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Consider Fertiliser is mado by diluting & ‘Tho concentrate and water make up the fortilisnr and we need to know how much of each ‘Thia information can be given in many ways, for ‘Ada 1.6 titres of water to 60m of concentrate’ ‘Dilute 00 that one-thirtioth of the fertitiser is con concentrate with w SURES | RES s2E78 ‘© How can this information be given more clearly? . Sara has 600 ma! of concentrate, How much fertiliser can she make? © dack wanta to mak § tres of fertiliser. How much coneentrate should he use? ‘You should be able to solve these probleme after you have worked through this chapter ‘Compo’ is made by mixing cement and sand, The weights of sand and coment required can be given as “Three parts sand to one part coment’, or ‘Three-quarters of the mixture is sand’, or “Mix 200 ky of sand with 100 kg of coment’ Discuss which of these instructions is most helpful if you want to fa make up some mix using the sand you have in stock bond up with 100 kg of mix © buy enough sand and cement to make about 3000 kg mix, but ‘you are not sure exactly how much mix you will need. 2 School uniform shirts are usually made from material that contains a mixture of cotton and polyester, Discuss the ways in which the proportions of cotton and polyester ean be described on the label 38. ‘Green Fingers’ potting compost is made by mixing one part of sand with two parts of peat, Discuss these statements (they are not all necessarily true) a To make 3 litres of compost you need 1 litre of sand and 2 litres of peat, 1b Half this bag of compost is sand, © Tomake 3kg of compost you need 1 kg of sand and kg of peat, 4 Tho quantity of sand is half the quantity of peat, 90 patio ayon page 90 shows that there are various ways of comparing the sizes of sre iseuesing Sand that giving the relative sizes rather than the actual sizes is often iste! aa Venton $ hows that, unless the nature of the quantities being compared is p wsetl cons of size are not much tse ‘ye, comparisons ® squash is made by adding one part by volume of concentrate to awe at ta ONES y ny vole of water, we are not giving the ste ‘of the quantities to be mixed; we cae rat jon about the relative sizes ofthe quantities; this is called the ratio of Oe he volume of water is in the ratio 1 to 3, or, ore tha is the volume of concentrate fo riefly a volume of concent simplifying ratios ‘he instructions for making orange squash are ‘gad 720 ml of water to 240ml of concentrate’ ‘This canbe simplified to give the ratio ofthe two quantities, rie adm: 720ml, Which can be simplified, by dividing both numbers by 240, to swore rrate : volume of water = 1:3 tml: 8m WWecan simplify this further by omitting the units, provided that it is made clear that the otto is of volumes, for example, by writing volume of concentrate : volume of water = 1: 3 ‘The advantage of not giving units in a ratio is that any convenient unit for quantities ean be used, provided that itis the same for both quantities. p-o08-0) measuring the Worked example > Simplify the ratio 1m: 2em Tm :2em = 100¢em : 2m Ratio of the lengths = 100 : 2 sees LOT Simplify the ratios. a0! or gem :8 4 4: 76p 7 bmi: 20m! we 1 2em : Bem 0 e1.80:78p 2 32p:96p 5 48p £2.88 fh , : 9 8 8 45g: 1kg ea :oen is dhe i a0 ‘Worked example ——— > Simplify the ratio 2m : 0.5m a Ratio of lengths = 2: 0.5 ad 24:1 | fn each Simplify the ratios. ne 3 : in sf @” 10 2m: 1}m 19 0.7mm: 14mm — 16 fin: Ain : AA £1:£1.50 44 22m : Lk 17 2kg: 14g b 12 Qhkm:Skm 15 5.1m:25.5em 18 4.6m: 36cm 26 Sq We can use ratios to compare more than two quantities, vin Worked example i > Find the ratio of the lengths of the sides of oo this triangle. a7 oe sch Ratio of the lengths : = 2.7em: 1.8¢m: 15cm b 27:18:15 aS aan 27:18:15 28 Ma 6:5 mo Jas Ma Tem . 29 Re, Simplify the ratios. [ ha: 19 2em:4em:6em a 20 1m: 20cm :50mm 2 21 2kg:3kg: kg a 22 Tmg: 56mg: 21mg @) way 28 25g:100g:75¢ rat : 24 6 apples :2 oranges :2 bananas (Oh an example ——————— was 12 pets of which 6 are cal OF kittens, 2 are dogs and the rest are - e ema the ratio of the number of birds to dogs. birds. ee number of dogs = 4:2 4 Komber of Birds ap Fina the ratio of the number of birds to pets. srunber of birds: numberof Pelt a4:12 =1:3 sneash question give Your newer in its simplest form. 95 Aowuple have 6grandaons and & granddaughters. Find Ae ratio of the number of grandsons that of granddaughters b the ratio of the number of | granddaughters to that