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St Joseph’s College Geelong

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

REVISED ICT Strategic Plan 2008 – 2012

Vision Statement for ICT

All students will leave school with an appreciation of the impact of ICT on their world and will leave as efficient, effective and responsible users of ICT.

 ICT enhances leadership to meet the expectations and respond effectively to the possibilities of today’s and tomorrow’s educational environments.

Learning and Teaching

 Teachers integrate ICT into learning, assessment and reporting in ways that transform learning into more interactive and engaging environments for students and

ICT Professional Learning

 Teachers routinely share with other teachers locally and globally and engage in professional learning that develops their ICT skills and their integration of ICT.

Learning Spaces
 Learning spaces integrate flexible physical spaces and interactive online spaces to provide continual seamless links to resources, local communities and global

ICT Infrastructure
 Reliable ICT infrastructure and technical support provides highly accessible and efficient use of ICT for learning, teaching and administration.

 The school uses ICT for the efficient and effective delivery of all business processes.


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 All teaching staff – ICT Review Tool: The online review was completed by staff in August 2008. All questions and reports have been independently delivered
through the Catholic Education Victoria Network (CEVN) website.
 Administrative staff – discussion with key personnel
 Parents – Parent Survey - Appendix 9: ICT Parent Survey Results
 Students – classroom discussions
 Educational Authority – Two meetings of all Catholic schools and phone discussions with the Catholic Education Office Melbourne

The following resources were used in the compilation of this document

Inter-diocesan ICT Key Learning Stages Framework

The Victorian Dioceses have identified four stages in implementing the use of ICT in the curriculum. under Curriculum Support/ CECV-ICT Learning Stages Framework

MCEETYA Learning in an Online World: Contemporary Learning Statement

This publication is the overarching statement from the Learning in an Online World and describes the environment, articulates the national policy framework and identifies
significant actions required.

MCEETYA Learning in an Online World: Pedagogy Strategy

This focuses on ICT as an enabler of good pedagogy.

MCEETYA Learning in an Online World: Leadership Strategy

The Leadership Strategy focuses on leadership response to the expectations, challenges and possibilities of 21st century education.

Department of Education, employment & Workplace Relations. Digital Education Revolution 2008

MCEETYA Learning Spaces Framework 2008 Design learning spaces that integrate technologies, engaging students in ways not previously possible.

MCEETYA Learning Architecture Framework 2008

A guide for school leaders and network architects for the development of a coordinated plan to deliver IT infrastructure that underpins a school’s vision for elearning.

MCEETYA Bandwidth Implementation 2006 (p 4) The National Implementation Plan (2004–05) provides the detail critical to realising the intent of the action plan,
including identification of opportunities for collaborative work with the other education sectors and Commonwealth agencies.

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 2 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
Assessment of the Current ICT Environment
Audit of The ICT Infrastructure Including Age of Computers
 Appendix 1: ICT Infrastructure Audit
 Newly constructed ICT Administration Centre (2008) allows for server and network expansion
 Refer also to the ICT Infrastructure section within this ICT Strategic Plan document

Student Computer Ratio

 Appendix 2: Computer to Student Ratios
30-January-2008 11-September-2008
Students per computer for PC's less than 48 mths old 4.2 5.4

Capacity of Air Conditioning, Electrical Components and Cabling

 Air conditioning – 17 areas - all computer rooms with more than 5 computers
 Electrical components
o double GPO’s per PC
o isolation switches in all computer labs
o UPS devices on all servers and administration staff desktops
o Electrical substation on-site capable of expansion for increased power requirements
 Cabling
o Cat 5E for general LAN points
o fibre optic 10GB between cores 1GB between all switches
o wireless point-to-point to link some buildings and wireless link 802.11n for laptop access around school

 Internal and external surveillance cameras
 All major buildings and computer areas are alarmed and connected to security firm
 Security firm monitors school grounds nightly

Technical Support
 Appendix 3: Role Statements for ICT Support Staff
o Director of ICT – Management, ICT Professional Learning support and Teaching
o Computer Services Manager – Full time technical
o Computer Support Office – Full time technical
o Computer Technician – Full time technical
o Database Manager – Teaching and management
o Web Manager – Teaching and management

Physical Capacity of the School

 To achieve improved computer to student ratios laptops can be housed within some classrooms.
 Laptops on trolleys can be housed within the existing new ICT Administration Centre or the Library for efficient borrowing by classes.

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ICT Capabilities of the Students
 From the ICT Review 2008 (Appendix 4) completed by teachers in August 2008 there are 4 stages of development: Stage 1 - Beginning/Entry; Stage 2 –
Developmental/Exploring; Stage 3 – Advanced; Stage 4 - Target
o Students are very good at using digital content (Stage 3) but the frequency and use to enhance learning is at the Developmental Stage (Stage 2)
o Student ICT skills are at the Developmental Stage (Stage 2)
 It’s important to note that the above results are teachers’ perceptions and no objective test of the students at all Year Levels has occurred. It is intended that all
Year 7 and Year 10 students will be assessed each year.

ICT Capabilities of Staff and Provision for Professional Learning

 From the ICT Review 2008 (Appendix 4) completed by teachers in August 2008 - 4 stages of development
o Teachers’ essential ICT skills are generally at the Target Level – Stage 4
o A key focus for professional learning should be the understanding and use of ICT to enhance learning
o Teachers need time for curriculum development to integrate ICT
o Teachers need time for professional learning in understanding and using ICT for teaching and learning
 Current procedures
o On-site assistance for ICT skills and ICT integration – Director of ICT, Database Manager, ICT Integration Team
o ICT Integration Team of teachers from each subject area assists other teachers as required
o ICT professional learning occurs for all staff as strategic software skills or integration of ICT requires attention
o External ICT professional learning occurs on request

Internet Access
 Student Access – 1.5MB/256kB ADSL
 Staff Access – 8MB/2MB shared cable
 2009 – we shall be moving students and staff to the Catholic Network Australia connection - 20MB/20MB

Use of Digital Equipment in Class

 From the ICT Review 2008 (Appendix 4) completed by teachers in August 2008 - 4 stages of development
o Students are very good at using digital content (Stage 3) but the frequency and use to enhance learning is at the Developmental Stage (Stage 2)
o Teachers vary in usage but the average shows many do not integrate digital content much in their own teaching or with students in the classroom
 Data projectors have greatly enhanced the use of digital content in classrooms
o Teaching areas with projector/multimedia setups – 43
o 2009 planned completion of rooms with projector/multimedia setups – 25

ICT Implementation Plan

The Outcomes, Goals and Implementation Strategies follows this section

 A summary of the ICT budget for Capital and Operating expenditure – Appendix 5: ICT Budget Plan 2009

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Vision: ICT enhances leadership to meet the expectations and respond effectively to the possibilities of today’s and tomorrow’s educational environments.

