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General Term, Independent -I .
Term, Middle Term and
Greatest Term of
Independent of x In the
Bir,ial Theorem .
x+ 1 x-l
( x"' -xu• +1 ir-ir 1

'Vi1t If ( ~: } ls the term. independent xotO. 1 is equal to ...... . \

. _L' e ratio of the coefficient of the
of x, in the binomial expansion of

( .!4 -E-)
• then k is equal to ,:~die term In the expansion of
(l+ xf0 and the sum of the .
coefficients of two middle terms in
expansion of (l+x)" Is •..•...
02 3x722 +2x1022 -44when divided
~by 18 leaves the remainder 07 If b is very small as compared
V 'f the coefficients of x
in ( X
+ b~ r ~ - to the value of a, so that the
cube and other higher powers
of~ can be ~eglected in the
and ,c-.1 in ( ,· c -1- ) , b*O. are ·
bx 2 identity
eaual, then the value of bis equal to
1 l l ·,
- - + - - + - - + .. . + - -
(al 2 (b)-1 o-b o-2b o-3b o-nb
• (c) 1
,-~ ,ai'-2 = an + l3d + yn3 , then the value of
~ p o s s i b l e value of 'x, for wh!ch ,~}~
, o'.! +b

the ninth term in_th: expansion :~f 3o '
----· .......- I ...! 110,-,r~ • -- , •1 o + D'
3 'C'J,, ,f25"- "+ 7 +3 , (I " lcl ~ (d) 3c:l
is equal to 180, is

(a)n tb )-i (r.)2 (ril l

lite - The term indctpendent of x In the
+3 114 )• ts
(bJ27 (cJl& (d)~ [87,t -•~~]
x· -x +1 x-,c
?alto ............. .

1f the greatest value of the tenn

Independent of" In the expansion
of (xsina+o cosa)
-·- . Is-,IO! then
· qt'Let "C, denote the binomial
J( ~ <:aefficient of x' in the expansion
the value of o is equal to 1' of fl+ x)n.
(aH (b)I (c)-2 (d)2 If E(2

+3~) "Ch =a -3 10 +13·2 10 •

a.PeR, then a+~ is equal to

10 The lowest integer which is greater
~) is · fourth ;Orm
in the expall!'ion
· . ·of (x + x KlC1z' ) 7 is 4480, then the
(a)J (b)4 (cl2 (d)I '·, value of x, where xe N is equal to

(b)4 (o)3 (d)l

~ t h e co-efficient of >e 7 and ~ 8 in
the expansion ot (2+f )" are 20 lf(202lf 7117
is divided by 17, then the
equal. then the value of n is equal remainder is .... ..... . ·
~ Let ~he coefficients ~f third, fourth
~:~-~~~stant t~rm. in Binomial
expansion of ( 2x'

then r is equal to ......... .

+ J J'O .is 180,
and.fifth 0terms in the expansion of
( x + ;. ) , x ~ 0, be. in the ratio ..
12: 8 : 3. T,hen, the term independent
- of x in the expansion, is.equal to

13 The number of elements in the set
[ne ft2,3, .... ,100} :
(11)" >(10)" +(9)" J is ..... .... .
number of irrational

-14 The coefficient of x ' 5~ in the

t erms in the expansion of
1 6 60
(3 :; ' + 5 ! ) , then (n-1) is divisible
expansion of (1-xfa: (x 2 +x + l) ;oo
is (a)?6
(a ) !P.• C" ib) ;~a C l c) - 10!; C (dl- '0 " (' Ibi 30
J :~ • • ., ·' :o ~, ·"!5 (c)8
~The ~um.b~r of rational terms in
~~t11e binorn,a/ expansion of
(11 "~ + 5 1; 1: J'wis .. .... .
23 let [x ] denote qreatest integer less
than or equal to x. lf for nE. N
l" I

