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Systems Engineering for Commercial Aircraft

Conference Paper in INCOSE International Symposium · August 1997

DOI: 10.1002/j.2334-5837.1997.tb02151.x

61 18,608

1 author:

Scott Jackson
Burnham Systems Consulting


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Scott Jackson
Douglas Aircraft Company
3855 Lakewood Blvd.
Long Beach, California 90846

ABSTRACT aircraft should meet the top-level requirements,

and a thorough verification process is required to
The application of systems engineering (SE) to show that these requirements have been met.
commercial aircraft presents a set of requirements A new aircraft is developed from a "blank
and processes unique to the commercial aircraft slate" using the SE process. The requirements
industry. SE can be applied to new, derivative, for new aircraft are market driven and reflect the
and change-based aircraft design. The concept of desires of a broad spectrum of potential
an aircraft system extends beyond the aircraft customers. The top-level synthesis of an aircraft
itself. The hierarchy of the aircraft architecture is is discussed later in this paper.
embedded in present-day processes. Aircraft Derivative aircraft are based on previous
life-cycle functions follow the classical life-cycle designs. Like new aircraft, derivative aircraft
functions. The aircraft-level functions can be requirements are based on market-driven needs.
flowed to aircraft and subsystem level functions The advantage of derivative designs is that
and requirements. Requirements which receive significant development costs can be avoided.
more attention than others include performance, Change-based aircraft are those new or
safety, cost, reliability, and weight, not derivative aircraft which have been ordered by
necessarily in that order. Economic specific customers and require specific options
requirements include both market-driven and and custom designs. Often these options can
particular customer requirements. Certification affect aircraft performance and therefore must be
guidelines for the aircraft, including its software, evaluated at the aircraft level.
incorporate SE principles. Strong SE
management is required for the successful Architecture of the aircraft system
development of commercial aircraft. This paper
is based on the author's book Systems Figure 1 shows a typical hierarchy for a
Engineering for Commercial Aircraft (1997). commercial aircraft system, which includes
more than the aircraft itself. The aircraft is just
INTRODUCTION one of five second-level elements. Secondly, a
hierarchical numbering system known as the
SE is increasingly being applied in commercial ATA index and is published in the ATA
practice. (Petersen and Sutcliffe, 1992), for Specification 100 (1989) already exists in the
example, discuss the principles of SE as applied aircraft industry. The correlation between the
to aircraft development. The purpose of this ATA index and the sample hierarchy is shown in
paper is to show how the unique aspects of Figure 1. This hierarchy is one of many possible
commercial aircraft development would be valid hierarchies. The development of this
applied within the SE process. hierarchy is one of the first steps in the aircraft
SE synthesis process.
New technologies and concepts
Although the term "commercial aircraft"
generally refers to jet-powered aircraft carrying To meet design requirements for reduced weight,
large numbers of passengers or more for long noise, and emissions, robust systems, and safe
distances, SE principles also apply to freight- and economic operation, many advanced
carrying aircraft, "commuter," aircraft, and to technologies are routinely incorporated into
"general aviation." commercial aircraft, e.g., heads-up displays
There are three types of aircraft developed in (HUD), voice recognition, global positioning
the commercial aircraft industry: new aircraft, system (GPS) receivers, point-to-point inertial
derivative aircraft and change-based aircraft. All navigators, reconfigurable instrument displays
Aircraft system

