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= =e ye ita -— j j en REPUBLIC OF KENYA VIW MINISTRY OF WORKS ROADS DEPARTMENT PROPOSED MANUAL FOR TRAFFIC SIGNS IN KENYA PART I ROAD MARKINGS Permanent Secretary for Work P.O. Box 30760 NAIROBI 2 NAIROBI 1. Introduction AeL’ General, 1,2. Governaeat Fo! in cach @irection Roads with at least 3.4 Other Longitudi 4, Read Juncticn Nerking alk 4.2 Rigo ken end Cont: de Junctions Avrow Heriings —-oe o_o, Ee fue continually dneresaing use made of the read network go adopt 2 uniform and well planned Properly designed and placed fe and efficient movement of ih ls neces: ( posed signs ar of road eigns and markings is « function of their fegibility and uniformity. It ie al ad markings ths » accuracy, formulate a policy om F effort to stasderdise thi beon prepared. tions Conference on rosé traffic Convention on Rosé Signs and ct repracented at tais Conferenc i a jidnistry to with sone ] Road markings may bo defined se markings on the. surface of the road for the control, warning, guidance or information to the road users. They tay be used to supplement kerbside or overhead signs, or they may be used independently. YELLOW colour is uséd as demarcation between opposing traffic flows. markings. ng, but is then nays WHITE colour is used for all other r However, yellow is used for restricted painted on the kert and not on the carr: ago is chown on figures 1 and 2: Keyplan for road marti: The ints agitudinal continuous marking (yellow ov white) is to prohibit passage of vehicles os stradling unless the vehicle crosses er stradles a broken line ton of a 16 first. This rule docs not apply te the continuous edge Line which, according to the Vienna Convention 1968, does not ial. into the category of longitudinal voad marking. # ” EROKEN LINE: wits +. —-—— SPEED of Line ‘ a. < 65 kmfp > 65 tafh Length of st : aljoleldlals}cla nerd al DOUBLE BROKEN 4 ‘| i or or aes | | ietween Cae O/, 01 al| os 20} 6.0) 0/ 5.0.) 9O|O7 20| 60| a/| a/||50| a0/ ar | 07 CONTINUOUS LINE 1 20) 60! OF 3.0|9.0|O/ of a DOUBLE CONTINU mi oy 20120) 0./ 20| 20) 0/ OOF Os | ar COMBINED LINE or a 10)10) 02 4O|10 02 FIG. 5 LONGITL, (MEASURE IN 7m ) MARKING 1. DOUBLE CONTINUOUS CENTRE LINE, 2. BROKEN CENTRE LINE. 3. CONTINUOUS LINE. 4. COMBINED LINE. 6 BROKEN LANE LINE, 7. CONTINUOUS EDGE LINE. 8. ARROWS. 9. SEPERATION LINE BETWEEN TRAFFIC LANE AND BICYCLE TRACK 10. SEPERATION LINE BETWEEN BICYCLE TRACK AND FOOTPATH, 11. SEPERATION OF BUS BAY. 12 WORDED MARKING. 12 PARKING Bays. 14. STOP LINE, 18. GIVE WAY LINE, 16. SAFETY LINE 17 BICYCLE TRACK AT THE JUNCTION, 18. HATCHED MARKING, 19, PEDESTRAIN CROSSING. FIG. 1, KEY PLAN I FIG. 2. KEY PLAN IF 1. DOUBLE CONTINUOUS CENTRE LINE 2, BROKEN CENTRE LINE, CONTINUOUS LANE LINE 4 COMBINED CENTRE LINE. 5 BROKEN LANE LINE. ©. CONTINUOUS EDGE LINE. 7. LANE INDICATION ARROWS. 8. SEPARATION LINE BETWEEN TRAFFIC LANE AND BICYCLE TRACK 9. HATCHED. MARKINGS. 10. SEPERATION OF LANE FOR SLOW MOVING TRAFFIC. kings the designations shown in For longitudinal mar! Figure 3 shall be used. 5.5 me, the centre lino This marking shell On a two Jone road of width 2 must be indicated by a yeilov marking. ily consist ‘of a broken line. e troken line shall. be interrupted through junctions. is forged as shoun in table 1, paras. 13+ The broken Line Gontinvoys Gent when it is necessa bit the use of that part of the carriageway reserved for oncoving trafic, restrictions should bo imposed cn this section by means cf e continuous yellow ‘ines The continuows line shell be interrupted through junctions. @he continuous line is formed as shown in teble 1, paras 1.1. overtaking is not to be allowed for vehicles travelling ust be placed on the 2 on the driving éirecti: n line. This combined Whe: in one ai hand side On the ether sid line is formed a the continuous Line centre line as seen , there will be a brok shown in teble 1, paras. 