0- x+x ·i }"::.: "i:a x.i then

16 For the natural numbers m. n, if j C ) I

n-rr·o+ yr r:1 .; ·•
1",,_, i
::::/ .; a I y .... ay " +' +a tff ,,., ., "
r, }'
, . -)' o·,; + l i sequa I t o
1:-. ) o.. .!..4
( • •• p

and ; - (I ., ,

a . :.' a2 • 10, then the value ot

[2021, 16 March St-.ift-4]
(;n , n) ise qu , i t.J
(tlj7r - (c } ·: (rl]'1
f. . I . 1· ; , . (, ii 1 1· i·· :>j(·


10 1
(d) 3(5 ..Ji

'ii It the remainder when x Is divided

by 4 ls 3, then the remainder when
('2020 + x)""" is divided by 8 Is
30 If for some positive integer n, the
. coefficieRts of three consecutive
............ • [2021, ZS Feb. Shift-IQ
tenns in the binomial expansion of
(1+ xt• 5 are in the ratio 5: 10: 14,
"ii Let a> Qf3> 0 be such that then the largest coefficient in this
a' +f3 2 =4. If the maximum value of expan$ion is
thetermindependentofxlnthe · [2020, 4 Sep. Shift-II]

tno mial ex~)a1~sion of (a)330 (b!!,5:> (c)792 (dl252


lax' +f3x -, is mk, then k Is ".ii° The natural number m, for which
equal to
Cal84 (bl 176
c2020, 2 Sep. Shift-I]
{cJ352 (d)336
the coefficient of x in th~ binomial

expansion of ( x•n + ;2 r is 1540. is

[2020, 5 Sep. Shift-I]

27 For a positive integer n, (1+~)" is

32 The coefficient of x~ in the ·
expanded in increasing powers of
x. If three consecutive coefficients expansion of (1 + x X2 + + x! )e in
-~•':· pow · ofx._ is......... . -·
in this expansion are in the ratio, 2 : . ·• . · · [2020, S Sap. Shift-D)
5 : 12, then n is equal to , ........ .
[2020, 2 Sep. Shift-II]
If {p} denotes the fractional part of
3 00
. the number p, t hen ~ ' i:S equal l
· ·U 8 f ·
~ t i e number of integ;a, terms in the to [2020, 6 Sep. Shift-I]
V :~pansion_of (3 112 + 5 )'1 is exactly
(a) ~
(b} 1.
(c) ~
f d\ ' .
' 'a
33, then the least value of n is

(0)264 · (bJ12B
[2020, 3 Sep. Shift-I]
(c}255 (d} 2£1H tdif the constant term in the binomial
expansion o·f r ✓x -_'.:_ ) i~ 40~.
I , xi J
t hen I Id equals

<f the term independent of :< in the [2020, 6 Sep. Shift-II]

(b) l (c)3

expansion of ( -3 x·2· - -
is k, then
2 3x ,. 35 If sum of t he coe fficient s of al\
even powers of x in the prouuct
18 k is equal to [2020, 3 Sep. Shift-II] (1 + X + X' + ... + X? r j
{ . , · t, (bl 7 (c ) !} ( (j) ii {1 - x-;-x ~ - x~ + .. .+x:'' lis6l,then
n is equal to .... r 2020 , 7 Jan. Shift-I]

expansion or( x( .. ~•• ) +x¾J
values is equal to 200, ai:td x> l then the
q , respectively, value of x is [2019, a April Shift-IQ
then (a) 100 (b) 10"
[2020, 8 Jan. Shift-I] (c) 10 (d) 10~
o b C
10 II 42
a b 44 If the fourth term in the bloomial
. (2 + x ")I
(b)n=22 =21
expansion of ; locJ t (x> 0) 1s .
JO ll 21
a b c
(d)-=-=- 20 x a1 , then the value of x is
11 22 42 .. [2019, 9 April Shift-I]
(a) ~ (b) 9! (c) 8 (d) 82

"ii If a and 13 be the coefficients of x"

and x respectively in the . 45 If some three consecutive
expansion of · coefficients in the binomial
(x+Jx -1) 6 +(x-✓x 2 -1) 8 , then
expansion of (x + 1)" in powers of x
(a) a+f3=-30 are in the ratio 2 : 15 : 70, then the ·
(b)a-13=-132 average of these three coefficients
(c) a+/3=60
is [2019, 9 April Shift-II]
(d) a -/3 =60 [2020, 8 Jan. Shift-II]
(a) 964 (b) 227
(c) 232 (d) 625
39 In the expansion of

