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Vocabulary: fail, pass, take, lose, miss, study and teach; do, earn, have, make, spend and take

1. Read and complete the assignments.

1. Jo was so pleased when she WON/PASSED/EARNED the tennis competition.

2. Tom LOST/EARNED/SPENT too much money on clothes last week.
3. A: Why do people get jobs?
B: One big reason is to TAKE/MAKE/WIN money.
4. Helen helps at her local animal charity. She doesn’t WIN/SPEND/EARN any money, but she really
enjoys it.
5. The homework needs to be given to the teacher tomorrow morning. Kim has to
STUDY/DO/MAKE it tonight.
6. A: What subjects are you taking this year?
B: I’m STUDYING/TEACHING/PASSING maths, chemistry and biology.
7. Sara was late to class, so she MISSED/LOST the exam. She hopes to be able to take it later.
8. Sam is playing badminton against her brother. She hopes she can WIN/PASS/EARN this time
because she usually loses.
9. Erica is a bit upset because she WON/MISSED/LOST today’s tennis match. She needs to train
harder for next week’s tournament.
10. Phil has FAILED/PASSED/TAKEN/MISSED lots of exams at school this term. He expects to get
good results in all of them.
11. A: What did you do during the holiday?
B: I TOOK/SPENT/PASSED/MADE lots of time with my grandparents.

12. Circle the things you can do in an exam: take-win-make-fail-pass.

13. Circle the things you can do with money: pass-earn-spend-lose-make-win-do-fail



1. What did you do on Saturday? Complete the text with the right past simple form of the verbs
from the box.
not be - not have - stay - be x2 - go - play - read - meet - go - watch - not watch

On Saturday, I 1______________________ in bed late and I 2________________ a book. I

3___________________ my homework. In the afternoon, I 4_______________ my friends at the sports
centre. We 5____________ basketball. After the game, we 6____________________ tired and the
weather 7____________________ very good so we 8_____________ home and 9_________________ a
film. The film 10_______________ so we 11_________________ it to the end. In fact, I
12_______________ a very good time and now it’s Sunday and time to do my homework.

2. What were they doing? Write sentences about what these people were doing. Use verbs of
movement. (6p)

3. We had an accident! Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous tense.
Highlight in blue key time expressions used in the past simple and, in red, common expressions
of the past continuous.

When my dad and I 1___________________ (go) to the supermarket yesterday, we

2______________________ (have) an accident. It 3______________________ (happen) while we
4___________________ (drive) along Station Road. As we 5_____________________ (come) to the

traffic lights near the station, they 6________________ (change) to red, so we 7_______________
A car 8_________________ (follow) us, but the driver 9________________ (not pay) attention,
because he 10_________________ (talk) on his mobile phone. When we 11_____________________
(stop), he 12__________________ (drive) into the back of our car. Fortunately, he
13_______________________ (not travel) very fast. Anyway, we 14_________________________ (get
out) of the car and 15______________________ (go) to talk to the other drive. Then, we
16___________________ (get) a big surprise. The other driver was my big brother! Dad was very

4. Write 8 sentences about habits that you had in your past, but not anymore (use “used to” and
“didn’t use to”.

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