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Family Suit No. 927 of 2022

Mst. Amna Tariq ………. Plaintiff

Muhammad Qaseem Paracha ………. Defendant


It is respectfully submitted by the Defendant as follows:-


That the above suit is liable to be dismissed on all or any of the following

grounds, amongst others, viz:-

A. That the plaintiff has no cause of action to institute and maintain the

instant suit.

B. That the prayers made in the above suit are barred by law.

C. That this court have no jurisdiction over to decide the above mentioned

suit as the Plaintiff is not residing at the above mentioned address and

concealed this fact with this Hon’ble Court, even that the address of the

defendant mentioned on the plaint is incorrect the correct address of the

Defendant is House No. R-1183, Block-16, F.B Area, Karachi therefore, it

is liable to be dismissed with cost.

D. That the suit being frivolous, baseless, vexatious and filed with malafide

intention is liable to be dismissed at the initial stage to save the Defendant

from further harassment and to save the precious time of this Hon'ble

E. That the plaintiff has not come with clean hands before this Hon’ble Court

and the allegations contained in the plaint are baseless and malicious

against the defendant in order to pressurize and blackmail him.

F. That the above suit is based on absolutely incorrect, false and baseless

grounds and hence liable to be dismissed with cost.

Without prejudice to the above, it is further submitted by the defendant as

follows: -

1. That in view of the above legal objections as to the maintainability of the

suit, the above suit being still born is liable to be buried at the initial stage to

save the precious time of this Hon’ble Court and to save the defendant from

further hardship, loss, damages and inconvenience.

2. That the abovementioned legal defects (paragraphs A to F) demolish the

case of plaintiff and therefore, the instant suit is liable to be dismissed with

special cost.

Without prejudice to the above while reserving all rights to file all such
additional documents the para – wise reply of the plaint is as under:-

3. That the contents of Para 1 is formal hence need no reply.

4. That the contents of paragraph no. 2 of the plaint are partially admitted to

the extent of solemnization of marriage on 14.12.2020 at Karachi against

the dower amount of Rs. 100,000/- It is submitted that the dower amount

has been paid in shape of cash to Plaintiff in presence of Nasreen Tariq

(mother of the plaintiff) Zoya Khalid (Sister in law of the plaintiff) Khalid

uz Zaman (brother of the plaintiff) M. Saleem Paracha (Father of the

Defendant) & other family members. Further submitted that the defendant

after consummation has demanded the dower amount from the plaintiff

which has been paid in a dinner arranged by the defendant for the family

members in whole.
5. That the contents of Para No. 3 and 4 of the plaint are incorrect, false,

baseless, misleading and malicious hence the same are denied. The plaintiff

is put to strict proof thereof. It is submitted that after marriage/ rukhsati the

basic needs/ requirements of defendant were fulfilled by the plaintiff and

she was adequately maintained by the Defendant. Further submitted that

Defendant showed himself as good, loyal and faithful husband the plaintiff

and his family members after some time quarrel with defendant with petty

issues. That it is further submitted that from the very beginning of the

marriage the husband and wife was living a very happy life and during the

entire period of marriage not a single incidence of disagreement was

witnessed on part of defendant but as the time laps, the behavior and attitude

of the parents and siblings of the plaintiff and the plaintiff herself changed

their behavior towards defendant and his family members, which is never

good as acceptable towards the defendant but as a god fearing person and to

save the relationship the defendant has Bourne their improper and

humiliating attitude and never caused any complain.

6. That the contents of Para No. 5 is admitted.

7. That the contents of Para No. 6 to 8 of the plaint are incorrect, false,

baseless, misleading and malicious hence the same are denied. The plaintiff

is put to strict proof thereof. That on 26.11.2021 the defendant was on

dinner table having dinner and the plaintiff also having the dinner and

complaining that the mother of the defendant refused to give permission to

Plaintiff to go her mother house in a Birthday Celebration, the defendant

politely told her that she refused due to pregnancy which needs much

caution and care and it’s too late to go to her house, during that the plaintiff

left her mobile phone on the dinner table and go to request again to her

mother in law, it was around 12:30 AM on 27.11.2021 the defendant on

constant messages from Zoya Khalid (sister in law of plaintiff) checked her

phone and shocked to read very abusive language without any valid cause
on which the defendant taken screen shots of the chats to show this to his

family and immediately ask his father to call plaintiff father, on showing

such messages the defendant made a call to plaintiff father and asked to

come to his immediately, after around 3 hours the brother and father of the

plaintiff came to defendant house and instead of any apology brother of

Plaintiff misbehaved with the Defendant and his father and said that they

will meet the Defendant in the Court. However, the Defendant kept on

trying for the reconciliation but their family influenced the defendant to

break the marriage and thus detained the plaintiff to her parents’ house.