1.4, for overtaking is to be warned for both or an line shall 2 tyo continuous lines and the bret by & single continvous line. Arection © replac us and combined centre for using continu hy line is tein manson fo pas | lie The speed in table 2 is the average traffic opecd under normal free flow conditions. The visibility Gistance is measured from an eye-height of 1420 m. to a target of the sane height above road level. The continuous’ line will be established at the point where the visibility distance is less than given in table Z,and shall be completed at the point where the visibility distance exceeds i, ous ling is shorter than 20 m., it 20 - When the conta: should be demolished. When the length is betwee 50 m4 the line niust be lengthened to 50 me When the distance between two continuous lines is less than the critical value (see table 2), tha two lines are joined and made one line. @ with either broken hen the centre line je marl: t the shoulder or continuous Lines, the lene edge again: ust be marked by a continuous white line This line shall be nade as a broken line through pmeticne. Continuous and broken efge lines are formed as chown in table 1, parae 3.1 end 3.2. AVERAGE TRAFFIC ‘SPEED CRITICAL FIG. 4, CONTROL OF OVERTAKING __| “vatue 1 <65 kmh | 130m. | 65m, 2 65-90 kmh: | 160m. | 95m. 3 > 90 kmin | 300m. | 130m, TABLE 2 read bus at least 2 lanes in each direction of no central reserve, it shall be marked line as compensation for with 9 double continuous yello: central, reserve. tinuous Line shall be interrupted through nuous line is formed as skovn in Phe double ¢ i The dow a5. 1.2. Bede a sufficient width for at least two lanes dn the sane e lane width must be = 3u,, a white broken line to divide the two lanes. The bro shall ve interrupted through jrmets broken Lis aed as chown in table 1, parc. 3.1. 363.3 paras 3.502 nhite Jans. Jane shel] bo wade as a Lroken Line through junctions. as shown in Teble 1, ha Ceontinvous peras. 3.1 and 32+ Bel | “B41 Separation Line Between Traffic Lane & Bicycle Track/Footpath 4 double continuous line used as separation line between lane for vehicular traffic and bicycle track/ootpath. | + The double continuous line is formed as shorn in Table 1, para. 4. , ‘The double ‘continuous line shall be interrupted through ! junctions, and replaced by a double broken line as shown in Table 3, para. 4, wine: Betyeen Bicycle Track and Footpa Seperation { A Single continuous line shall be used as separation li between bicyele track and footpath. The single continuone line is formed as shown in fable 1, para. 5. Bay and lane for Slow Moving Traffic: | . A specially formed broken line is used to separate bus vay end lune for elow moving traffic. This broken line is formed as shom in Table 1, para, 6. ee DIMENSION ( m ) | Hl ' STOP LINE 0.4 q | [ oa 2 GIVE WAY LINE 1 bostes | - — == Seo 3 SAFETY LINE Latin | at | 4 PEDESTRIAN CROSSING ] j29-40 | PS, | bite ( 1 L 5 BICYCLE TRACK IN JUNCTION [ TABLE 3 TRANSVERSE MARKINGS = gs are shown in Pig. 5 wings are shown in Table 3. ples on road J end Fig. 6. Types of transverse nar lane Line & Cont: Broken and cont: aterrupted through junctions cli are open te comercial traf: uous centre Jane end lane lines shall ¢h official roads and private be peas w ee carried up to trensverse markings like y Lines, edge Lines or the the edge of the he The Lines must give va ued bicyele track er foo broken Line throug! ds which are open edge lines shall be made as a jumetions vivh official roads ead private roa bo commercial traffic. then centinzous edge Linea cross at a junction, only the important road shall be carried through edge line for the mos the junction ould not be’ curried through a june lied with stop lines, give w allel to the actual tr: Bdge ines crossing lenes are sup; pedestrian crossing which are direction. are formed as shown in Continuous and broken edge 1i Table 1, paras. 