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Computers in Biology and Medicine 146 (2022) 105606

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EEG emotion recognition based on enhanced SPD matrix and manifold

dimensionality reduction
Yunyuan Gao a, *, Xinyu Sun a, Ming Meng a, Yingchun Zhang b
College of Automation, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, USA


Keywords: Recently, Riemannian geometry-based pattern recognition has been widely employed to brain computer inter­
EEG face (BCI) researches, providing new idea for emotion recognition based on electroencephalogram (EEG) signals.
Emotion recognition Although the symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrix manifold constructed from the traditional covariance
Riemannian manifold
matrix contains large amount of spatial information, these methods do not perform well to classify and recognize
SPD matrix
Dimensionality reduction
emotions, and the high dimensionality problem still unsolved. Therefore, this paper proposes a new strategy for
EEG emotion recognition utilizing Riemannian geometry with the aim of achieving better classification perfor­
mance. The emotional EEG signals of 32 healthy subjects were from an open-source dataset (DEAP). The wavelet
packets were first applied to extract the time-frequency features of the EEG signals, and then the features were
used to construct the enhanced SPD matrix. A supervised dimensionality reduction algorithm was then designed
on the Riemannian manifold to reduce the high dimensionality of the SPD matrices, gather samples of the same
labels together, and separate samples of different labels as much as possible. Finally, the samples were mapped to
the tangent space, and the K-nearest neighbors (KNN), Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM)
method were employed for classification. The proposed method achieved an average accuracy of 91.86%,
91.84% on the valence and arousal recognition tasks. Furthermore, we also obtained the superior accuracy of
86.71% on the four-class recognition task, demonstrated the superiority over state-of-the-art emotion recognition

1. Introduction low-cost, portable, and high temporal resolution EEG signals make it
possible to capture the emotion immediately once the participant re­
Emotion is a complex psychological and physiological state [1], ceives the emotional stimulus [7].
which plays an important role in daily life, especially for interpersonal Lately, various classification strategies have been proposed for
communication. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of emotion recognition based on EEG signals [8]. These methods usually
human-computer communication requirements [2], many researchers extract features from the EEG signals and construct classifiers to group
began to focus on emotion recognition technology [3]. Through emotion them into different emotions. Conventional EEG feature extraction
recognition, we can establish an automatic system that can provide methods usually extract features from the time domain or frequency
correct feedback according to different emotions, so as to make domain of EEG signal, such as event-related potential (ERP) [9], statis­
human-computer interaction more friendly [4]. In the past decades, tical features (fractal dimension and first-order difference) [10], power
many emotion recognition methods based on different spectral density, autoregressive coefficient, etc. In the construction of
non-physiological patterns have been proposed, such as facial expres­ classifiers, machine learning algorithms such as naïve Bayes, support
sion, gesture, and sounds [5]. Compared to the non-physiological sig­ vector machine (SVM), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) [11], and
nals, physiological signals [6] such as electroencephalogram (EEG), bagging ensemble [12] have been widely used. Subasi et al. [13]
electromyogram (EMG), and electrocardiogram (ECG) can be detected extracted features by tunable Q wavelet transform (TQWT), and
by wearable devices. Among these physiological signals, EEG signals employed a rotation forest ensemble classifier on emotion classification.
have been widely utilized for researches of emotion recognition. The J. Atkinson et al. [14] extracted features of statistical features,

* Corresponding author. College of Automation, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China.

E-mail address: (Y. Gao).
Received 26 March 2022; Received in revised form 8 May 2022; Accepted 9 May 2022
Available online 13 May 2022
0010-4825/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Gao et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 146 (2022) 105606

