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Die Nahrung 34 (1990) 7,60-606

Department of Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt

Chemical composition of juice and seeds of pomegranate fruit


The edible parts of pomegranate fruit represented 52 % of total fndt weight, comprising 78 %juice and 22%
seeds. The fresh juice contained 85.4% moisture, 10.6% total sugars, 1.4% pectin, 0.1 g/100 ml total acidity
(as citric acid), 0.7 mg/100 ml ascorbic acid, 19.6 mg/100 ml free amino nitrogen and 0.05 g/100 ml ash. Mean-
while, the seeds are a rich source of total lipids, protein, crude fibers and ash representing 27.2, 13.2,35.3 and
2.0%, respectively,andalsocontained6.0%pectinand4.7 % totalsugars. Theiron,cupper,sodium,magnesium
andzinccontentsofthejuice were lower than thoseofseeds, exceptpotassiumwhichwas49.2 ppm in thejuice.
On the other hand, the physical and chemical properties of seed's lipids indicated that the refractive index
was 1.518, melting point 13.0 "C,iodine value 74.2, acid number 1.1, unsaponifiable matters 0.7%, saponifi-
cation value 188.9, ester value 187.8 and glycerol content 10.3%. Morever, the studied lipids contained 11 fatty
acids, from them caprylic, the predominant acid, represented 36.3%, followedby stearic acid (22.5%). Further-
more, oleic and linoleic acids covered 5.1% and 10.3%, respectively. Otherwise, the saturated fatty acids of
seed's lipids of pomegranate composed 83.6% of the total fatty acids content.


Pomegranate fruits (Punicu grunatum L.) are most widely g r o k in USSR, Yugoslavia,
U.S.A., Japan, Turkey, India, FRG, Bulgaria, Syria and Egypt. The fruit has a red color and
medium size wheighing on an average between 175-290 g. The juice content was 45-61 %
of total fruit weight, proportion of waste 43-66 % of fruit weight, comprising 28.1-39.2%
outer rind, 0.1 % central lamella, and 9.1 -14.3% seeds [20].
The extracted pomegranate juice can be used in the manufacture of beverage, natural juice
and for obtaining canned beverage [13,171, whereas the juice contained considerable amounts
of total sugars, reducing sugars, sucrose, ascorbic acid, vitamin B, pectin, cellulose, tannin
and ash [S, 10, 1 11. Furthermore, the fruit juice and outer peels are fair sources of polyphenol
compounds as anthocyanin, leucoanthocyanin, catechins and flavonols [7, 91, revealing its
benificial use as additives for supplyingthe red color of foods [181and as an antibacterial agent
because of its content of phenolic compounds, pigments and citric acid [151.On the other hand,
peels could be utilized for production of a pharmaceutical preparation containing biologically
active substances [7].
InEgypt, the separatededible fresh parts ofpomegranate fruitsareconsumedmainly directly
and also used in the preparation of fresh juice after separating the seeds.
Despite of the obvious importance of pomegranate fruits little attention has been devoted
for studying its chemical composition. So, the objective of this work was to evaluate the
chemical composition of pomegranate juice and seeds as well as the physical and chemical
properties and fatty acids composition of seed's lipids.
602 Die Nahrung 34 (1990) 7

Materials and methods

The full ripened pomegranate fruits (PunicagranatumL.) were obtained from the local market of Zagazig in
1987 and used throughout this study.

Extraction ofjuice

The fresh fruits were carefully washed and cut into halves. The edible parts containing juice and seeds were
separated manually and blended ina Moulinexblender (Type241,modeldeposk, made in France) at themaximum
velocity for juice extraction. The red fresh juice was drained and screened through a cheesecloth for separation
the seeds. The seeds were washed and dried over night at room temperature (22 "C). The fresh juice and seeds
were subjected immediately for chemical analysis.