( _x_ +-~-) if 11 is the least

cose xsrn9
value of the term independent of x
46 If the coefficients of x and x 3 are 2

both zero, in the expansion of the

when ~ses~ and /2 is the least
8 4 expression (l+ax+bx 2 }{1-3x) 15 in
value of the term independent of x
powers of x, then the ordered pair
when ~ses~. then the ratio / : /
16 8 · 2 1
(a, b) is equal to[2019, 10 April Shift-I]
is equal to [2020, 9 Jan. Shift-II]
(a) I : 16 (b) 1: 8 (c) 16: 1 (d) 8 : 1 {al (28. 315) (bl (-21. 774)

- 40 The positive value of A for which

the coefficient of x 2 in the
- (c} (?.8, 861)

4 7 The smallest natural number n,

(d) (- G4. 3·15)

expression x
(Ix +;z-·) is 720, is such that the coefficient of x in the

(a)3 (b)-./5
\2019, 10 Jan. Shift-II]
(c)2-/2 (d)I,
expansion of (x 2 + ~) is
n c2J I
41 The sum of the coefficients of all [2019, 10 April Shift-II]
even degree terms is x in the (a) 35 (b ) ?3 (c) 58 (d) 38
expansion of
(x + , .- x ~ - 1) 6 +(x
is eq uc1 / to
- -,/x
[.2019, 8 April Shift-fJ
-1 Y:, (x> 1)
48 The coefficient of x 18 in t he product
(1_1 ? q (r:: ~? ((;) 7.g (d i 2l Cl +xX1- x)'r.O+ x+ x 2 is r~
11 [2019, 12 April Shift-I]
42 If C +12 1 ) · 1'C, +(3;! ) ' 1)C, + .. . . (al 8 1'.1
< V
( t) ) - ·120
• (20 V' r.:.., - A(2 il )
the n !he (c) - 84
nrdcrc:.•d p;ir (/1, f3J is equ'1I to (dl 12b
[2019, 12 April Shift~IJ
; j .,
(d) 55

iii The sum of the coefflc\ents of all

(a) 1lt

'ii' The coefflcferit o
expansion of
r~t he

odd degree terms In the expansion
of(x+ ✓x1 -1)' +(x- ✓><1 -1)",
(x> l)is
(c) I
[JEE Main 2018]


(a} 12 (b} 10
(2019, 9 Jan. Shift-II)
(c) 15 (d) 14
ii If the number of terms in the
. . expansion of ( 1--
2 +-
4 )" , x:;,:0, .1s
. )( )(2 •
52 If the third term in the binomial
28, then the sum of the c~efficients
expansion of(l+x'°9.• ) 5 equals_
of all the terms in this expansion, is
2560, then a possible value of xis . [JEE Main 2016]
[2019, 10 Jan. Shift-I]
(a)64 (b)2187 (c)243 {d)729
(a) 4../2. (b) 14 . . (c) ..!8 (d) 2./2

53 The sum of the real values of x for . 60 The sum of coefficients of integral

powers of x in the ~n~~ial
expansion of (1-2✓ x) 1s .
[JEE Main 2015}
+ 1) . (b)..!_(3sa i
equals 5670 is
1 ~~
[2019, 11 Jan. Shift-I] (c)-{3~ - 1) (d)~(2'" + 1)
(a) 4 (b) O (c ) 6 (d) 8 2 2

54. Let (x + 10) 50

+ (x -10) 50 61 If the coefficients of x 3 and x" in
=a 0 +a.1x+a 2·x2 + ... +a 50 x 50 , for the expansion of
a O+ ax+ bx' )(1-2x) 18 in powers of x
all x ER; then - 2 is equal t o
are both zero, then {o, b} is equal to
a IJ:2019, 11 Jan. Shift-II]
[JEE Main 2014)
(a) 12.25 (b) 12.50 (c) ·12.00 (d) 12.75
2 1
{bl ( 11.i, ~ )
SS:- A ratio of the 5th term from the ( '272J
(rl) 16, -- -
beginning to the 5th term from the \ . .5
end in the binomial expansion of
(21!' 1 ]'o ,
1 " + 2(3)1fJ IS