Leadership strategies and practices that support seamless integration of ICT within contemporary learning environments
Current practice Goals 2008 – 2012 Intended Outcomes
Appendix 6: Current ICT Plan 2007-2009.  To redevelop the ICT Strategic Plan to ensure The school has a clearly articulated shared vision for
that is aligned with views of the school ICT in teaching, learning and administration, as a result
Research into the use of emerging technologies is community and is referenced by the of collaboratively consulting with key stakeholders and
ongoing and is used to inform planning for appropriate National, State and Catholic makes reference to the appropriate National, State and
administrative procedures, future resources, future policies. Catholic policies.
building, teaching practice and professional learning.
 To establish clear criteria for evaluating the
Review and documentation of progress towards the effects of integrating ICT within teaching,
goals within the ICT Plan occurs through teacher learning and administration.
surveys; anecdotal reports of classroom integration;
skills checklists for teachers; budget monitoring via  To submit annual reports that document the .
spreadsheets and Accounts reports; updating of ICT progress towards the goals within the ICT Plan
procedures manual; annual reports to the College

1998 - Established a position of Director of ICT for

overall responsibility of planning and management of
ICT integration. Currently teaching 1 class as part of

2001 - Established an ICT Committee which meets

weekly to discuss ICT planning and management
issues. Committee composed of Director of ICT,
Computer Services Manager (Full time network and
technical manager), Database Manager, Teacher-
Librarian In Charge.
 To extend current ICT Integration team – each
2006 - Established an ICT Integration Team composed KLA to have a collaborative team eLearning leadership is distributed across the school to
of a teacher from each subject area. Meetings are ensure the integration of ICT is a focus in planning.
generally ad hoc; members are provided extra
professional development; their role is to assist others
within their subject area or KLA when they find useful
practical ways of integrating ICT within teaching and
learning; they are provided minutes and invited to
respond to ICT planning and management issues.

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 5 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
Mid 1990’s - ICT Levy established by College Board to ICT resources are up-to-date and allow the school to
assist planned development of ICT infrastructure and  To review the ICT levy to ensure an respond to modern trends and rapidly take advantage
teacher professional learning. appropriate level of funding to achieve the of future improvements in ICT delivery and
goals for the integration of ICT. infrastructure.

 To continue current budget planning to ensure

a steady spending pattern that will achieve the
school’s goals for ICT integration

Intended Outcomes and Goals Key Implementation Strategies Responsibility Time frame Budget Review

The school has a clearly articulated shared vision for Annual

ICT in teaching, learning and administration, as a result
of collaboratively consulting with key stakeholders and
makes reference to the appropriate National, State and
Catholic policies.

 To redevelop the ICT Strategic Plan to ensure Complete CEVN ICT Review Tool – survey of Dir of ICT Aug-Sep Nil
that is aligned with views of the school Principal, Dir of ICT and all teachers 2008
community and is referenced by the
appropriate National, State and Catholic Reference to National, State and Catholic policies Dir of ICT Nil
policies. Aug 2008
 To establish clear criteria for evaluating the Discuss criteria with Curriculum Committee Dir of ICT
effects of integrating ICT within teaching,
learning and administration. Establish reliable methods of collecting data Nil
 To submit annual reports that document the evaluating the effects of ICT within teaching, learning Dir of ICT May 2009
progress towards the goals within the ICT Plan and administration
eLearning leadership is distributed across the school to
ensure the integration of ICT is a focus in planning.
 To extend current ICT Integration team – each
KLA to have a collaborative team Set up KLA based collaborative teams Dir of ICT May 2009 Nil
ICT Integration
KLA Co-ordinator becomes responsible for strategic Teams
leadership for ICT within KLA
Continuous Nil
Documentation of ICT integration strategies used in KLA Co-ordinators
each subject area / Dir ICT

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 6 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
ICT resources are up-to-date and allow the school to Annual
respond to modern trends and rapidly take advantage
of future improvements in ICT delivery and
ICT Committee
 To review the ICT levy to ensure an Maintain budget plans which are always forward- Sep Nil
appropriate level of funding to achieve the planned to the life of the current equipment.
goals for the integration of ICT. Continuous $2,000
Review ICT priorities to adapt to current pedagogical pa
 To continue current budget planning to ensure trends and emerging technologies – conferences,
a steady spending pattern that will achieve the professional learning, magazines, newspapers, online
school’s goals for ICT integration subscriptions, school visits, purchase of new software
and hardware for testing

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Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning

Vision: Teachers integrate ICT into learning, assessment and reporting in ways that transform learning into more interactive and engaging environments for students and

Pedagogical approaches that integrate ICT to enhance achievement create new learning opportunities and extend interaction with local and global communities.
Current practice Goals 2009 – 2012 Intended Outcomes
Appendix 4: ICT Review 2008

Improving student assessment and reporting Improving student assessment and reporting ICT is used to analyse data related to student learning
in order to improve broader curriculum delivery issues
 Past use of student assessment data skewed To increase in the accuracy, accessibility and reliability and in order to provide timely intervention strategies to
towards reporting practices of analysis of data to improve learning and teaching assist individual students overcome learning difficulties
 Limited attempts to actively analyse data for and cater for individual learning styles and abilities.
the learning decision making processes To use data analysis to
 Recently increased the sophistication level of  help develop and monitor curriculum
analysis for use as an effective “learning tool” performance
 allow the assessment of pedagogical
Analysis of data to improve learning and teaching approaches
currently involves  allow a far more objective measure of the
 Centralising student assessment data to a impact changes might have on any aspect a
common digital format student’s learning experience
 Monitoring and benchmarking analysis of
o AIM (Achievement Improvement
Monitor) results at Yr 7 and Yr 9 pre-
o NAPLAN (National Assessment
Program in Literacy and Numeracy) at
Yr 7 and Yr 9 from 2008
o ACER Progressive Achievement Test
(PAT) assessments in literacy and
numeracy for Yrs 7 prior to beginning
at St Joseph’s
o ACER Middle Years Ability Test
(MYAT) for Year 9 students
o VCE study score and ENTER score
 Analysis of data on health issues and specific
learning difficulties and giftedness
 Analysis of behavioural data
 Benchmarking analysis allows
o monitoring of student progress

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 8 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
o timely identification of students
performing outside expected level
based on previous assessments

Action from analysis

 Identified students are individually surveyed to
identify possible causative factors.
 If a number of students have demonstrated an
above or below expectation performance this
can be use to specifically identify
o curriculum strengths and weaknesses
o timetabling anomalies
o non-inclusive or inclusive pedagogies
o student welfare concerns and
o a number of other important student
centred phenomena.
 Distribution of analytical trends can also be
used to inform teachers and leads to learning
environments that are far more specifically
tailored for individual students’ needs.