bandwidth power and fractal dimension, and used SVM to recognize

emotions. Tuncer et al. [15] proposed a novel fractal pattern feature
extraction approach, and established a high-performance emotion
recognition model by using tunable Q-factor wavelet transform.
Abdullah et al. [16] proposed a new prime pattern network to generate
features. Excellent classification performance is achieved on multiple
datasets by using prime pattern and statistical feature generators on the
generated sub-bands and raw signals to obtain multiple features. Wang
et al. [17] investigated brain-directed connectivity (BDC) networks for
emotion recognition using electroencephalographic (EEG) source sig­
nals estimated from high-density sensor EEG signals. Effectively
improve the performance of emotion recognition by combining BDC Fig. 1. Tangent space of the manifold Tp (M) at point.P
with Differential entropy (DE) features.
In recent years, Riemannian geometry-based classification algo­ separated. Meanwhile, the reduced samples still maintain symmetric
rithms have been applied in brain computer interface (BCI) studies [18]. positive definite structure, which can be directly applied to the
Barachant et al. [19] first used the Riemannian method to classify classification algorithm in Riemannian space.
MI-EEG data and proposed the minimum distance to Riemannian mean
(MDRM) algorithm to classify MI tasks. By mapping the symmetric The rest of this article is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces
positive definite (SPD) matrix to the Euclidean space, the existing vector the mathematical background of the Riemannian geometry; Section 3
methods can be used. Barachant et al. [20] mapped the SPD matrix onto shows the emotion recognition method proposed in this article and its
the tangent space, and used LDA in the space, the results showed that it key components, including the construction of the enhanced SPD
could significantly improve the accurate of MI recognition. Wang et al. matrices and the supervised dimensionality reduction methods; Section
[21] combined the SPD matrix with domain adaptation to capture the 4 describes the data set used in the experiment and the experimental
internal emotional representation shared by different subjects, effec­ results; Section 5 discusses the proposed method. Section 6 concludes
tively avoiding interindividual variability. Tang et al. [22] proposed to our study.
extend the generalized learning vector quantization (GLVQ) method to
the Riemannian manifold. Experimental research on simulated data and 2. Background
MI-EEG data showed better performance of the Riemann GLVQ. For the
high dimensionality problem of samples in Riemannian space, Xu et al. This section introduces the background of the Riemannian geometry,
[23] used filters in the tangent space to effectively reduce the sample Riemannian metric, tangent space, and Riemannian mean, which will be
dimensionality and the calculation time, and avoid the complexity of used in the next section.
high dimensionality matrix optimization.
Riemannian geometry provides some Riemannian metrics that can 2.1. Riemannian geometry
directly apply the spatial information in the covariance matrix without
source separation [25]. Riemannian metric can suppress noise well, and Manifold is locally homeomorphic in Euclidean space and has a
it has been proved to be an effective method to measure the distance globally defined differential structure [27]. Riemannian geometry
between samples in the field of brain-computer interface. In particular, mainly studies smooth manifolds with Riemannian metric. Riemannian
the Riemannian mean is very robust to outliers. These properties are manifolds are smooth differential manifolds which define the inner
suitable for processing emotional EEG features. However, the changes of product of Euclidean space at the tangent space of any point on manifold
emotional state involve complex brain activities, and the characteristics M. Let S PD(N) = {P ∈ Rn×n |∀x ∕ = 0, x ∈ Rn , x⊤ Px > 0, P = P⊤ } and the
of EEG signals are distributed in the time-frequency spatial domain at set of d × d SPD matrix is denoted by Sym+ , which is located on the
the same time. Using only the spatial features provided by the SPD smooth differentiable SPD manifold.
matrix for EEG emotion recognition results in poor classification per­
formance [26]. Few studies combine time-frequency domain and spatial
2.2. Riemannian metric
domain features and use the Riemannian geometric framework for
emotion recognition, so the main contributions of this paper are as
The distance between two points on the Riemannian manifold is
defined as the length of the shortest path along a smooth Riemannian
manifold, which is called geodesic distance. The commonly used Rie­
1. Aiming at the complex EEG signals generated by the changes of
mannian metric is the affine invariant Riemannian metric (AIRM), δR :
different emotions, we propose an EEG recognition method based on
Riemannian geometry. It takes the SPD matrix obtained from the ⃒⃒
⃒⃒ (
original EEG signal as samples and use the Riemannian geometric δR (P1 , P2 ) = ⃒⃒log P1 − 1 P2 ⃒⃒ = log 2 ηi (1)
⃒⃒ ⃒⃒
properties of the SPD matrix for emotion recognition. F i=1

