruise susceptibility impact simulation scenarios. Useful numerical data and deformation visuals were obtained from the
Deformation simulation
simulation results. These results revealed that maximum bruise susceptibility magnitude on the fruit was
Finite element method
experienced for the case of impact on the wood-based platform (impact height: 1 m; impact orientation:
Explicit dynamics
Pears 0 ) and minimum bruise susceptibility magnitude was calculated for the case of impact on the rubber-
based impact platform (impact height: 1 m; impact orientation: 45 ). In addition to this, numerical
results related to fruit bruising were analysed through response surface analysis approach and prediction
models were successfully described with a reasonable coefficient of determination (R2) values.
Verification checks of the prediction models also indicated that the relative differences between the
results of simulation and the empirical model were in agreement (max. 7.03%). These models can
describe the bruise susceptibility magnitudes of the fruit for various impact cases on specific impact
platforms. This study contributes to further research on the usage of numerical-methods-based
nonlinear explicit dynamics simulation techniques in complicated deformation and bruising
investigations and industrial applications related to agricultural and food products.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Industrial relevance used as input parameters in design studies of agricultural and food
product processing machinery systems used in related industries.
This work aims to represent and simulate time-dependent
impact deformation of pears. Time-dependent impact deformation 1. Introduction
is a very difficult phenomenon to describe through physical
experiments and/or mathematical expressions. As a further step The major aim in designing optimal agricultural equipment or
beyond other researchers, a novel, realistic time-dependent food product processing systems used in the production phases of
nonlinear deformation simulation study based on experimental harvesting and post-harvesting is to provide the ability to harvest,
data has been introduced. Empirical models with specific transport, grade, process and pack the products with no bruises.
perspectives have also been developed to estimate bruise Bruises are the most common type of mechanical damage seen on
susceptibility magnitudes of the fruit under a very wide range agricultural products, particularly on fruit such as pears which are
of impact events. Useful deformation visuals and numerical highly sensitive to mechanical damage (Berardinelli et al., 2005;
findings related to impact bruising of the fruit have been exhibited Eissa et al., 2012). Most mechanical damage of fruit is caused by
and these findings have been presented in a form which may be mechanical impact cases that occur in many agricultural processes
such as harvest, transportation and post-harvest operations and
the fruit industry suffers considerable economic losses due to this
type of mechanical damage (García et al., 1995; Van Zeebroeck
* Correspondence to: Department of Agricultural Machinery & Tech.’ Engineer-
et al., 2003, 2007; Berardinelli et al., 2005; Prusky, 2011; Abedi and
ing, Faculty of Agriculture, Akdeniz University, 07070 Antalya, Turkey.
E-mail address: (H. K. Celik). Ahmadi, 2013a; Komarnicki et al., 2016). Therefore, impact
0925-5214/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
84 H.K. Celik / Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97

phenomena and bruise damage measurement deserve special Stroshine, 1991; Chen and De Baerdemaeker, 1993a,b; Chen
attention (Sarig, 1991). In this regard, prediction of the level of et al., 1996; Lu and Abbott, 1997; Hernández and Bellés, 2007;