Parental involvement in the educational process

 Parents are involved in subject selection from To provide secure and reliable data access to be used ICT structures provide parents with effective
year 8-12 through printed information, as a basis for discussion of student progress with communication avenues with the school.
parent/teacher interviews and information students and parents.
evenings ICT readily allows parents access to engage in the
 Parents currently have no direct access to To facilitate parental involvement in the educational learning process. It enables them to more accurately
online data process track the educational progress of their children by
 Staff currently have limited access to providing timely feedback and on-going secure
assessment data in the form of Global Student reporting of student learning progress and welfare.
Progressive Assessment Tables (GSPAT) a
monitoring system that can be used to identify
changes in student performance data
longitudinally from year to year.

ICT used to provide for culturally diverse perspectives ICT used to provide for culturally diverse perspectives
 Digital content is accessed online and locally  To expand online Internet content and local ICT is used to connect with a diverse range of cultures
and via the Internet resources and resources
 To collaborate with global communities of
diverse cultural types

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ICT used to personalise and extend learning ICT used to personalise and extend learning
 Teachers set a variety of topics and differential  To establish 1:1 computing throughout the In a 1:1 environment students and teachers with their
rubrics school by Dec 2011 own laptops will facilitate better electronic interactions
 Student-centred activities which allow for  To replace most school housed computers with and sharing of content and ideas.
collaboration within class groups student personal laptops by Jan 2013
 To enable students to work individually and
 Students irregularly integrate ICT within most collaboratively within the class and with others
subjects to: beyond the class (other students, teachers or
o Investigate and research experts) on authentic tasks
o Test systems Teachers use ICT systems that facilitate the creation,
o Solve problems and think critically  To develop this integration within all subjects sharing, reviewing and integration of digital content
o Scaffold writing on a regular basis within the school and globally.
o Create new understandings o Investigate and research
o Manage information o Test systems Establish local and global learning communities which
o Collaborate, share and communicate o Solve problems and think critically contribute to learning for students
with others mainly within the school o Scaffold writing
o Create new understandings
o Manage information
 Little use of ICT to support students to self- o Collaborate, share and communicate
regulate their learning with others within the school and

 To develop online student personal learning ICT structures provide students with the means to
spaces where they can reflect on their learning assist them reflect on their learning and in planning
and plan personal learning pathways their educational pathways.
o ePortfoliios
o eJournals
o access to cumulative assessment
o access to personal data on learning
styles and abilities
o goal setting
Safe and secure access to ICT
 There is a high level of security and safety Safe and secure access to ICT
employed by network settings and filtering  To maintain high levels of security and safety Students and teachers have safe, open access to
software for access to ICT utilise technologies for learning in ways that parallel
 Access to internet content and technologies is  To investigate and implement improved uses outside the school.
restrained by filtering software to the point filtering and access for educational purposes
The use of ICT in school educates students to be
where it can frustrate teachers and students in  To develop of SIMON Learning Areas to
its educational use and restricts the use of ICT highly aware and safe online users and more efficient
provide safe and secure access to Web 2.0
which parallels use of such technologies and effective users of ICT beyond school.
technologies in ways that parallel the external
outside the school. use of such technologies
 To integrate compulsory courses for students

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 10 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
to educate them on being safe, effective and
efficient uses of ICT

Measuring and monitoring students’ ICT capabilities Measuring and monitoring students’ ICT capabilities Students and school maintain an ePortfolio of ICT
 All students do at least one ICT subject in  To collect data on ICT skills and capabilities of capabilities and certification of ICT courses and skills.
Years 7-10 where teaching and assessment of students
skills occurs  To provide online self-paced courses to
 ICT is used in all classes for production of provide certification of some ICT skills and
digital content using a variety of software capabilities
 No specific cumulative data on the ICT skills  To use VELS (Victorian Essential Learning
and capabilities of students Standards) reporting to include progression
points in ICT

Sharing of information, practices and understandings Sharing of information, practices and understandings Teachers and administrators share and publish ideas,
across schools across schools materials and work practices across schools locally
 Email to colleagues  To have all teachers and administrators and globally.
 Online teaching groups and subscriber groups subscribe to professional lists
 Very little online publishing by teachers or  To encourage all teachers and administrators
administrators to share and publish ideas, materials and work
practices with online groups via subscriber
groups, blogs or websites

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 11 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
Intended Outcomes and Goals Key Implementation Strategies Responsibility Time frame Budget Review

ICT is used to analyse data related to student learning Annual

in order to improve broader curriculum delivery issues
and in order to provide timely intervention strategies to
assist individual students overcome learning difficulties
and cater for individual learning styles and abilities..

 To increase in the accuracy, accessibility and

reliability of analysis of data to improve learning  Continuation to improve GSPAT
and teaching benchmarking analysis to allow further Database Ongoing
identifications of trends that may be Manager 2009-2010
 To use data analysis to impinging on learning Learning
o help develop and monitor curriculum  Expansion of the GSPAT to include Enhancement
performance standardised testing of Year 10 cohorts, Co-ordinator 2009-2010
o allow the assessment of pedagogical probably an ACER MYAT equivalent. (LEC)
approaches  Incorporation of the “on demand testing” Dir Curriculum
o allow a far more objective measure of facility from the AIM Data Service to and KLA Co- 2009-2010
the impact changes might have on any incorporate adaptive testing models to more ord’s
aspect a student’s learning experience clearly identify the abilities of students with Ed Support Co-
learning difficulties and those that might be ord
 Systemising the interview process of
“struggling” middle year’s students to 2010
produce quantifiable data that could be
used to identify commonalities in student
performance factors.
 Further development of database that would
o a more general monitoring of Ongoing
student progress
o tracking systems that would include
“live” data bases that allow all
current assessments to be 2009-2012
incorporated as soon as teachers
recorded results
o parents to have access to “live”
data base online
o a reduction in parent reliance on
infrequent parent/teacher interviews
 Identification of non-assessment based
influences on student performance through
analysis of data on:
St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 12 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
o health issues
o behavioural issues
o family circumstances 2009-2010
o specific learning difficulties

ICT structures provide parents with effective

communication avenues with the school.

