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O. A. van Nierop, A. C M. Blankendaal, and C. J.


The Evolution of the Bicycle:

A Dynamic Systems Approach

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In this article we argue that dynamic systems theory provides design historians with new concepts and tools which afford new
possibilities for studying, understanding, and quantifying the process of design evolution. We show that the evolution of the
bicycle has diverged and converged in a non-linear way, a general characteristic of co-evolving adaptive systems. By exploring
the dynamic characteristics of the bicycle-society system we reveal that the origin of the modern bicycle stems in great part from
innovations applied in three- or four-wheeled human-powered vehicles.

Introduction from failures can be applied immediately. This

means for Norman that 'in principle, design is
It is generally assumed that the bicycle, as we superior to evolution, because it is guided,
know it today, has its starting point in the run- because the designer follows engineering prin-
ning-machine created by Baron Von Drais. The ciples and can remember and benefit from pre-
development of subsequent models is sometimes vious successes and failures'.7 In practice,
described as if it were a linear' process: new however, for Norman, design is not very different
models would logically follow previous models from evolution, because design is not free of its
and that process should be equally spread over own historical pressures: 'So, design is more often
time.1 Pinch and Bijker2 have shown that such a modification than innovation, following the his-
linear model is not appropriate. tory that came before, even if it is no longer
The reason why most people are, often impli- relevant, even if we no longer know what that
citly, in favour of a linear structure of (technolo- history meant. Is design so very different from
gical) evolution is that it allows them to focus only evolution? I think not.'8
on successful innovations. Petroski,3 however, has Steadman gives an overview of biological ana-
stressed the important role of unsuccessful logies in design history. He comes to the conclu-
designs. His main point is that 'the form of sion that a compromise is needed between two
made things is always subject to change in extreme views: on the one hand, 'the complete
response to their real or perceived shortcomings, unalterable functional integrity of each separate
their failure to function properly.4 Hence, 'form species and the impossibility of any transforma-
follows failure'. tion of one into another', and, on the other hand,
Norman, too, emphasizes the role of failures in 'a complete evolutionary plasticity allowing trans-
the evolution of an individual design.5 A model is formation in any direction and with any result'.9
tried out, weak points are discovered and More examples about the nature of design
improved so that the model is modified and evolution could be given—for example, Roy's
optimized. This process, then, seems comparable The pattern of innovation'10—but the general
to a natural process of evolution. But in his book idea should be clear by now. One thing all authors
Turn Signals are the Facial Expressions of Automo- seem to agree about is the great diversity in
biles,6 Norman emphasized the differences design, i.e. the great variety of solutions to a
between natural and design evolution. According problem. Points of discussion on the evolution of
to him, in design evolution the lessons learned design and technology include:
Journal of Design History Vol. 10 No. 3 © 1997 The Design History Society 253
selection of fitness: design evolution as a biolo- applied in a qualitative manner to the history of
gical analogy to the selection and fitness of human-powered vehicles that led to the modern
novel artefacts; bicycle. Finally, we discuss possibilities as well as
the creation of diversity: dynamic constraints as shortcomings of the dynamic systems approach
non-linearity (cause and effect are not propor- for the history of design.
tional) on the creation of diversity.11

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Dynamic Systems Theory
The Scope of this Article
In this section we aim to clarify the following
In the Cambrian period, 550 million years ago, the statement: that the patterns of co-evolving
number of species grew very rapidly. This Cam- dynamic ecosystems, such as the bicycle-society
brian explosion was followed by several large system, show periods of stability, progressive
reductions in the number of species. In one of complication, transitions with critical fluctuations
these periods, the Perm, 200 million years ago, up to new states, and evolve to the edge of chaos to
to 96 per cent of the total number of species be maximally adaptive.
became extinct. This evolutionary pattern is not Think, as an example, of a society at a given
unique to creation and extinction in biology but moment with a given, although unknown, need
has some general characteristics. The patterns of for bicycles. Because we do not know a priori
creation and extinction in design evolution may which bicycle design will be successful, we
show the same general characteristics. These gen- market several designs. Each design will fill a
eral characteristics are common for adaptive com- 'niche' in society's 'bicyde-need'. One design
plex systems which exhibit non-linear self- will be more appropriate for races, another for
organizing behaviour. long-distance journeys, etc. The 'fitness' of each
Many terms are in circulation for the study of design depends on the selection criteria at that
such systems, for example: synergetics (Haken), moment (safety, velocity, etc.) and on other
non-equilibrium thermodynamics (Prigogine), designs which are currently available. Thus a
complex systems theory (Langton, Kauffman), design or artefact is merely one solution to a
catastrophe theory (Thom, Zeeman), and chaos problem for which a whole set of solutions may
theory (Gleick). Of these, 'chaos theory' is an be possible. The fitness of each bicycle may be
inappropriate term. Apart from the confusion it dependent on the number of models (variety)
creates with regard to the common-sense under- already available and their relationships with
standing of it (since it suggests disordered beha- other designs. For example, if a design co-exists
viour), it emphasizes only one of many forms of with another design for the same user group, this
dynamic behaviour that complex systems may will reduce its fitness.
exhibit. Dynamic systems theory could be a Moreover, consider, for the sake of argument,
more appropriate general term. the following very unlikely scenario. If the
Dynamic systems theory is about the nature of number of designs, their mutual relationships,
development, adaptation, and evolution and and the social context do not change there will
accounts for diversity, (non)linearity, selection, evolve, over time, a stable situation in which a
and fitness.12 The concepts and tools of this certain number of each design will be sold on the
theory have already been applied to a great vari- market. Each design, then, has reached an equili-
ety of systems, ranging from genetics, via evolu- brium with a certain fitness, optimal at that time
tionary biology, and economics to social and [1]. If nothing changes (in developing new designs
cultural systems as well as human biomechanics. or in society), this system will remain constant.
In this article we argue that they can usefully be But obviously the assumptions in this example are
applied to the evolution of design. far from realistic. We are dealing with a society
We present a global sketch of dynamic systems which is continuously changing and an active
theory. The concepts and tools discussed are world of bicycle designers. Thus the equilibrium
254 O. A. van Nierop, A. C. M. Blankcndaal, and C. ]. Overbetke
i In an unchanging situation, the
fitness landscape of bicycles will
mode) X achieve, over time, an equilibrium
model Y
model Z