3-1 and 3.2 2 a bread continuous transverse white Line. a vehicle must stop 4 etep line ne indicates the position at which Line is used in conne net & S lo L | The Stop Jine is laid down across the Janes which are vestricted by the above rentioned eign or signals, and is Joceted at that place which gives the driver the best possible general view of the junction, : If @ junction hes a marked pedestrian crossing, the stop lie must Le placed at least lm, before the crossing. At traffic signals, the line is noruelly located im. before the nearside primary sigual, but cite conditions way necessitate adjustment of ‘this distance. At level crossing, thy, stop line is located 5m. uefore the nearest rail, If there ave'signal lights at the crossing, is located 5m. before the lights. netion at ¢ is a broad broken white line laid across wraffic lanes at jmetions or along the inner edge of acccler~ ticn la wlen the traffic in these lanes is required to road sign "GIVE ¥AY", The give way 131 if necessary, should step. own on that part of the carri WAY" sign, and is located at The give way line is laia way which is restricted by " that place which gives the driver the best possible general view of the crossing road. nen the give way line is used at a junction, it be acconpanied by a longitude ch roa the junct: . «2. tion to guide ne is forned A white broken line can be used at a turning traffic through the junction. Saf shown in fable 3, parce 4B ; gg must be marked with white zebra stripe: Lil to the driving direction. The pedestrian crossing is formed as shown in Teble 3, para. ly Then a lane for bicycles crosses a carriageway, it is od with a double broken white line on each sige. If an line or a pedestrian line is marked on one side, the on line is denclished, le broken dine is formed as shown in Teble 3, not the carriageway et a june s Je 450 a2 be mark markings. Both forms of markings shail be bouided by continuous lines. The angle of the hatching and chevrons shnll be erranged to oppose drivers who may be to cress it. See Fig. 7 for details on these hatehod tenpt age narkings must be yellov.when they ere used as tion botween cppesing traffic fiovs, elsewhere they are The woe 5 Ces 4,10. -10- In addition to the continuous line on approaches to junctions, @irectional arrovs should be used to give drivers advance indication cf correct lane to take when approachiig aultilane intersections. See Fig. 8 for detaile on the arroc. Generally, with speeds less than 50 kn/h the 3.5m. length of arrox should suffice, but on en open, faster road tho 5.0m. eize should be used. The number of arrows depend upon the queue und the approach speed of the traffic. The one nearer the junction should be between 15m, and 25m. from the stop line, the second 30m. to 50m. further back etc., the greater distance being uscd on reads Subject to higher average traffic speed. @ Destination Markings: At heavily trefficked junctions, worded lene destinations on repeating the information shown on the advance directio: signs may, with advantage, be marked on the carriageway on the approaches to. junctions, | The merkings sheula = be located at least as far back from the junction as the longest Xe hour queues. n using the alphabet described These in Appendix III. ge can be ar 1. DOUBLE CONTINUOUS LINE. 2. CONTINUOUS LINE, 3 BROKEN LANE LINE, 4 Frittypens ese ae. 5, SEPERATION LINE BETWEEN TRAFFIC LANE AND BICYCLE TRACK. 6 SEPERATION OF BUS BAY, 7. STOP LINE, 8. SAREY Line, 9. PEDESTRAIN CROSSING. 10. BICYCLE TRACK AT THE JUNCTION, 11. ARROWS, 12. WORDED MARKING FIG. 5. ROAD JUNCTION (URBAN) SS © SS 1. CONTINUOUS LANE LINE. 2 COMBINED CENTRE LINE, 3. BROKEN LANE LINE, 4 CONTINUOUS EDGE LINE. 5 BROKEN EDGE LINE. 6 GIVE WAY LINE, 7. HATCHED AND CHEVRON MARKINGS, 8. LANE INDICATION ARROWS. y Y} 7 | VY, 0) FIG. 6. ROAD JUNCTION (RURAL) DS SUA SUNCTION (RURAL) crossing outside junctions shall be marked Pedestrian ‘h should be increased as described in para. 4,6, out the wi to Ame He’ Junctions: f the carriageway outside a junction, which are for traffic, shall be marked with hatched or chevron merkings as described in para. 4.8. Arrow Markings Outside Junction: Arrow Markings outside a junction can, for oxample, be used: places for indicating driving directions; streets as a supplement to signs Seo Fig. 8 for details on the arrows. Parking Beye: ‘ Parking Bays dre marked » shown in Fige 9. th white continuous lines as All these markings are coloured white and are