Aircraft Training Support Facilities Personnel

Environmental Avionics Electrical Interiors Mechanical Propulsion Auxiliary Airframe

segment segment segment segment segment segment segment segment

21 Air 22 25-10 27 Flight 28 (2) 53 (7)

24 49 (6)
conditioning Auto flight Crew controls Fuel Fuse-
Electrical Auxiliary
power accommoda- lage
29 power
21 (1) Cabin 23 tions
Hydraulic 54 through system 55
pressure Communica- Empen-
33-30, -40, power 54-80 (3)
tions 25-20 nage
-50 Pylon
30 Ice & rain Passenger 32 (6) Part of 54
protection Shipside
accommoda- Landing Nacelles/ 57
31 Indicating lighting tions gears pylons Wing
35 Oxygen & recording 71(1) (4)
36 Pneumatic plant
25-30 & -40, 38 (7) Includes
34 Water, waste, lavs, galleys, 52 Doors and
Navigation & plumbing
(1) Part of 21 Air 76 (5) 56 Windows
conditioning Power
(2) Includes control
applicable parts of
Emergency (4) Includes 72 Engine, 73 Engine fuel and control,
26 Fire protection
provisions 75 Air, 54-10 Nacelle, 74 Ignition, 78 Exhaust, 79
(3) Includes 33-50 Emergency Oil, & 80 Starting
33-10, -20 (5) Includes
Signs & lights 77 Engine display

Figure 1. Typical Aircraft System Architecture (and ATA Chapter Correlation)

based entirely on digital video displays, Doppler Aircraft functions
radar, fly-by-wire (FBW) or fly-by-light (FBL),
and real-time computer fault detection and One way to identify aircraft functions is to view
isolation. Composite material technology is key them as nodes of a matrix. These nodes include
to weight reduction. the operational phases, mission functions, and
Radical changes in aircraft design are being situational functions, as shown in Figure 2.
studied. For example, the drive towards a high
speed civil transport (HSCT) has focused on
advances in propulsion and materials. The three- Perform
surface aircraft described by (Martínez-Val, Pre-flight
Operations Perform Perform
1994) and (Birch, 1995) has been shown to Passenger & Cargo Normal
improve aerodynamic performance. Another Perform operations Operations
concept to improve aerodynamic performance is Take-off
the blended wing-body (BWB). This concept Operations Perform Perform
x Abnornal
would resemble a large manta ray. x Freighter
SE has the capability of evaluating the Perform Operations Operations
introduction of advanced technology for both Flight
subsonic and supersonic aircraft, as described by Operations Perform Perform
Non-revenue Emergency
(Mackey, 1996). Each technology must be
Perform Operations Operations
evaluated as part of the trade-off and risk
analyses which are part of the SE synthesis Post-landing Node 2
Node 3
process, discussed later in this paper. Operations Mission
Node 1 functions
Life-cycle functions functions
Figure 2. Matrix of Aircraft Operational
The demands of the aircraft industry gives the Functions
life-cycle flow its own unique characteristics.
Table 1 compares aircraft life-cycle functions Figure 3 shows how the Perform Flight
with the traditional SE life-cycle functions from Operations functions can be expanded. These
the draft EIA 632 (1994). functions and their subordinate functions will
drive the subsystem performance requirements.
Table 1. Comparison of Traditional and
Aircraft Life-cycle Functions REQUIREMENTS
Traditional SE life- Aircraft life-cycle functions
cycle functions Economic requirements
Development Market analysis
Perform initial marketing
Perform initial design Economic requirements are either market-driven
Market aircraft or specific customer requirements. Top-level
Perform design and requirements, such as the range, number of
development passengers, cargo capacity, and operating costs,
Manufacturing Perform manufacturing, will be driven by overall market factors. Specific
procurement, and assembly customers will require special capabilities, for
Verification Perform design and
example, relating to interior or avionics design.
Perform certification Requirements can also be initiated internally,
Deployment Operate aircraft such as for a design for manufacturing and
Operations Operate aircraft assembly (DFMA) initiative.
Support Perform sustainment
Training Perform sustainment Regulatory requirements
Disposal Remove aircraft from service
Regulatory requirements are those imposed by
regulatory agencies, such as the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) and the Joint Aviation
Agencies (JAA). The FAA and JAA set the (sound levels), external noise, electrical loads, air
requirements for the certification of the aircraft distribution, fuel consumption, emissions,
(discussed later). Many requirements are also maintenance cost, and loads, shock, and
set by industry standards and other agencies. vibration.


