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Q-1 Explain:
a) What is Software engineering? What are the essential characteristics and challenges of
software engineering?
b) Explain the nature and characteristics of Software Requirement Specification(SRS).
Q-2 Explain:
a) What is Software requirement engineering? Discuss the various requirements
engineering process in detail.
b) Compare waterfall model and spiral model with diagram
Q-3 Explain:
a) DFD. How it is helpful in requirement analysis? Also describe the difference between
DFD and flow chart.
b) Five characteristics of good SRS.

Q-1 Explain:
a) How Software management is different from other type of engineering managements?
b) What do you mean by software risk management? Explain the benefits of risk
Q-2 Explain:
a) Software Project Estimation model. Explain COCOMO model
b) Software project management? What are the main Project Management Activities.
Q-3 Explain:
a) Responsibilities of Software project manager
b) What are software metrics? What is the role of metrics in project management?
c) What are the shortcoming of LOC as a software size metrics? Explain function point
metrics to measure the size of the software with an example.
Q-4 Explain:
a) What do you mean by Software Project planning? Also outline the goals of software
project planning.
b) How is software management different from other type of engineering management?
Q-5 Explain:
a) Software Risk Management
b) Cost estimation model
c) Major component of software process. Describe the purpose of each
d) Software Configuration Management. What is the relationship between software
configuration management and software maintenance.

Q-1 Explain:
a) What do you mean by cohesion and coupling? How are the concept of cohesion and
coupling useful in arriving at good software design?
b) What is software design? State its relevance and also discuss the importance of software
design in software engineering.
Q-2 Explain:
a) What is software implementation? Explain the relationship between design and
implementation in detail.
b) What are software metrics? Discuss the effect of software metrics on software productivity.
Q-3 Explain:
a) Classification of Cohesiveness and Coupling
b) Good coding style

Q-1 Explain:
a) What is software testing? How is testing important in software life cycle? Discuss the
objective of software testing.
b) Explain the concept of unit testing, integration testing and system testing in detail.
Q-2 Explain:
a) What is software maintenance? What is the importance of software maintenance?
b) Various types of software maintenance.
Q-3 Explain:
a) Main difference between white box and black box testing. Explain different approaches
used to design the white box test cases.
b) What are the different ways of documenting a software product?
Q-2 Explain the following with examples:
a) Integration testing and System Testing
b) Configuration management
c) Testing process
d) Reverse Engineering and Re-Engineering
Q-3 Explain:
a) Design of test cases
b) Software Configuration Management and its importance

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