y x s^—~N

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i 1^


can be disturbed in two ways: a change in need considerations of the fitness of other designs and
and a change in resources. lead to a new equilibrium. In such a co-evolu-
If something changes in society (needs or selec- tionary process, the landscape of one design
tion criteria such as velocity, safety, or environ- heaves and deforms as other designs make their
mental influences like laws or the improvement of own adaptive moves.
roads), then again there are two possibilities: after If one could know at any given time the pos-
a time, the system returns to stability and the sible solutions and the success ('fitness') quotient
change is said to have been a perturbation only; of each, it would be possible to present a cross-
or the system evolves to a new (stable) situation. section of a fitness landscape of the whole bicycle-
Some existing designs become more fit, new society system. A hypothetical example of such a
designs appear, and others become extinct. cross-section can be illustrated [2]. We can discern
The fact that in some cases apparently extreme three types of fitness landscape: simple, chaotic,
influences have no effect while in other cases and complex. 'Simple' fitness landscapes have a
small influences have far-reaching effects leads flat scenery with one hilltop. There is one optimal
to one of the most important characteristics of bicycle with all the optimal elements for that
dynamic complex systems: cause and effect are period. The system is sensitive only to large
not proportionally related. For example, the dis- influences. The form of a 'chaotic' landscape is
cover of a differential gear by J. Starley in 1880 rugged, with many local tops and local valleys.
had no effect on the design of the bicycle but was The attractors (the relatively stable states to which
of great importance to the success of the tricycle a system tends to evolve) are highly sensitive to
(and is still an essential part of the motor car). But small influences: the system is chaotic. Between
the small step from the cushion tyre to the dis- the 'simple' and 'chaotic' landscapes exists the
covery of the pneumatic tyre by Dunlop in 1887 'edge of chaos', the 'complex' landscape with
led to the ('catastrophic') transition from high- neither too few nor too many hills. This represents
wheeled 'Ordinaries' to the low 'Safety7 bicycle. a maximally adaptive state of the system.
It is only in retrospect that we can conclude that The topology of a fitness landscape—the
the differential gear was a negligible invention for number of solutions that are available and the
the bicycle whereas the invention of the pneu- selection criteria—is bound to change: nobody
matic tyre was essential. knows a priori the best solution to a problem.
Change may also be instigated by bicycle But more and more is known about the process of
designers or manufacturers. They may try to finding the best solution to a problem.
design a new model fitter than the designs Kauffman13 has made it clear in his numerical
already available. The new design may affect simulations of complex systems that maximally
The Evolution of the Bicycle 255
2 Hypothetical cross-section of
a fitness landscape for several
human-powered vehicles