damage, stress distribution and/or deformation behaviour of the Celik et al., 2008, 2011; Fabbri et al., 2011; Xu et al., 2011; Petru
fruit under impact cases has become a very important issue in et al., 2012; Ihueze et al., 2013; Tinoco et al., 2014; Guessasma and
order to develop optimal machinery systems for related fruit Nouri, 2015; Fabbri and Cevoli, 2016). Here, it should be
production and processing industries. At the initial design phases highlighted that most of these studies have been conducted under
of these types of systems, some related features (as design considerations of static or quasi-static loading cases, small strain
parameters), such as engineering properties, deformation behav- deformation and linear contact with linear elastic material model
iour and bruise susceptibility of the products under pre-defined assumptions through implicit solvers. Consideration of the
loading cases, should be clearly described; however, this may nonlinearity in part contact and plasticity in material models
become very complicated. (particularly in drop or impact cases) in these type of studies is
Opara and Pathare (2014) have published an enlightening absent or very limited. Arguably, the small-strain and small-
review work on bruise damage measurement and analysis of fresh displacement-based FEM solution is not of much use in today's
horticultural produce. They underline that among the research and modern scientific, engineering and technological applications
industry there are currently no agreed criteria by which to assess (Munjiza et al., 2015). The relationship between the loads and
the amount or susceptibility to bruising of the products; bruise deformation may become nonlinear and at that point a nonlinear
volume, however, is the most commonly reported measure of the analysis should be undertaken in order to gain realistic results that
amount of bruise damage. Additionally, different objective indices reflect true-to-life behaviour.
exist for quantifying the potential of bruise damage occurring on In this context, the explicit solution approach has been pointed
the products under mechanical loading, but bruise susceptibility out as being valuable in solving loading cases such as impact/crash
expressed as the amount of damage per unit of absorbed impact/ and drop test events. The explicit dynamics system is designed to
compression energy is the most widely reported. In addition to simulate nonlinear structural mechanics applications. In compli-
image-processing-based non-destructive bruise detection meth- cated applications, explicit methods are more applicable and the
ods, some analytical calculation methods based on physical explicit approach provides an alternative problem-solving proce-
experiments, such as pendulum and/or physical drop tests, are dure (Wakabayashi et al., 2008; SolidWorks Doc. 2010; Lee, 2012;
available today to determine bruise level or bruise susceptibility of Wu and Gu, 2012; ANSYS Doc. 2016). Therefore, here, it would not
fruit under impact (Van Zeebroeck et al., 2003; Van Linden et al., be wrong to say that deformation due to cases of impact of the fruit
2006; Opara et al., 2007; Eissa et al., 2012; Lu and Tang, 2012; Polat may be considered as nonlinear structural mechanics applications
et al., 2012; Abedi and Ahmadi, 2013b; Opara and Pathare, 2014; covered by the explicit dynamics system mentioned above. Today's
Komarnicki et al., 2016). These methods, however, may not be technology allows us to work nonlinearity and time-dependent
efficient modes of describing proper deformation behaviour or impact loading cases by means of numerical-methods-based
internal stress progression, which may be considered the main simulation codes efficiently. However, these types of nonlinearity
cause of the cell structure failure of the products during impact. (geometry, contact and/or material nonlinearity) including explicit
Consequently, their applications may be considered as limited for dynamics simulations have not yet become mainstream practices
dynamic impact damage cases. in the research related to the deformation of agricultural products
In fact, a bruise is a type of subcutaneous tissue failure without due to impact. This has provided the main motivation for the
rupture of the skin of fruit-like products (Mohsenin, 1986). In this current simulations presented here, in addition to the experimen-
regard, the major reason for the bruises – plastic deformation tal work to reveal some engineering properties of a specific
which is seen behind the material elastic deformation limit (yield agricultural product (the Ankara variety of pears).
point) due to the internal stress progression during mechanical The determination of some engineering properties and bruise
loading – may be considered a material failure. Here, it should also damage levels of pears under various loading conditions, including
be highlighted that measuring or/and describing internal stresses impact cases, has been studied by various researchers. Some of
which are associated with mechanical impact forces, is a very these researchers have investigated bruise damage levels and/or
difficult phenomenon due to the biological cell structure of fruit bruise susceptibility of pears through physical experiments such as
and the rapid deformation progression during cases of dynamic pendulum/impact and axial compression tests. The common
and nonlinear impact. In light of this, numerical methods can be approach is to calculate the bruise volume by measuring physical
utilised as an efficient alternative solution for prediction of the bruise dimensions (bruise depth and bruise surface area). Here, the
stress distribution that occurs during impact. Numerical methods main drawback of physical experiments based analytical solutions
have been used in various engineering disciplines since the 1950s. is that they are not very accurate for describing complex bruise
These methods have furthermore been indicated as part of an volumes with irregular geometry and nonsmooth boundaries.
effective, unique solution to the practical, complex problems (García et al., 1995; Blahovec et al., 2002, 2004; Blahovec and
experienced in agricultural engineering (such as impact cases of Paprštein, 2005; Yurtlu and Erdog an, 2005; Ozturk et al., 2009;
agricultural products) (Sitkei, 1986). Eissa et al., 2012; Komarnicki et al., 2016).
Nowadays, one of the most common numerical methods in use Other researchers have considered numerical method based
is the finite element method (FEM) which is utilised for obtaining simulation techniques in addition to physical experiments in their
approximate solutions to partial differential equations; the studies. Dewulf et al. (1999) and Song et al. (2006) have
method has been applied successfully in many areas of engineering investigated the dynamic behaviour and vibration characteristics
sciences to study, model, and predict the behaviour of structures of a pear and their correlation with material characteristics by
(Khoei, 2015). The theoretical aspects of computer integration of using FEM based modal analysis simulations. They assumed
the method were resolved in the 1960s and 1970s, and have dynamic loading conditions and linear elastic material properties
resulted in a large body of scientific papers in various engineering in their FEM simulations. Fenyvesi et al. (2013) have conducted a
fields (Munjiza et al., 2015). The method has also been found useful stress analysis study of fruit samples (apple and pear). FEM based
in the research field of agricultural engineering in the context of simulations have been utilised to determine the stress state of the
the deformation of agricultural products, and many studies have fruit’ flesh, skin, core and seed components under static loading
been conducted to estimate complex stress field of organic condition by assuming linear elastic material properties. In the
materials under various boundary conditions (Cardenas and area of impact phenomena, Yousefi et al. (2016) have studied drop
H.K. Celik / Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97 85

