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1. Enlist the parts of urinary system.

2. Give the relations of right kidney
3. Give the relations of left kidney
4. Summarize the gross features of a kidney. (along with a drawing)
5. Summarize the microscopic features of a nephron. (along with a drawing)
6. Briefly describe the structure of a urinary bladder.


7. Enlist Bones forming the nasal cavity. (4)

8. Give a brief account of anatomical divisions of the pharynx. (5)
9. Summarize the structure of pharyngeal wall. Also give its nerve supply. (3+2)
10. Give a brief account of cartilages forming the larynx. (5)
11. Write a note on the blood supply & nerve supply of larynx. (5)
12. Give the anatomical structure of larynx along with the vessels & nerves
supplying it. (4+3)
13. Compare & contrast Right & Left main bronchus. (4)
14. Write a note on the structural changes in the bronchial passages. (5)
15. Summarize the anatomy of respiratory bronchioles & alveoli. (5)
16. Give a brief account of anatomy of main muscles of respiration. (5)


1. Give a brief account of the layers that form the heart wall. (3)
2. Give a brief account of the components of conducting system of the heart. (3)
3. Give the extent & name the branches of abdominal aorta. (5)
4. Give the extent & name the branches of subclavian artery. (2)
5. Give a brief account of the superficial veins of Upper Limb. (3)
6. Give a brief account of the formation of portal vein. (4)
7. Write a short note on the hepatic portal circulation. (3)
8. Name the arteries that supply lower limb in a sequence. (2.5)
9. Name the arteries that supply upper limb in a sequence. (2.5)
10. Write a note on the formation of circle of willis (5)


1. Enlist Paired directional terms used in anatomy

2. Write a note on the body planes
3. Enlist the bones forming axial skeleton
4. Enlist the bones forming appendicular skeleton
5. Give the boundaries of cranial cavity
6. Give the boundaries of thoracic cavity
7. Give the contents of thoracic cavity
8. Give the boundaries of abdominal cavity
9. Give the boundaries of pelvic cavity
10. Draw a diagram to show the regions of abdominal cavity
11. Give the contents of pelvic cavity


1. Give a brief account of skeletal muscles organization. (3)

2. Name the muscles of abdominal wall and their functions (4)
3. Name the muscles of the back and their functions (4)
4. Name the muscles of the pelvic floor and their functions. (3)
5. Enlist & define four basic tissues of body
6. Define Epithelium & Enlist its various categories along with one example of each
7. Define Connective tissue & enlist its various categories
8. Briefly describe the cells of connective tissue
9. Enlist various categories of cartilage with few example of each
10. Define Gland & enlist its various categories


1. Enlist the layers that form the gut wall. Give brief account of each. (5)
2. Give a brief account of sympathetic & parasympathetic innervation of the GUT. (5)
3. Give the relations of stomach (5)
4. Summarize the anatomical structure of the stomach
5. Write a note on the mucosa of small intestine
6. Compare & contrast the anatomy of exocrine & endocrine pancreas
7. Write a note on the mucosa of small intestine. (5)


1. Give the vascular supply of female external genitalia

2. Summarize the structure of walls of uterus
3. Write a note on the gross features of uterus
4. Give the vascular supply of uterus
5. Briefly describe the supporting structures of uterus
6. write a note on the structure of ovary
7. Give the role of hormones in female reproductive cycle
8. Give a brief account of phases of female reproductive cycle
9. Write a short note on the structure of breast
10. Give the vascular supply of breast
11. Trace the pathway of male gamete from production site till the ejaculation.
12. Compare & contrast prostate gland & Seminal vesicles
13. Give the structure of male gonads.
14. Enlist the coverings of testes.

Name bone cells & give the structure of compact bone
Enlist type of bone with examples also write detail about the long bone.
Enlist the bones forming the skeleton of face.
Enlist the bones forming the cranium of skull.
Give the features of a typical vertebra
Write a short note on the ligaments & Curves of vertebral column
Name the bones that form pelvic girdle & shoulder girdle. How the side of bone is determined.
Write a detailed note on the types of synovial joints
Summarize the characteristics of synovial joints
Give the anatomy of shoulder joint.
Give the anatomy of elbow joint
Give the anatomy of wrist joint
Give the anatomy of Hip joint.
Give the anatomy of Ankle joint.
Give the anatomy of Knee joint.
Write a short note on the structure of Skeletal muscle fibre.
Enlist the muscles of back
Enlist the muscles of abdominal wall
Enlist the muscles of face
Enlist the muscles of pelvic floor
Write a note on the foot arches

1. Write a short note on the anatomy of dura matter
2. Write a short note on the division of peripheral nervous system
3. Write a short note on the functions of neuroglia
4. Write a short note on the CSF circulation
5. Write a short note on the motor areas of cerebral cortex
6. Write a short note on the sensory areas of cerebral cortex
7. Write a short note on the cross section of spinal cord
8. Name the meningeal layers and summarize the anatomy of each.
9. Summarize the neurons required for voluntary muscle action
10. Summarize the neurons required for involuntary muscle action
11. Summarize the neurons required for carrying sensations from the skin.
12. Name spinal nerves that form brachial plexus & name its branches
13. Name spinal nerves that form Lumbar plexus & name its branches
14. Name the cranial nerves that are pure motor Pure Sensory & Mixed.
15. Name & Summarize the functions of cranial nerves.
16. Compare & Contrast sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous system
17. Write a note on the ganglia of sympathetic NS

Special Senses

Summarize the features of middle ear walls.

Summarize the structure of inner ear

Summarize the structure of outer fibrous coat of eyeball

Summarize the structure of middle vascular coat of eyeball

Summarize the structure of inner nervous coat of eyeball

Draw & label optic nerve path

In a tabulated form give the action & nerve supply of the extraocular muscles

Enlist the hormones of hypothalamus that affect anterior pituitary. How these hormones are transported to anterior

Enlist the hormones of hypothalamus that affect posterior pituitary. How these hormones are transported to anterior

Summarize the actions of oxytocin

Summarize the actions of antidiuretic hormone

In a tabulated form enlist hypothalamus & pituitary gland hormones & their target

Summarize the location & structure of thyroid gland along with its vascular supply

In a tabulated form enlist the parts & hormones of adrenal gland along with the functions of these hormones

Summarize the secondary endocrine functions of GIT.

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