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Tricycle Dwarf Safety 'Rover1 Hobby Horse High Wheel Ordinary

adaptive systems evolve to a state with neither too and later). The landscape is a qualitative descrip-
much nor too little variation: the edge of chaos. tion of the evolution of the bicycle. However, it is
The creation of variations (divergence) and the possible to quantify the landscape if one disposes
deletion of variation (selection or convergence) of the sales data (as a possible index of popularity)
are not just a haphazard pattern. It is the pattern and the number of bicycle models at any given
of the creation and extinction of design which is moment. The dynamic characteristics of the system
very common in evolving and adapting systems. (for example, types and stability of attractors) can
Adaptive co-evolving systems evolve towards a then be identified.
process (and not a static state) with a maximal In the next section we describe the history of the
survival chance and a maximal opportunity to bicycle according to this model. Char fitness land-
adapt to changing circumstances. Adaptation, scape of the global evolution of human-powered
thus, is like a journey and not a destination. vehicles (see [3]) shows the creation and extinc-
To summarize: a fitness landscape provides a tion of models, periods of considerable and little
general qualitative overview of the evolution of a diversity. The selection criteria influencing the
system. Dynamic systems theory may not predict fitness and the stability of the respective models
which bicycle will become successful. But if the will be described in the text.
bicycle-society may be described as a complex
system, this means that the models will not
evolve towards equilibria but that the system as a The Evolution of the Bicycle: From Horsepower
whole will evolve towards the edge of chaos. This to Manpower
implies that some parts of the system will be stable A world that for centuries ran on horsepower
and other parts will be changing. At the edge of provided a challenge to devise modes of transport
chaos, the ratio of change and stability will be at an powered by humans.14 The running-machine of
optimum, such that it is maximally adaptive. Baron von Drais is often credited as the ancestor
How can we recognize that the bicycle-society of the modern bicycle [3.1]. A brief comparison
system has evolved towards the edge of chaos? The indicates many shared characteristics: two small
macroscopic evolution of the bicycle is illustrated wheels in line, the driver seated in an upright
as a fitness landscape [3]. As a criterion for fitness position between them with his feet reaching to
we have used the relative popularity of respective the ground. Looking closer at the history of
models which, admittedly, is a very simple view of bicycle development, however, we find a vast
the market. The landscape changes with time from diversity of ideas about propulsion, driver stabi-
simple (only a few solutions) to chaotic (the period lity, and comfort.
1884-90 with a great diversity), to complex (1890 In our scheme we place the evolution of the
256 O. A. van Nierop, A. C. M. BUmkendaal, and C. J. Overbceke
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3 The evolution of the bicycle conceptualized in dynamic systems theory

bicycle, as an indirectly driven two-wheeler, tricycles. Directly driven machines are defined as
between the evolution of the indirectly driven having a transmission that is anatomically and
three- and four-wheelers and the directly driven mechanically constant. Developments in these
two-wheelers, to show how the development of three 'streams' did not happen separately, as
the bicycle has benefited from innovations and they often took place within the same factory.
failures on both sides. Indirectly driven vehicles In the next section the evolution of the bicycle is
are defined as having a transmission in which the described in episodic form in text blocks and is
transmission ratio can be changed mechanically. structured by the fitness landscape already illus-
In directly driven machines the transmission is trated (see [3]). The fitness landscape and the
either linked directly to the anatomy, as in the corresponding text blocks can be read interactively
running-machine, or mechanically, as in toddlers' to obtain the best way of getting to grips with the
The Evolution of the Bicycle 257
search process of designers, with their successes The first successful steered two-wheeler was the
and failures, and with the process by which con- wooden running-machine invented by Baron von
sumers search for the best vehicle. This fitness Drais in 1817. Relatively comfortable and safe, the
landscape (see [3]) combines both processes and rider sat above the centre of the machine with his feet
illustrates when periods of great diversity existed, touching the ground. By walking he had a direct drive.
and when diversity declined. The numbers refer to The 'Draisienne' was demonstrated and manufactured
blocks of text and illustrations. By this means we in Paris. In England it was produced with improve-
hope to make clear that the history of a product is ments and known as a 'hobby-horse'. A 'velocipede

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not necessarily linear and that, as a consequence, vogue' raged as far afield as New York, Milan, and
the bicycle is not a direct descendant of the run- Calcutta. Regulations restricting riding came about as
ning-machine, as is often claimed. a result of this vogue. By 1820 it was all over, after
which the 'Draisienne' was used only by youngsters as
a toy in the countryside.

The running-machine demanded daring as it

needed speed for stability. While coasting, or
effortless velocity, was psychologically reward-
ing, driving on unpaved roads caused dirty
shoes. Dandy drivers in Paris used the newly
applied invention of the sidewalk to keep their
feet clean while riding their 'Draisiennes'. This
provoked a new kind of social conflict with
pedestrians who had thought themselves for
the first time safely separated from carriages
and horses. Driving a 'Draisienne' was reward-
1.1 Docteur Richard's four-wheeler (1696) ing and challenging, thereby enhancing fitness of
the design while social conflicts reduced its
The earliest examples of human-powered vehicles date fitness. Only when riding and propelling four-
back to medieval Italian three- and four-wheeled carts and three-wheeled carts could one keep one's
built for carnival parades. Indirectly driven by means feet clean.
of levers or treadles, rods, and cranks, these machines
were crudely built and, as a result, heavy and difficult
to move, which hampered their general use. On a visit
to a patient in 1696, Docteur Richard let his footman
do the pedalling while he held the reins to the front