test of pear fruit by utilising physical experiments and nonlinear cold storage unit, were randomly picked from the shelves of a
FEM based transient dynamics simulations. The bruised area of supermarket. Experimental procedures were set up in order to
pear fruit was determined by experimental dropping tests and was determine the fruit's physical deformation behaviour/character-
then predicted by FEM simulations. Although geometric and istics and specific material properties such as modulus of elasticity,
contact nonlinearities were investigated with a dynamic transient bioyield and tensile points. Some of these properties were also
approach, linear elastic material properties were assumed. This essential as input parameters in the simulation studies. Physical
may set a limitation to predict complex surface plastic deformation compression tests were carried out for the cylindrical pear
failure. specimens. The specimens were extracted from the fruit through
This present study focuses on a specific variety of pears a smooth surfaced tube (specimen dimensions: 0.020;  0.025 m)
(Ankara). Structural deformation/stress progression of time- and they were compressed between two rigid (relative to the
dependent pear bruising has been investigated and the complex product) metal plates. All physical measurements and tests were
three-dimensional bruise volume was described using a nonlinear carried out at the biological material test laboratory of the
FEM-based explicit dynamics simulation approach. Instead of Department of Agricultural Machinery and Tech.’ Engineering
common linear elastic material properties, elastic–plastic nonlin- (Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey). A computer-aided universal
ear material properties that were experimentally determined were biological material test device (loading capacity: 2000 N) was
used to describe bruising efficiently. The study has also revealed utilised for the compression tests. All of the physical tests were
bruising/plastic deformation progression step by step at the inner carried out for the single moisture content of the specimens
structure of the fruit at impact. These points distinguish this study (84.23  0.49%, wet-base, 10 specimens) at a room temperature of
from previous studies which addressed impact deformation 20  C. Compression tests of food materials are described in
phenomena of pears. standard ASAE S368.4 W/Corr. 1 DEC2000 (R2012). This standard
On the other hand, in these types of rheological analyses of suggests a speed of 2.5–30 mm min1 as the nominal compression
agricultural products, a specific difficulty may arise because of the velocity for most hard fruits and vegetables. The standard also
products’ irregular shapes. Product geometry is one of the indicates that the bioyield point is best observed at velocities
important features that has an effect on deformation character- below 10 mm min1 for specimen such as apples. Additionally,
istics. Hence, physical and engineering analyses of the products some higher test speeds were also evaluated during preliminary
with irregular shapes may become more complicated. Overcoming experiments. Eventually a compression velocity of 2.5 mm min1
these difficulties related to irregular product geometry has been was used in all experiments. The data sampling rate was 10 Hz and
considered by simplifying the product geometry from the irregular 10 specimens were used for each of the compression tests. Some
features to a fully perfect rectangular, elliptical, cylindrical or physical measurements on the whole pear, the set-up for physical
spherical geometric shapes in the engineering analysis and/or compression testing and the graphical representation of the test

