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Love is evil.

That's what I thought growing up until I met those kids. Let's start from the beginning. Many
children are forced to face domestic abuse, unfortunately, I am one of those kids. I was
never able to shut my mouth at the right time, unlike my sister. Our dad is keen on beating
us, and my mom turns a blind eye to it because she "loves" him.

I remember it quite clearly, the New Year's Eve of 2023, as much as I wish I didn’t.. I wish I
could forget it. Dad was furious, and we were forced to hide in our neighbor's house while he
was beating and slamming the door, yelling at us. The time was 12:05, and I heard fireworks,
thinking to myself, "Well, Hhappy Nnew Yyear." I heard him nearly open the door. M, my
heart dropped for a moment – , and I could hear it pounding in my ears. Our neighbors
suggested we escape through the windows. Fortunately, we wereit was on the first floor. We
spent the rest of the night at the police stationThat night, we sat in the police station until
morning. My mom didn't let me tell them what he had done to us throughout the years, and
she never did, even though I had recordings. She squeezed my hand and told me, "If you tell
anyone about what he has done, I will never forgive you. I love him." I stared at her in shock.
But of course, I still listenedI listened to her and didn't say anything to the police officers.

To escape this household and feel free, I started working. At first, it was at my mom's shop
when I was about 11. I didn't know much about work, andbut she just left me there. After a
few hours, I felt pretty confident. I enjoyed interacting with people, telling them about
products, and just talking. I found happiness in witnessing how fathers bought their
daughters whatever they wanted. I won't lie, I felt a bit jealous, but overall, I was genuinely
happy for them.¶

Years passed, and I could now confidently communicated with anyone and praised each
product as if I had dreamed about it all my life. In my free time between clients, I amused
myself by studying English and having tea. The market became a familiar and quiet place for
me: it gave me the space to pursue, where I pursued my hobby and earned money at the
same time.

"Julia, things are settled now, you can continue your studies at home," my mom told me.
"But where will I work now?" I asked.

I was 16, and my mom didn't need me in the market anymore. All I had was experience in
communicating with people and proficiency in English. I felt ashamed to take money from my
mother for every little thing, so after a few weeks of fear and uncertainty, I began my path as
an English tutor for children.

My initial motivation was to earn money. On my first day, I was very enthusiastic and fully
prepared. I was workingworked with kids aged 7 to 10 with disabilities. I knew it would be
challenging, but I wasn't one to give up easily. After two months of work, creating a program
that would suit them and help them learn English in the most effective and easy way, I found
a technique. We played, sang, and talked a lot. You know, I grew to love those kids. I
genuinely enjoyed my work.hfh
Then, one Monday, to be exact, on June 26th, 2023, parents were picking up their children,
and one of them came up to me. I still remember her words, "Julia, thank you. At first, I didn't
think you would be a good teacher for my kid due to your age. But now, he runs to your class
and loves it so much. When I asked him why, he simply responded, “Because mommy, she
makes everyone feelfell special and helps every one, she is very kind, like snow-white” So
thank you”. I remember how I was replaying these wordsthis word over and over again in my
head. With one thought.

“ I’m not like him. I make people feel love and happiness, not fear'”

Now, I know, that love is something special, and I am fully capable of giving and receiving it.
I found love in myself. Bad situations can happen, but it never means that you are lost

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