1.2 Tricycle by Bauer (1820)

Bauer's three-wheeled cart from 1820 was indirectly
driven by means of hand levers. Von Drais, however,
did not favour hand propulsion and disputed Bauer's
3.1 Baron von Drais's running-machine (1818) solution.
258 O. A. van Niewp, A. C. M. Blankendaai, and C. /. Overbetkt
Whether machines had four, three, or two wheels, They were built according to the latest (wood) technol-
only the indirect drive allowed for gearing and ogy, as in the construction of expensive coaches.
thereby small wheels. This secured low and safe Sawyer sold them over a period of twenty years, but
seating and dean shoes. Of course the lightest to in small numbers as they were only affordable by the
handle was the two-wheeler. As it required speed well-to-do.
for stability it attracted the most daring of
designers and drivers.
In this indirectly driven four-wheeler the rider
was seated in a low and stable position between

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four supporting points. He could easily get on
and off and shoes stayed clean because of the
indirect treadle drive. However, they were expen-
sive. Driving feet-off-the-ground on a simpler
(and cheaper) solution would require a two-
wheeler with a direct drive. If one was to get on
and off easily it had to have small wheels but
then one had to pedal much too fast. Never-
theless, cranks and axle directly linked to the
2.1 Gompertz's bicycle (1821) driven wheel had the charm of being simple.
In 1821, immediately after the success of the running-
machine, Gontpertz tried to solve the dirty-shoe problem.
He applied hand levers as a indirect drive to the front
wheel of a two-wheeled machine.

3.2 Fisher's bicycle (1853)

2.2 McMillan's bicycle (1839)
To solve the dirty-shoe problem in a two-wheeler,
McMillan endangered the streets in 1839 with a back- Fisher attempted in 1853 to create a direct drive with
wheel-driven machine with treadles and was the first to cranks and pedals fixed to the front wheel but was not
be fined for this. His machine was not successful. The (yet) successful.
apparent instability of the driver seemed to frighten off
possible users. In i860 the period when the fitness landscape
was characterized by few and low hilltops ended:
this landscape could be said to be 'simple'. In
1861 the successful tricycle-makers Michaux et
Fils attached cranks to the front wheel of a
'hobby-horse', like the crank handle of a grind-
stone. Society now seemed ready for the two-
wheeled self-propelled toy for the rich, and it
was to prove an intermittent success for at least
thirty years afterwards, whilst at the same time
1.3 A Quadricycle by Sawyer (c.1845)
the fitness of lighter tricycles was growing. With
From 1845 onwards, the four-wheelers made by the this development the fitness of the wooden four-
carriage-maker Sawyer from Dover became popular. wheelers (as made by Sawyer) rapidly dimin-
They were light in contrast to their sturdy forerunners. ished. The bicycle-society system started to bifur-
The Evolutwn of the Bicycle 259
cate, leading to increasing diversity: the bicycle made the 'Michaulines' even more dangerous, so
fitness landscape reflects this in lots of local hills it was only occasionally fitted. Moreover, riding
and valleys (of which only a few can be described the mostly unpaved roads with simple cartwheels
here). was not very comfortable. The diminishing fit-
ness of these two-wheelers was reflected in their
nickname, 'Boneshakers'. Meanwhile, other
craftsmen in other places toyed with promising

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2.3 Guilmet's bicycle (1869)

1.4 A Paris tricycle for ladies (1863)

Directly driven tricycles were in demand in Paris. By
using steel instead of wood, lighter treadle-driven
machines were popular, especially with ladies. Young
couples could chat sitting next to each other on
The indirect drive by means of pedals and chains
attached to the back wheel allowed for the necessary
change in gearing when using small wheels. In 1869,
the French watch-maker Guilmet met far the first time
almost all of the requirements far the two-wheeler by
the uncoupling of propulsion and steering, i.e. the back-
wheel drive: a low, safe position between the wheels and
above the pedals, keeping trousers and feet clean.

Guilmet died in the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1)

and his two-wheeler was not further developed.
3.3 The 'Michauline' (1869)
Thus international conflicts played their role in
The Michaux produced 500 'Michaulines' in 1865. the abrupt conclusion to the fitness of this pro-
After the 1867 World Fair in Paris they produced mising indirectly driven model.
3200 that year. The 'Michauline' of 1869 was, except The directly driven front-wheel 'Boneshaker7
for the wheels, made of wrought iron (the bronze got one's trousers dirty or even torn as the front
journal bearings were lubricated with blubber). With wheel brushed one's legs at every turn in the
a competing imitation in Coventry, a second 'veloci- road. A consequence of being seated far behind
pede craze' raged until 1870. the pedals was heavy pedalling. These disadvan-
tages were overcome by placing the cyclist
almost directly above the pedals. Now trousers
Riding a Tviichauline' was a daring sport. As stayed clean as the steep fork was more between
brakes were very inadequate, braking by giving the legs. The trend for this development was set
back pressure to the pedals was by far the best by James Starley who was to apply several
method to come to a standstill. For coasting inventions to two- and three-wheelers over the
downhill special foot-rests were fitted. Locating next ten years.
the whirring pedals in that situation was not easy
and often presented serious danger. The ratchet
gear was invented to coast 'feet-on-pedals', but
260 O. A. van Nienrp, A. C. M. Blankendaal, and C. ]. Overbetke
Now called 'Ordinaries', the two-wheelers were
increasingly dangerous. They toppled forward
quite easily because the cyclist's centre of gravity
was almost directly above the keeling point, i.e.
the front axis. The high position of the saddle
made getting on the 'Ordinary' difficult one had
to run next to the machine, jump into the saddle
and then find the revolving pedals with one's
feet. Braking by back-pressure on the pedals was