mathematical calculations (Liu et al., 1999; Petru et al., 2012; results, which exhibit the force-deformation characteristics of the
Ihueze et al., 2013; Ipate et al., 2013; Jaliliantabar and Najafi, 2014; pear specimens, are shown in Fig. 1.
Bonisoli et al., 2015). Here, it should also be considered that
geometry simplifications may lead to inaccurate deformation 2.2. Material model idealisation procedure
behaviour results. With respect to this point, utilising reverse
engineering (RE) technology may help researchers in rheological In real life, based on experimental evidence, agricultural
analyses of organic materials to describe realistic digital models products exhibit viscoelastic behaviour under deformation (Moh-
with complex organic material surface forms; however, the senin, 1986). The real life behaviour of agricultural material is time-
number of these types of studies are also very limited (Lewis dependent and the viscoelastic behaviour is highly nonlinear. This
et al., 2007; Celik et al., 2011). type of nonlinear viscoelastic behaviour is normally classified as
The major aim of this study, focused on the issue of bruise viscoplasticity. Viscoplasticity is a time-dependent plasticity
susceptibility, is to describe and understand the deformation phenomenon. Another type of nonlinear viscoelasticity is the
behaviour and stress progression of pears (Ankara variety) under type observed in rubber-like materials where nonlinearity results
dynamic impact cases by means of a nonlinear FEM-based explicit due to large or finite strains (hyperelasticity) (Mohsenin, 1986;
dynamics simulation. For this purpose a novel computer aided Sitkei, 1986). The most common example of such as material is
calculation way to calculate the complex three-dimensional bruise rubber, whose stress–strain relationship can be defined as
volume has been proposed. A reverse engineering approach, nonlinearly elastic, isotropic, incompressible and generally inde-
physical tests, finite element method (FEM)-based explicit pendent of strain rate. In this study the hyperelastic material
dynamics simulations and response surface analysis have been model was not considered, as elastomer/rubber-like very large/
utilised to investigate the impact cases’ deformation events for the nonlinear elastic deformation behaviour was not expected during
fruit. Empirical models for bruise susceptibility have also been pear impact deformation. Nonlinear viscoelastic behaviour is very
described. Related procedures and discussions are detailed in the complex phenomenon. Therefore, to explain the viscoelastic
following sections. behaviour of agricultural products, researchers are forced to make
simplifying assumptions and apply the theories of linear visco-
2. Materials and method elasticity. In this context, some researchers have tried to explain
apple deformation by assuming linear viscoelastic material
2.1. Experimental procedure parameters (Ahmadi et al., 2016; Dintwa et al., 2008); however,
no viscoelastic/viscoplastic material property models have been
As a highly sensitive fruit to mechanical damage, a pear (Ankara found for pear in the literature search.
variety) was considered in this study to investigate its deformation Any real material shows deviation from the ideal material
in the case of impact scenarios. This pear variety also has higher models and numerical simulation tools have still some limitations
irregular surface forms (relatively) than other fruits, such as in modelling real life responses. Therefore appropriate assump-
varieties of apples. In addition to this, the pear's solid-like structure tions should be made with respect to the material properties and
presents a good example for the application of reverse engineering the purpose of the simulation study. The linear viscoelastic
and nonlinear deformation simulation works described in this material model was not considered in this study as it would be
paper. The pear specimens which had previously been kept in a difficult and impractical to determine/simulate permanent
86 H.K. Celik / Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97

Fig. 1. The set-up for physical compression testing and the test results.

(plastic) deformation (which is the main reason of the bruising) The object of plasticity theory is to describe elastic–plastic
case and nonlinearity at the impact. However, permanent (plastic) behaviour when a local stress condition is multiaxial and structural
deformation can be simulated more easily by considering the geometry is complex (Carpinteri, 2012). Common to all mechanical
elastic–plastic material model. analyses of engineering materials and their behaviour in structural
Another important issue related to nonlinear material models is components is the need for constitutive models that link the states
the loading rate, which has an obvious effect on the product of stress and strain (Runesson, 2006). However, describing a
deformation characteristics. Common to all mechanical analyses of material model which can reflect true-to-life deformation behav-
engineering materials and their behaviour in structural compo- iour is a complicated phenomenon in FEM-based simulations.
nents is the need for constitutive models that link the states of Therefore, to simulate elastic–plastic material behaviour in a
stress and strain (Runesson, 2006). There are various constitutive realistic manner, some idealised plasticity theory-based material
models used in FEM based explicit dynamics analyses for various models ranging from simple to complex are provided in advanced
materials (Gazonas, 2002; ANSYS Doc 2016). Not only physical FEM-based simulation codes. The choice of a constitutive model
tensile/compression tests but also other mechanical experimental generally depends on the experimental data available to fit the
tests, curve-fitting calculations and strain rate consideration are material constants (ANSYS Doc. 2016).
essential to define the parameters used in most of these material The essential characteristics of the plasticity constitutive
models (Ruggiero et al., 2012; Cronin et al., 2013; Murakami and models used in the FEM simulations are to have: (1) a yield
Kamiya, 1997). Strain rate considerations in constitutive material criterion that defines the material state at the transition from
models may be the focus of future research work for deeper cortex elastic to elastic–plastic behaviour; (2) a flow rule that determines
crack propagation during pear bruising. The strain rate effect was the increment in plastic strain from the increment in load; and (3) a
not included in the material models used in this study. Instead, hardening rule that gives the evolution in the yield criterion during
another material model based on nonlinear elastic–plastic plastic deformation. The hardening rule describes the changing of
material behaviour with yield point limits and bi-linear isotropic yield surface with progressive yielding, which means that yield
hardening plasticity idealisation approaches was introduced. stress grows in magnitude as plastic deformation continues (or
Experimental data were used here to derive the material model increases). A bilinear hardening model is available in two forms
of the pear fruit. Physical compression tests revealed the which use in different rules: isotropic hardening and kinematic
deformation characteristics of the pear specimen under quasi- hardening. The bilinear kinematic model works on the assumption
static compressive loading. Under this compressive loading, that the total stress range (i.e. the difference between the ultimate
specimen displayed almost linear deformation behaviour up to tensile stress (UTS) and the maximum compressive stress) is equal
an initial failure/damage (bioyield) point. Beyond this point, to twice the yield stress. This is sometimes known as the
permanent (plastic) deformation was observed and then specimen Bauschinger effect. This model may be used for materials that
collapsed. This phenomenon may be described by plasticity theory. obey von Mises yield criterion. The isotropic hardening model also
Plasticity theory is concerned with materials which initially uses the von Mises yield criterion coupled with an isotropic
deform elastically, but which deform plastically (permanently) hardening law, and assumes that the total stress range is equal to
upon reaching a yield stress (Pandey, 2016). In this regard, it would twice the UTS (Mac Donald, 2007; ANSYS Doc. 2016). As an ideal
not be wrong to express the material model of the pear via a perspective, bilinear stress–strain relation in consideration of
plasticity approach. The initial bruising point may be assumed as tensile and compression loads can be represented as shown in
the bioyield point of the pear and its plasticity may be seen as a Fig. 2(a). Representation of the bilinear kinematic and isotropic
material failure to determine bruising volume. hardening behaviours are given in Fig. 2(b) and (c), respectively.
H.K. Celik / Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97 87