(Copy of What’s App Chat’s are attached and marked as Annex “A/1”,

“A/2”, “A/3”, “A/4)

8. That the contents of paragraph no. 6-A of the application is partially

admitted to the extent of the minor was born in June 2022 for which all the

expenses were borne by the Plaintiff’s family. It is submitted that the

Defendant offers to admit the Plaintiff in a known hospital wherein the

Maximum Expenditures would be around Rs. 30,000/- of Delivery Charges,

it is submitted that the receipts attached with the amended plaint also

reflects the amounts of Rs. 31,000/-.

9. That the contents of paragraph no. 6-B of the application of the plaintiff are

incorrect, false, baseless, misleading and malicious hence the same are

denied. The plaintiff is put to strict proof thereof. It is submitted that the

Plaintiff No. 2 baby Minahil Paracha is not in a age to get admission in

school and the annexures provided P/9 and P/10 are just details of admission

as such denied and put to strict proof.

10. That the contents of paragraph no. 6-C of the application are partially

admitted to the extent of Divorce against the dower amount of Rs. 100,000/-

It is submitted that the dower amount has been paid in shape of cash to

Plaintiff in presence of Nasreen Tariq (mother of the plaintiff) Zoya Khalid

(Sister in law of the plaintiff) Khalid uz Zaman (brother of the plaintiff) M.

Saleem Paracha (Father of the Defendant) & other family members. Further

submitted that the defendant after consummation has demanded the dower

amount from the plaintiff which has been paid in a dinner arranged by the

defendant for the family members in whole. It is submitted that the

Defendant in the tough times of inflation cannot afford Rs. 15000/- as Iddat

period maintenance when he is already paying Rs. 6000/- as Maintenance of

Plaintiff No. 2.

11. That the contents of paragraph no. 6-D of the application is partially

admitted to the extent of the plaintiff no. 3 is a Son of Defendant. It is

submitted that the Defendant is the employee of District Municipal

Corporation (DMC) at Karachi. It is submitted that the defendant is having a

sum of Rs. 38,800.0 as net pay in hand and who is the only person who

earns bread and butter for his family. It is pertinent to mention here that the

father of the defendant is a retired person from the same Govt. Office on

19.05.2021 and mother of the defendant is also old infirm lady who needs

constant medical assistance which is also barred by the defendant.

12. That the contents of paragraph no. 6-E of the application is incorrect, false,

baseless, misleading and malicious hence the same are denied. The plaintiff

is put to strict proof thereof. It is submitted that on 13.09.2022 Plaintiff

called the Defendant and offer to meet the Babies and asked to returned the

CNIC which is already delivered to the Plaintiff Mother on the said date.

13. That the contents of paragraph no. 9 of the plaint are partially admitted to

the extent of the Defendant is the employee of District Municipal

Corporation (DMC) at Karachi. Rest of the contents are denied being

incorrect and false and baseless. It is submitted that the defendant is having

a sum of Rs. 38,686.0 as net pay in hand and who is the only person who

earns bread and butter for his family. It is pertinent to mention here that the

father of the defendant is a retired person from the same Govt. Office on
19.05.2021 and mother of the defendant is also old infirm lady who needs

constant medical assistance which is also barred by the defendant.

(Copy of Salary Slip, Order of Retirement and Medical Slip of Mother

is attached and marked as Annex “B/1”, “B/2”, “B/3”)

14. That the contents of Para No. 10 to 11 of the plaint are incorrect, false,

baseless, misleading and malicious hence the same are denied. The plaintiff

is put to strict proof thereof. That when the Defendant came to know about

it he tried very hard to save the marriage and in this regard he contacted

father of the Plaintiff but he refused so on 19.04.2022 the defendant send

Divorce Deed to the Plaintiff at her residence (which was duly received)

after all his efforts went in vain. That it is submitted that the defendant is

ready to maintain his children as per his income.