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3.4 'Ariel' by ]. Starley (1870)
still the best method but, if done abruptly, had
In 1870 Starley manufactured a directly driven two- the same effect as a stone on the road: a 'header'
wheeler called the 'Ariel'. This was made completely as it was called. The more daring cyclists joined
out of steel with solid rubber tyres. The wheels were of racing clubs that organized matches and trips into
the 'suspension' type and far lighter than the 'com- the countryside on Sundays.
pression'-type cartwheel used in the running-machine
and the 'Boneshaker'. The axle was now suspended
from the top of the rim by steel spokes instead of
leaning on wooden spokes that stood on the bottom of
the rim.

1.5 Asymmetrical tricycle by J. Starley (1877) 3.5 'Coventry' racer (1877)

In 1877, the innovation of chain and chain wheels The 'Ordinaries' became faster; front wheels in 1872
was applied for the first time in a tricycle, the chain were already 1.55 m high (the maximum radius being
still being crude. This innovation did not change the the driver's leg length). From 1877 machines became
transmission-ratio—hence the asymmetric configura- lighter as hollow 'backbones' were fitted. The challenge
tion with a large driving wheel. The tricycle was to make the sports machines lighter also resulted in
made entirely of steel and thereby lighter. The wheels lighter three- and four-wheelers. The invention of the
of this tricycle were a further development of the ball-bearing made them all easier to drive.
'Ariel' wheels from the same factory. They could
better withstand transverse forces by their tangen-
tially woven spoke pattern (as in contemporary
bicycles), in contrast to the radial spoke pattern of
earlier wheels.

The fitness of the tricycles was enhanced by

making them lighter to handle. As they were
stable and easy to get on they certainly looked
safer than the two-wheelers which grew increas-
ingly high. In the directly driven two-wheeler a 1.6 'Devon' symmetrical tricycle (1878)
comfortable pedalling tempo could only be
achieved by enlarging the driven front wheel. From 1878 symmetrical tricycles had two large driven
By the same token it was also becoming faster. wheels and a small steering wheel in the front or the

The Evolution of the Bicycle 261

back. Because they offered more stability than the now
dangerously high 'Ordinaries' they were called 'Safe-

In order for the symmetrical tricycle to turn easily

only one of the big wheels could be directly
driven while the other 'freewheeled' on the
drive shaft. On bends this gave a bad grip while

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2.5 The Singer 'Xtraordinary', a 'High Wheel Safety'
riding and while braking by back-pedalling. In (1879)
the 'Devon' this was partly solved by applying
the ratchet gear originally invented for the 'High Wheel Safeties' enjoyed a certain popularity
Tvlichaulines'. This invention made turning easy between 1879 and 1885. The 'Xtraordinary' from
but grip on the road was still unevenly spread. 1879 was again treadle-driven and its front wheel
All these refinements made the stable tricycle was just 1 m high. They allowed for a good pedalling
safer by the year, enhancing its fitness. As two- position and were easy to get on and off, but were still
wheelers were inherently lighter, the search for liable to topple forward due to the position of the driver.
safer configurations was on in order to give them
a better fit as well.
Diversity now increased so rapidly that the fit-
ness landscape became 'chaotic' over the next ten

