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BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, PILANI K K BIRLA GOA CAMPUS. FIRST SEMESTER 2016-2017 ‘Test-1 (Closed Book) MATHEMATICS-IIT MATH F211 Date: September 21, 2016 Max Marks: 60 Day: Wednesday Time: 60 Minutes INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Begin answering a new question on a fresh page. 3. Questions under each PART must be answered together in continuous pages. 4. Write all the steps clearly and give explanations for the complete credit. 5. Number all the pages and make a question-page index on the front page of main answer sheet. A penalty of 4 marks will be imposed, in case the index © is incomplete. ’ . : @y 1) (dy\? 1, (a) Find general solution of the differential equation £4 + ( +5) (#) = (8) (b) Show that yzcbyc, when Mz ~ Ny #0, is an integrating factor of the equation Md + Ndy = ufley)de + 2faley)dy = 0. Use this integrating factor to find the general solution of the following differential equation (12) (w+ 20? y)dy + (2y + 3xy*)de = 0. 2. (a) If y; and yp are any two solutions of the differential equation y” + P(z)y’ + Q(z)y = 0 on some interval [a, , then show that their Wronskian W = W/(yi, ys) is either identically zero or never zero on (a, 6] is] (b) Consider the following differential equation (x? — 2x)y” — (x? — 2)y’ + 2(c — ly = 327(a — 2)%e”, 2 #0, If y(w) = e? is one of the solution of corresponding homogeneous differential equation, then find second. Also, find the particular solution of the above differential equation by using method of variation of parameters and hence, write the general solution. [13] 3. (a) Use operator method to find the particular solution of the following differential equation and hence, write its general solution {19} 327y" — Gry’ + 6y=z!Ing, x > 0. (b) Find the general solution (without converting into second order differential equation) of the following system of linear ordinary differential equations dx dy _ Ertty Ga tetoy where a’ is any real constant. For what value(s) of a, the general solution approaches zero as too. {19} 4x" x" BEST OF LUCK +++ 4+ BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, PILANI K K BIRLA GOA CAMPUS FIRST SEMESTER 2016-2017 ‘Test-2 (Closed Book) MATHEMATICS-11T MATH F211 Date: October 26, 2016 ‘ ‘Max Marks: 60 Day: Wednesday ‘Time: 60 Minutes INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Begin answering a new question on a fresh page. 3. Questions under each PART must be answered together in continuous pages. 4. Write all the steps clearly and give explanations for the complete credit. 5. Number all the pages and make a question-page index on the front page of main answer sheet. A penalty of 2 marks will be imposed, in case the index is incomplete. 1. (a) Determine the singular points and classify for the following differential equation: 8} Py dy P42 apc Ys (@-1y= (P+ a 295 +8242) +(e Dy=0. (b) Consider the differential equation 12} afy - sine +(1—cosa)y = 0. Determine the nature of the point x = 0 and then find its general solution at ¢ = 0. Write at least first three terms. 2. (a) Find. the general solution of the differential equation {20} fy 5492) (c? 2-6) zat (5+32)7 +y=0 near x = 3 in terms of the hypergeometric functions. (b) Use generating function (1 ~ 2xt + #?)""”? = }> P,(z)t" to show [10] n= tel (@-t) Yo Palaye® = (1-2zt + #7) Sinpala)e™! n= * Pa(a) Pass) de = 204M) and then use it to prove 1 G+ en+3) 3. (a) Express the function f(«) = 24+ 2x — 3 in terms of Legendre polynomials. (10) (b) Show that (10) / Jx@) gy, — _Ja(@) _ 22a(2) Be z z ¥ where C is an arbitrary constant. ++x4%4 BEST OF LUCK «+ +445 BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, PILANI K K BIRLA —- GOA CAMPUS FIRST SEMESTER 2016-2017 Comprehensive Examination (Closed Book) MATH F211 PART-A Time: 60 minutes Name - ID No. Section Number/ Date Instructor Name 06-12-2016 Max. Marks: 30 INSTRUCTIONS (1) There are 15 questions. A correct answer will fetch 2 marks and wrong will reduce 1/2 mark. (2) Only one answer is correct (if choice is given) for each question, otherwise write the answer in the space provided. (8) The correct answer must be encircled (©) in the question paper itself. (4) ‘Any rough work should be done at the end of main answer sheet. (5) Incorrect, inappropriate marking and overwriting will be treated as wrong answers. (6) No calculator exchange is allowed. 