Analytical procedures

Moisture, ash, crude fibers, total acidity, crude protein, free amino nitrogen, pectin and saponification value
were determined according to the methods described in A.O.A.C. [3]. Ascorbic acid was determined by using
2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol as an indicator for volumetric titration as mentioned in the Association of Vita-
min Chemists [S]. The total and reducing sugars were determined as described by BERNFELD [6] and MILLER[16j
methods, after extraction by ethanol 70 %at 70 "C for 3 h. The minerals iron, cupper, sodium, zinc, manganese,
potassium and magnesium wereestimated by using a Perkin Elmer atomic absorption spectrophotometermodel
303 1141.
The total lipids, refractive index, melting point, iodine value, acid number, unsaponifiable matters and ester
value were determined according to the methods described in A.O.C.S. [4]. Glycerol content was calculated as
described by ABDEL-AKHER [I].
The fatty acids composition of pomegranate seed's lipids was determined in the Department of Biochemistry,
Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, according to the method described by FARAG et al. [12]. The fatty
acids of lipids were converted to methyl esters using ethereal solution of diazomethane. The methyl esters of
the fatty acids were analyzed with a GCV Pye Unicam gas chromatography equipped with dual flame ionization
detector and dual channel recorder. The fractionation of fatty acid methyl esters was conducted using a wiled
glass column (1.5 m x 4 mm) packed with Diatomite C (100-120 mesh) coated with 10% polyethylene
glycol adipate (PEGA). The column oven temperature was programmed at 8 "C/min from 70 "C to 190 "C,
then isothermally at 190 "C for 45 min with nitrogen at 30 ml/min. The oven temperature was programmed at
10 "C/min from 70 "C to 270 "C, then isothermally at 270 "C for 25 min and nitrogen flow rate was 30 ml/min.
Detector, injector temperatures, hydrogen, and air flow rates were generally 300 "C, 280 "C, 33 ml/min and
330 ml/min, respectively. Identification of peaks was attained by comparing their retention times with those of
authentic fatty acids. Each component on the chromatogram was calculated as percentage of the total area
under peaks.

Results and discussion

Table 1 represents the characteristics of pomegranate fruit and fresh juice. The results of
physical properties of pomegranate fruit are in agreement with the findings of V m s [20]. The
results of chemical composition of fresh juice are in the range of those reported by DUKOZO-
GUZ et al. [lo]. The rest components ofjuice may be released as fibers, tannin and/or cellulose
On the other hand, Table 2 revealesthe chemicalcomposition of seeds of pomegranate fruits.
et al.: Juice and seeds of pomegranate fruit

Table 1
Characteristics of pomegranate fruit and fresh juice
Characteristics Values
~ ~

Average fruit wt. 284 g

Average size 313 cm’
Specific gravity 0.91 g/cm3
Peels 38 % of fruit wt.
Internal lamella lO%offruitwt.
Edible parts 52 % of fruit wt.
Juice 78 % of edible parts
Seeds 22 % of edible parts

Fresh juice
Moisture [ %] 85.4
Total sugars [g/100 ml] 10.6
Reducing sugars [g/IOO ml] 10.5
Non-reducing sugars [g/100 ml] 0.1
Pectin [g/100 ml] 1.4
Total acidity (as citric acid) [g/IOO ml] 0.1
Ascorbic acid [mg/100 ml] 0.7
Free amino nitrogen [mg/lOO ml] 19.6
Ash [g/IOO ml] 0.05
Minerals [ppm]:
Iron 0.2
Cupper 1 .o
Sodium 3.0
Magnesium 2.4
Potassium 49.2

Table 2
Chemicalcompositionofseedsofpomegranate fruits (on dry wt. basis)*

Components Values Components Values

Total lipids [ %] 27.2 Minerals [ppm]:

Crude protein [ %] 13.2 Iron 1.3
Crude fibers f %] 35.3 Cupper 1.2
Pectin [ %] 6.0 Sodium 6.0
Total sugars [ %] 4.7 Magnesium 12.4
Reducing sugars [ %] 1.6 Potassium 45.2
Non-reducing sugars [ %] 3.1 Zinc 1 .o
Ash [%I 2.0 Manganese
* Moisture content = 8.6 %

