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Delirium: the role of psychiatry Advances in Psychiatric Treatment

APT (2001), vol. 7, p.(2001),

433 vol. 7, pp. 433–443

Delirium: the role of psychiatry

David Meagher

Acute mental disturbance associated with physical

illness is well described in early medical literature, Box 1 Delirium has many synonyms
but it was not until 1 AD that Celsus coined the term
‘delirium’ (Lindesay, 1999). Although delirium has Acute brain failure
many synonyms that are applied in particular Acute confusional state
clinical settings (Box 1), all acute disturbances of Acute organic syndrome
global cognitive functioning are now recognised as Cerebral insufficiency
‘delirium’, a consensus supported by both ICD–10 Encephalopathy
(World Health Organization, 1992) and DSM–IV Postoperative psychosis
(American Psychiatric Association, 1994) classific- Toxic psychosis
ation systems. Delirium is a complex neuropsychi-
atric syndrome that typically involves a plethora of
cognitive and non-cognitive symptoms, resulting in
a broad differential diagnosis dominated by mental over any 24-hour period and typically worsen at
disorders. Psychiatrists’ skills in assessing cognitive night) and transient nature (in most cases, delirium
function and psychopathology, coupled with their resolves within days or weeks) are typical. Delirium
knowledge of psychotropic agents, make them well also frequently involves a prodromal phase over 2–
suited to improving detection, coordinating manage- 3 days of malaise, restlessness, poor concentration,
ment and facilitating research into this understudied anxiety, irritability, sleep-disturbance and night-
disorder. mares. A consequence of this broad symptom profile
is that delirium has many guises and, depending
on prevailing pattern, is easily mistaken for demen-
tia or functional psychiatric disorders (Fig. 1).
Symptoms of delirium

The symptoms of delirium include a constellation Frequency in clinical practice

of physical, biological and psychological dis-
turbances. Impaired attention is considered the core
cognitive disturbance and is emphasised in DSM– Delirium is a common problem in all health care
IV and ICD–10 (Table 1). In addition, most patients settings, with a point prevalence in general hospital
experience disturbances of memory, orientation, patients of 10–30%. Among the elderly, 10–15% have
language skills, mood, thinking, perception, motor delirium on admission and a further 10–40%
behaviour and the sleep–wake cycle. Although develop delirium during the course of their hospital
individual delirium symptoms are non-specific, stay (Bucht et al, 1999; Fann, 2000). Rates vary
their pattern is highly characteristic: acute onset according to the population assessed, study setting
(sometimes abruptly, but often over hours or days), and identification methods used, but overall
fluctuant course (symptoms tend to wax and wane delirium is more frequent in older populations, those

David Meagher was the 1998 Eli-Lilly Royal College of Psychiatrists Travelling Fellow and spent a sabbatical studying the
neuropsychiatry of delirium with Paula Trzepacz at the University of Mississippi. He is a consultant psychiatrist in the
Midwestern Regional Hospital Limerick (Midwestern Regional Hospital Limerick, Department of Psychiatry, Limerick, Republic
of Ireland; e-mail: and has ongoing interests in the study of phenomenology and management
of delirious patients. Published online by Cambridge University Press

APT (2001), vol. 7, p. 434 Meagher/Macdonald

Table 1 Diagnostic criteria for delirium


Clouding of consciousness, i.e. reduced clarity of Disturbed consciousness, with reduced ability to focus,
awareness of environment, with reduced ability sustain or shift attention
to focus, sustain or shift attention Altered cognition (memory, orientation, language) or
Disturbed cognition, with impaired immediate recall the development of a perceptual disturbance that
and recent memory but relatively intact remote is not better accounted for by dementia
recall, and disorientation in time, place or person Disturbance develops over hours to days and tends to
At least one of: variable activity levels, increased reaction fluctuate during the course of the day
time, altered flow of speech or enhanced startle There is evidence of an aetiological cause
At least one of: insomnia, daytime drowsiness, reversal
of sleep–wake cycle, nocturnal worsening of
symptoms or disturbing dreams and nightmares
Symptoms are of rapid onset and fluctuate over the
course of the day
There is evidence of an underlying cause