1. If22(1—y) =a and 9(x,y) = 6 are orthogonal families of curves, where a and b are constants, then g(x,y) is A. a? +2y—y?, B. 2y(1-=), C.2?+22-y?, D. None of these. a 2. The differential poten a + wt +2 (2) =sinz is of A. degree 2, order 3 and linear, B. degree 3, order 3 and linear, G. degree 1, order 3 and nonlinear, D. degree 2, order 3 and nonlinear. 3. Linear combination of solutions of an ordinary differential equation is a solution if the dif- ferential equation is A. linear homogeneous. B. linear non-homogeneous. C. nonlinear homogeneous. D. nonlinear non-homogeneous. 4. Let d(x) and ¥(z) be solutions of y” — 2ry’ + sin(x®)y = 0, such that 4(0) = 1,¢'(0) and ¥(0) = 1,¥/(0) = 2. The value of Wronskian W(¢,¥) at x = 0 is AO B.1, Ge, Die 4 5. The value of the integral f P2(a)de is M4 2 ALO, Bap c. waa : D. None of these. 2 @ 2 7 Bs If y(2) is a continuous solution of the initial value problem y’ + 2y = f(z), y(0) =0, where 1, 01 ee mney ieee D. None of these. e ey € seen ‘The interval of convergence of the power series ) exe is = A. [-8,1), B.[-3,1}, cal, D. None of these. The value of L[sin(/Z)] is A. Met, B. iee*, C. re", D. None of these, ‘The value of J_g (~$) is A. 12/1, B. 4/n?, C. 17/12, D. None of these. . Laplee transform of f(z) = sin*z is D. None of these. 6 48 3 ene “Prey ° PRT . For the convergence of Fourier series of a function f(z), continuity of f(x) is ‘A. necessary and sufficient condition, B. only necessary condition, C. only sufficient condition, D. none of these. The polynomial 32? +2 +2 = aPs(r) + bP;(x) + cP,(z), then the constants a and c are A.a=3,b=2,c=1, B.a=3,b=1,c=2, C.a=0,0=2,c=1, D. None of these. tim F (1,0,1,2 ne a Ae, B.e#, Ce, Bee, . The value of x (Jn-1(2) + Jn4a(z)) is A. 2nJi(z), B. 2nJn(2), ©. 2rJu(2), D. None of these. . The solution of the differential equation y"—y = 1, which vanishes when x = 0 and tends to a finite limit as 2 + —00, is ....... -#-e-4-+- BEST OF LUCK -+--4-%- a BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE PILANI K K BIRLA — GOA CAMPUS. FIRST SEMESTER 2016-2017 Comprehensive Examination (Closed Book) MATH F211 Mathematics-IIT Date: December 6, 2016 Part-B Time: 2 hours Day: Tuesday Max. Marks: 100 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. There are 4 questions. All questions are compulsory. 2. Begin answering ‘a new question on a fresh page. 3. Questions under each PART must be answered together in continuous pages. 4. Write all the steps clearly and give explanations for complete credit. 5. Make a question-page index on the front page. A penalty of 4 marks will be imposed, in case the index is incomplete. 6. No calculator exchange is allowed. 1. (a) Use method of undetermined coefficients to determine a particular solution of the fol- lowing differential equation and hence write its general solution 1 y!" — 6y/ + 9y = dze™. (b) Find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the following boundary value problem: [13] y" — Ay =0, y(0) =0, y/(1) =0, Ais any real number. 2. (a) Find the Frobenius series solution of the following differential equation [15] (2 —3)%y!' + (2? — 8z)y' — 3y =0 near the point « = 3. State whether the second Frobenius series solution exists or not? If yes, then find it and hence write the general solution of the differentail equation. Also discuss the boundedness of the general solution at x = 3. (b) Use Laplace transform to find the solution of the follwoing differential equation {10} ay +y=2, y(0)=2, (0) = 3. (a) Find the Fourier series for the periodic function f(z) = 2 use it to show > (15) ol (b) If L{f(x)] = F(p) and tig /@) exists. Then show that L [2 (=)) -[ F(p)dp. Use sin a this to find the value of rs dt, {10} 4. (a) The equation for one dimensional transverse vibration of the stretched string is given 2 y oy aru where a > 0 is a constant. Find the solution y(x,1) using method of separation of variable with initial conditions (15) 2x/m, O

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