Fig. 2. Bi-linear elastic–plastic stress–strain relation, kinematic and isotropic hardening behaviour models.

Fig. 3. Material model idealisation.

The isotropic hardening plasticity material model is often used idealisation of the pear's material is shown in Fig. 3. Related
in large strain analyses. Kinematic hardening is recommended for material properties of the pear and the impact surfaces used in the
situations where the strain levels are relatively small (less than 5– simulations are given in Table 1.
10% true strain) (ANSYS Doc. 2016). Large strain deformation in
nonlinear impact cases is an expected phenomenon. Therefore, in 2.3. Reverse engineering and CAD modelling procedures
pear impact cases, the bilinear isotropic hardening material model
was described in this study's FEM-based simulations. Based on A realistic description of the original product geometry is one of
experimental data, bilinear isotropic hardening material model's the essential features for obtaining realistic and accurate
88 H.K. Celik / Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97

Table 1
Material properties of the pears and impact surfaces used in the simulation.

Material properties used in FEM based simulation

Materials Modulus of elasticity Tangent modulus Poisson's Bioyield/yield point Tensile point Force @ bioyield/yield Density
(MPa) (MPa) ratio (MPa) (MPa) point (N) (kg m3)
Pear (Ankara 3.248 (R2: 0.9966) 1.358 (R2: 0.9546) 0.427 0.300 0.309 205.850 1032

Impact surface materials

Stainless steeld 193000 1800 0.310 210 – – 7750
Rubber “Mooney – Rivlin 2 parameters” 1000
Wood (yellow 8400 – 0.318 – – – 4000
Modulus of elasticity (tan a): slope of the average true stress-true strain curve in elastic region.
Tangent modulus (tan b): slope of the average true stress-true strain curve in plastic region.
Poisson's ratio (Yurtlu and Erdogan, 2005).
ANSYS product material library (ANSYS Product 2016).
Data book (Green et al., 1999).

deformation results in engineering simulations. In this regard, a 2.4. Simulation procedure