with pre-existing cognitive impairment and certain 1988; Francis et al, 1990), with the involvement of
medical or surgical problems (Box 2). The frequency psychiatrists reserved for more complex cases.
or relevance of subclinical cases is poorly studied. However, given the frequency of misdiagnosis and
Rates of delirium are increasing in tandem with the the tendency for treatment efforts to focus on
rise in mean age of the general population. It is clear underlying cause or behavioural problems rather
that delirium will assume greater importance as than severity of actual delirium symptoms (Meagher
health care systems attempt to provide for our et al, 1996), more frequent involvement of psy-
increasingly aged population. chiatrists can improve management of delirium.
The presence of delirium is not always considered
an indication for seeking psychiatric consultation
(Francis et al, 1990). Nevertheless, delirium is Symptom overlap
common in patients referred to consultation–liaison
psychiatry services because it is frequently misdiag- with other disorders
nosed by referring clinicians. Overall, approximately
10% of consultation–liaiason referrals have delir-
ium and around 10% of delirious general hospital Changes in mental state can be the most obvious
patients receive a psychiatric consultation (Sirois, indicator of serious underlying physical illness,
especially in the elderly, where delirium is frequently
the earliest sign of infection or ischaemic heart
disease (Wahlund & Bjorlin, 1999). The differential
Box 2 Prevalence of delirium in different diagnosis of delirium is dominated by mental
populations disorders, and accurate detection is further com-
plicated by the fact that delirium frequently coexists
General population: 0.4% with other disorders. Up to two-thirds of cases of
General population (>55 years): 1.1% delirium occur superimposed on dementia, but the
General hospital admissions: 9–30% two conditions can usually be distinguished
Elderly general hospital admissions: 5–55% because delirium symptoms tend to dominate the
Elderly accident and emergency attenders: clinical picture (Trzepacz et al, 1998a). Abrupt onset
16% and fluctuating course are typical and highly
AIDS: 17–40% suggestive of delirium. Moreover, delirium is
Cancer patients (terminal stages): 25–40% characterised by marked disturbance of attention,
(28–85%) with associated deficits in memory and orientation,
Postoperative patients: 5–75% disorganised thinking and perceptual disturbance.
Intensive care unit patients: 12–50% In contrast, alertness is generally consistent in
Nursing home residents: up to 60% dementia and thought content is reduced. Delirium
should not be mistaken for ‘sundowning’, which Published online by Cambridge University Press

Delirium: the role of psychiatry APT (2001), vol. 7, p. 435

Lewy body
dementia Schizophrenia
Disorientation disturbance Delusions

Alzheimer’s Impaired Perceptual

dementia attention disturbances Hypomania
Memory Sleep–wake
Somnolence Mood Overactivity

Fig. 1 The differential diagnosis of delirium reflects its broad symptom profile

generally applies to the relatively benign fluctuation First-rank symptoms are uncommon and hallu-
in mental state that can occur in dementia – although cinations tend to be visual rather than auditory.
the relationship between sundowning and delirium Consciousness, attention and memory are generally
requires clarification. less impaired in schizophrenia, except in the acute
The presentation of delirium can mimic func- phase of psychosis when marked perplexity can
tional psychiatric disorders. Emotional and produce a pseudodelirious picture. Delirium
behavioural changes of delirium are easily mistaken involves both qualitative and quantitative altera-
for adjustment reactions, particularly in patients tions in consciousness, and in hypoactive patients
who have experienced major trauma or have cancer. can be associated with lethargy, but patients should
Delirium is frequently confused with depression, be rousable. This differs from the marked reduction
especially in females and those with hypoactive or in consciousness with unrousability that occurs in
lethargic delirium presentations (Nicholas & comatose patients. In children, delirium can present
Lindsay, 1995; Armstrong et al, 1997). Most with unexplained behavioural changes, the true
symptoms of major depression can occur in delirium nature of which only becomes apparent with close
(e.g. psychomotor slowing, sleep disturbances and scrutiny of cognitive state.
irritability), but the onset of depressive illness is
generally less acute and mood disturbance domi-
nates the clinical picture. Moreover, cognitive Underdiagnosis
impairment in depression typically resembles
dementia more closely than delirium – ‘depressive in clinical practice
pseudodementia’. Hyperactive presentations of
delirium can mimic similar disturbances in patients
with anxiety disorders, agitated depression or Poor recognition remains the single greatest obstacle
mania. The overlap is further complicated by the to improved clinical and research activity in
fact that delirium can be precipitated by dehydration delirium. It is commonplace for delirium to be either
in patients with severe depression who cannot missed or recognised late, with over one-third of
maintain fluid intake. However, accurate diagnosis cases not detected in clinical practice. Identification
of delirium is important because misdiagnosis as problems exist across all clinical settings, including
depression results in delayed treatment and general hospital populations, consultation–liaison
exposure to antidepressant treatments, many of psychiatry referral samples and even neurologists
which have anticholinergic properties that can and psychiatrists providing specialist assessment.
aggravate delirium. Johnson et al (1992) studied consecutive elderly
The disturbances of thought and perception that general hospital admissions and noted that delirium
occur in delirium are generally fluctuant and was explicitly recognised in 5% and documented
fragmentary and rarely have the complexity of as a synonym in 18%, with variable but poor
psychotic symptoms that occur in schizophrenia. recognition of individual delirium symptoms as well Published online by Cambridge University Press