Provide Thrust
Weight is one of the most closely watched
Provide aircraft requirements. The primary weight for
Passenger & Crew design and allocation to subsystems is the
Accommodations manufacturer's empty weight (MEW). The
primary weight for sizing is the maximum take-
Cargo Capability off weight (MTOW). Weight can either be
established as a derived sizing parameter or as a
Provide constraint from airport weight limits. Either
Environmental way, weight will be allocated to the subsystems
Control using the classical SE allocation process.

Provide Reliability
Several types of reliability can be applied to
Provide aircraft design, but the one with the most
Guidance & visibility is dispatch reliability. Dispatch
Navigation reliability is the probability that the aircraft will
leave the gate within 15 minutes of the scheduled
Maintain time. Like weight, dispatch reliability can be
Structural allocated to all the aircraft subsystems. Safety
related reliability is treated within the certification
process, discussed later.
Human Factors
Provide Situational
Although human factors requirements apply to
many aspects of aircraft design, such as
Figure 3. The Perform Flight Operations passenger comfort and maintenance, the area
Function receiving the most attention is flight deck
(cockpit) design. The challenge of human
Derived and allocated requirements factors is the development and allocation of
verifiable requirements both to humans and to
As the aircraft is developed from the top-level the equipment, as described by (Chapanis,
performance requirements and constraints, 1996). That is, the human is considered part of
derived requirements at the top and subsystems the system in accordance with the aircraft system
levels will be developed. The number of engines hierarchy of Figure 1.
and weight are examples. In addition, software The human factors requirements for cockpit
requirements, all of which are derived, will be design require the resolution of conflicting
developed. requirements: On one hand the cockpit must be
Many requirements can be allocated to designed to avoid excessive pilot workload
aircraft subsystems. These include, but are not during periods of high stress, such as during
limited to, weight, non-recurring (development) landing and during emergency situations. On the
cost, recurring (unit) cost, direct operating cost other hand, the cockpit must be designed to
(DOC), dispatch reliability, maximum allowable maintain pilot vigilance during periods of low
probability (MAP) of failure, internal noise activity. Another goal of human factors is to
minimize the effects of periferalization, that is, take-off. However, iterations may size the
the complex psychological state which results engines at other conditions. Take-off weight can
from a shift in the pilot role from direct contact be estimated from standard sizing relationships
and control of the aircraft to one of system involving structure, engines, fuel, payload, and
monitor, as described by (Satchell, 1993). fixed equipment (electrical, hydraulic,
environmental control, avionics, etc.). All of the
TOP-LEVEL SYNTHESIS above information gives us enough information
to determine the climb and cruise ranges.
The aircraft system
Table 3. Wing Sizing Requirements
The aircraft system is much larger than the Performance
aircraft itself and consists of the five elements Requirements Constraints
previously discussed. There are many Number of passengers Field length
requirements which may affect or be affected by Weight of cargo Initial cruise altitude
one or more of these elements. Table 2 presents Range Atmospheric conditions
a partial list of these requirements. Cruise Mach number Approach speed
Table 2. Requirements Affecting the Aircraft
Economic constraints. As described by
(Jackson, 1995), direct operating cost (DOC) is a
Cargo characteristics Costs
Airport characteristics Exterior noise
primary design constraint. The components of
Utilization rate Operational requirements DOC are navigation fees, insurance, landing
Turnaround time Growth capability fees, ground handling, crew (cabin, cockpit),
People-related Aircraft autonomy ownership (depreciation and interest),
requirements maintenance (engine, airframe), and fuel and oil.
Passenger service Consumables Figure 4 shows how DOC is allocated to the
Regulatory environmental Reliabilities, both dispatch various aspects of the design. In most cases the
requirements and operational DOC allocation requires a change in parameter to
Configuration change-over Particular customer perform the requirements allocations.
times requirements Figure 5 shows how DOC is used to select a
Actual origins and design point for a new aircraft. Two types of DOC
are important: DOC per seat mile and DOC per
trip. Design points in the lower left-hand corner
Aircraft top-level synthesis are deemed to be economically viable while
those in the upper right-hand corner are not.
The creation and building of complex systems is
often called systems architecting (Rechtin, 1991). SUBSYSTEM SYNTHESIS
Systems architecting goes beyond technical
requirements to focus on such concepts as Virtually all subsystem requirements are derived
customer satisfaction. We will frame the aircraft requirements. The flow-down of requirements
synthesis process in terms of performance from the top level is dependent on the
requirements, constraints, and requirements allo- architecture selected at that level, such as the one
cation. The top-level aircraft synthesis process shown in Figure 1. The subsystem performance
began with the top-level functions (Figure 2) and requirements are also driven by the subsystem
the aircraft system architecture (Figure 1). functions identified in Figure 3. While each of
the individual segments shown in Figure 1 may
Aircraft sizing. As described by (Corning, derive its requirements from individual
1977) aircraft sizing begins with wing sizing and functions, many functions apply to several
balances three conditions: take-off, cruise, and segments. Hence, SE trade studies should be
landing. For the purpose of initial sizing, the conducted both between and within aircraft
performance requirements and constraints of segments and subsystems. For example, the
Table 3 apply. weight savings of advanced material would be
This process continues with many trade-offs traded against the increased costs. In addition,
and iterations involving, for example, wing the trade-off is key to the introduction of
sweepback angle, thickness ratio, etc. The advanced technologies, previously discussed.
engines are normally sized by the conditions at
Recurring cost cost

Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance

cost cost requirements

Aerodynamic Aerodynamics
Direct requirements allocations
cost Must-weigh Must-weigh
requirements allocations


Crew cost requirements

Figure 4. Allocation of Direct Operating Cost

classes of interfaces. This framework promises

to standardize interfaces and make interface
Number of development easier.
seats Traditional aircraft development fixtures
Region of (DFs), that is, aircraft mock-ups to coordinate
DOC per seat-mile

economic physical interfaces, are being replaced by

non-viability electronic development fixtures (EDFs), that is,
three dimensional electronic models. This trend
promises to reduce the cost of aircraft
development, speed the development cycle, and
Region of improve the quality of interfaces.

Certification is the process that substantiates that

DOC per trip the aircraft and its subsystems comply with
airworthiness requirements. The FAA and the
Figure 5. DOC Design Regimes SAE have taken a major step towards
incorporating the SE process into the certification
INTERFACES process with the publication of ARP 4754
Because aircraft components are developed in Certification encompasses the entire
various parts of the world and brought to a single development of the aircraft. Required
location for assembly, adherence to the SE documentation includes descriptions of aircraft
interface principles is even more important. development, requirements and their validation
Aircraft functional interfaces include and verification, system integration,
electrical power, hydraulic power, pneumatic configuration management, and process
power, mechanical forces and torques, assurance. All of these activities are completely
conditioned air, heat, vibration, shock, loads, and in line with the SE process.
signal interfaces. The SAE Generic Open
Architecture Framework (1996) establishes nine
Safety analysis REFERENCES