[2019, 12 Jan. Shift-I] ~ e term independent ol x in the

(a) 1: 2( 0f ! (ll) l :<'1(1 6)' ' expansion of
(c;)Li(.~n) :,:: :l (d)2(lR ) -; :1
{ X +1 )1"
l - x ~
x- 1 is
1 :3 ,, l x- ',( l /
56. It II c4 ' ., c,, and c,; are in AP, then

[JEE Moin ~OU1

n can be [2019. 12 Jan. Shift-II]
I) . -
(-,J :1 f! ·) .I (ci :1 (d) U
ndo, =a2 =10.then m,
(a) (36, 20} (b) (l,5, 35)
(c) (36,115) (d) (20. L16)

70 If the coefficients of rth, (r + l)th

ii The coefficient of ,c' in the 1 and (r + 2)th terms In the binomial
expanatonofO-x-x: +,c') Is
[AIEEE 2011] expansion of (1+ y)"' are in AP, then
(a)- 132 (bl-141i (cl 132 (di 144 mand r satisfy the equation
(a) m 2 -m('ir-1) +t,r1 +2 =0
[AIEEE 2005]
(b) m' -m(4r + 1) + 4r -2 ::0
ii The remainder left out when (c) m 2 -m(4r + 1) +L1r +2 =0
-(62)7,,. '
(d) m2 -m(t,r -1) +'1r 2 -2 =O
S'" is divided by 9, is
[AIEEE 2009]
(e) 0 (b) 2 (c) 7 (d) 8
71 If the coefficient of x 7 in

( ax +- equal to the
2 1)
66 Statement I
n · bx
[Cr+U·"C, =Cn+2t2•-• 11
,.a coefficient of x-1 in ( ax---
1 ) ,
bx 2
Statement II f (r+l)"C,
, - 0
then o and b satisfy the relation
· . [AIEEE 2005]
=Cl+x)" + nx(l+ xr-• [AIEEE 2008] u .
(al Statement I is false. Statement II Is (a)ob=o1 (b)- = I
. b
(b) Statement I Is [rue, Statement II is
(c)a+b=l (d)o-b=l
true: Statement II is a correct
explanation of Statement I
(cl Statement I is true, Statement II is 72 If xis so small that x and higher 3

true: Statement II is not a correct powers of x niay be neglected, t hen

explanation of Statement I
(d) Statement I is true. Statement II is 3
false (1 +x)3,2 - 1+2x
1 ). .
67 In the binomial expansion of ,, may be
{1-x)" 2
(a-bt, n~ 5, the sum of 5th and 6th
terms is zero, then alb is equal to approximated as [AIEEE 2oosJ
[AIEEE 2007] ~ ~
6 (a) --~ :/ (b) -.:.. xz
(a)-5- (b)-- 2 8 8
n- 4 n-5
3 ,.
(c) n-5 (d) n-4 {cl , 1- - x·
6 5 ' 8

68 In the expansion, powers of x in the 73 The coefficient of the middle term

. 1 .
f unction---- 1s in the binomial expansion in powers
(1-axX1-bx) of xof(l + a.x)1.' and of(1-ax)5 is
2 3
00 +a 1x+a2 x +a3 x + .. .,thena " the same , if a is equal to
is equal to [AIEEE 2006] [AIEEE 2004]
a" -b '' a·' ' -b "'·' I"
(a) ----·-·- . (b) -··-------· {a ) - - (b) .!Q_
b -a a- b . 3 3
b " · 1 -a"' 1
(d) b ' -a ''
b- a
(c} - -
(d ) J:,
. (bl!!,_,

