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Curriculum implementation models, are models that try to address the practical aspects of

delivering the curriculum in the classroom. These models provide guidance on how to effectively

teach, manage, and assess the curriculum. There are many curriculum implementation which

include Diffusion of Innovation Model, Backward Design Model, Direct Instruction Model just

to mention a few . In this assignment the researcher is going to focus on the diffusion of

innovation model of curriculum implementation.

The Diffusion of Innovation Model, developed by Everett Rogers, is a widely recognized

framework that explains how new ideas, innovations, or practices spread and are adopted in a

social system ( Wiles, J., & Bondi, J. 2013). While the model was originally formulated to

explain the adoption of technological innovations, it has been applied to various fields, including

education and curriculum implementation. In the context of curriculum implementation, the

Diffusion of Innovation Model helps us understand how new curriculum ideas or innovations are

disseminated, accepted, and integrated into educational settings.

The Innovation Diffusion Model, outlines several key arguments regarding the adoption and

diffusion of innovations within a social system. The first argument of this model is that

curriculum adoption is a process that occurs over time. It recognizes that educators and

educational institutions go through different stages when adopting a new curriculum, ranging

from initial awareness to full implementation.

According to the Innovation Diffusion Model, the adoption process of a new curriculum follows

a series of stages that individuals and educational systems go through 7 main stages which

include awareness, evaluation trial, adoption implementation maintenance and evaluation . Once
the new curriculum is fully implemented, educators focus on maintaining its quality and

effectiveness. They continuously assess its impact on student learning, make refinements, and

address any challenges that arise.

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