(Copy of Divorce Deed dt. 19.04.2022 is attached and marked as Annex


15. That the contents of plaint are vehemently denied and the plaintiff is put to

strict proof thereof. It is specifically denied that any cause of action has

accrued for filing the above suit hence, the suit being without cause of

action is liable to be dismissed with cost.

16. That the contents of prayer of the plaint are incorrect and are denied. It is

specifically denied that the plaintiff is entitled to any or all of the relieves as

claimed. It is submitted that the plaint contain false, baseless, fabricated and

vexatious allegations to the knowledge of the plaintiff and as such the

instant suit is liable to be dismissed and the answering defendant is entitled

to be paid compensatory cost.


It is, therefore, prayed in the interest of justice, equity and good

conscience that this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to dismiss the above suit with

compensatory cost.




I, M. Qaseem Paracha son of M. Saleem Paracha, Muslim, adult,

resident of House No. R-1183, Block-16, F.B Area, Karachi, do hereby verify
on oath that whatever has been stated hereinabove are true and correct to the best
of my personal knowledge, belief and information.


The deponent above-named is identified by me before the commissioner

for taking affidavits.


Sworn on oath before me at Karachi on this the ___ day of November

2022, by the deponent above named, who is identified to me by Mr. Syed
Muhammad Abdul Kabir, Advocate, who is personally known to me.


Documents filed : Annexures “A/1” to “C”

Documents relied upon : Original of above and other


Address of the defendant: Same as in Written Statement.

Address of counsel for

Defendant : Syed Muhammad Abdul Kabir Advocate
308, Asad Chambers,
Shambunath Street,
Near by Saddar Passport Office,
Phone: 0300-9240666

Family Suit No. 927/2022

Mst. Amna Tariq …………..…………..………………………………Plaintiff


M. Qaseem Paracha…………………………………………………Defendant



That the Defendant named above respectfully submits as under:

1. That I am the Defendant in the above mentioned suit well conversant with

the facts of the case.

2. That the Plaintiff(s) filed a suit on 05.03.2022, after which the Defendant

filed Written Statement and after arguments on Application U/s 17-A of

Family Act the Hon’ble Court pleased to Order the Interim Maintenance

of Plaintiff No. 2 Baby Minahil Paracha of Rs. 6000/- and in compliance

of Order of this Hon’ble Court, Defendant is submitting Interim

Maintenance regularly.

(Copy of Deposit Slip is attached and marked as Annex “A”)

3. That the Plaintiff No. 3, Muhammad Muzamil (Son) was born in June

2022, It is submitted that the defendant is having a sum of Rs. 38,800.0 as

net pay in hand and who is the only person who earns bread and butter for
his family. It is pertinent to mention here that the father of the defendant is

a retired person from the same Govt. Office on 19.05.2021 and mother of

the defendant is also old infirm lady who needs constant medical

assistance which is also barred by the defendant as such cannot afford Rs.

12000/- per month as such respectfully prayed to recall the Order dt.

10.05.2022 and fix the interim maintenance as Rs. 3000/- each child.

(Copies of Nazir Receipts, Utility Bill and Medical Receipts are

attached and marked as Annex “A/1” to “C/4”)

4. That in view of above submissions, this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to

dismiss the under reply application Under Section 17-A and may be

passed order to fix the interim maintenance for each child as Rs. 3000/-

per month.

Karachi Advocate for the Defendant


Family Suit No. 927/2022

Mst. Amna Tariq …………..…………..………………………………Plaintiff


M. Qaseem Paracha…………………………………………………Defendant


I, Muhammad Qaseem Paracha S/o Muhammad Saleem Paracha, Muslim,

adult, R/o House No. R-1183, Block-16, FB Area, Karachi do hereby state on

oath as under:-

1. That I say that I am Defendant in above suit, as such well conversant with

the facts of the above suit.

2. That I say that I have gone through the application U/s 17-A of Family

Court Act 1964, as amended upto date filed by the Plaintiff, as such

appose vehemently for reasons stated hereafter.

3. That I say that it is submitted that the under reply application is frivolous,

after thought, malicious, misconceived, contrary to facts and law, the

same has been liable to be dismissed.

5. That whatever stated above is true and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief.

Karachi Deponent


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