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Elon Musk


Elon Musk became a bizarrely fascinating business leader as a consequence of his

outstanding projects supported by his futuristic vision. According to Harvard Business
Publishing, the CEO of Tesla Inc. and SpaceX “had established himself as a bold
innovator eager to challenge the status quo in hopes of, as he put it, advancing human
society.” Thus, his leadership style is transformational, since it focuses on innovation
and achieving broad goals, such as, designing Tesla’s electric cars and establishing the
first Mars civilization. Although he was unable to successfully complete such lofty
mission in order to “make human life multiplanetary”, SpaceX still revolutionized the
aerospace industry through the development of reusable rockets like Starship, Falcon
9 and Falcon Heavy, in hope of making affordable spaceflight a reality. Conclusively,
what makes Elon Musk stand out from the rest of entrepreneurs is focusing more on
our planet’s potential, as he commands multiple businesses that could define the
world's future.

Just like his family, Musk is different from everyone else and he proves it by taking
risks, that’s where his entrepreneurial spirit shows. Musk says: ‘’ even the most
unlikely goals can be achieved as long as you try’’. He has faced many failures, but he
takes these as experiments and moves on.
Looking at his skills, strategic direction is one of them, because he notices signs that
indicate likely outcomes in the future and he absorbs his knowledge as efficiently as
possible. For example, he learned all about rocket science when he wanted to send a
greenhouse to Mars, and with this knowledge he could work out a practical business
Musk radiates positive energy, that is also a big skill of his. He wants to make the
planet a better place and humanity is lucky to have him. He says ‘’planning for your
dreams is not enough, you must be willing to dedicate yourself to the idea of
success’’, this radiates positive outlook and optimism.
He has a passion for innovation from a very young age, ‘’it is never too early to start
planning the steps required to achieve your goals’’. His answers to the greatest
impacts on humanity were: space colonization, renewable energy and the internet.
From these he helped revolutionize two of them and currently he is working on the
His personal influence is a main factor of his. He gains respect from the community
by showing a good example. His main goal is saving humanity.

Elon Musk is a man with a vision and the determination to see that vision through. His
ability to be passionate and persistent in spite of multiple failures sets him apart from
most people who would give up after one or two attempts at something new. Elon
Musk created his own rules, did not follow the standard set by others and as such he's
not a human who will fail easily because he puts all his energy into achieving his
goals in life which makes him inspiring people all over the world through his actions
and words.
Elon Musk is a man who has achieved great success in his life. He founded
Tesla, SpaceX, and Solar City. He's made billions of dollars from these companies
and still continues to innovate new ideas every day. He's also a great family man. He
has three children named Kimbal, Tosca, and Nikolai Musk.
He is always optimistic and not afraid to take risks, even after multiple failures.
Elon Musk has been described as a visionary who can see what others can’t by being
able to look at things in a different way than others. His ability to innovate also sets
him apart from most people.

The archetypes that we mentioned are ethnocentrism, cronocentrism, androcentrism

and money-centrism. First category is ethnocentrism, in my opinion Elon doesn’t
make differences between races when he chooses his employees, his companies are
also white dominant, for example Tesla is at 52% white and SpaceX is 50%, but these
numbers compared to other companies are decent. Second archetype that I want to
make emphasis on is money-centrism, Elon Musk is not money centric because he
literally burnt money with his SpaceX failures and opened companies like The Bored
Company. So, the last archetype that I want to mention is androcentrism, the
companies have a major male have employee pool. In conclusion Elon Musk is trying
to avoid the business leader archetype.

Maria Konya
Pátya Franciska
Szimcsák Tamás
Tófalvi Emőke

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