APT (2001), vol. 7, p. 436 Meagher/Macdonald

as diagnosis. Missed cases were diagnosed as team, during which time skills of detection,
dementia (25%), a functional psychiatric disorder differential diagnosis and treatment are passed on
(25%) or no diagnosis documented (50%). Lewis et before the psychiatrist moves to another team. This
al (1995), in a study of elderly accident and approach is ideal for enhancing delirium detection
emergency attenders with delirium, found that a because non-identification reflects the under-
change in mental status was noted in only 13% and appreciation of delirium as a distinct entity and
almost a third were discharged directly home. Non- uncertainty regarding definition and diagnostic
identification is especially frequent in older patients indicators. The principal diagnostic criteria in ICD–
(where a ‘quiet’ hypoactive picture is common) and 10 and DSM–IV are acute onset, fluctuant course
in referrals from surgical wards and intensive care and prominent disturbances of attention. Phys-
settings (Armstrong et al, 1997). Although some cases icians are less familiar than psychiatrists with
are recognised but labelled as one of the many simple methods of assessing attention, such as serial
synonyms for delirium, the majority reflect non- sevens and digit span, and are more likely to rely on
identification of both the individual symptoms and subjective concepts such as ‘clouding of conscious-
diagnosis of delirium. Explicit recognition of ness’ to identify delirium – an approach that is prone
delirium is associated with better outcomes in the to inconsistency and inaccuracy in diagnosis
form of shorter in-patient stays and lower mortality (O’Keefe & Gosney, 1997).
(Rockwood et al, 1994). Psychiatrists can aid diagnosis by clarifying
symptoms, assessing cognitive status and advising
on supplementary investigation. Electroencephalo-
graphy and a range of investigative tools that assess
Improving detection delirium symptoms (see below) can be useful in
distinguishing delirium from dementia and func-
tional psychiatric disorders. Delirium identification
A classical stratagem of liaison psychiatry involves is improved when cognitive assessment is used
the brief attachment of a psychiatrist to a medical routinely and can be enhanced by using simple


Cognitive Risk to self/

function others
General Competency

Drug history Risk factor


Supportive – Interaction Monitor Post-delirium

Drug treatment
environmental with carers response management

Fig. 2 The role of psychiatrists in delirium management Published online by Cambridge University Press