2. Most researches on emotion recognition are based on the time-

domain or frequency-domain signal extraction of EEG features, where ηi are the real eigenvalues of P−1 1 P2 . The metric of AIRM was
while spatial features that contain significant information related to proposed by Forstner W [28], and Pennec [29] proved that the metric
emotional states are usually ignored. We design an enhanced SPD satisfies affine invariance:
matrix that effectively fuses time-frequency and spatial features to ( )
δR W T P1 W, W T P2 W = δR (P1 , P2 ) (2)
provide more information for emotion recognition.
3. The SPD matrix dimensionality will be higher as the number of W is any invertible matrix.
channels increases, especially when the SPD matrix is mapped to the
tangent space, which will cause the curse of dimensionality [24]. 2.3. Tangent space
Thus, we propose a supervised dimensionality reduction strategy on
the Riemannian manifold to solve the high dimensionality problem Riemannian manifold is a smooth differentiable surface, P ∈ Sym+ .
of the SPD matrix. While reducing the dimension, the same labels of The linear space, which formed by all tangent vectors at point P, is called
samples are gathered together and different labels of samples are tangent space, denoted as Tp (M) , as shown in Fig. 1. A point pi is

Y. Gao et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 146 (2022) 105606

Fig. 2. The overall technical route of this article.

projected to tangent space Tp (M) using the logarithmic mapping Logp (pi ) 3. Methods
( − 1 − 1) 1 In this section, we first describe the construction of enhanced SPD
si = log p (pi ) = p2 log p 2 pi p 2 p2 matrices as new samples, and then, we propose a supervised dimension
reduction method on Riemannian manifold as well as an optimization
where si ∈ Tp (M) and p is the tangent point. The inverse mapping: si → pi , method. The framework of our method is shown in Fig. 2.
is defined by the exponential mapping Expp (si ):
( − 1 − 1) 1
(4) 3.1. Wavelet packet transform
pi = Expp (si ) = p2 exp p 2 si p 2 p2

2.4. Riemannian mean EEG signals have time-varying and non-stationary characteristics.
Only analyzing EEG signals int time domain or frequency domain can
The mean of Riemannian space is different from that of Euclidean not accurately reflect its characteristics [32]. Time-domain and
space. It is not arithmetic mean, but geometric mean [30]. The Rie­ frequency-domain characteristics need to be considered together.
mannian mean is defined as: Wavelet transform is a widely used time-frequency analysis tool [33,34].
Compared with the Fourier transform [35] and the short-time Fourier
∑ transform [36], the wavelet transform has the advantage of
DR (P1 , …, Pn ) = argmin δ2R (P, Pi ) (5)
P∈P(n) i=1 multi-resolution analysis and can reflect the local details of the signal in
multiple scales. However, wavelet transform only decomposes the
There is no closed-form expression to compute the mean. An efficient
low-frequency part downwards, and cannot satisfy high time resolution
iterative algorithm to compute the Riemannian mean of SPD matrices is
and high frequency resolution at the same time. The wavelet packet
given in Ref. [31].
transform (WPT) is an extension of the wavelet transform. It divides the
signal into high-frequency and low-frequency parts at multiple levels
through a set of filters.
which is different from the low frequency resolution of wavelet

Fig. 3. The enhanced SPD matrix sample. a) Contains covariance matrix blocks between frequency bands. b) The local diagonal blocks of enhanced SPD matrix.

Y. Gao et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 146 (2022) 105606

transform at high frequencies [37]. WPT can subdivide the high fre­ on SPD matrix is proposed, which maps high dimensional SPD manifold
quency part of the signal, and is widely used in processing random to low dimensional SPD manifold, and can effectively separate different
signals. classes of samples.