ICT readily allows parents access to engage in the Annual

learning process. It enables them to more accurately
track the educational progress of their children by
providing timely feedback and on-going secure Annual
reporting of student learning progress and welfare.

 To provide secure and reliable data access to

be used as a basis for discussion of student  Development of a Parent Portal within the
progress with students and parents. SIMON Intranet Included
 Allow parental access to online data on Dir ICT and 2011 in SIMON
 To facilitate parental involvement in the assessment and reporting; learning styles; SIMON sub’n
educational process careers information; progress tracking; Developers
courses; attendance 2011
 Expand communication links with school
improved via the Parent Portal

ICT is used to connect with a diverse range of cultures Expanded use of ClickView server or other such Annual
and resources networked video application ClickView
 To expand online Internet content and local Teachers; AV Ongoing subscripti
resources Collaboration with global communities of diverse Co-ordinator on
 To collaborate with global communities of cultural types
diverse cultural types Email links
Use of groupware; blogs; forums Ongoing


St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 13 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
Teachers use ICT systems that facilitate the creation, Annual
sharing, reviewing and integration of digital content
within the school and globally.

Establish local and global learning communities which

contribute to learning for students

ICT used to personalise and extend learning

 To establish 1:1 computing throughout the Use of HeuCampus software to provide Dir ICT 2010 $24,000
school by Dec 2011 personalized interactions between teachers’ and
 To enable students to work individually and students’ laptops and allow teachers to monitor and
collaboratively within the class and with others control a classroom of laptops. Refer to
beyond the class (other students, teachers or software
experts) on authentic tasks budget
Implementation of SIMON Learning Areas to Dir ICT, Dir 2009
 To develop this integration within all subjects provide class learning space and student personal Curric, KLA Co-
on a regular basis space ord’s
o Investigate and research
o Test systems Development of secure and safe blog sites for all Dir ICT
o Solve problems and think critically staff and students
o Scaffold writing
o Create new understandings Establish some projects involving connections with Dir ICT Annual
o Manage information teams locally and globally
o Collaborate, share and communicate
with others within the school and Investigate and implement software to provide Dir ICT
beyond improved use of ICT for think, creativity and
ICT structures provide students with the means to
assist them reflect on their learning and in planning Develop better use of podcasting and vodcasting Dir ICT
their educational pathways.
 To develop online student personal learning
spaces where they can reflect on their learning
and plan personal learning pathways
o ePortfoliios
o eJournals
o access to cumulative assessment Develop and implement SIMON Learning Areas as Dir ICT 2010 Annual
o access to personal data on learning class and personal spaces
styles and abilities
o goal setting

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 14 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
Students and teachers have safe, open access to
utilise technologies for learning in ways that parallel
uses outside the school.

The use of ICT in school educates students to be highly

aware and safe online users and more efficient and
effective users of ICT beyond school. Continue with current filtering software Computer 2009
 To maintain high levels of security and safety Services
for access to ICT Investigate and implement improved filtering if Manager (CSM)
 To investigate and implement improved filtering required 2009
and access for educational purposes
 To develop of SIMON Learning Areas to Investigate safe Web 2.0 technologies outside Dir ICT, CSM
provide safe and secure access to Web 2.0 SIMON – implement if required Ongoing Annual
technologies in ways that parallel the external
use of such technologies Audit current courses Dir Curric; KLA 2009
 To integrate compulsory courses for students Integrate or develop stand alone courses Co-ord’s; Dir 2010-2012
to educate them on being safe, effective and ICT; IT KLA Co-
efficient uses of ICT ord

Students and school maintain an ePortfolio of ICT Database

capabilities and certification of ICT courses and skills. Skills checklist database set up Manager 2009
 To collect data on ICT skills and capabilities of
 To provide online self-paced courses to provide Use of ALISON or other such online courses to Dir ICT; KLA 2009 Annual
certification of some ICT skills and capabilities certify skills CO-ord’s
 To use VELS (Victorian Essential Learning VELS reporting to include ICT progression
Standards) reporting to include progression
points in ICT

Teachers and administrators share and publish ideas,

materials and work practices across schools locally and
Sign all into EdNA Dir Curric 2009
 To have all teachers and administrators
Each KLA to establish links with others online Dir ICT; KLA 2009
subscribe to professional lists
Staff setup blogs in educational space Co-ord’s 2010
 To encourage all teachers and administrators
to share and publish ideas, materials and work
Staff post ideas, replies and coursework online
practices with online groups via subscriber
groups, blogs or websites

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 15 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
ICT Professional Learning

ICT Professional Learning

A professional learning culture that considers safe, equitable and ethical use of ICT and is responsive to the changing digital environment.

Vision: Teachers are involved in professional learning that continually develops their ICT skills and develops pedagogies that integrate ICT in the learning process which is
routinely shared with other teachers locally and globally.

Current practice Goals 2009 – 2012 Intended Outcomes

Prioritisation of professional learning with ICT and Prioritisation of professional learning with ICT and There is a high priority of professional learning with ICT
about ICT about ICT and about ICT.
 Low priority within total Professional Learning  To develop to a high priority within total
program Professional Learning program Professional learning with and about ICT allows
 ICT Review shows time and access to  To establish a formal process for developing teachers to:
professional learning with ICT and about ICT is and recording ICT skill development for the  Explore, understand and utilise ICT in
a problem for staff use of ICT and for the integration of ICT within teaching, communication, management and
 Basic skills in general applications, teaching and learning and administration administration
communication, internet research,  To ensure that course writing includes specific  Integrate ICT in ways that produce more
administrative procedures and computer care integration of ICT for teachers and for student effective and more efficient teaching and
is covered by all teachers use learning
 In-house and external tuition for specific skills  To provide more time and access for  Evaluate, create and share online learning
with applications or integration into teaching professional learning with ICT and about ICT resources with colleagues and students locally
practice is provided for:  To maintain flexible delivery of ICT and globally
o Individuals, KLA/subject groups, professional learning through face-to-face and
administration groups, ICT Integration online activities provided by in-house
Team, whole staff colleagues or external experts
 Most professional learning is timely, focussed  To provide time for more staff to support others
and practical in professional learning with ICT and about ICT
 Minimal on-going and reflective learning

Development of Professional Learning Plans To develop Professional Learning Plans that:

 No existence of these  Are regularly audited Staff members maintain Professional Learning Plans
 Take into account individual, school and and the impact of ICT professional learning is
system needs and targets constantly evaluated on the basis of meeting individual,
 Enable on-going access and flexible use of school and system needs and targets.