2.4. Lawson's 'Bicyclette' (1879)

In 1879, Lawson made a 'Safety' two-wheeler, the
'Bicyclette . A safe sitting position far behind the
keeling point was achieved by applying a straight
backbone and the indirect steering and chain drive
common in tricycles. The back-wheel drive with 1.7 A 'Sociable' tricycle (1880)
changed gearing ratio makes it stand out only to us,
looking back into history. After 1880 the application of the ratchet gear in
tricycles was abandoned in favour of Starley's inven-
tion of the differential gear that facilitated maintenance
of grip and easy turning of three- and four-wheeled
The 'Bicyclette' was not fit: soon after its appear- machines (as later in the motor car). The differential
ance it was nicknamed The Crocodile'. Others gear was derived from an earlier construction in the
proposed a back-wheel chain drive using small 'Sociables'. This construction balanced differences in
wheels of equal size. However, these were not fit propulsion force between the two drivers.
either: they resembled the 'Boneshakers' too
much. Around 1880 trust in these two-wheeled
'Safeties' was weak and the stable tricycles gained
in popularity. Further bifurcation of the fitness
landscape went with greater diversity by deriving
lower 'Ordinaries' from the high ones, such as the
'High Wheel Safety'.
262 O. A. van Nierop, ACM. Bhmkendaal, and C. ]. Overbeeke
From the 'Draisienne' onwards, manufacturers
made women's versions of their bicycles, with a
lower instep to allow for the intricate set of
petticoats and skirts which was fashionable at
that time. But in the Victorian era, cycling was
considered a particularly male pastime and
thought less suited for ladies and the elderly.
Some women, though, cast off their crinolines

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and started to wear trousers so that they could
take part in serious cycling.

i.8 The 'Hillclimber', a tricycle 'Safety' (1886)

In 1881 symmetrical tricycle 'Safeties' topped the cycle
selling list. They were chic, enabling the 'beau-monde'
to set itself apart from the commoners on their 'Ordin-

A prosperous businessman would buy his leis-

ure-time tricycle for around £20, probably sev-
eral months' wages for the factory hand that 2.7 BSA 'Dwarf Safety' (1884)
made it. The young workman could find a Manufacturers kept on searching for the really safe and
second-hand 'Ordinary' for £5 or less and
comfortable two-wheeler 'Safety'. One simple thing to
expand his courting to villages three times
do was to assemble so-called 'Dwarf Safeties' from
further away than before. So the 'Ordinary'
three-wheeler parts. That was how this BSA (1884)
changed social habits while securing healthier
was made.

Racing was important through the evolution of

the cycle. Races were now organized by manu-
facturers in order to show the speed of their new
models, although the real credit of course had to
go to the drivers. However, the publicity that
resulted from winning certainly seduced buyers,
and so racing positively influenced the fitness of
both the bicycle and the tricycle.

2.6 The 'Kangaroo', a 'High Wheel Safety' (1884)

Another 'High Wheel Safety' was the 'Kangaroo'
(1884). Although these machines were lower than
'Ordinaries', they were used especially for sporting
1.9 A 'Cripper' tricycle leading in a race (1885)

The Evolution of the Bicycle 263

Tricycles with one driver could be raced but even almost equally sized wheels but the front fork pivot
faster were tandem tricycles; also still popular were was already old-fashioned. The frame still had no
the 'Sociables'. At the same time the 'Ordinary' was saddle tube: it apparently stemmed from the 'Cripper'
at the peak of its popularity. Altogether, between 1885 two- and three-wheelers.
and 1890, a great diversity of cycles crowded the

Besides racing, clerks took their tricycles to work

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in the City of London. Commuting by cycle was
now a commonplace. Employers such as banks
allowed for cycle parking below their buildings
where handymen fitted tyres and carried out
lubrication and small repair jobs. So even archi-
tecture and city layout were influenced by and 2.10 'Psycho' by ]. K. Starley (1887)
influenced the fitness landscape of the evolution The 'Cross Frame Safeties' had a straight backbone that
of the bicycle. originated in the beams of carts, coaches, and preceding
two-wheelers. The straight shape was applied for the
first time in the 'Bicyclette' by Lawson.

Between 1885 and 1890 'Cross Frame Safeties'

were as popular as TDwarf Safeties', 'Ordinaries',
'High Wheel Safeties', tricycles, and 'Rovers'. All
this contributed to chaos in the fitness landscape.
The 'Safety' bicycle with its small wheels seat-
ing the cyclist far behind the keeling point was
now safe for getting on and riding. However, the
little wheels still made riding bad roads with
2.8 Rumber 'Dwarf Safety' (1885) stones and potholes very unpleasant, in spite of
Bringing out tricycles and small bicycles with the same the cushion tyres (thick-walled rubber tubes) that
frame as the 'Cripper' of 1885 was another simple replaced the earlier solid tyres.
solution to broaden the range on offer.

2.11 Spring frame (1885-9)

2.9 The 'Rover III', a 'Safety' bicycle by J. K. Starley
(1885) The cross frame was simple to adapt with springs and
hinges to give a less bumpy ride. Spring frames, as they
The 'Rover' safety bicycle from 1885 by J. K. Starley
were called, were made in several different configura-
(a nephew of James Starley) is mentioned in most
literature as the starting point of the modern bicycle.
In the fitness landscape, however, the 'Rover' is only
one model among many others. It certainly had two

264 O. A. van NUrop, A. C M. Blankendaal, and C. J. Overbeeke

1.11 Tricycle (c.1900)
The development of tricycles stopped in 1892. From

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then on, they were used only as a means of transport by
butcher's boys and postmen.