3.2. Enhanced SPD matrix 3.3.1. Supervised dimensionality reduction

Learning a low dimensional manifold from a high one can not only
EEG signals record the multi-channel time series of the brain. Let Xi ∈ reduce the amount of computation, but also remove some redundant
RN×T be the EEG signal of the i − th trial, where N is the numbers of information. By using label information, the samples of sample class can
channels and T is the numbers of samples. The sample covariance matrix be gathered as much as possible, and different samples can be separated.
The traditional dimensionality reduction methods, whose samples are
(SCM) of trials is denoted by P ∈ RN×N , which is defined by
vectors, are not suitable for SPD matrix. For symmetric positive definite
1 matrix P, in order to maintain its matrix structure, we define a bilinear
P= XX T (6)
T− 1 mapping matrix W, the reduced dimensionality matrix Pm = WT PW. The
The covariance matrix is a symmetric positive definite matrix, so we mapping matrix can be directly used to reduce the dimensionality of test
can use the tool of Riemannian geometry to deal with it. However, the samples.
covariance matrix only contains the spatial information between chan­ Compared with unsupervised dimensionality reduction algorithms,
nels, and does not contain the time domain and frequency domain in­ supervised algorithms can use the label information to increase the
formation of signals. Therefore, the original covariance matrix does not separability of the samples. Class center usually represents the charac­
contain enough features that can be used to classify emotional EEG teristics of a class, so the dimensionality is reduced by moving the
signals. For this purpose, we design an enhanced SPD matrix, which sample closer to its class center and away from other class centers. To
contains both time-frequency and spatial information. For each trial Xi ∈ this end, we define a weight function u( ⋅, ⋅) to represent the relationship
RN×T , we first extract four frequency bands of the signal using wavelet between samples and class centers. For the weight of each sample, we
packet, θ, α, β, γ, and Xθ , Xα , Xβ , Xγ are the corresponding reconstructed use the heat kernel based on Riemannian distance to calculate. More
specifically, for each sample xi , we denoted its class label by yi . Through
signals. Then arrange them in turn to construct a new sample X∗ ∈ R4N×T
these labels, we can divide the samples into different sets Cj , and
in (7):
⎡ ⎤ calculate the Riemannian mean points of each class sj as the class cen­
Xθ ters, where 1 ≤ j ≤ c is the number of labels. If xi ∈ Cj , its weight will be
⎢ Xα ⎥
X* = ⎢ ⎥ (7) positive, otherwise it will be negative.
⎣ Xβ ⎦
{ 2
Xγ ( ) e− δ (xi ,sj )/2σ , xi ∈ cj

u xi , sj = (9)
− e− δ (xi ,sj )/2σ , otherwise ​
2 2
These new samples X* are used to calculate the covariance matrix by
eq. (6), and finally we get the enhanced SPD matrix P* ∈ R4N×4N :
where δ is the Riemannian metric, σ is the width parameter of the kernel
P* =
1 [ * * T]
X (X ) function. Based on the above ideas, we propose the following objective
(T − 1) function:
⎛ ⎞
T T ∑
N ∑
( ) ( )
⎜ Xθ Xθ … Xθ Xγ ⎟ (8) F = argmin δ2 W T xi W, W T sj W u xi , sj
1 ⎜ ⎜⋮ ⋱ ⋮

⎟ i=1 j=1 (10)
(T − 1) ⎜

⎠ s.t.W T W = In
Xγ Xθ ⋯ Xγ Xγ
In order to ensure that the new samples WT XW > 0, ∀X ∈ Sym+ , we
We selected EEG signals of some channels to form the enhanced SPD add the constraint WT W = In . There is no closed-form solution for eq
matrix, as shown in Fig. 3. (10), so we design an iterative optimization method to solve the
3.3. Dimensionality reduction
3.3.2. Optimization
The SPD matrix is usually in high-dimensional space. When the SPD Affine invariant metric can accurately calculate geodesic distance, so
matrix of size n × n is mapped to Euclidean space, the obtained vector AIRM metric is chosen in this paper. equation (10) will be rewritten as
dimensionality is as high as n(n + 1)/2. It will cause the curse of follows:
dimensionality [38]. Therefore, most researches usually choose SPD c ⃒⃒ ⃒⃒2
N ∑⃒⃒
matrix with smaller dimension, which will lead to the loss of many ∑ ⃒⃒ ( T −1 )⃒⃒⃒⃒ ( )
F = argmin T
⃒⃒ log W x WW sW ⃒⃒ u xi , sj (11)
useful features. In fact, this is also a very important reason to limit the i=1
⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒
application of Riemannian geometry to multi-channel signals, such as j=1

