Narrative Report

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ShaneMark D.


May 20, 2023

Our implementer Ma’am Irene Pacheco announced that we

will be having our next activity in Barangay 7 area. We are
assigned to clean and cut the grasses in the side walk near in
the basketball court. We started cleaning at 2pm in the
afternoon. We are assigned by our implementer to use our
“itak” to cut the big and long grasses that are near in the
sidewalks because it may cause some disturbance in the
vehicles that are passing through. Some of the groups are
assigned to transfer the grass and garbages using the sack that
we have to make the work easy and fast. We need to finish the
task quickly because the weather is very cloudy and the rain
may come when the cloud is heavy. We cleaned the side walks
and the road to make it easier for the vehicles. The barangay
captain of barangay 7 guided our section in the areas that we
are assigned to lessen the burden for the students and also for
the safety of them. We used our gloves and tools for cleaning
so that we are not going to have some bruises due to the
thorns of the grass. We encouraged every one to use their
maximum effort in a short period of time so that we can finish
quickly before raining.
After we clean and transfer the grasses, we conducted a
short meeting about the next tasks and proceed to removing of
unnecessary hindrances in the road. We finished the task in
time and all of the students are safe in this activity. Our implementer did her job to
manage the safety of every student and successfully guided them to perform their tasks
effectively. Lastly, our implementer checked every student before having our
attendance and to ensure if everyone is safe and did their job in a proper way. We
finished our tasks in a safe and effective way.


Choosing CWTS as my NSTP made me realize that I did a right a choice after
completing all of the tasks that are assigned to us. I learned how to manage with
different people and different situations that we have encountered. The most important
part about this is the connection that we have built together with the students and
implementers. We learned how to cope up with difficulties in every task and we
managed to finish them in a way that we can proudly say that we did our task very well.
It gives us the confidence to achieve greater tasks and pursue some of our passion in
every course.

Creating new way of learning is the most powerful tool that I have learned
through out the activities. I learned that we can do all things as long as we will help each
other and avoid procrastinating. There is no other way but to continue in every task that
we will encounter and that’s the major reason why CWTS is the best for me. It may be
hard but it’s all worth it in the end. We finished the tasks and the most important part
is we are safe and complete.

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