}.6 The 'Ordinary' as sporting machine (1885)

One of the reasons why the 'Ordinary' was at the
height of its popularity in 1885 was its large front
wheel; it conquered the bad roads far more easily than
the small wheels of the 'Safety' bicycle and one felt like
a king riding it.

3.7 End of the 'Ordinary' (1892)

Being unsafe, the high two-wheeler was no longer
produced after 1892, but continued to be cherished by
1.10 Young Dunlop's tricycle with pneumatic tyres amateurs.
The fact that his son suffered from headaches is
mentioned in most texts as the reason why the veter-
inary surgeon Dunlop fitted his son's tricycle with
pneumatic tyres in 1887.

The invention of the pneumatic tyre was essential

to the modern bicycle. It gave the small-wheeled
2.12 Bicycle (1892)
'safety7 bicycle the riding comfort of the high two-
wheeler. The fitness of the 'Penny-Farthing', as it In 1892 most bicycles incorporated the diamond
was called with disdain, diminished rapidly. The frame with saddle tube built of cheap straight
heavier tricycle was no longer chic. Its fitness was seamless steel tubes (a German patent from 1887),
reduced as it became no more than a workhorse wheels of equal size, and pneumatic tyres.

The application of the ratchet gear (the 'free-

wheel' invented for the Tvlichaulines') was not
widespread until 1900. By this date brakes were
The Evolution of the Biq/de 265
much more reliable. This was the last improve- show that the innovations as well as the failures in
ment that was to give the bicycle its ultimate the evolution of human-powered vehicles were
fitness by the beginning of this century. The beneficial to the development of the modern
bicycle had become a general means of transport bicycle. Of course, the evolution did not finish in
rather than the almost exclusive recreational and 1902. The adaptive journey still continues; a good
sporting human-powered vehicle it had once example in recent times is the ever-gaining popu-
been. larity of reclining bicycles, tricycles, and 'All
Terrain Bicycles'. It is fascinating to see that in

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many of these 'new' models old principles have
Conclusion been reintroduced.
In designing a new product, the designer is eager Not being historians we hope to have made clear
to produce something 'new'. By 'new' we mean in a qualitative rather than quantitative manner
the creative combination of separate facts, ideas, that it might be fruitful to elaborate further the
insights, or elements to produce something useful. application of the methods and concepts of a
Without a priori knowledge of the form of a dynamic systems approach to the history of
fitness landscape, the designer must start some- design. Although there is no consensual definition
where. As soon as an acceptable value has been of a complex system, complexity involves non-
obtained, 'local search' for an optimum becomes linearity (cause and effect are not proportional),
the best strategy. This may be compared with chance (random components in deterministic
Norman's description of design as lull climbing': chaos), as well as variation and selection. Dynamic
the designer looks for failures and successes in systems theory thus incorporates a mix of biologi-
previous models and tries to improve the next cal and physical organizational principles. In
model in such a way that a (local) optimum will applying these, we have established the compro-
be reached. Once a local optimum is achieved, as mise proposed by Steadman (see note 9) between,
in the 'Ordinary' of 1885, the design may only fit on the one hand, 'the complete and unalterable
better if another lull' is climbed. In such a case functional integrity of each separate species and
one can see that there is a transition (in dynamic the impossibility of any transformation of one into
terms) from one model to another, for example another' and, on the other, 'a complete evolution-
from the 'Ordinary' to the 'High Wheel Safety7. In ary plasticity allowing transformation in any
times of transition there is a mix (critical fluctua- direction and with any result'.
tions). The old model will disappear some time The main problem in applying a dynamic
before it is clear what the new model will be. Even systems theory to the history of design is the
variations on old models appear. In the history of quantification of the evolutionary process. To
the bicycle, 1860-92 is a good example of a period quantify the evolutionary pattern of the design
when considerable diversity was in evidence. history of human-powered vehicles, for instance,
In the development of the bicycle it is clear from it is necessary to find an appropriate way to
the beginning that there were different require- assign a fitness value to every model of the
ments (selection pressures) for the various bicycle. We have used popularity, which can be
models: stability, safety, velocity, comfort, etc. deduced from sales figures. Quantification allows
To be able to adapt to a continuously changing for the characterization of types and stability of
environment in an uncertain future, variation is attractors and thereby provides quantitative foun-
necessary. Selection, then, means that only one or dation to the fitness landscape.
a few variations will appear to be appropriate and The dynamic systems approach has proved
successful. Many models thus will on a long useful in many different disciplines, including
timescale appear to be unsuccessful. Examples economics, biology, epidemiology, human move-
are the 'Draisienne', the 'Boneshaker', the 'Ordin- ment science, and psychology. In this article we
aries' with wheels of unequal size, bicycles with have focused on some of the dynamic constraints
the direct chain drive, bicycles with a front-wheel in the evolution of the design of the bicycle.
drive, and so on. In general we have been able to However, constraints of other kinds—such as
266 O. A. van Nierop, A C M . Blankendaal, and C. ]. Overtake
sociological constraints—are no less important.15 H. B. Stewart, Non-linear Dynamics and Chaos, John
It is not our aim to propose a dynamic systems Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1986.
approach as the best or the only possible approach 13 S. A. Kauffman, 77K Origins of Order: Self-organization
to the history of design. Nevertheless, the global and Selection in Evolution,Oxford University Press,
process of diversity generation and extinction New York, 1994.
14 For this section we referred to: D. Andric, B. Gavric,
requires no other explanation than a dynamic one. & W. J. Simons, Fietsen: van loopfiets tot mountain bike,
O. A. VAN NTEROP, A. C. M. BLANKENDAAL, Schuyt & Co., Haarlem, 1990; H. Baudet, Een ver-
C. J. OVERBEEKE trouwde wereld: 100 Jaar innovatie in Nederland, Bert