of grandchildren. a6 Square A has sides Gem long and square Bhas sides 8em long. Find the ratio of Pint ye length ofthe side of equare A to the length of the side of square B bb the area of equare A to the area of square B. 2 ‘Tom walks 2m to sthool in 40 minutes and Johan cycles 5km to school in 15 minutes. Find the ratio of ‘a Tom’s distance to Johan's distance ‘> Tom's time to Johan's time. Mary has 18 sweets and Jasmine has 12. As Mary has 6 sweets vnore than Jasmine, she tries to even things out by giving ‘josmine 6 sweets, What is the ratio of the number of sweets Mary has to the number Jasmine has a atthestart b atthe end? Rectangle A has length 12cm and width Gem, while rectangle B has length 8em and width 5cm. Find the ratio of the length of A to the length of B the area of A to the area of B the perimeter of A to the perimeter of B the sige of an angle of Ato the size of an anele of B A triangle has sides of lengths 3.2m, 4.8cm and 3.6m. Find the ratio ofthe lengths of the sides to one another ‘Two angles of a triangle are 54° and 72°. Find the ratio of sizeof the third angle to the suso ofthe frst [2 f the 3 oC” ll ee ' a ce marmalade in Mrs Shah mal 32 For a school fte, Mrs Jones and a Oyen jars, Mrs Jones makes 5 Jars of lemon marmalade Ca es | a rovange. Mrs Shah makes 7 jars of lemoo ‘marmalade =a fqrapofruit. Find the ratio of the ‘numbers of jars of ; ejemon to orange to grapefruit Fore f Me Jones's to Mrs Shah's marmalade find ¢ Mrs Jones's lemon to orange. ‘ @| 83 A recipe for the base of a cheesecake needs 25 of butter and Nowi 150g of erushed biscuits, Find the rato ofthe weight of butter to : the weight of biscuits. Wher @| 34 Amir made a model plane from & kit, The model is 40cm long and then the real plane is 35m long. For € ae Find the ratio ofthe length of the model to the length of the butte real plane. ‘To fir bb Baplain whether the answer is the same for the ratio of the be th length of the real plane to the length of the model. Then @ J 35 Anenlargement of a photograph is 6.5m wide. The original photograph is 8.5 em wide. al ‘a What is the ratio of the width of the enlarged photograph to the width of the original? To fi b. ‘The enlarging machine is set by entering this ratio on its sides control panel. Explain what you think would happen if the ratio was entered in the wrong order. @| 36 fp :q = 2:8, find the ratio 6p : 2g ivie Ratios as fractions Grace has a model of her sister's car. 2 ‘The model is 4cm long and the car is 4m long. ‘The ratio of the length of the model to the length of the car is 4em : 4 length of model : lngth of car = 4: 400 a 100 ‘We can also compare these lengths using fractions, Jengih of model dem _ 4: Tength of car ~ 4m ee 100 ive. the length of the is 1 of the model is +2 ofthe length of the car 94 ——— ee ee unknown quantities | he unknown quantity is obvious j Ho range aquach is made by mixing concentrate and water in the ratio 1:3.'To Forte volume of water nooded fr ‘36ml of concentrate, we know that igoml volume of water = 1:3 owt obvious cat the volume of water needed is 3x 36ml = 108ml ‘unknown quantity is not obvious, ‘an equation and solve it {icing sugar and butter are combined in the ratio 5 : 3 to make When the ‘using ratios in fraction form is easier. We can ‘hen form Forexomple, the weights o te icing ‘Tofind the weight of icing sugar needed to mix with 40g of butter, we start by letting x j be the weight of icing sugar, Then x40 = 5:3 Writing these ratios as fractions gives the equation ra ‘Tofind x, we have to make the left-hand side 40 times larger, i.e. we need to multiply both sides by 40: 4 x 40 Teor wien ving 200 Worked example “> Find the value of x when 2: Wf2:2=3:5,thenx:2=5:3 Mihe to find the value of 2542 a x:6 = 10:18 9 2:9-3:5 axT= 3:4 6 1:4= 12x 3= Bix 6x:524:3 12 3:2=2:5 in Davi to that i= 19 The ratio of the amount of money in David's pocket = Indinw’s pocket io 10:9. Indira has 27 p. How much bas David ot? z 20 Two lengths are in the ratio 3 : 7. The second length is 42cm. Find the first length. a If the ratio in question 20 was 7 : 3, what would the Grst length be? 22 In a rectangle, the ratio of length to width is 9: 4. The length is 24 em. Find the width. 28 The ratio of the perimeter of a triangle to its shortest side is 10:3. ‘The perimeter is 35cm. What is the length of the shortest side? 2% A length, originally 6em, is increased so that the ratio of the new length to the old length is 9 : 2. What is the mew length? 