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Theoretical Framework

Vaccine Hesitancy

MacDonald and SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy (2015) defined

that vaccine hesitancy as the delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccination despite the
availability of vaccination services. They added that the vaccine hesitancy is complex
and content specific. They listed different factors that influences vaccine hesitancy,
these are complacency, convenience, and confidence.
Indiana Department of Health (2020) defined that vaccine hesitancy is the
reluctance to vaccines despite having available vaccines. This reluctance to vaccine
stems from lack of information and misinformation.
In other case, Westerman (2021) stated that vaccine trauma is the main factor
why people do not do not want to get vaccinated. DengVaxia controversy is one of the
main reasons why they lost their trust in vaccines.

MacDonald and Sage Working group on Vaccine Hesitancy factors are the most
relevant to the aims of the study. Given the 3C’s complacency, convenience, and
confidence. It encompasses the different issues that causes vaccine hesitancy.
Although Indiana Department of Health said that the cause of vaccine hesitancy is due
to misinformation and lack of information, it doesn’t encompass the whole reasons
why people are vaccine hesitant. On the other hand, Westerman’s theory that vaccine
trauma is the reason of vaccine hesitancy, which is true. Still does not answer the
whole reason there is vaccine hesitancy.
Westerman, Ashley (2021, May 19). Filipinos hesitant about getting COVID jab after
dengue fever vaccine debacle. Retrieved from The World website:

MacDonald NE; SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy. (2015, August 14).
Vaccine hesitancy: Definition, scope and determinants. Retrieve from PubMed

Crow, Kimberly (2020, December 29). COVID-19. Vaccine Hesitancy for vaccinators
Copy. Indiana Department of Health. Retrieved from website:

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