Downloaded from at Tulane University Library, Serials Acquisitions Dept. on September 4, 2014
Delft University of Technology Bakker, Amsterdam, 1986; C. F. Caunter, The History
and Development of Cycles, Part I: Historical Survey,
Clowes & Sons, London and Becdes, 1955; C. F.
Notes Caunter, Handbook of the Collection Illustrating Cycles,
1 See e.g. E. Ferguson, Toward a discipline of the Part 2: Catalogue of Exhibits with Descriptive Notes,
history of technology', Technology and Culture, no. 15, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1958; H.
1974, pp. 13-30. Ebeling, Der Freiherr von Drais: Das tragische Leben des
2 T. J. Pinch & W. E. Bijker, The social construction of 'verruckten Barons', Braun, Karlsruhe, 1985; Hillman,
facts and artefacts: or how the sociology of science Herbert & Cooper Ltd., 'Premier' Works, Catalogue for
and the sociology of technology might benefit each 1886 Season, Coventry, 1885; G. J. M. Hogenkamp,
other', in W. E. Bijker, T. P. Hughes & T. J. Pinch De gechiedenis van Burgers Deventer is de geschiedenis
(eds.), The Social Construction of Technological Systems, van defiets, Burgers ENR, Deventer, 1939; J. McGurn,
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990, pp. 17-50. On Your Bicycle: An Illustrated History of Cycling,
3 H. Petroski, The Evolution of Useful Things, Vintage Murray, London, 1987; G. H. Minck, Fietsend door
Books, New York, 1994. de eeuwen, Kluwer, Deventer, 1986; A. J. Palmer,
4 Ibid., p. 22. Riding High: The Story of the Bicycle, Vision,
5 D. A. Norman, The Psychology of Everyday Things, London, 1958; M. J. B. Rauck, G. Vole, & F. R.
Basic Books, 1988. Paturi, Mit dem Rod durch zwei Jahrhunderte: Das
6 D. A. Norman, Turn Signals are the Facial Expressions Fahrrad und seine Geschichte, AT Verlag Aarau, Stutt-
of Automobiles, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1992. gart, 1979; A. Sharp, Bicycles and Tricycles: An Ele-
7 Ibid., p. 111; see also G. Basalla, The Evolution of mentary Treatise on Their Design and Construction,
Technology, Cambridge University Press, Cam- Longman, Green & Co., London, New York, and
bridge, 1988. Bombay, 1896; Velox, Velocipedes, Bicycles, and Tri-
cycles: How to Make and How to Use Them with a Sketch
8 Norman, op cit., 1992, p. 116.
of Their History, Invention, and Progress, Routledge &
9 P. Steadman, The Evolution of Designs: Biological
Sons, London, 1869; S. S. Wilson, 'Bicycle technol-
Analogy in Architecture and the Applied Arts, Cam-
ogy', Scientific American, vol. 228, no. 3,1973, pp. 81-
bridge University Press, Cambridge, 1979, p. 244.
91; J. Woodforde, The Story of the Bicycle, Routledge
10 See R. Roy & D. Wield (eds.), Product Design and
& Kegan Paul, London, 1970.
Technological Innovation, Open University Press,
Milton Keynes, 1986. 15 See e.g. A. Forty, Objects of Desire: Design and Society
11 Cf. Basalla, op. cit Since 1750, Thames & Hudson, London, 1986; J. Law,
12 For a general view on this topic, see R. Lewin, Technology and heterogeneous engineering: the
Complexity: Life at the Edge of Chaos, Basingstoke, case of Portuguese expansion', in W. E. Bijker, T. P.
Macmillan, 1993; K. Mainzer, Thinking in Complexity: Hughes, and T. J. Pinch (eds.), The Social Construction
The Complex Dynamics of Matter, Mind, and Mankind, of Technological Systems, MTT Press, Cambridge, MA,
Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1994; J. M. T. Thompson & pp. 111-34.

The Evolution of the Bicycle 267

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