Delirium: the role of psychiatry APT (2001), vol. 7, p. 437

screening instruments such as the Confusion The pharmacological, environmental and psycho-
Assessment Method (CAM; Inouye et al, 1990). logical management of a delirium episode and its
Moreover, interventions aimed at increasing aftermath has been reviewed in detail elsewhere
awareness of delirium and encouraging routine (American Psychiatric Association, 1999; Meagher,
cognitive assessment with formal testing can 2001). The principles of good ward management of
increase detection of delirium and are reflected in delirious patients include ensuring the safety of the
improved outcomes (Rockwood, 1999). patient and their immediate surroundings, achiev-
ing optimal levels of environmental stimulation and
minimising the effects of any sensory impediments.
Psychiatrists’ expertise Reorientation is facilitated by a predictable environ-
ment with clear communication from carers and
in delirium management provision of multiple cues and frequent reminders
as to circumstances and setting. The complications
of delirium can be minimised by careful attention to
Delirium is par excellence a disorder requiring a the potential for falls and avoiding prolonged
multifaceted biopsychosocial approach to assess- hypostasis. Psychiatrists can advise regarding the
ment and treatment. Psychiatrists are thus ideally appropriateness and dosing of drug treatment and
skilled to coordinate the multi-disciplinary treatment help monitor treatment response. Medication use in
of delirium and can fulfil a range of important delirium often represents a response to problem
functions (Fig. 2). In addition to clarifying the behaviours rather than the severity of actual delirium
differential diagnosis of patients with suspected symptoms. No placebo-controlled trials of pharm-
delirium, psychiatrists have an important role in acological treatments for delirium have been
the assessment of delirium symptoms and pre- conducted, but typical antipsychotics, especially
morbid cognitive status. Psychiatrists are familiar haloperidol, are widely used. The available evid-
with the problem behaviours that can occur in ence suggests that antipsychotics are effective in
delirious patients and assessing the risk they pose alleviating a range of delirium symptoms in patients
both to themselves and others. It has been estimated with either hyperactive or hypoactive clinical
that approximately 7% of patients attempt some form profiles (Platt et al, 1994). Moreover, their therapeutic
of deliberate self-harm during a delirium episode impact is not merely due to their sedative effects and
(Nicholas & Lindsay, 1995). Psychiatrists are may reflect a specific antidelirium effect, perhaps
sometimes asked to assess competency. Given the mediated by effects on the dopamine–acetylcholine
highly fluctuant nature of cognitive impairment in balance. Appropriate doses for delirium treatment
delirium, which includes periods of relative or have not been established, but low-dose haloperidol
absolute lucidity, the ability of patients to participate is appropriate for most patients who require drug
in decision-making can vary greatly over time, but treatment. However, caution is required when
delirium does not preclude patients from making a delirium symptoms occur in the setting of suspected
useful contribution towards treatment decisions. Lewy body dementia, as serious adverse effects can
Psychiatric consultation facilitates identification occur with antipsychotic use, and preliminary
of predisposing and precipitating factors for evidence suggests that alternative strategies such
delirium. Medication exposure, visual and hearing as procholinergic agents may be more appropriate
impairments, sleep deprivation, uncontrolled pain, in these cases. A range of other psychotropic agents
dehydration, malnutrition, catheterisation and use have been suggested as therapeutic options (e.g.
of restraints are all factors that can be modified with mianserin, trazodone and atypical antipsychotics),
substantial clinical benefit. Current delirium but their role and relationship to more standard drug
pharmacotherapies have evolved from use in the treatments remains to be determined. Benzodiaz-
treatment of mainstream psychiatric disorders and epine use in delirium requires careful consideration
hence psychiatrists are well acquainted with the as they are less effective than antipsychotics except
practicalities of their use. Medications are implicated in substance/alcohol-related deliria and have the
as significant contributing factors in over one-third disadvantage of operating as potential aggravating
of cases and can act as either protective or risk factors factors in delirium (Breitbart et al, 1996). However,
for delirium. Familiarity with their use is a valuable benzodiazepines can be a useful adjunctive treat-
asset in dissecting out their role in any individual ment in patients prone to adverse effects from
case. A range of pre-operative psychological inter- antipsychotic agents.
ventions aimed at patient education and anxiety Psychiatrists have the necessary skills to provide
reduction may have preventive value, but these supportive psychotherapeutic input and interaction
require more explicit study before they warrant with relatives and carers that is fundamental to good
introduction into routine clinical practice. management of delirium. Relatives can play an Published online by Cambridge University Press

