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//most important thing:

you have to add your github email address and username you'll commit
your files to.

* git config --global "tasnim.lahmer"

* git config --global "TasnimLahmar"
* git config --list (you'll see your email address)
//after that :
1) change path to the directory of your project (cd ....)
2) git init (create git repository in your project directory to track all the
changes you do)
3) git add file.txt (ask .git to track all the changes in file.txt)
4) git status (check whether the files are tracked or not)
5) git rm -cache (i guess ) to stop tracking a file
6) git commit -m "message you want to add while committing your file"
7) git log / git log --oneline (you'll see all the versions you've committed)
8) git checkout 6b88evg (go back in time to an old version and do some changes
without affecting
any other one)
NB: 6b88evg this code appears when you apply "git log --oneline " after every
version you
find a different code

9)to go back to the latest version : git checkout master

10) git revert 68duhf4 ( to delete one particular version you don't need anymore)
NB: it will appear something weard : just press shift then write " :wq " and then
press enter
11) git reset 68mglg (to rewind your work back to a level : you'll completely
delete whatever
you've done after that).
NB: git reset 67rgm --hard (because even when you do 11 the code you don't need
can still appear so we add --hard to force going back to the old code).


we need them to do works seperately and then merge them to one work without having
work on the same branch which helps reducing massive errors that can ruin all the
1) git branch feature-1 (added a branche named ''feature-1'' under the master
2) git branch -a (to see all the branches you have) the one colored with green is
the one you're
working into)
3) git checkout feature-1 (to switch to the branch feature-1)
//now you can add and commit files in that branch
4) // if things went wrong and you want to delete that branch:
4.1) go back to the master branch: git checkout master
4.2) git branch -d feature-1 (or -D if your branch is not merged yet)

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