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IMU syllabus of Electrostatic (CH4- 4.1 to 4.

Static Electricity
• Electrostatics is that branch of science which deals with the
phenomena associated with electricity at rest.
• We know that generally an atom is electrically neutral i.e. in a normal
atom the aggregate of positive charge of protons is exactly equal to
the aggregate of negative charge of the electrons
• When some electrons are removed from the atoms of a body, then it
is left under influence of positive charge. It is then said to be
• On the other hand, when some electrons are added to it, negative
charge outbalances the positive charge and the body is said to be
negatively charged.
Static Electricity Contd.
• In brief, positive electrification of a body results from a deficiency of
the electrons whereas negative electrification results from an excess
of electrons
• The total deficiency or excess of electrons in a body is known as its
• Properties: 1. Additivity of charges : If there are more than a charge then
total charge is the sum of these charges with their sign.

• 2.Conservation of charges : Charges can neither with created nor be

destroyed but can be transferred from one object to another. OR The
total charge of the isolated system is always conserved.

• 3. Quantization of charges : all free charges are integral multiples of a

basic unit of charge denoted by e. Thus charge q on a body is always
given by q = ne

• Unit : The unit of charge is coulomb

Absolute and Relative Permittivity of a
• Definition of Permittivity describes the interaction of a material in the
presence of an electric field
• It is the property of every material, which measures the opposition
offered against the formation of an electric field.
• Represented by the Greek alphabet ϵ.
• It tells the number of charges required to generate one unit of electric
flux in the given medium.
What is Permittivity?
Following is the table for its mathematical form and SI unit:

Permittivity is analogous to the conductivity of a conductor, similar to the conductivity

which is the property of a material by which it allows free flow of electrons through it,
Permittivity is the property of a material by which it allows the free flow of electric
field through it.
“The property of a material by which despite the presence of opposing electric field ,
electric field is allowed to pass through the material is called it‟s Permittivity.”
• Every medium is supposed to possess two permittivity's
• (i) absolute permittivity (ε) and (ii) relative permittivity (εr )
• Absolute permittivity in free space or vacuum or in air is ε0 = 8.854 × 10−12
• Relative permittivity, εr = 1 in free space.
• Being a ratio of two similar quantities, εr has no units
• In any other medium if its relative permittivity, as compared to vacuum is
εr , then its absolute permittivity is [ ε = ε0 εr F/m]
• Relative Permittivity: Relative Permittivity (also termed as Dielectric
constant K or єr) of a medium is the ratio of its Permittivity to the
Permittivity of free space
• If, for example, relative permittivity of mica is 5, then, its absolute
permittivity is ε = ε0 εr = 8.854 × 10−12 × 5 = 44.27 × 10−12 F/m
Laws of Electrostatics
• First Law. Like charges of electricity repel each other, whereas unlike
charges attract each other.
• Second Law. According to this law, the force exerted between two
point charges (i) is directly proportional to the product of their
strengths (ii) is inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between them.
• This law is known as Coulomb’s Law and can be expressed
mathematically as :
Coulomb’s Law
• In vector form, the Coulomb’s law can be written as

• where is the unit vector i.e. a vector of unit length in the direction
of distance d, i.e. d = /
(where → is the vector notation for d, which is a scalar notation).
Hence, one coulomb of charge may be defined as that charge (or quantity of electricity) which when placed in
air (strictly vacuum) from an equal and similar charge repels it with a force of 9 × 109 N.

• Limitations of coulomb’s law:

1. The charges should be point charges.
2. The charges must be at rest.
3. The charges must not radiate energy.
Applications of Coulomb's Law -
• Coulomb's law calculates the electrostatic force acting between the point charges.
• Coulomb's law also determines the distance between two point charged bodies.
• Coulomb's law is also used to determine the electrostatic force acting on a point charge due to a number
of charges.
1. When the distance between two charged particles is halved, then the force between them becomes :
What is Biot-Savart Law?
• The Biot Savart Law is an equation describing the magnetic field
generated by a constant electric current.
• It relates the magnetic field to the magnitude, direction, length, and
proximity of the electric current.
• Biot–Savart law is consistent with both Ampere’s circuital law and
Gauss’s theorem.
• The Biot Savart law is fundamental to magnetostatics, playing a role
similar to that of Coulomb’s law in electrostatics.
Applications of Biot-Savart’s Law

Some of Biot-Savart’s Law applications are given below.

• We can use Biot–Savart law to calculate magnetic responses even at
the atomic or molecular level.
• It is also used in aerodynamic theory to calculate the velocity induced
by vortex lines
Importance of Biot-Savart Law

Following are the importance of the Biot-Savart law:

• Biot-Savart law is similar to Coulomb’s law in electrostatics.
• The law is applicable for very small conductors too which carry
• The law is applicable for symmetrical current distribution
Electric Field
A region around the charged particle where any other charged particle experience electric
force is called electric field. It is a vector quantity and denoted by E .