APT (2001), vol. 7, p. 438 Meagher/Macdonald

integral role in efforts to support and reorientate frequent involvement of psychiatry services are
delirous patients, but ill-informed, critical or needed.
anxious carers can add to the burden of a delirious Involvement of psychiatry services tends to occur
patient. A therapeutic triangle can emerge whereby late in treatment efforts and frequently reflects a
medical staff respond to the distress of relatives by desire for advice on placement issues rather than
medicating patients, which in turn complicates acute treatment. Earlier intervention has many
ongoing cognitive assessment. Clarification of the advocates and can positively influence outcome.
cause and meaning of symptoms combined with Referral practices are biased towards hyperactive
recognition of treatment goals can allow better and disturbed patients, but there is a need for
management of what is a distressing experience for greater emphasis of the less obvious somnolent or
both patient and loved ones. hypoactive clinical subtype (Meagher & Trzepacz,
The after-care of delirium has received limited 2000). Although hypoactive patients are perceived
study, but denial, depression and post-traumatic as less morbid, they have poorer outcomes that, in
stress disorder are recognised psychological part, reflect poorer identification and less aggressive
sequelae. Recovered patients are often uncom- treatment. Moreover, the efficacy of antipsychotics
fortable discussing the experience, but most do in the treatment of patients with both hypoactive
recognise its transient nature (Schofield, 1997). and hyperactive profiles is poorly appreciated (Platt
Simple clarification can reduce the likelihood of et al, 1994), with much lower utilisation of antipsy-
patients or their relatives misinterpreting an episode chotic agents in hypoactive patients (Meagher et al,
of delirium as evidence of brain damage or as the 1996). Psychiatry services therefore need to be more
first step towards senility or madness. Patients’ proactive in identifying hypoactive patients.
unwillingness to acknowledge the experience may Modern consultation–liaiason psychiatry services
negatively influence their attitude to help-seeking are often overburdened with the demands posed by
for medical problems in the future. Inouye et al (1999) functional psychiatric disorders and deliberate self-
have demonstrated the positive impact of a risk factor harm. Although it is difficult to provide delirium
reduction programme on reducing the number and assessment in such services, the potential benefits
duration of delirium episodes in hospitalised elderly are compelling. Psychiatrists can make valuable
patients. Explicit recognition of delirium and its contributions at many points along the care path-
associated causes allows minimisation of future way for patients with delirium (Fig. 2) and their
exposure to risk factors. involvement is associated with clinical improvement
in delirium (Hales et al, 1988). In addition, immense
financial savings can accrue from reduction of in-
patient stays by a single day – a goal that is attain-
Delirium management: able with systematic treatment interventions (Cole
a challenge for psychiatry et al, 1994). The shift of in-patient psychiatric care to
general hospital settings has made it more feasible
services for psychiatrists to contribute to the management of
delirium and the potential benefits suggest that
delirium warrants higher priority as services evolve.
Delirium management is dictated primarily by the
setting in which it occurs. Historically, there has
been an overemphasis on identification and treat-
ment of underlying cause without adequate appreci- Formal assessment of delirium
ation of the importance of addressing actual delirium
symptoms. Delirium is associated with longer
hospital stays, reduced independence after dis- Over the past 20 years, there have been substantial
charge and increased mortality that is relatively inde- developments in neuropsychology, particularly as
pendent of underlying cause (Francis et al, 1990). it applies to the elderly. One result has been the devel-
Greater recognition of the range of skills required to opment of a range of tools for identifying, diagnosing
optimally manage the condition is needed. No single and assessing symptom profile in delirium. Many
speciality has assumed responsibility for the clinical instruments have been designed for specific pur-
management or scientific study of delirium, and as poses and therefore the instrument used in any
a consequence there is a lack of cohesion in the field, particular setting needs to be selected carefully. Key
reflected in inconsistent nomenclature and variable questions to be considered include: (1) what is the
research methodologies. Traditionally, psychiatrists reason for using the instrument? (2) who will be
have contributed substantially to delirium study, but conducting the assessments and within what time
greater interdisciplinary collaboration and more frame? and (3) what is the level of functioning and Published online by Cambridge University Press