Safety is the primary focus of certification. ARP 4754, Guidelines for the Certification of
Specific analyses to assure the safety of the Highly-Integrated and Complex Aircraft
aircraft are treated in accordance with SE Systems, Society of Automotive Engineers
principles as shown in Figure 6. The principal (SAE), November 1996
safety analyses are the functional hazard analysis
(FHA), the preliminary system safety analysis Birch, Stuart, Technology Update, Aerospace
(PSSA), the system safety analysis (SSA), and Engineering, December 1995, pp. 9-10.
the common cause analysis (CCA). This figure
shows how the safety assessment and SE Chapanis, Alphonse, Human Factors in
processes are linked. Systems Engineering, New York, Wiley,
Software development
Corning, Gerald, Supersonic and Subsonic,
Another area requiring adherence to certification CTOL and VTOL, Airplane Design, College
requirements is software development. The Park, Maryland, published by author, 1977.
process, described by RTCA/DO-178B (1992),
for the development of the software itself is Jackson, Scott, "Systems Engineering and the
essentially the same as the SE process. Bottom Line," Proceedings of NCOSE,
Secondly, the certification process does not November 1995.
consider the software to be a separate entity, but
rather a part of a larger system to be certified. Jackson, Scott, Systems Engineering for
Commercial Aircraft, Aldershot, Avebury
SE MANAGEMENT Aviation, 1977.

The important aspects of SE management for Mackey, Dr. William F., "Conducting a
commercial aircraft include, first, the conduct of Technology Management Assessment,"
rigorous design reviews, particularly at the INCOSE Proceedings, 1996.
aircraft level. Secondly, the use of integrated
product teams (IPTs) is essential to develop, Martínez-Val, Rodrigo, et al, "Design
implement, and verify requirements for each of Constraints in the Payload-Range
the major aircraft segment shown in Figure 1. A Diagram of Ultrahigh Capability
supplier management process which includes the Transport Airplanes," Journal of Aircraft,
suppliers as part of the IPTs is important. IPTs Vol. 31, No. 6, November-December
also assure that normally down-stream 1994.
processes, such as maintainability, get included
at the beginning. Thorough configuration Petersen, T. J. and Sutcliffe, P. L., "Systems
management is essential for aircraft integration. Engineering as Applied to the Boeing 777,"
Risk management is essential especially for the AIAA 1992 Aerospace Design Conference,
introduction of new technologies. Finally, it is Irvine, California, 1992.
important for SE management to assure that
safety is not compromised by organizational Paté-Cornell, M. Elisabeth, "Organizational
factors, as described by (Paté-Cornell, 1990). Aspects of Engineering System Safety: The
Case of Offshore Platforms," Science, Vol.
CONCLUSIONS 250, November 30, 1990.

Many changes in aircraft and subsystem Rechtin, Eberhardt, Systems Architecting:

concepts are being studied by the aircraft Creating and Building Complex Systems,
industry. Cockpits are being studied with the Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey; Prentice-
goal of improvements in safety. All of these Hall, 1991.
developments will be enhanced by the
application of SE during the development cycle.
Safety Systems
assessment engineering
process process
Aircraft-level Aircraft-level Aircraft-level
FHA functions functions &
Failure conditions, (synthesis)
effects, class,
Subsystem- safety objectives
Allocation of
Failure Level FHAs functions &
conditions requirements
& effects Failure conditions, effects, to subsystems
class, safety objectives
Common cause
analysis (CCA) Architectural Subsystem-
requirements level

Item requiremts, safety

Item requirements
objectives, Allocation of
analyses requiremets
required to subsystem

Implementation Design &


Separation & Physical system

Verfification &

Figure 6. Interrelation Between Safety Assessment and SE Processes

(adapted from ARP 4754)

Satchell, Paul, Cockpit Monitoring and Alerting

Systems, Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing AUTHOR
Limited, 1993.
Scott Jackson, MS, MA is a Principal Specialist
Software Considerations in Airborne Systems in Systems Engineering at Douglas Aircraft
and Equipment Certification, RTCA/DO- Company (DAC), Long Beach, California. Mr.
178B, RTCA, Inc., 1 December 1992. Jackson's book Systems Engineering for
Commercial Aircraft was published by Avebury
Specification for Manufacturers' Technical Data, Aviation in 1997.
Air Transport Association (ATA),
Specification 100, Revision 28, 15 March

Systems Engineering, EIA IS (Interim

Standard) 632, 1994. (draft)

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