pear was selected randomly from non-bruised test specimens and
reverse engineering technology was employed in creating 3D CAD Various cases of the pear impact were considered and they
data for the whole pear in this study. A NextEngine-2020i 3D were simulated through nonlinear FEM-based explicit dynamics
desktop laser scanner was utilised in the digitalisation process of simulation approach. To do this, 27 simulation scenarios were set
the fruit. The scanning procedure was carried out for eight up in total. In the scenarios, the pear was allowed to make free-
scanning substeps for the whole fruit specimen in both vertical and fall impact onto a flat platform from predefined impact heights
horizontal positions. The total scanning process with HD resolu- under standard gravity. These impact case scenarios were
tion at macro range options was completed in approximately thirty simulated for various combinations. In these combinations, three
minutes. Scanned fruit surfaces were defined as point clouds. different impact heights (0.25, 0.50, 1 m), three different impact
Subsequently, they were aligned and remeshed into the Scan- orientations (0 , 45 , 90 ) and three different impact surfaces
StudioHD software. SolidWorks 3D parametric design software (stainless steel, wood-yellow poplar, and rubber-vulcanised
features were used for ordering the surface mesh structure and materials) were considered. An explicit dynamics module of
final surface refining of the solid model. Solid modelling details and the ANSYS Workbench commercial FEM code was utilised to
some dimensional properties of the digitalised fruit model are simulate the scenarios. The time steps used in explicit time
given in Fig. 4. integration are generally smaller than in implicit time integration.

Fig. 4. Solid modelling of the pear.

H.K. Celik / Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97 89

For elements with a characteristic dimension of 1 mm and a frictional contact (nonlinear contact) definitions and an idealised
material sound speed of 5000 m s1 the required time step for a bilinear isotropic strain hardening elastic–plastic material model
stable solution would be 0.18 ms. To solve this simulation to a final for the pear were defined in the simulation set-up. Standard
time of 0.1 s requires 555,556 time increments (ANSYS Doc. 2016). gravity (9.8066 m s2) was considered in the simulation. Single
The pear model used in the simulation was assumed to be a whole moisture content of the fruit (84.23  0.49%, wet base, 10
homogeneous flesh structure. The boundary conditions with specimens) was assumed.

Fig. 5. Simulation scenario set-up, mesh sensitivity analysis and mesh structure details.
90 H.K. Celik / Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97

One of the important issues in a finite element analysis is the The mesh sensitivity study indicated that the minimum element
selection of the appropriate element size. Mesh density is a size to sufficiently represent the pear with an acceptable
significant metric used to control the accuracy of the finite element computation time was 1.5 mm. Subsequently, an identical curva-
model. A smaller element size will represent the model better and ture meshing strategy was utilised in creating finite element
produce results with a higher accuracy. However, if the element models (mesh structure) of the solid models used in the
size is too small, a large amount of computer time may be required simulations. Initial impact moment, deformation progression,
to solve the model, especially for multiple iterations that are rebound period in contact and fully non-contact moment after
typical of nonlinear and dynamic analyses. A mesh sensitivity impact energy absorption durations were considered in the
check can then be useful to decide upon the appropriate element simulation solve time and each of the impact case simulations
size. To do this, a sample impact scenario was run with various was solved for 0.01 s. The simulation scenarios, boundary
element sizes and the effect of the different element sizes (from conditions, mesh sensitivity analysis and mesh structure details
coarse to finer) on the equivalent stress results was investigated. of the models are shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 6. Simulation visual print-out: stress progression visuals.

H.K. Celik / Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97 91

3. Results and discussion Numerical results (Table 2) revealed that the maximum
equivalent stress value (0.613 MPa) was obtained from simulation
After completion of the simulation preprocessor steps, simula- no. 9 (impact height: 1 m; impact angle: 90 ; impact surface:
tion scenarios were run and the results recorded. Useful numerical stainless steel). The minimum equivalent stress value was
data and deformation visuals were obtained from simulation 0.229 MPa which was obtained from simulation no. 22 (impact
results. Visual printouts successfully demonstrated time-depen- height: 0.25 m; impact angle: 0 ; impact surface: rubber).
dent stress progression and distribution on the fruit body during Although the stress result of simulation no. 9 represented the
predefined impact events. Bruised regions of the fruit body were maximum stress value, the maximum bruise volume
described as the stress regions which were beyond the bioyield (3.59  105 m3) and maximum susceptibility (1.70  105 m3 J1)
stress point of 0.3 MPa. This definition allowed us to describe values were obtained from simulation no. 12 (impact height: 1 m;
bruise volumes of the fruit that occurred because of impact impact angle: 0 ; impact surface: wood) (These susceptibility
phenomena. The bruised regions were precisely bordered and results are very close to each other). The maximum stress value in
extracted from the deformed body in the simulation and were this scenario (simulation no. 12) was 0.543 MPa (Figs. 6 and 7). In a
exported to CAD software to calculate their dimensional features similar manner, the maximum contact force value (712.33 N at
such as volume, mass, surface area, etc. Figs. 6 and 7 illustrate the simulation no. 15) between fruit and impact platforms did not take
stress distribution visuals with a graphical representation of the place at the same simulation scenario with the maximum stress
stress-contact force progression with the energy activity summary value. These results highlighted that geometry was an essential
and bruise volume extraction, respectively, for a sample impact factor in stress intensity occurrence in the fruit body. There was no
case (impact surface: wood-yellow poplar; impact height: 1 m; bruise detection at the simulation scenarios numbered 19, 20, 22,
impact angle: 0 ). Results obtained from all simulation scenarios 23, 25 and 26 with the rubber platform. The rubber platform
are also represented as stress-contact force progressions in graphs resulted in fewer bruises than the others, and the minimum
in Fig. 8. These are very complex to represent through physical susceptibility value (9.57  106 m3 J1 at simulation no. 24) was
experiments. obtained with the rubber impact platform.
As can be seen in Figs. 6 and 7, in addition to deformation and In simulation scenario no. 12 which was demonstrated in Figs. 6
bruise volume information, simulation results provide energy and 7 (in which the maximum susceptibility magnitude was
activity summary data upon impact. These valuable data allowed calculated) at the impact moment (simulation solve time (SST):
us to calculate the bruise susceptibility (ratio of bruise volume to 0.00 s), energy transfer (i.e. kinetic energy to internal and contact
internal absorbed energy) of the fruit for each of the predefined energy) started and contact force between the fruit and the
impact cases. Numerical data and related calculations are given in platform went to the maximum at the SST of 2.4  103 s. This
Table 2. Graphical representation of the bruise susceptibility moment was also the maximum stress moment, i.e. the moment
amounts against impact heights and impact angles with the where the maximum level of the impact energy was absorbed by
different impact platforms is provided in Fig. 9. the fruit. After this moment, the fruit body proceeded to rebound.

