How To Write Lists in Spanish

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3 useful tips for writing


Rocío Fantin
English to Spanish Translator

A colon usually follows the introduction,

anticipating the listing.
If the introduction is a full sentence, you
can also use a full stop.

For example:

Los siguientes consejos te ayudarán

a reducir el estrés:

If the elements of the list continue the

introductory sentence, or they are short,
isolated items (instead of full sentences),
it is recommended to write them in
lowercase letters.

In this case, use a semicolon or a comma at

the end of each item, and a full stop after
the final item of the list.

For example:
Los siguientes consejos te ayudarán a
controlar el estrés:
hacer deportes;
pasar tiempo con familiares o amigos;
meditar con frecuencia.

If the elements of the list are full sentences,

write the first letter in capital letters and
finish each item with a full stop.

For example:

Encuentra tiempo para hacer actividad

física al menos una hora al día.
Visita a tus amigos o habla con tu familia
si sientes angustia.
Haz yoga o medita a diario.
Do you have any
other tip?

Rocío Fantin
English to Spanish Translator

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