Delirium: the role of psychiatry APT (2001), vol. 7, p. 439

ability to cooperate with assessment procedures for disturbances of attention, thought processes and
within the setting of the population to be studied? language function) and has separate items for both
Numerous screening instruments for impaired reduced and increased motor activity. Psychometric
cognition are available, but a reliable distinction evaluation is ongoing (Trzepacz et al, 2000).
between delirium and dementia requires that the Many patients with delirium are physically very
mode of onset and course of symptoms are accounted unwell and their ability to cooperate with detailed
for. Formal delirium diagnosis requires documenta- assessments of multiple neuropsychological
tion of acute onset and fluctuant course. As a result, functions is limited. As a consequence, the instru-
cognitive impairment identified with instruments ments that have been applied to delirium research
such as the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE; have not involved detailed investigation of the range
Folstein et al, 1975) must be supplemented by and complexity of neuropsychological disturbances
application of DSM or ICD criteria, either by an that can occur. The MMSE has been used in many
experienced clinician or with an operationalised studies but does not distinguish between acute and
instrument (Table 2). The CAM is an operationalis- chronic disturbances, is heavily reliant on subject
ation of key components of DSM–III–R that has high cooperation (e.g. verbal capacity) and emphasises
sensitivity and specificity, allows a diagnosis of neuropsychological functions linked to left-cerebral
delirium and is readily incorporated as a screen for hemispheric activity. Trail-making tests are superior
delirium into routine clinical settings. However, it to the MMSE in distinguishing delirium from demen-
has reduced sensitivity when used by nursing staff tia (Trzepacz et al, 1988b) but lack specificity, and
rather than physicians (see Box 3). performance is significantly reduced by any con-
The important attributes of scales for assessing dition that affects concentration, motivation or is
delirium symptom severity are outlined in Table 2. associated with fatigue. Consequently, they have
These instruments generally have good coverage of limited applicability to highly morbid populations
delirium symptoms and are suitable for serial use. with delirium. More recently, it has become increas-
The Delirium Rating Scale (DRS; Trzepacz et al, 1998) ingly apparent that many of the core disturbances
is the most widely used to date and, although it of delirium reflect non-dominant hemispheric
requires interpretation by a skilled clinician of infor- functions. Attention, for example, is related to non-
mation from multiple clinical sources, it has the dominant orbitofrontal, prefrontal and posterior
significant advantage of distinguishing between the parietal regions. Moreover, recent work suggests that
disturbances of delirium and dementia. Scores have right-sided cognitive functions are especially helpful
been shown to predict duration of delirium episode, in distinguishing delirium from dementia and func-
correlate with frequency of complications and reflect tional psychotic disorders (Hart et al, 1997). The Cog-
improving clinical state linked to successful drug nitive Test for Delirium (CTD; Hart et al, 1996) is a
treatment (Rutherford et al, 1991; Wada & Yamaguchi, recently developed instrument that allows detailed
1993; Nakamura et al, 1997). The revised version investigation of a range of neuropsychological
(DRS–98; Trzepacz et al, 2000) incorporates more functions (orientation, comprehension, attention,
detailed cognitive assessment (including specific items vigilance and memory) and is suitable for use in

Table 2 Delirium symptom assessment instruments

Distinguishes Usefulness in
Symptom delirium from uncooperative
Diagnostic Use coverage other disorders subjects

Delirium Rating DSM–III–R Trained Good Yes Good

Scale(DRS); clinician
Trzepacz et al, 1998)
Delirium Symptom DSM–III Lay interpreter Fair No Good
Interview (DSI);
Albert et al, 1992)
Delirium Assessment No Physician Good No Fair
Scale (DAS);
O’Keefe et al, 1994)
Confusional State DSM–III–R Doctor, nurse Good No Fair
Evaluation; or psychologist
(Robertsson, 1999) Published online by Cambridge University Press

APT (2001), vol. 7, p. 440 Meagher/Macdonald

careful selection of suitable tools for measuring

Box 3 Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) symptoms, underlying aetiology, course and
outcome. Important information about phenomen-
Delirium diagnosed if (a) + (b) + one of either ology and its relationship to course and outcome is
(c) or (d): lacking. For example, prospective study is needed
(a) Acute onset and fluctuating course of the evolution of symptoms, importance of pro-
Evidence of an acute change in mental dromal features and subclinical cases, factors associ-
status from the patient’s baseline that ated with delirium resolution and the relationship
changes in severity during the day of neuropsychological disturbances to psychopatho-
(b) Inattention logical symptoms. With the ever-increasing range
Patient has difficulty focusing attention, of psychopharmacological options available for
e.g. is easily distractible or has difficulty delirium treatment, drug management should be
keeping track of conversation determined according to clinical profile, but there is
(c) Disorganised thinking a need to identify predictors of response to the
Patient’s thinking is disorganised or different therapeutic inputs, including the inter-
incoherent, as evidenced by rambling or action between pharmacological and environmental
irrelevant conversation and unclear or therapies. Psychiatrists, with their skills in assess-
illogical flow of ideas ing these various aspects of delirium, can make
(d) Altered consciousness crucial contributions to furthering our understan-
A rating of a patient’s level of ding of these important issues.
consciousness as other than alert
(normal) i.e. vigilant or hyperalert,
lethargic or drowsy, stuporous or
comatose Conclusions

