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CSIT114: System Analysis

System Modelling
UI Flow Diagram

Lab 8 – Week 9

Version Author Effective Date/Year Create/Change Description

1.0 Dr. Haitham Yaish Spring 2023 Defined the first version

Learning Outcomes................................................................................................................................3
Marking Criteria.....................................................................................................................................3
Lab Task 1..............................................................................................................................................4
Submission Instructions.........................................................................................................................7

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Lab Instructions:
* In this lab, the students are required to work in pairs.
* Please show your work to the tutor present in the lab before submitting it.
Submission Due: End of laboratory class, submit the file on Moodle at least 10 minutes
before the end of laboratory class.
Total Marks = 2.5 Marks
Marks will be given only to students who attend and participate during 2-hour laboratory
class. Submission on Moodle is mandatory as evidence of participation.

Learning Outcomes

LO1 Analyse the complementary roles of different stakeholders including clients, users, and
analysts in the development of computer-based information systems.
LO2 Identify system requirements using different fact-finding techniques.
LO3 Perform analysis of computer-based information systems and present a system design
using different modelling approaches such as data and process models, business models,
and object models.
LO4 Perform system modelling using CASE or similar related tools
LO5 Work in a group to apply the knowledge and skills presented in this subject to typical
system analysis scenarios.

Marking Criteria
Task No. Marks out of 2.5
Task 1 2.5
Total Mark 2.5

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● Analysing and describing the functional requirements using UI Flow diagrams.
● Learn how to use system modelling tools.

Lab Task 1
Draw a UI Flow diagram that models the following use case description of Power Hut Health
Club system and Power Hut database design. [2.5 Marks]

Power Hut Health Club use case description

Name: Joining Power Hut health club.

Identifier: UC 101

Actor: Customer

This use case describes the event of a customer who wants to join Power Hut health club.

The customer who would like to join the club must be over 18 years old or older.


Basic Course of Action:

1. The use case begins when a customer indicates he/she wants to join Power Hut Gym
from UI 1 - Power Hut home page screen.
2. The customer selects the registration option from UI 1 - Power Hut home page screen
by clicking on the Register button.
3. The system navigates the customer to UI 2 -Registration Screen.
4. The customer inputs his/her details including the customer date of birth into the system
by clicking on the submit button using UI 2 -Registration Screen.
5. The system verifies if a customer is eligible to join Power Hut using the date of birth
entry. [Alternate Course A].
6. The system displays UI - 3 Membership Selection Screen, which indicates the list of
available membership types.
7. The customer views and then selects the membership type that he/she is interested in
from the following options a) gym, b) gym including steam and sauna, and c) fitness classes,
and then clicks on the submit icon [Alternate Course B].
8. The system checks if the customer is already existing in the system, and found that
he/she is not exist. [Alternate Course C]
9. The system checks if the membership type is joining a fitness class, then validates the
possibility of joining the customer in the selected class. (Some certain classes accept only
customers within a certain age) [Alternate Course D]
10. The system calculates the fee of the membership for the customer.

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11. The system displays the fee via UI 4 Display Membership Fees Screen, and asks the
customer if he/she still wants to join Power Hut.
12. The customer indicates he/she wants to join Power Hut by clicking on the Join Power
Hut Icon using UI 4 Display Membership Fees Screen.
13. The system navigates the customer to UI 5 - Pay and Join Screen.
14. The customer pays the fees via UI 5 - Pay and Join Screen by clicking on the Pay
button [Alternate Course E]
15. The system registers the customer.
16. The system bills the customer for the his/her membership with Power Hut.
17. The system informs the customer that he/she became a member of Power Hut via UI 6
Thank You Screen, and asks him/her if he/she wants to print the invoice.
18. The customer indicates he/she wants to print the invoice by clicking the print icon.
[Alternate Course F]
19. The system navigates the customer to UI 7 Invoice Screen to print the invoice.
20. The use case ends when the customer prints and takes the invoice.

Alternate Course A: The customer is not eligible to join Power Hut.

A5. The system determines the customer is not eligible to join Power Hut.
A6. The system informs the customer he/she is not eligible to join Power Hut because his/her
age is less than 18 years via UI 8 - Not Eligible Screen.
A7. The customer clicks on the Home hyperlink from UI 8 – Not eligible screen .
A8. The system navigates the customer to UI 1 - Power Hut home page screen.

Alternate Course B: The customer decides not to join Power Hut.

B7. The customer views the membership types and he/she is not interested in joining any of
the membership’s types.
B8. The use case ends.

Alternate Course C: The customer is already existing in the Power Hut system.
C8. The system determines the customer is not eligible to join Power Hut.
C9. The system informs the customer that he/she is already exists via UI 10 – Already Exists
Customer Screen.
C10. The customer clicks on the Home hyperlink from UI 10 – Already Exists Customer
C11. The system navigates the customer to UI 1 - Power Hut home page screen.

Alternate Course D: The fitness class is full

D9. The system determines the customer is not able to join the fitness class, because it is full.
D10. The system informs the customer that he/she is not eligible to join the fitness class of
Power Hut, because it is full via UI 9 - Fitness Class is Full.
D11. The customer clicks on the Membership icon.
D12. The use case will continue from step 6 of the basic course of actions.

Alternate Course E:
E11. The customer views the fees of the membership and he/she decides not to join Power
E12. The use case ends.

Alternate Course F: Print an invoice

F16. The customer indicates he/she does not want to print the invoice.

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F17. The use case ends

Use to draw the diagram


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Submission Instructions
1. Submit the MS Word file of your report on Moodle by using the appropriate
submission link of your lab section.
2. Use the following name format for your report file “CSIT1114_lab8_lab
time_instructor name_Student IDs”.
(Example: CSIT114_lab8_Tue_15_30_Omar_5555555_5566666)

Please conform to the naming convention of the file, and make sure that every member in
the group will submit the same files on Moodle.


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