To develop an online database to enable teachers and

administrative staff record achievement of individual,
school and system targets for the use of ICT

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 16 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
Sharing of innovative practice To share innovative practice Teachers use ICT tools to plan, access and share
 KLA based sharing occurs within KLA  Maintenance of KLA based sharing professional learning online within the school network
meetings and during course writing  Publishing of innovative practice online and globally in timely, focussed and practical ways.
 Development of “experts” list to assist others
learning specific practices

Intended Outcomes and Goals Key Implementation Strategies Responsibility Time frame Budget Review

There is a high priority of professional learning with ICT Annual

and about ICT.

Professional learning with and about ICT allows

teachers to:
 Explore, understand and utilise ICT in teaching,
communication, management and Use ePotential survey from CEVN as the basis for Dir ICT Annual
administration understanding ICT PD needs of teachers and to assist
 Integrate ICT in ways that produce more in setting goals
effective and more efficient teaching and
learning Include ICT skill development report from ePotential Dir ICT Annual
 Evaluate, create and share online learning survey in Annual Review Meeting with the Principal
resources with colleagues and students locally
and globally Set specific dates for ICT inservices Dir ICT; Prof
Dev’t Co-ord; 2008
 To develop to a high priority within total Dir Curric
Professional Learning program
Develop a database for recording all professional Prof Dev’t Co- 2009-2011 $3,000
 To establish a formal process for recording ICT learning ord
skill development and for the integration of ICT
within teaching, learning and administration Establish data entry procedures Database
 To ensure that course writing includes specific Manager;
integration of ICT for teachers and for student Outsourcing
Audit and rewriting of courses Dir Curric; KLA
 To provide more time and funding for
professional learning with ICT and about ICT Establish a train-the-trainer model with time given to Dir ICT 2009-2011 $10,000
trainers to work with others pa
Employ ICT Coaches to assist integrate ICT in the Dir ICT
 To maintain flexible delivery of ICT professional
classroom 2009-2012 $20,000
St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 17 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
learning through face-to-face and online Utilise emergency to cover teachers doing PD
activities provided by in-house colleagues or Increased teacher/staff PD to implement 1:1 $20,000
external experts computing 2009

Utilise KLA meeting time

Staff members maintain Professional Learning Plans
and the impact of ICT professional learning is Development of ICT Integration Website for use by Dir ICT 2012
constantly evaluated on the basis of meeting individual, teachers
school and system needs and targets.
 To development of Professional Learning Plans
o Are regularly audited
o Take into account individual, school Professional Learning Plan template developed Prof Dev’t Co-
and system needs and targets ord; Dir Curric 2009
o Enable on-going access and flexible
use of resources

 To develop an online database to enable

teachers and administrative staff record
achievement of individual, school and system
targets for the use of ICT Online database developed to allow entry of Prof Dev’t Co-
information on all aspects and allow auditing ord 2012
Teachers use ICT tools to plan, access and share
professional learning online within the school network
and globally in timely, focussed and practical ways.
To share innovative practice
 Maintenance of KLA based sharing Use of KLA meetings to share ideas KLA Co-ord’s
 Publishing of innovative practice online Subscription of teachers to online groups Dir ICT 2009
Development of teacher blogs and forums
 Development of “experts” list to assist others
learning specific practices Published list used to assist others to find people to Dir ICT Annual
help with specific ICT advice

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 18 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
Learning Spaces

Learning Spaces
Learning spaces designed so that they connect school, home and community learning, increasing flexibility and supporting learning outside the school buildings and
beyond the conventional school day.

Vision: Learning spaces integrate flexible physical spaces and interactive online spaces to provide continual seamless links to resources both within the campus and
through interactions with personal spaces, local communities and global communities.

Current practice Goals 2009 – 2012 Intended Outcomes

Interaction and collaboration beyond the classroom Interaction and collaboration beyond the classroom 24/7 access to e-learning spaces is available through a
 Investigation of Content Management Systems  To implement SIMON V3 (Intranet) and secure intranet set up for all classes where students
(CMS) and online classroom spaces over past beyond to ensure all classes are using and teachers publish and share resources and ideas;
5 years o Class learning spaces participate in discussions; collect and submit work
 ICT Integration Team members shown how to o Student personal learning spaces online; and receive assessment and feedback online.
use online classroom spaces o Repository of digital resources
 Ad hoc use made of our SIMON Intranet o Development of courses online
Learning Areas or SINA MyInternet online o Submission and assessment of Establish local and global learning communities which
MyClasses spaces while waiting for the student work contribute to learning for students
release of SIMON V3 o Collaboration with local and global
communities Maintain a system of quality assured digital resources
 Digital content is stored within networked that are easy to locate, access and use.
servers which are not available beyond the  To provide some courses online for students
school LAN. within the school and outside the school.
 Web-based library catalogue with federated
searching of other libraries and online
reference services and online subscriptions are  To move all digital resources to an online
available 24/7 essentially one-way provision of Content Management System (CMS) to
information provide access 24/7
 Generally software is purchased with network  To embed system and nationally developed
licencing to allow programs to available for use digital content into the curriculum
throughout the school  To expand empowerment features of library
 Planning for parental/family connections to the catalogue and subscription connections to
Intranet to allow them access to resources and provide more interactive communication
opportunity to contribute to their child’s between teachers, students and parents and
learning online experts
 To expand the ranges of programs and
 To develop the Parent portal with access to
student work, assessment and progress,
Classroom flexibility resources, course structures, calendars, All physical learning spaces are ICT ready for the use
of wired or wireless mobile technologies and where
 All classrooms allow internet and LAN access attendance and communication links with
possible allow for the flexible arrangements of groups
St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 19 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
by teachers teachers and school administrators for collaborative learning.
 Desk movement can allow configuration for
group work in most classrooms but rectangular Classrooms flexibility
shaped tables can hinder flexible  To adapt classroom furniture to assist in more
configurations for group work flexible configurations required for collaborative
 There are rooms with class sets of computers, group work
specialist rooms with computers, computer  To provide laptops on trolleys to allow access
labs and computers available in the library to ICT within any classroom

To provide secure means for students to store and

recharge their laptops in a 1:1 computing environment

Intended Outcomes and Goals Key Implementation Strategies Responsibility Time frame Budget Review
24/7 access to e-learning spaces is available through a
secure intranet set up for all classes where students Annual
and teachers publish and share resources and ideas;
participate in discussions; collect and submit work
online; and receive assessment and feedback online.