25 A dass is making a model of the school building and the ratio of the lengths of the model to the lengths of the real building is 1:20. The gym is 6m high. How high, in centimetres, should the model of the gym be? 26 The ratio of the length of a model boat to the length of the real ‘boat is 3 : 50. Find the length of the real boat if the model is T2.em long. ‘27 A business woman has been advised that the ratio of the cost of a computer to the cost of the software she needs is about 8:2. If she buys a computer costing about £1125, oughly how much will she need to spend on software? 8 ‘ t vat Seki —— % es we vm coment, aand and augregala bY h oggrone! mixed with 10 hy of wand? How mul F ament ix needed for 400 ke of aggregate? ao that the ratio of the lengths of te arged ph no oe engths of tne sides of the ariginal tog oh snlargement 0 sides of th ie fhe original photo m sures 6 enlargement measure? pare the areas of the onlargemen 5:27 Explain your answer. om by 100m. What does the t and original in the ratio i pivision in @ given ratio 4 icrometimes know the size ofthe ina) quantity made from two or more quantities but i sot the size ofthe constituent quantities However if wo know the ratio of the contributing quantities, we can find their sizes, sch made up2 litres of blackeurrant squash. Owen asked how much concentrate she used. sma remember, but she did know that the ratio of concentrate to water wat 1:4, es i =) From this Sarah worked out that the concentrate was } of the made-up volume, #0 the volume of concentrate used was 3 of 2 litres, that is, 5 litre, j aoe is | Worked example > Gordo con a at seet cleaning powder with which to clean these vide t A carpets, ew heal ba rie vane st each carpet gets the same quantity of 7 square metres —————EE far Matha @ sont atm aif tho tal aron to be cloned, and tho ary J divide 21 ky into ty ‘phe entio af Hho arena conrpot inf ‘thorefore the arew of the Langer at upon to bo cleaned, Ho he whould tho umallor carpet ts fof te lot 4 vt, of whieh iv fof 21g and ho oer nf of 21 ke, ‘The larger carpet noods } x 21k = 18K ‘Tho amattor carpet nonda (21 ~ 12) © Okie Chock: J x al = 0 1 Divide 80 p into two parts in the ratio 8:2 Divide 8Qom into two parts in the ratio D6 8 Divido £48 into two sharos in the ratio 4:5 tho contonte of a buy of ponnuts betwoon 4 Dick and Tom shar 5. If thore are 40 ponnuts, how many do they ‘thom in tho rati ‘onch get? 5 Mary in 10 yours old and Bloanor is 16 yonrs old, Divide £1.78 bbotwoon them in the ratio of their ages, 6 Ina class of 30 students tho ratio of the number of boys to the numibor of girla is 7:8 How many girls are there? 7 Divide £20 into two parte in the ratio 1:7 8 Ina garden the ratio of the area of lawn to the area of flower-bod ia 12:5, Ifthe total area is 967 m', find the aroa of a tho lawn 1b the flowerbed. 9 Ina bow! containing oranges and apples, the ratio of the numbers ‘of oranges to apples ix 4:3. If thore are 28 fruits altogether, how many applos are there? 10 A bovl af punch is made by mixing wine and fruit juice in the ratio 2:7 ‘4 How much wine is thore in 8 litres ofthis punch? 1b How much fruit juice is needed to make 12 litres of punch? u ‘The fibres used to make the material for some school uniform. shirts are cotton and polyestar in the ratio 3:2 by weight, . fad —_ ie is there in a shirt that weighs 120g? ixplain whether. jor Eel your answer to part a is exact or an | “Toe 6 swe ' fond | worked = died at lene, senso Hes Hel fer Checks Vet bt Davale ati He The pene sre an th 16 tn std 16 Ave Ie tertiliver ingreale 17 Vhs wnt been ae Haw me Map ratic The on the grou Wiwe villas, font so the map, sand the Any length ‘As the 61m length of wing Madea into tree Bengt 1. he rote 3:7: 2,000 tne 3 sen sf ‘The other length are also each Sumber of twee of 6 shares are in the 4 tinge nen ana te eet sre inthe ratio 3:45. ‘rd the Tengths of the three sides. 