• Electric field lines are an excellent way of visualizing electric fields.

They were first introduced by Michael Faraday himself.
• It is found that in the medium around a charge a force acts on a
positive or negative charge when placed in that medium.
• If the charge is sufficiently large, then it may create such a huge stress
as to cause the electrical, followed by the passage of an arc discharge.
rupture of the medium
• The region in which the stress exists or in which electric forces act, is
called an electric field or electrostatic field.
Electric Field

• It was suggested by Faraday that the electric field should be imagined to be divided into
tubes of force containing a fixed number of lines of force. He assumed these tubes to the
elastic and having the property of contracting longitudinally and repelling laterally.
Properties of Electric Field Lines

• The field lines never intersect each other.

• The field lines are perpendicular to the surface of the charge.
• The magnitude of charge and the number of field lines, both are
proportional to each other.
• The start point of the field lines is at the positive charge and end at the
negative charge.
• For the field lines to either start or end at infinity, a single charge must be
Fig for field lines
Electrostatic Induction
Methods of charging: 1.By Induction 2.By Friction 3. By touching a charged body

• It is found that when an uncharged body is brought near a charged

body, it acquires some charge.
• This phenomenon of an uncharged body getting charged merely by
the nearness of a charged body is known as induction.
• In Fig. 4.5, a positively-charged body A is brought close to a perfectly-
insulated uncharged body B. It is found that the end of B nearer to A
gets negatively charged whereas further end becomes positively
• The negative and positive charges of B are known as induced charges.
• The negative charge of B is called ‘bound’ charge because it must
remain on B so long as positive charge of A remains there.
• It is found that :
• (i) a positive charge induces a negative charge and vice-versa.
• (ii) each of the induced charges is equal to the inducing charge.
Electric Flux and Faraday Tubes
The tube of the electric flux is defined as the region of space enclosed within the tubular surface
formed by drawing lines of force through every point of a small closed curve in the electric field.

Since lines of force end on conductors, the two ends of a flux tube will consist
of small area ds1 and ds2 on the conductor surfaces.

If surface charge densities over these areas are б1 and - б 2,

then charges at the two ends of the flux tube will be б1 ds1 and - б 2 ds2.

These charges are assumed to be always equal but opposite to each other.
The strength of a flux tube is represented by the charge at its ends.
• In the S.I. system of units, one such tube of flux is supposed to start from a
positive charge of one coulomb and terminate on a negative charge of the
same amount.
• A unit tube of flux is known as Faraday tube. If the charge on a conductor
is ± Q coulombs, then the number of Faraday tubes starting or
terminating on it also Q.
• Electric flux is represented by the symbol ψ.
• Since electric flux is numerically equal to the charge, it is measured in
• Hence, ψ = Q coulombs
• tubes of flux = Q and lines of force = Q/ε
Field Strength or Field Intensity or Electric Intensity
(E) see example no 4.7 and 4.8
• Electric intensity at any point within an electric field may be defined
in either of the following three ways :
• (a) It is given by the force experienced by a unit positive charge
placed at that point. Its direction is the direction along which the
force acts.
• Obviously, the unit of E is newton/coulomb (N/C).
• (b)Electric intensity at a point may be defined as equal to the lines of
force passing normally through a unit cross-section at that point.
• (c) Electric intensity at any point in an electric field is equal to the
potential gradient at that point.
4.8. Electric Flux Density or Electric
• It is given by the normal flux per unit area.
• If a flux of Ψ coulombs passes normally through an area of A m2, then
flux density is
• D = Ψ/A C/m2
• It is related to electric field intensity by the relation
• D = ε0εr E a medium
• = ε0 E free space
4.9. Gauss Law
• Gauss’s law which may be stated thus : the surface integral of the
normal component of the electric intensity E over a closed surface is
equal to 1/ε0 times the total charge inside it.
Proof Gauss’s law
4.11. Idea of Electric Potential and Energy
• We know that a body raised above the ground level has a certain
amount of mechanical potential energy is given by the amount of
work done in raising it to that height.
• example, a body of 5 kg is raised against gravity through 10 m, then
the potential energy of the body is 5 × 10 = 50 m-kg. wt. = 50 × 9.8 =
490 joules
• The body falls because there is attraction due to gravity and always
proceeds from a place of higher potential energy to one of lower
potential energy. So, we speak of gravitational potential energy or
briefly ‘potential’ at different points in the earth’s gravitational field.
• Now, consider an electric field. Imagine an isolated positive charge Q
placed in air (Fig. 4.15). Like earth’s gravitational field, it has its own
electrostatic field which theoretically extends upto infinity. If the
charge X is very far away from Q, say, at infinity, then force on it is
practically zero. As X is brought nearer to Q, a force of repulsion acts
on it (as similar charges repel each other), hence work or energy is
required to bring it to a point like A in the electric field. Hence, when
at point A, charge X has some amount of electric potential energy.
4.12. Potential and Potential Difference
• Therefore, potential at any point in an electric field may be defined as
numerically equal to the work done in bringing a positive charge of
one coulomb from infinity to that point against the electric field.
• The unit of this potential will depend on the unit of charge taken and
the work done.
• If, in shifting one coulomb from infinity to a certain point in the
electric field, the work done is one joule, then potential of that ponit
is one volt.
• Obviously, potential is work per unit charge,
• ∴ 1 volt = 1 joule/1 coulomb
• Similarly, potential difference (p.d.) of one volt exists between two
points if one joule of work is done in shifting a charge of one coulomb
from one point to the other.
4.13.Potential at a Point
We find that as r increases, V decreases till it becomes zero at infinity
4.14. Potential of a Charged Conducting Sphere
4.15. Equipotential Surfaces
4.16. Potential and Electric Intensity Inside a
Conducting Sphere (4.9,4.10,4.11)
• It has been experimentally found that when charge is given to a
conducting body say, a sphere then it resides entirely on its outer
surface i.e., within a conducting body whether hollow or solid, the
charge is zero.
• Hence, (i) flux is zero (ii) field intensity is zero (iii) all points within the
conductor are at the same potential as at its surface (Fig. 4.19).
4.17. Potential Gradient
4.18. Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric
• An insulator or dielectric is a substance within which there are no
mobile electrons necessary for electric conduction. However, when
the voltage applied to such an insulator exceeds a certain value,
• then it breaks down and allows a heavy electric current (much larger
than the usual leakage current) to flow through it. If the insulator is a
solid medium, it gets punctured or cracked.
• The disruptive or breakdown voltage of an insulator is the minimum
voltage required to break it down.*
• Dielectric strength of an insulator or dielectric medium is given by the
maximum potential difference which a unit thickness of the medium can
withstand without breaking down.
• In other words, the dielectric strength is given by the potential gradient
necessary to cause breakdown of an insulator.
• Its unit is volt/metre (V/m) although it is usually expressed in kV/mm.
• For example, when we say that the dielectric strength of air is 3 kV/mm,
then it means that the maximum p.d. which one mm thickness of air can
withstand across it without breaking down is 3 kV or 3000 volts. If the p.d.
exceeds this value, then air insulation breaks down allowing large electric
current to pass through.
• Dielectric strength of various insulating materials is very important
factor in the design of highvoltage generators, motors and
transformers. Its value depends on the thickness of the insulator,
temperature, moisture content, shape and several other factors.
4.19. Safety Factor of a Dielectric
4.20. Boundary Conditions(solve 4.12 to 4.18)
(a) Explain dielectric strength and its boundary conditions. 7M