Establish local and global learning communities which Annual

contribute to learning for students
 To implement SIMON V3 (Intranet) and beyond
to ensure all classes are using Update Intranet to SIMON V3 Dir ICT; Jan 2009 $9,000
o Class learning spaces Database pa
o Student personal learning spaces Training of staff Manager;
o Repository of digital resources SIMON
o Development of courses online Training of students Developers
o Submission and assessment of student
o Collaboration with local and global

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 20 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
 To provide some courses online for students
within the school and outside the school. Establish usefulness and likely courses Dir ICT; Dir 2010
Determine delivery model Curric; KLA Co-
Build courses ord’s
Maintain a system of quality assured digital resources Publish courses; Enrol and Certify students 2011
that are easy to locate, access and use.
 To move all digital resources to an online Update Intranet to SIMON V3 Dir ICT;
Content Management System (CMS) to provide Database Annual
access 24/7 Update to Library catalogue system and online Manager; 2009 and
 To embed system and nationally developed subscriptions Library ongoing
digital content into the curriculum Manager;
Training of staff SIMON
 To expand empowerment features of library Developers
catalogue and subscription connections to Training of students
provide more interactive communication
between teachers, students and parents and Training of parents
online experts
 To expand the ranges of programs and ICON preparation and implementation Dir ICT 2011-2013
 To develop the Parent portal with access to
student work, assessment and progress, SIMON Intranet or ICON Dir ICT 2011
resources, course structures, calendars,
attendance and communication links with
teachers and school administrators

All physical learning spaces are ICT ready for the use
of wired or wireless mobile technologies and where
possible allow for the flexible arrangements of groups Annual
for collaborative learning.
 To adapt classroom furniture to assist in more
flexible configurations required for collaborative Audit furniture and update when needed with flexible Dir Curric 2009
group work furniture
 To provide laptops on trolleys to allow access
Pilot 30 laptops Dir ICT; CSM 2009 $30,000
to ICT within any classroom
Implement 90 more laptops on trolleys 2010 $80,000

 To provide secure means for students to store

Adequate lockers, recharging stations, swappable Dir ICT; CSM 2011
and recharge their laptops in a 1:1 computing
batteries and security cameras to be provided

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 21 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
ICT Infrastructure

ICT infrastructure
The infrastructure that supports teachers, students and administrators to effectively plan, design, deliver, assess and report for contemporary learning.

Vision: Reliable ICT infrastructure and technical support provides highly accessible and efficient use of ICT for learning, teaching and administration

Current practice Goals 2009 – 2012 Intended Outcomes

Appendix 8: ICT Annual Report 2008

Network Infrastructure
 Integrated wired network through all rooms of Network The ICT infrastructure provides an integrated, efficient
the school  To integrate and expand wireless access to system for the full range of teaching, learning and
 Integrated wireless access through some cover all areas of the school to achieve administrative requirements
areas of the school – upgrading to 802.11n successful implementation of 1:1 computing
 Wired network points to all staff work desks  To development and implement a Content
 Access to networked printers and scanners Management System for 24/7 availability of
 Access to networked servers based on staff or resources
student roles  To improve internet connection for staff and
 Remote access to email and administrative students to achieve successful implementation
functions via the SIMON Intranet is available of 1:1 computing
 Access to curriculum resources is available but  To improve power supply and secure charging
is very limited as the Content Management stations and storage to achieve successful
System is yet to be developed implementation of 1:1 computing
 Fibre optic 1GB connections between switches
and 10GB between cores
 Newly established ICT Admin Centre with
reliable servers and redundant systems
 Separate student and staff networks
 Separate student and staff internet access
o Student access ADSL 1.5MB/256 kB
o Staff access via Neighbourhood Cable

Hardware Delivery Hardware, software and network infrastructure is

Hardware Delivery
 All teachers have personal laptops which are systematically and routinely monitored and upgraded in
upgraded every 3 years for staff who  To purchase laptops for student use in
classrooms and library light of emerging technologies and future requirements
contribute to their purchase (95%) in curriculum and administration.
 Administrative staff have desktops  To investigate the purchase of netbook
computers (smaller laptop type computers) by
 Networked printers and photocopiers/scanners
students when they have sufficient power,
are available throughout the school
battery life, reliability and cost.
 Digital camera and video cameras available
St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 22 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
 Servers and desktops are fitted with UPS  To development a digital recording studio,
 Wireless access points 802.11n capable of editing suite and radio station
fastest current network speeds  To complete data projector system installations
 All servers and network switches/routers highly to all classrooms
integrated using VLANs and capable of  To install some Interactive White Boards if
expansion criteria for use are met
 All computer areas fitted with air conditioning  To develop video conferencing systems
 Computer systems replaced on a 3 year cycle  To achieve a Year 9-12 computer/student ratio
 Current total school student/computer ratio 2:1 in 2009
3.5:1  To achieve a 1:1 computer/student ratio for
 Current Years 9-12 student/computer ratio 3:1 Years 9-12 by Dec 2011
 Laptop availability for students only for  To achieve a whole school student/computer
students with injuries ratio of 1:1 by Feb 2012
 Multimedia projector systems installed in 46  By the start of 2013 all students will have their
rooms own personal laptop

Software Delivery
 Licencing agreements in place Software Delivery
 Network licences are purchased unless  To continue current arrangements with
software is only required in specified specialist software delivery
 General Office and major application software
is retained for specified time to reduce
upgrading cost for parents
 Purchasing must be justified to satisfy
curriculum or administrative requirements

Backup Systems and Disaster Recovery

 Backup Server mirrors all critical data Backup Systems and Disaster Recovery
 Second backup regime based on weekly full  To investigate other backup and disaster
backups and daily incremental backups to recovery methods
external hard drives stored in secure area in  To implement backup mirror servers for
separate area of the campus mission critical operations in another on-site
 DRS procedures in place location.