Table 3 shows the physical and chemical properties of seed’s lipids of pomegranate fruit.
The refractive index and melting point of studied lipids were 1.518 and 13.0 “C,consequently
quite lower than that of cottonseed oil. Morever, the lipids of seeds are considered to be anon-
drying lipid, because the iodine value was 74.2due to its high content of saturated fatty acids, as
shown in Table 4. Furthermore, the studied lipids are more stable compared with cottonseed
604 Die Nahrung 34 (1990) 7

Table 3
Physical and chemical properties of seed's lipids of pome-
granate fruit and cottonseed oil

Particulars Pomegranate Cottonseed

seed's lipids oil*

Refractive index (at 20 "C) 1.518 1.413

Melting point ["C] 13.0 18.0
Iodine value 74.2 103.2
Acid number 1.1 1.2
Unsaponifiable matters [ %] 0.7 0.95
Saponification value 188.9 198.8
Ester value 187.8 197.6
Glycerol content [ %] 10.3 10.8
'Cited from ABOUEL-MAATI

Table 4
Fatty acids composition of seed's lipids of pomegranate

Fatty acids [ %] Pomegranate Cottonseed

seed's lipids oil*

Caproic '6:O
2.16 -
Caprylic C8:, 36.33 -
Capric c,,:, 0.95 -
Lauric C,,:, 6.62 -
Myristic c,,:, 7.56 1.4
M yristoleic C1d:1
0.41 -
Palmitic c,6,0 7'51 22.1
Palmitoleic c16:l 0.47
Stearic C,,:, 22.48 5.4
Oleic CIS:, 5.13 38.1
Linoleic c,,:, 10.33 30.6
Linolenic + C18 :3
Arachidic C2O:O - 2.4

Saturated fatty acids [ %] (1) 83.61 28.9

Unsaturated fatty acids [ %] (2) 16.34 71.1
(1):(2) 5.12: 1 0.41 : 1
* Cited from ABOUEL-MAATI

oil, since the acid number and unsaponifiable matters were 1.1 and 0.7 % for seed's lipids and
1.2 and 0.95 % for cottonseed oil. The saponification value of the lipids was 188.9, this was
lower than that of cottonseed oil and may be due to the high content of short chain fatty acids,
especially caprylic acid (Table 4).This explains the obtaining of lower molecular weight fatty
acids in the studied lipids than those of cottonseed oil.
Table4shows the fatty acidscompositionofseed's lipids ofpomegranate fruit. The extracted
lipids contained 11 fatty acids. Caprylic, the predominant acid, represented 36.3 % followed
by stearic acid (22.5 %) while myristoleic acid revealed the lowest content of 0.4i %. These
et al.: Juice and seeds of pomegranate fruit 605

results are in disagreement with those reported by TSUYUKI et al. [19] who identified 18 fatty
acids in the various lipid fractions of pomegranate seeds including 83.8 % triglyceride, 3.25 %
1,Zdiglyceride, 1.34% 1,3-diglyceride,2.93 % compound lipid, 2.82 % sterol esters, 2.46 %
free fatty acids, 1.77 % monoglycerides, and 1.65% sterols. Oleic and linoleic acids contents
comprised 5.13 % and 10.3%, respectively, they were clearly lower than those of cottonseed
oil. Otherwise, the saturated fatty acids of seed's lipids were 83.6 and 28.9 % for cottonseed
oil. The stability of the studied lipids, as previously mentioned, may be due to this findings.
It could be concluded that the pomegranate fruits did not subject to many studies in Egypt.
Therefore, they must be recommanded for further and detailed studies towards their tech-
nological suitability, i.e. manufactur of beverage, natural juice and obtaining additives for
supplying the red color of foods.