Fig. 7. Simulation visual print-out: maximum stress moment and bruise volume extraction.
92 H.K. Celik / Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97

Fig. 8. Simulation results: equivalent stress and contact force progressions.

In the following duration, at a SST of 4.4  103 s, contact between observed. Hourglassing is a deformation that produces no volume
the fruit and the platform was broken and the simulation was or strain change in hex/quad meshes in a finite element model. It is
finalised at a SST of 1.00  102 s. The simulation results essentially a spurious deformation mode of a finite element model,
highlighted that after rebound (a fully non-contact situation), resulting from the excitation of zero-energy degrees of freedom.
the stress values did not go back to zero values at this moment due Therefore, this energy activity is called hourglass energy or zero-
to plastic work produced by deformation. mode energy (Hallquist, 2006; Stewart et al., 2006; Wallmeier
One of the indicators to be inspected, which can test the et al., 2015). In related literature, it is suggested that hourglass
accuracy of the finite element model and simulation results, is the energy should not exceed 5–10% of internal energy (Björkmon,
energy activity summary of the explicit dynamics simulations. In 2010; Dilek and Gedikli, 2014; ANSYS Doc. 2016). Simulation
this activity, kinetic energy, internal (absorbed) energy, contact energy summaries revealed that the hourglass energy did not
energy and hourglassing/hourglass energy activities can be exceed 5–10% of internal energy values in any of the simulation
H.K. Celik / Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97 93

Table 2
Simulation results and calculation of the bruise susceptibility.

scenarios described in this study. Thus, it can be said that FE inspected in this study (a sample energy activity summary graph
element size is appropriate and the accuracy of the finite element can be seen in Fig. 6). It was observed for all free-fall fruit impact
model is satisfactory. cases described in the simulation scenarios that potential energy
On the other hand, in energy activity, conservation of energy is was transferred to kinetic energy during the free fall of the fruit
expected. This energy conversation state in the simulation and that it was transferred to internal and contact energy
indicates accurate simulation results (Chotika et al., 2011; Elitok (absorbed energy by the fruit) upon impact. All results indicated
et al., 2006). Energy activity for the simulation results has been that there was no disturbance in the conservation of the energy

Fig. 9. Calculated bruise susceptibility amounts against impact heights and impact angles at the different impact platforms.
94 H.K. Celik / Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97