2 2
Id) 2~-1
90 lfl:fwC, . -'C21 _,}=K(60Cn"I
·-- 25 50 tc) n-1
, ,c
then, K is equal to
[2019, 10 Jan. Shift-II)
(t,)2'· TOPIC 3
(b)2'" -1 Multinomial Theorem
(c)2 "
Id) (26)·
. 91 If the coefficient of a· b 5
I~ :he
·. expansion of(a +2b+4ob) •s
91 The value of r for which .k·2'e, then k Is equal to
'°Cr "CO + 2tcr-1 20c l + 2nc,_" 20c2 [2021, 31 Aug. Shift-II]
+ ...• +20cu20c,
is maximum, ls 20
(a) 15
(c) 11
[2019, 11 Jan. Shift-I]
lb) JO
(d) 20
98 Let (2x2 +3x +4)10 =La
xr. Then r

92 The value of .... . .,. -a1 is equa I to ......

enc, - icc,)+(2'c~ - '°C2l ..·' a
· ., . 13
+("' CJ - '0c,) +(2' c~
- IOCJ +... + [2020, 4 Sep Shift-I]
(" clO - IQC,o) is
[JEE Main 2017]
(a)2 '' -2 11 99 The coefficient of X in the

lt.il2 :· 1 -2 " expansion of (1+ x+ x2 )10 is ....

(c)2 ;·~ -2 '
(u)2 ;G -2 I( [2020, 9 Jan Shift-I]
93 Let
~ ., · 1} !(; c
- ~ 1· 10 C_;
Answer Key
S , =1..,11- i' S:; -1..,
J •· l j el 1. 55 1
"' · 15 3, (c) 4. (d) 5, 210 6, l
and S
:= ~ ('
'- ,

7, (c) 8, (d) 9. (d) 10. (a) 11. 55 12, 3
,;:. ·
Statementl S, =55x2 9
13. 96 14, ~) 15. 21 16. (d) 17, 210 18. (19)
Statement II S, =- 90 x2 6 and 19. (a) 20, 24 21. 4 22, (a) 23, (c) 24, (b)
s] =JO x2 8 [AIEEE 2010]
25. I 26. (d) 27,
(-i ) St,ltPmr>r t I is falsE . Sta tement II is
118 28, (c) 29, lb) 30, (b)" 31. 13.00 32, 120 33, (d) 34, (c) 35, 30 36. (b)
(!;! St::1t c>rnvr : i i;; !fUi:i , Stat er,-ie·i t !I is
: , JC; S1a1 emc1 t II is a corrccl 37, (d,l 38. ~) 39, (c) 40, (d) 41. (d) 42. (b)
Fxpi an-1 ti,~11 r,f :-rntement I
i : ) <:;1:1t P.rnn rt i is ''"e
Stat ernen t ii is
43, (c) 4t (d) 45, (c) 46, (a) 47. (d) 48, (a)
(•· Je, Stti'cment II i::. not a ,:;orrud
c , c! c1 na1ion of St &tPincnt I
49. (C) 50, (d) 51. (c) 52. ~) 53, ~) 54. !a)
: di .Sr ;remer• I i::; rrue, 's wrerre 11 1 I! 1r-
55. (c) 56. (c) 57. (c) 58, (d) 59, (d) 60. (_a)
61. (d) 62, (c) 63, (a) 64. ~) 65,
94 •f· ,:, :;u m .:·,t thc- "e,ies
~) 66, lb)
·c 't,~.- -·'c, - ... 67, (d) 68. lb) 69, lCJ 70. ~) 71. (a)
'L - I , :• Pc; 72. 1b!
,~ [ Al£EE 2007)
73, (c) 74, (b.1 75, ~) 76, (c)
I - ,1.· -=-
i rd! 78, (~
79. (~) 80. ('d\. 81. 49 82.. (d) 83.
6 84. ➔~
85. (b) 86, I 87, ~) 88, 5l 89.
95 , , • , . ,I I, , [ - L' ,•
(a) 90. 1, : 1

91. ;d) 92. 1d_1 93. (d) 9t \D) 95. ;ll

/ AIH. ~ :w o ~,, 96. ·1

9:. _;1 ' 98. s 99. 61 '

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