• There are discontinuities in electric fields at the boundaries between

conductors and dielectrics of different permittivity's.
• The relationships existing between the electric field strengths and flux
densities at the boundary are called the boundary conditions.
(b) Show that the electric field is negative of potential gradient. 3M
• 1.Two charges of equal magnitude separated by some distance , to obtain same force if magnitude of charges
increased by 50% then distance of separation must be increased by ___________
• a) 25 % b) 75 % c) 50 % d) 40 % Ans :- Option C
• 2. The property in which an increase in voltage drop across terminal causing drop in electric current
• a) Negative Resistance b) Resistance c) Positive Capacitance d) Positive Resistance Ans : Option A
• 3. By which law, the direction of induced EMF will be identified
• a) Faraday’s first law b) Faraday’s second law c) Lenz’s law d) Fleming’s left hand rule Ans : Lenz’s law
• 4. Which among the following is not passive component?
• a) Resistor b) Capacitor c) Inductor d) Diode Ans : Diode
• 5. A student inserts a bar magnet in the coil. The student observes deflection in the galvanometer connected to
the coil. What will happen if the magnet is continuously getting in and out of the coil?
• (a) The current induced in the coil will increase
• (b) The current will change its direction continuously
• (c) The magnetic field will create a motion in the coil
• (d) The magnetic field of the bar magnet would keep decreasing Ans : Option B
• 11. An electric field in a medium with relative permittivity 7 passes into a
medium of relative permittivity 2. If E makes an angle of 60° with the
normal to the boundary in the first dielectric, what angle does the field
make with the normal in the second dielectric ?
tanθ1 / tanθ2 = ε1 / ε2 , tan60 /tan θ2 = 7/2 , θ2 = tan-1(0.495) = 26.330
• 12. Explain Biot Saverts Law
Bio Savart Law: The magnetic field at any point due to an element of a
conductor carrying current is directly proportional to
• (a) the strength of the current ‘I’ i.e., dB ∝ I
• (b) length of the element ‘l’ , i.e. dB ∝ length
• (c) sine of the angle θ between the element in the direction of current and
• the line joining the element to the point P. i.e. dB ∝ sinθ And inversely
proportional to the square of the distance r of the point P from the centre
of the element. i.e. dB ∝ 1/ r2

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