Technical Support
 All systems purchased with 3 year extended Technical Support Technical support is readily available to minimise
next day on-site warranty  To continue current arrangements with disruptions to learning, teaching and administration.
 Outsourcing of tasks as required technical support for 2:1 computing
 Online help desk system to log support jobs  1:1 computers to require an increase in staffing There is a system of monitoring of KPI’s to maintain
 3 technical staff – Computer Services and ad hoc support high standards of technical support.
St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 23 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
Manager; Computer Support Officer; Computer
 Key Performance Indicators established to
evaluate system and support services
 Performance of all ICT staff and services is
managed and appraised annually by the
Director of ICT

Budgeting of Resources ICT budgeting provides for continual upgrading to allow

 Annual operational and capital budgets are Budgeting of Resources the school to rapidly take advantage of future
submitted to the Board  To continue current arrangements with improvements in ICT delivery and infrastructure.
 A student computer levy is applied budgeting

Intended Outcomes and Goals Key Implementation Strategies Responsibility Time frame Budget Review

The ICT infrastructure provides an integrated, efficient Annual

system for the full range of teaching, learning and
administrative requirements
 To integrate and expand wireless access to Infrastructure Audit by TT Partners CSM 2009-2013 $3,000
cover all areas of the school to achieve
successful implementation of 1:1 computing Upgrade wireless controller to 802.11n and CSM 2009-2011 $50,000
purchase of more access points

Install access points as required throughout school 2009-2010 $18,000

 To development and implement a Content
Management System for 24/7 availability of Simon V3 CMS installed
resources $10,000
 To improve internet connection for staff and Connect via Catholic Network Australia (CNA) and CSM 2009
students to achieve successful implementation CEVN subscription
of 1:1 computing
 To improve power supply and secure charging Audit and upgrade power as required to achieve 2010 $22,000 Annual
stations and storage to achieve successful successful 1:1 functionality pa
implementation of 1:1 computing

Hardware, software and network infrastructure is

systematically and routinely monitored and upgraded in
light of emerging technologies and future requirements

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 24 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
in curriculum and administration.
 To purchase laptops for student use in Initial use of 15 in Yr 7 Enquiry room, 30 in library CSM $70,000
classrooms and library and 30 on trolleys
 To investigate the purchase of netbook
computers (smaller laptop type computers) by Trial models as they appear CSM and Tech 2008
students when they have sufficient power, staff
battery life, reliability and cost.
 To development a digital recording studio, Library Manager ongoing $100,000
editing suite and radio station Plans developed as part of library redevelopment
Submission to College Board $6,000
 To complete data projector system installations Dir ICT 2008
to all classrooms 25 classrooms to be completed
 To install some Interactive White Boards if Dir ICT
criteria for use are met 3 Maths rooms and Yr 7 Enquiry Room 2009

 To develop video conferencing systems Dir ICT; CSM; 2009 $140,000

Investigate project Dir Curric
Major centre within library recording studio
Dir ICT; CSM 2009-2012 $206,000
New staff laptops with web cam for
classroom/individual conferencing
Dir ICT; CSM; 2010
Purchase a mixture of laptops on trolleys and Tech staff
 To achieve a Year 9-12 computer/student ratio computer desktop systems $330,000
2:1 in 2009 2009-2012

Purchase laptops for years 9-12 to achieve a 1:1 CSM 180 laptops
 To achieve a 1:1 computer/student ratio for
ratio by Dec 2011 in 2010
Years 9-12 by Dec 2011
240 laptops $200,000
 To achieve a whole school student/computer
Yr 7 starting in 2011 to purchase personal laptops in 2011
ratio of 1:1 by Feb 2013
$10,000 Annual
 By the start of 2013 all students will have their Increase licencing to manage 1:1 computing CSM Ongoing pa
own personal laptop
KLA specific software approved when shown it will CSM Ongoing Annual
 To continue current arrangements with be integrated into courses
software delivery
Ongoing research Dir ICT Ongoing

Install into old Server room which is secure and a

 To investigate other backup and disaster safe distance from current server room in case of CSM Ongoing
recovery methods fire Annual
 To implement backup mirror servers for CSM 2010
mission critical operations in well separated on-

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 25 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
site location.
Dir ICT; CSM Ongoing
Technical support is readily available to minimise KPI’s reviewed from Help Desk logs and feedback
disruptions to learning, teaching and administration. from end users $40,000

There is a system of monitoring of KPI’s to maintain

high standards of technical support. 1:1 computers to require an increase in staffing and
 To continue current arrangements with ad hoc support Dir ICT; CSM 2010-2012
technical support – Appendix 7: Service Level
Agreements and Key Performance Indicators
Annual budget submitted to Business Manager and
ICT budgeting provides for continual upgrading to allow the College Board Dir ICT Ongoing
the school to rapidly take advantage of future
improvements in ICT delivery and infrastructure. ICT Levy provides some income from parents
 To continue current arrangements with
budgeting – Appendix 5: ICT Budget Plan 2009 Spending tracked by Accounts Office and by Dir ICT

Adjustments made as required

Dir ICT; Bus Ongoing

 1:1 planning - Year 7 students to commence Manager
with purchase of own laptops in 2011 and Yr 10
in 2012

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 26 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011

The administrative practices that enable the effective management of information within and beyond the school community

Vision: The school uses ICT for the efficient and effective delivery of all business processes.

Current practice Goals 2009 – 2012 Intended Outcomes

System Enterprise Solutions exist for ICT improves the efficiency, quality and timeliness of
 Most business operations To investigate and implement System Enterprise school business
 Student records Solutions for:
 Timetabling  Content management for curriculum
 Daily organisation  Improved student behaviour management
 Student attendance  Purchase orders
 Student assessment and reporting  Online submission of updated personal details
 Data for tracking student progress by parents
 Library  Cohesive search engine for all digital
 Staff communication resources across both library and curriculum
 School website content management systems
 School Intranet  Move historical archival material to web-based
 Historical archival material solution linked to website

Automation of business and ICT administrative  To develop automated processes as required

Automated processes reduce errors in completion of
procedures occurs critical processes
Website used to:
 Communicate with parents, past students,  To expand the promotion of the school to the
Maintain a dynamic and informative website for
prospective families, current staff and students, wider community via the website
communication and promotion of the school locally and
educational community, wider community globally.
 Promote activities and events
 Promote the school

Systematic evaluation of SES’s in relation to specific  To evaluate all System Enterprise Solutions to
develop solutions that improve existing
requirements. Systematically and routinely evaluate SES’s in relation
to strategic plans.