state. In addition to this, analytical and FEM-based calculations for Specific to this study, to predict the bruise susceptibility indices
total energy were compared. The relative difference was less than on a specific impact platform for various impact events, a
10% (Fig. 6). These values indicated that simulation results were prediction model has been expressed though response surface
trustworthy and that the simulation successfully represented the analysis as described in Eq. (1).
dynamics of the impact case.
Finally, it would not be wrong to say that accuracy of the finite yi ¼ b0 þ b1 x1i þ b2 x2i þ b3 x21i þ b4 x22i þ b5 x1i x2i þ ei ð1Þ
element model has been verified through an hourglass energy 3 1
Here yi is bruise susceptibility (m J ); x1i is impact angle ( ); x2i is
inspection approach. It can also be said that simulation visual and impact height (m); b0 is a constant coefficient; b1, b2, b3, b4, and b5
numerical results reflect accurate and realistic deformation are the interaction coefficients of linear, quadratic and second-
characteristics of the pear deformation under defined boundary order terms, respectively; and ei is the standard error term. The
conditions, and that the simulation energy activities support this quality of the fit of the model in Eq. (1) is evaluated using the
through energy conversation states obtained from the simulations. coefficient of determination (R2). Results of the analysis are
The bruise susceptibility indices were successfully calculated represented in Fig. 10 as three-dimensional response surface
from the data collected from the impact simulation scenarios. graphs with prediction models for stainless steel, wood and rubber
Three impact heights, three impact orientations and three impact impact surfaces respectively.
surfaces were specifically considered in these scenarios. In Response surface analysis approach provided useful informa-
addition to this, these data were also analysed by means of a tion for evaluating the bruise susceptibility indices against a very
response surface analysis approach to predict the bruise wide range of impact events. Coefficient of determination (R2)
susceptibility amount for different impact cases not considered values, which were obtained from response surfaces, were 0.8907,
in the simulation scenarios. Response surface methodology (RSM) 0.8813 and 0.9733 for the impact platforms of stainless steel, wood
is used for empirical model building. RSM can be described as a (yellow poplar) and rubber (vulcanised), respectively. These values
collection of mathematical and statistical techniques. Originally, indicate that the response surface models may be considered
RSM was developed to model experimental responses and then satisfactory, however, it may be necessary to check the empirical
migrated to the modelling of numerical experiments (Box and model in Eq. (1) to evaluate whether it can provide an adequate
Draper, 1987). approximation or not. Unless the model shows an adequate fit,

Fig. 10. Response surface graphs and prediction models for bruise susceptibility.
H.K. Celik / Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97 95

Fig. 11. Evaluation of approximation accuracy level of the empirical model.

response surface may give poor or misleading results. The view for designing more efficient agricultural and food machinery
approximation accuracy level of the empirical model was systems.
evaluated through calculation of relative differences between This study has also highlighted that advanced computer aided
the results obtained from the simulation and the empirical model. design, reverse engineering and engineering simulation techni-
The evaluation results are given in Fig. 11. In this representation, it ques are very useful and should be considered as mainstream
was seen that the range of differences were calculated between applications in agricultural and food research related to inves-
0.094 and 7.03%. The maximum difference was 7.03% (impact tigations into the deformation of agricultural and food materials. A
scenario with rubber platform: 90 , 1.00 m) and the minimum nonlinear explicit dynamics approach is more promising for
difference was 0.094% (impact scenario with stainless steel gaining a realistic simulation of the product deformation, however,
platform: 0 , 0.25 m). Based on these results, the response surface these types of nonlinear simulations have not yet become
model obtained in this study for predicting bruise volume looks mainstream practices particularly in research related to the
like it was quite reasonable and it would not be wrong to say that impact-effected deformation of agricultural and food products.
results were in good agreement. Some of the most important points extracted from this study
can be summarised as follows:
4. Conclusion
 Reverse engineered pear models have ensured a more realistic
The major aim of the work presented in this study was to deformation behaviour of the product. This approach was found
determine bruise susceptibly indices of pears (Ankara variety) to be very promising in creating digital models and realistic
under various cases of impact by means of a FEM-based explicit deformation simulations of various irregularly shaped agricul-
dynamics simulation technique. In this regard, the aim of the study tural and food products.
has been accomplished and the parameters related to bruise  The experimental properties have been utilised in describing
susceptibly indices of the pear have been successfully described. In idealised material models which have been successfully applied
addition to numerical data obtained from simulation results, useful to a FEM-based simulation work set-up. Material models
visuals of time-dependent (dynamics) deformation of the fruit presented in the study can also be used in further research
under various impact conditions have been successfully exhibited. related to various computer aided rheological analyses of pears.
These results may help to provide a deeper understanding of the  Useful deformation visuals and graphs which supported the
complicated deformation behaviour of the fruit due to impact numerical results have been represented in this simulation work.
phenomena which may be met in related agricultural production This has provided an improved understanding of the product
phases. This deeper understanding may provide a novel point of deformation under various impact cases.
96 H.K. Celik / Postharvest Biology and Technology 128 (2017) 83–97

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