S. E. EL-NEMR,I. A. ISMAIL und M. RAGAB:Chemische Zusammensetzung von Juice und Samen des Granat-

Der eDbare Anteil des Granatapfels stellt 52 % der Gesamtfruchtmasse dar und besteht zu 78 % aus Juice und
zu 22 % aus Samen. Der ffische Juice enthalt 85,4% Wasser, 10,6% Gesamtzucker, 1,4% Pektin, 0,l g/100 ml
Gesamtsaure (berechnet als Citronensaure), 0,7 mg/100 ml Ascorbinsaure, 19,6 mg/100 ml freien Amino-
stickstoff und 0,05 g/100 ml Asche. Die Samen sind reich an Gesamtlipiden (27,2%), Protein (13,2 %), Roh-
faser (35,379 und Asche (2%) und enthalten daneben 6,0% Pektin und 4,7% Gesamtzucker. Die Gehalte
an Eisen, Kupfer, Natrium, Magnesium und Zink sind im Juice niedriger als im Samen mit Ausnahme von
Kalium (49,2 ppm im Juice).
Die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Samenlipide werden durch folgende Werte charakteri-
siert : Brechungsindex 1,518, Schmelzpunkt 13,O "C, Iodzahl 74,2, Saurezahl 1,1, Unverseifbares 0,7 %,
Verseifungszahl 188,9, Esterzahl 187,8, Glycerolgehalt 10,3 %. Die untersuchten Lipide enthalten 11 Fettsau-
ren, von denen Caprylsaure iiberwiegt und 36,3 % ausmacht, gefolgt von Stearinsaure (22,s %). Die Gehalte an
01-und Linolsaure liegen bei 5, I bzw. 10,3 %. Der Gehalt an gesattigten Fettsauren macht 83,6 % der Gesamt-
fettsauren aus.


Caeno6~ans a c n rpaHaTa comaBmeT 52% o 6 ~ e i I$PYKTOBO~
i Maccbr H COCTOHT no 78% u3 coKa II no
22% u3 ceMm. B cBexeM m y c e conepxaTcn 85,4% BOW, 10,6% o6uero caxapa, 1,4% neKmHa, 0,l r/100 Mn
o6ueii KHCnOTbI (B IfepKYeTe Ha JIHMOHHYIO KHCJIOTy), 0,7 Mr/100 MJI aCKOp6HHOBO@KHCJIOTbI, 19,6 Mr/
100 MJI CBO60nHOrO a m ~ o a 3 0 ~Ha0,05 r/100 MJI 30m.1. CeMeHa 6ora~b1061q~m nunWaMu (27,2%),
6en~ar.1~ (13,2%), CbIPbIMH BOJIOKHaMH (35,3%) W 30nOfi (2%) €BMeCTe
i C 3THM COAepXaT 6,0% M K M H O B W
4,7% 06urwx caxapoa. Conepxame xenesa, Mem, HaTpsr, MarHnu H uuma B nxyce m x e YeM B ceMeHax
3a HcmwreHHeM K~.IIHR (49,2 ~ I I MB ~wcyce).
@sssrec~ueH XmwiecKtie ceoiimsa nHnlinoB ceP*UIHx a p a ~ ~ e p ~ 3 y 1 ocnenymuwmi
~cr naHHbIMII : norca-
3a~enbnpenoMneHun 1,518, Tows nnaeneHm 13,O "C, iionHoe wcno 74,2, KiicnoTHoe wcno 1,1, HeoMbrna-
mbte 0,7%, wcno oMbIneHm 188,9, sI$up~oewcno 187,8, conepxaHae rnmepona 10,3%.HccnenosaHmie
nIinHm1 conepwtaT 11 XHPHbIX KWCJIOT, 83 HHX npeo6nanae~KXlpHJlOBaR KHCJIOTB, C0CTaBJIXH)IUaR 36,3%,
e ~ cTeapeHosax KHcnoTa (22,5%). Conepxame onemoeoi H nuHoneBoi KHCJIOT COCTaBJIRIOT 5,1
3 a ~ cnenyeT
H 10,3%COOTBeTCTBeHHO. COnepXaHwe HaCWeHHbIX WUipHbIX KHCJIOT COCTaBJllleT 83,6% OT 0614ero COnep-
l a w n X H P H ~I X mcnoT.
606 Die Nahrung 34 (1990) 7


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and Dr. M. RAGAB,
Department of Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig
University, Zagazig, Egypt

Received August 14, 1989

Revised manuscript received October 4, 1989

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