emotional EEG signals. Sheung [39] proved that logMk ≈ Mk − I under the condition of
There are three main ways to reduce the dimensionality of SPD allowable error, and as the number of iterations increases, the error
matrix. The first method is to map SPD matrix to Euclidean space, and gradually decreases. Therefore, we can write
then use the common methods to reduce dimensionality, such as linear ( ) ( )
dimension reduction method PCA, nonlinear dimension reduction log W T x− 1 WW T sW ≈ W T x− 1 WW T s − I W
( ) (12)
method Isomap, LLE and so on. However, these methods do not provide ≈ W T log x− 1 WW T s W
explicit mapping, and the new samples need to be recalculated. The
The objective function of eq (11) can then be written as:
second is to map the SPD matrix to Hilbert space by using kernel method
and finding the kernel function suitable for Riemannian manifold. The
third is to map a high-dimensional SPD manifold to a low dimensional
SPD manifold, and the obtained low dimensional SPD matrix samples
can be directly used in the Riemannian space classification algorithm.
In this paper, a supervised dimensionality reduction algorithm based

Y. Gao et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 146 (2022) 105606

⃒⃒ ⃒⃒2
∑N ∑ c ( )⃒⃒⃒⃒ ( )⃒⃒⃒⃒
u xi , sj ⃒⃒log WT x− 1 WWT sW ⃒⃒
⃒⃒ ⃒⃒
4. Experiments and results
i=1 j=1
⃒⃒ ⃒F⃒2
∑ N ∑ c
( )⃒⃒⃒⃒ T ( − 1 T
) ⃒⃒⃒⃒ (13)
= u xi , sj ⃒⃒W log x WW s W⃒⃒
i=1 j=1
⃒⃒ ⃒⃒ In this part, we first introduce the public database used in this study.
( ( ) F)
∑∑ (
N c
) Then, we give a detailed description of the related experimental settings.
= u xi , sj Tr WT log x− 1 WWT s W Finally, the experimental results on DEAP database [41] are given and
i=1 j=1
( ) analyzed.
= Tr WT LW

N ∑
∑ c 4.1. DataSet
where L = u(xi , sj )log(x− 1 WWT s).
i=1 j=1
Obviously, this is a trace optimization problem [40], we can itera­ The data used in this paper was from DEAP database. It is a multi­
tively optimize through eigenvalue decomposition. The pseudo code of modal dataset based on physiological signals to analyze emotional state,
Dimensionality Reduction is given in Algorithm 1. and it is one of the most widely used data sets in emotional computing
research. In the data collection experiments, 32 subjects participated in
Algorithm 1. Supervised Dimensionality Reduction on Riemannian 40 Music Video experiments with different emotion tendencies and each
manifold. experiment lasted for 1 min. After watching each video, self-assessment

Fig. 4. The valence-arousal model of emotions.

Fig. 5. Electrode distribution diagram of the international 10–20 system. The
electrode pairs used in this paper are marked with blue circles.
Y. Gao et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 146 (2022) 105606

Fig. 6. Performance comparison of each subject using different classifiers for valence.

makings (SAM) scale including four dimensions of pleasure, arousal, the dividing line, with arousal and valence above 5 being high arousal
dominance and liking were filled in for self-evaluation. The score range and positive valence, and below 5 being low arousal and negative
of each dimension was from 1 to 9. The data recorded 32 channels of valence. Therefore, we further segmented the four quadrants of the
EEG signals. In this paper, a preprocessed EEG dataset was used. The valence-arousal space according to the score as shown in Fig. 4.
sampling frequency of the original EEG signal is reduced to 128 Hz. The At the beginning of data collection, some subjects could not induce
electro-optic artifacts have been removed, and a band-pass filter of emotional state well, so the last 30s data was used as our experimental
4.0–45.0 Hz has been applied. data. It was reported that the duration of emotion was about 0.5–4s
[43], so we use the sliding window of 4s, overlap for 2s, and get 14
samples in one session. Neuroscience research shows that there are
4.2. Data processing differences between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which
can regulate different emotional states [44]. The brain activities related
We analyzed DEAP data from the dimensions of valence and arousal, to emotions are mainly distributed in the temporal and frontal lobes
which have been divided into 9 levels [42]. A self-score of 5 was used as

Y. Gao et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 146 (2022) 105606

Fig. 7. Performance comparison of each subject using different classifiers for arousal.