described sin Appendix TI. plement x STOP sign 4,3) and nay not be used in other are prescribed es follows: ————- Overall sath | [or ess [ore ca | | { High Spee 2470 me 2.10 m Traffic The warking should normally be located so that the top of tue word iy not were tima 2675 oe . ox Seow ti ‘rom the nearest part of the S70? line. Exceptional: is distances be inercased up to 15 ma & road junction, including the of STOP and GIVE i The locstion of hazard. In gener to enable e driver to hazard in safot: DRIVING’ DIRECTION ——> NEES EP ORIVING DIRECTION FIG.7 HATCHED AND CHEVRON MARKINGS (zonro) B07 | tss0y_ v ae jbereees MEASURE IN m LENGTH 5m» SPEED 2 50 km/n 9 3.5m — 0 50-1 FIG. 6 LANE INDICATION ARROWS KERB LINE O-2.5m_| 0. PARALLEL PARKING Bays KERB LINE ANGLED PARKING BAYS KERB_LINE c ANGLED PARKING Bays FIG. 9 PARKING BAYS Whis marking indientes to di at tha vehiel ers that part of the car: Zead Jumotion yhich should be left clear of station ry ening °° Dermit the passage of vehicles into or ont of a side turming. ate wain use is in urbasi areas ntere a queue of vehicles and therety one uaetion may block back-across a previous} and thereby obstruct the flow of cross traffie. the marking is not intended to ¥ cep portions cf the outside premises clear of miting vehiclon, ea Fig. 10 for detaiis. This marking delineates the limits of a tua # wid only be used to supplement a kerbs: of vorded x bet Goueribed iu Appendi: 171, Road markings can be. laid in pa The materiale must be in accordance (not yet & toriontiou: The unless importance Like on paricing baya. markings can be arena u ridings should aluays be in reflectorised me: the road is sufficiently lighted or the murkises an netion, arriageway dat or thermoplestic naterials. with the follo idea) ng snecd?ication. MARK besic characters for worded road markings are the ovals and the apostrophe fron the Transport Medium sropriated elongated) to thi Words are formed in the sani capitals, Alphabet enlarged (and suirod overall hanner es for any worded sign. Whom a wore d height. Elphabet an this magnon. should ke 0.2 me 4 g be ee, Nawanga = Athi River AthS Airport Tloff - Nairobi vos Airport gore Nadrobs + Linara pore ideury Toff ~ Narok Pott Karek Toff ~ ciigit @2igil = Natura to Road wu = Me Holo Read ~ Barat-Forest ovest ~ Mldoret ~ Nella Sulten Hanud mud ~ Uln Tere + Athi River ~ Kiganjo njo = Menyuki. yekd - Trew sumu = Yela G90 TABLE 2 be oe ee Claes 5 tere oe Class 3 sere ee Class 2 ws Class 2 ae) re ee ee Class 2 trae ee Clase 3 a e & & Hombasa ~ Kelindi Likoni ~ Sanga langa Je Eldoret - Sergoit Kolo Link Read Nakuru ~ Njoro Jekuru - Boheti Hakure ~ Hdundod ed Naivasia Lake & Gilgil + Thomson Falls Eceanpuicnt Naivash: Nairobi - Linura Kuthaiga - Kianba Ruiru ~ Kasbud Roy Seebu ~ Kee Ngong Road Kenyatta Rozd Glass Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Clses Class @lase RRP HMw women e of all me ueelves on the centre line of the > e appropriate visibil: do on the carriegeway b “hump at deing & the two observers as a reference nd rewappears for observer approaching @ bend, get into Asibility ‘vo con, Mond W (see Fig. 18) w thy center road, aué space the @istance & ate to the speed (se ant, they can use a cord or they can keep the distance const: y with eoastant distance between and the carriaze kies for co nundea ta ¢ tuo men can walk along the road or they can use two light vans with yearning signs on th must vse to sti ) above road level, an put a;target.on the front van, and & on procecd se then at the point 8 whi jich is marked with a nev circles my later be The crosses ar shoulder ~ see the figure. SNDRIM dO1s SNe 11912 pe. FIG 13 DETERMINING VISIBILITY DISTANCE WHITE STICK RED STICK CHALK Ross CHALK CIRCLE 1. CHEVRON MARKINGS. 2 GIVE Way LINE. ‘i FIG.12. DUAL CARRIAGEWAY. OND dOLS oI “O14 woe “ONDRIVN MONS SI “O14 PENS C Sere sy. | L3QVHETV 2 LI ol ONDRIVW BWI daay si woo aaa NOTE: BROKEN LINES REPRESENT LETTER | TILES USED FOR ‘CORRECT SPACING BETWEEN adJacent ['] [7 cl) LETTERS STVMAN 4 Zi O14 ERER EER ER ER Stee e oe

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