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 27 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
Intended Outcomes and Goals Key Implementation Strategies Responsibility Time frame Budget Review

ICT improves the efficiency, quality and timeliness of

school business Annual

 To investigate and implement System

Enterprise Solutions for:
o Content management for curriculum Implementation of SIMON V3 Dir ICT 2009

o Improved student behaviour Within SIMON Deputy Principals 2009-2010

management and YLC’s

o Purchase orders Allow submission of purchase orders via SES Business 2009-2010

o Online submission of updated personal Within SIMON or TASS outsourced Dir ICT; Business 2009-2010
details by parents Manager

o Cohesive search engine for all digital Investigate and trial Dir ICT; Library 2009
resources across both library and Manager
curriculum content management

o Move historical archival material to Investigate software Dir ICT 2010 $15,000
web-based solution linked to website Outsource transfer of data Archives Manager
Link to website

Automated processes reduce errors in completion of

critical processes Annual
 To develop automated processes as required Outsource to programmers often in conjunction with CSM; Database
SIMON developers Manager; Dir ICT Ongoing $15,000
Maintain a dynamic and informative website for
communication and promotion of the school locally and Annual
globally. Dir ICT;
 To expand the promotion of the school to the Newsletter and other publications delivered via Publications
wider community via the website website Manager;
Events advertised and News updated dynamically

Systematically and routinely evaluate SES’s in relation Annual

to strategic plans. Dir ICT; CSM;

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 28 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
 To evaluate all System Enterprise Solutions to Evaluation criteria developed Database
develop solutions that improve existing Manager; Library
processes Review all solutions Manager;

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 29 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
Summary of adjustments to original plan to provide 1:1 computing

Completed by:
Nov 2009 – Infrastructure audit (brought forward from Mar 2010)
Jan 2010 - Purchase of 180 laptops
June 2010 - Network infrastructure upgrade
Dec 2010 - Electrical power provision upgrade
Dec 2010 - Software licencing increase
Dec 2010 - PD for staff to prepare for 1:1 - ongoing through 2011 and 2012.
Jan 2011 - Purchase of 240 laptops – completion of purchases
Dec 2011 – Completion of project

General Comments
We shall require more than the allocated 404 computers to meet our projected increase of 12% in student numbers for Years 9-12 in 2011. If this cannot be met by the
NSSCF grant, the College will need to other ways to fund these laptops.

As we move towards 1:1 for Years 9-12, we are also investigating a sustainable laptop 1:1 program for Year 7 commencing in 2011. Year 7 students will need to supply
their own laptops and would retain these for 3 years. After completion of the NSSCF funding period, we would need to commence a similar student supplied laptop scheme
at Year 10.

Strategic provision of computers for Year 9-12

Purchasing 180 laptops in 2010 will provide a bank of 264 laptops purchased under NSSCF funding to provide 247 Year 9 students with their own laptop in 2012.
Combined with a 240 laptops purchased in Jan 2011 to be given to the Year 10 students, we will achieve a 1:1 ratio for Year 9-12. In 2011 Years 9, 11 and 12 will be
provided with computers at school only. In 2012, Year 12 will use computers within school only. By 2013 all students will have a personal laptop to use between school and
home. (Table 1: Moving to 1:1 Computing)

Upgrade of Infrastructure
The College completed rebuilding its ICT facilities in March 2008. We have improved some of our network infrastructure and TT Partners completed an infrastructure
November 2009. This audit provides a better outline of further improvements required to successfully move to 1:1 provision. With recent upgrades to wireless access,
switches, servers and cabling, we believe the infrastructure upgrades will be easily managed.

Recurrent Costs
Electrical power
The College is currently undergoing an audit to determine future power requirements with a possibility of an upgrade to the on-site substation.

The College has gained approval for connection to the Catholic Network Australia with a promised bandwidth of 20MB synchronous. Costs of increased internet traffic as a
result of 1:1 computing will be determined.

Technical Support
Extra support will be required to roll-out new computers within the College. This support will be required on a longer term basis to assist with daily distribution and
maintenance of laptops on trolleys over the next two years. Technical support to install new servers and wireless networking will be required and PD for Technical staff to

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 30 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
maintain and develop the network changes will be required to ensure successful 1:1 implementation. Additional staff will be required to assist teachers integrate ICT within
the classroom.

Software Licences
A major strategy to ensure successful implementation of 1:1 computing in the classroom will be the use of software to improve personal interactions between teachers and
students. This includes two facets – a curriculum delivery mode and a monitor/control mode. We have trialled three possible software solutions and we currently believe
that HeuCampus software is the best solution to fulfil this requirement. Other current software licences will require extra licences based on our increased numbers of
student computers. We are not likely to pursue Open Source for the main “Office” software. We are looking to reduce costs to parents for any texts and other equipment
such as calculators that can be substituted by using the laptop, software and online sources.

Facilities to securely store laptops during the cross over phase from 2:1 to 1:1 and eventually to ensure all student personal laptops are secure will require an increase in
surveillance cameras and security alarms around the College. We will be implementing a method of easily identifying laptops and who owns them.

Environmental Considerations
Secure monitored recharge stations will be installed at locations around the College. Staffed areas with swappable charged batteries will be located around the College.
Alterations to the furnishings and layout of some classrooms and IT labs may be required.

Teacher PD
Internal teacher PD will occur in large group sessions during PD days, after school sessions and in small group or individual sessions through time release from classes or
from being used for covering extras. A list of skills will be completed by all staff. Other PD will include guest presenters, staff training other staff, external providers and
conferences. Employment of ICT Coaches will provide assistance to teachers for ICT integration.

Some general skill development required to move to 1:1

 MS Office 2007 (upgrade from MS Office 2003) – Word, PowerPoint and Outlook – Nov/Dec 2009
 Windows 7 (upgrade from Windows XP) – Jan 2010
 Intranet Document Management System and Learning Areas – Jan 2010
 Basic functions of Tablet laptops – Jan/Feb 2010
 One Note basics – Feb/Mar 2010
 Using Tablets effectively for teaching and learning Mar-Dec 2010
 HeuCampus: Teaching in a 1:1 environment – May-Dec 2010 and ongoing through 2011/2012

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 31 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011
Table 1: Moving to 1:1 Computing

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Yr Yr
Yr Level Nos Yr Level Nos Yr Level Nos Level Nos Level Nos Yr Level Nos Yr Level Nos
12 173
11 209 12 209
10 220 11 220 12 220
9 240 10 240 11 240 12 240
8 240 9 240 10 240 11 240 12 240
7 247 8 247 9 247 10 247 11 247 12 247
6 7 247 8 247 9 247 10 247 11 247 12 247
5 7 247 8 247 9 247 10 247 11 247
4 7 247 8 247 9 247 10 247
3 7 247 8 247 9 247
1 7 247 8 247
Prep 7 247

Achieving 1:1 Yrs 9-12

PC's PC's
Computers Required 842 909 947 601 121 reqd 121 reqd 121
School computers <4yo 577 689 929 758 539 PC's<4yo 361 PC's<4yo 121
Balance 220 18 -157 -418 PC only -240 PC only 0

Student owned 0 0 247 741 1235 1482 1482

Yr 10 use of school NSSCF funded laptops - 2011 purchase (240)
Parent purchased laptops and kept for 3 years
Yr 9 use of 247 NSSCF funded laptops from 2009 and 2010 purchases

St Joseph’s College Geelong – ICT Strategic Plan Page 32 of 32 Revision Date: July 2011

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