[45–47]. Therefore, using the difference in human brain response is very Support vector machine (SVM) classifiers are selected to identify
important for emotion recognition [48,49]. For our study, we used the different emotional states. For KNN, we search the best k value in the
seven symmetrical pairs of electrodes on the right (O2、P8、T8、FC6、 range of 3–10. For RF, the maximum tree depth was optimized in the
F4、F8、AF4) and left hemisphere (AF3、F7、F3、FC5、T7、P7、O1) range of 10–100, and the number of estimators was optimized in the
from the DEAP dataset. Fig. 5 illustrates the EEG electrodes placement. range of 100–500 with step of 100. For SVM, linear kernel is used as
Each subject’s EEG data was divided into 560 samples, four fre­ kernel function on LIBSVM software. We use the grid search method to
quency bands of each sample were extracted by wavelet packet. Follow search for the optimal parameter C in the range of 2− 10 − 210 . The pa­
the method mentioned in Section 3 to generate the enhanced SPD matrix rameters of the above model are selected through 5-fold cross valida­
as a new sample. The SPD matrix usually leads to high dimensional tion. We trained the model for each subject and used the mean results of
problems, especially enhanced SPD matrix embedded with more time- 5 times 5-fold cross-validation to access the model performance.
frequency information. The dimensionality reduction method we pro­ Accuracy (Acc) and F1-score are used to measure and evaluate the
posed can map a high-dimensional SPD manifold into a low-dimensional performance of our proposed method. The Acc is defined in formula
SPD manifold. We determined the best dimension for each subject (14):
through the gird search method.
Acc = (14)
TP + TN + FP + FN
4.3. Classification and evaluation metrics
where TP is the number of true positives, TN is the number of true
In this work, K-nearest neighbors (KNN), Random forest (RF) and

Y. Gao et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 146 (2022) 105606

Fig. 8. Performance comparison of each subject using different classifiers for four-class.

negatives, FN is the number of false negatives, and FP is the number of Finally, KNN, RF and SVM were used to classify them in binary classi­
false positives. fication of valence and arousal. The experimental results of different
F1-score combines the results of precision (Pre) and recall rete (Rec) subjects are shown in Fig. 6 – Fig. 7.
at the same time. Their definitions are as follows: For the binary classification of valence, as shown in Fig. 6, the
highest accuracy rate and F1-score for 32 subjects were 96.81% and
Pre = (15) 96.82%, which were obtained by SVM. Overall average accuracies of all
subjects were calculated as 91.86% ± 3.09%, 85.22% ± 5.82%, 82.77%
TP ± 5.63% for SVM, KNN, RF, respectively. In addition, the average of F1-
Rec = (16) score of SVM, KNN, and RF were 90.34%, 82.32%, 80.77%, respectively.
From Fig. 7, the classification results on the binary classification of
2 × Pre × Rec arousal showed that the proposed method achieve the highest accuracy
F1 − score = (17)
Pre + Rec rate of 96.04% and the highest F1-score of 97.03% for 32 subjects. For
SVM, KNN and RF, the average of accuracies were 91.81% ± 3.03%,
4.4. Binary classification of valence and arousal 85.96% ± 5.51% and 83.75% ± 6.54%, the average of F1-score were
89.07% ± 4.36%, 81.63% ± 7.4%, 79.91% ± 7.19% respectively.
We took the geometric mean point of the training sample as the
tangent point to establish the tangent plane, and mapped the reduced-
dimensional matrix to the tangent space to obtain the feature vector.