Delirium is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome

patients whose ability to interact with the examiner
that is common in all health care settings. The field
may be compromised by immobility, intubation or
of delirium is hampered by poor detection – a prob-
an absence of verbal abilities. This instrument is
lem that psychiatrists can assist in reducing both
therefore a significant advance that should allow
through consultation in complex cases and educa-
greater characterisation of the neuropsychological
tional interventions focusing on recognition of key
impairments of delirium, their relationship to non-
diagnostic indicators and the varying clinical pre-
cognitive symptoms and a range of other important
sentations of delirium in clinical practice. Identify-
aspects of clinical profile such as underlying
ing causation, dealing with problem behaviours and
aetiology, treatment responsiveness and course.
treating delirum symptoms and their aftermath
present substantial challenges for health care services.
Psychiatrists can play a pivotal role in the multi-
Contribution of consultation– faceted treatment approach that is needed to manage
delirious patients. Developments in geriatric
liaison psychiatry to delirium neuroscience, specifically in relation to delirium
research classification and assessment, have reduced the
methodological limitations that previously hindered
delirium research and herald an exciting period of
The recent publication of treatment guidelines for study. Moreover, the location of modern psychiatry
delirium by the American Psychiatric Association services in community and general hospital settings
(1999) is an important landmark in delirium allows psychiatrists to participate more readily in
research but also serves to highlight many of the the treatment and study of this underappreciated
shortcomings of the present knowledge base. Much complex neuropsychiatric syndrome.
basic information is lacking – opportunities exist
for important research that does not require major
funding or sophisticated technology but does require References
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APT (2001), vol. 7, p. 442 Meagher/Macdonald

3. Hypoactive or quiet delirium: b delirium cannot be accurately assessed in

a is frequently missed in clinical practice mute patients
b has a better prognosis than agitated or c the CAM has good coverage of delirium
hyperactive delirium symptoms
c does not respond to antipsychotic agents d the DRS has good coverage of delirium
d frequently makes patients unrousable symptoms
e rarely includes delusions or hallucinations. e the MMSE has good coverage of delirium
4. In the management of patients with delirium:
a iatrogenic causes of delirium are common
b involvement of relatives is generally
c risk factor reduction allows episode
prevention MCQ answers
d delirious patients should not contribute to
treatment decisions 1 2 3 4 5
e the effectiveness of antipsychotics is a T a F a T a T a T
principally due to sedative actions. b T b T b F b F b F
c F c T c F c T c F
5. In delirium assessment: d F d F d F d F d T
a delirium rating scales allow distinction of e F e F e F e F e F
delirium from dementia

Alastair Macdonald

Dr Meagher’s measured account of delirium, and A distinction must be made between a description
his proposal for a greater role for psychiatry, brings (what is the current role of psychiatry – service,
to mind Jim Birley’s extension, when President of research and teaching – in delirium?) and pre-
the Royal College of Psychiatrists, of Desmond scription (what should be the role of psychiatry?).
Curran’s “Psychiatry Ltd” (Curran, 1952). This tried Another point is that ‘psychiatry’ cannot have a role
to redress the overweening presumption that – only psychiatrists can, and then only in a particular,
psychiatrists should not only opine on every aspect local matrix of service organisation and delivery. I
of medical, social and political life, but also demand take this matrix from the UK, at this juncture, although
hegemony over them. Sadly, for instance, in the case of course we arrogate evidence where we will. I will
of violent behaviour by people with mental illness, also say nothing further about delirium in childhood;
his caution went unheeded, and the results are there a fascinating yet grossly underresearched topic.
for all to see. It is against his injunction that I test the First, description. In terms of service, we need to
role of psychiatry in delirium. know where delirious people are, who is dealing

Alastair Macdonald is Professor of Old Age Psychiatry at King’s College London (Academic Department, Ladywell Unit,
Lewisham Hospital, London SE13 6LH), and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist in the Mental Health for Older Adults Service
of the South London & Maudsley NHS Trust. His research interests include routine clinical outcomes measurement, delirium,
nursing home care for dementia and information systems. Published online by Cambridge University Press

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