15 In. garden, the ratio ofthe ‘areas of lawn to beds to paths is sa wand the he rest ta aren 8 DS 6 aaa pot compen is made by musing sand: Paton A hser by volume inthe ratio 4:5 1 Whst volume of each 17 The instructions for mixing paint to give & particular shade of seen are: eoelours 127, 199, 60 in the ratio 21 24, Tree age of entoar 127 is needed to give 20 Tires ‘of mixed paint? Map ratio (or representative Man at orrapranan creenon heme © at acme pe ‘oop rinatumen tei oma mene This sometimes called the oe tag ar hem aga man Gem: Gkm = Sem 1 the map ratio is | ond the RF is Worked example ——— Find the mop ratio of a map if 12km is represented by 1.2cm on the map, : a Map ratio = 1.2m : 12m = 1.2m: 1200000em 12; 12000000 1: 1000000 propor Find the map ratio of the maps in the following questions. Somet 12cm on the map represents 1 km. 4 8.2cm on the map represents 16 km, propor 2 The scale of the map is 1m to 5km. 5 Jem on the map represents 500m. oe 3 10kmis represented by 10em on the map. 6 100km is represented by 5 cm on the mas in eael Worked example hee > Ifthe map ratio is 1: 6000 and the distance between two points on the map is 12cm, find the actual distance between the two points. ed prope Let the actual distance be x em. ‘Then 12: = 15000 L or 112 = 5000:1 F 20 a iving a ‘The actual distance is 60000em, that is, 600m. ‘The Because map ratios are always in the form 1 :n, this type of problem can be solved very simply as follows. As the map ratio is 1 : 6000, lem ‘The n the map represents 5000cm on the ground, therefore 12em on the ‘map represents 12 x 5000em on the ground, ie. 60000¢m = 600m. 7 The map ratio of map is 1 :50000.'The distance between A and I oo Bon the map is Gem. What isthe true distance between A and B? 8 The representative fraction ofa map is zo, A length ry A length on the ma is Tem. What real length does this represent? : ll ce 9 The map ratio of a map is 1: 10000, Find the actual length i represented by 2em, ae If there are y sect yt = 200518 y 280 » 7 ving y= 450 ‘The third stack has 450 sheets. yp) aheeta are 181mm thick, 01 soot is 2 > te od nm ik, that i, 24am or 2.6m thie ‘b 15mm contains 250 sheets oper, to 1mm contains 250 + 15 sheets : ' rine contains 260 + 16 X 27 eheola, chat ia, 450 shee Bs ied 1 Sam covers 9m when he walks 12 paces. How far does he travel fa |e pew when he walks 16 paces? eo oe 2 Lean buy 24 bottles ofa soft drink for £8 when buying in bulk e eur How many bottles can I buy at the same rate for £127 hour fied 3164 seedlings are allowed 24 em of space, how much space should be allowed for 48 seedlings? How many seedlings can be planted in 27 em"? Arco 20 ub flout 4A ream (500 sheets) of paper is 6em thick. How thick a pile ‘would 300 sheets ofthis paper make? | Mixed exe 5 Ata school pienie 15 sandwiches are provided for every 8 ‘children, How many sandwiches are needed for 66 children? Beware: Some of the quantities in the following questions are not in direct proportion. Some questions need a different method and some cannot be answered at all from the given information. Worked example -> A family with two pets spends £1.50 a week on pet food. If . If the pet, how much a week will be spent on pet food? fen pa ‘We are not told what sort of animals the pets are. Different : . tani ‘ Se cis akan el ons for every AE es yon # clothes Tine in 2 hours, How long would 11 in 6 hours. How long would one vers build a wal fall working at the same rate? ike to build the te insurance is charged atthe rate of £3.50 per ‘fe worth of the contents, How much is the feontents are worth £34 000? contents of a house is £336, at pounds worth, what are the house 4 Deobrekla prickaver ta Howse conten thousand pou insurance ifthe orth insurance paid on the the rate of f4 per thousand contents worth? cakes Margaret 45 minutes to walk 4km, How long would it wit ik 5km at the same speed? How far would she £0 take her to wal in Tour? 11 teakes a gardener 45 minutes to dig a flower bed of area 7.5 Ithedigs atthe same rate, how long does he take to dig 9m"? 12 Fencing costs £7.20 per 1.8m length. How much would 7.5m 13 Mrs Brown and Mrs Jones make 4 dozen sendwiches in half an_ hoor in Mrs Jones's small kitchen. If they had 30 friends in to help, bow many sandwiches could be made in the same time? A recipe for 12 scones requires 2 teaspoons of baking powder and 240g of flour. Ifa larger number of scones are made, using 540 g of flour, how much baking powder is needed? d exercise Express the ratio 96 : 216 in its simplest form. ‘Simplify the ratio} : 3 Divide £100 into three parts in the ratio 10 : 18 :2 ‘Two cubes have edges of lengths Sem and 12cm. Find the ratio of the lengths of their edges b. their volumes. Find the missing number in the ratio x : 18 = 11:24 ‘What distance does 1em represent on a map with map ratio 1100007 Ifx:y = 9:4, find the ratio 4x: 3y It costs £13.50 to feed a dog for 12 days. At the same rate, how ‘much will have to be spent to feed it for 35 days?

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