Y. Gao et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 146 (2022) 105606

Fig. 9. The enhanced SPD matrix in different valence-arousal states. Each enhanced SPD matrix contains covariance matrix blocks in θ, α, β, γ bands. a) HVHA: high-
valence/high-arousal b) LVHA: low-valence/low-arousal c) LVLA: low-valence/low-arousal d) HVLA: high-valence/low-arousal.

Fig. 10. Compare different dimensionality reduction methods.

4.5. Four-class classification and the average F1-score were 85.60% ± 5.29%, 73.81% ± 8.13%,
72.82% ± 8.54% for SVM, KNN and RF, respectively.
For the four-class classification task, all data processing steps were
the same as the binary classification task. The difference was their labels, 5. Discussion
LALV, HALV, LAHV, and HAHV. The results of each subject are shown in
Fig. 8. In the four-class classification tasks, the highest accuracy we In this paper, we constructed the enhanced SPD matrices and
achieved was 97%, and the highest F1-score was 96.88%. The average designed a supervised dimensionality reduction on Riemannian mani­
accuracies were 86.71% ± 4.98%, 77.12% ± 7.57%, 76.63 ± 7.3%%, fold. The enhanced SPD matrix, which contains more time-frequency

Y. Gao et al. Computers in Biology and Medicine 146 (2022) 105606

Fig. 11. The accuracy corresponding to SPD matrices of different sizes.

Table 1
Details from various previous researches.
Emotion recognition task Method Features and Classifier Accuracy (%)

Valence Arousal

Binary classification Gao et al. [50] Hjorth, PSD, Differential Entropy, Sample Entropy; SVM 80.52 75.22
Chen et al. [51] amplitude and PSD; SVM 87.07 86.98
Piho et al. [52] HOC, SF, PSE, HOS; SVM 87.11 84.84
An et al. [53] Differential Entropy, spatiotemporal features; CNN-SAE 89.49 90.76
Chen et al. [51] amplitude and PSD; CVCNN 88.76 85.57
Ganapathy et al. [54] spatial and temporal features; CNN 72 75
Our time-frequency and spatial features; SVM 91.86 91.81
Four-class Classification Kong et al. [55] the EEG phase synchronization 67.04
indexes (PSI); SRC
Kwon et al. [56] Wavelet transformed spectrogram of EEG, Short time zero Crossing rate of GRS; CNN 73.43
Mei et al. [57] Connection matrix of the brain structure; CNN 73.10
Our time-frequency and spatial features; SVM 86.71

and spatial information, was used as features. Fig. 9 shows the enhanced reduced by half, the accuracy is still higher than the SPD of the original
SPD matrix for different valence-arousal states, and each enhanced SPD size. As the matrix becomes smaller, the accuracy decreases slowly,
matrix contains the covariance matrix of multiple sub-bands. In the indicating that the reduced dimension matrix still retains most of the
high-valence/high-arousal state, channels from the frontal and temporal effective features. If it is classified in Riemannian space, the appropriate
lobes have strong effects in all four frequency bands. Channels in the matrix size can be selected according to the accuracy. If the classification
right hemisphere were more active in the low-valence/ow-arousal state. is carried out in Euclidean space, a smaller SPD matrix size can be
In the low-valence/high-arousal state, the frontal and temporal lobes selected, which can reduce the training time while maintaining a certain
from the left hemisphere were more active in the theta and alpha bands. accuracy.
In the high valence low arousal state, the interaction between the left By using the SVM classifier, we have obtained the best model per­
and right hemispheres in the theta and alpha bands was significantly formance, which is significantly higher than the KNN and RF classifiers.
enhanced. The enhanced SPD matrices in different states capture the To verity the superiority of the proposed method, we compared the
features of different brain regions, which will make the SPD matrices latest methods with our proposed method. Table 1 details the features
distributed at different locations on the Riemannian manifold. So we can and classifiers used in the comparison researches. As shown in Table 1,
use the differences in the distribution of these SPD matrices to better using the SVM classifier [50–52], our proposed method improved at
identify different emotions. least 4.75% in binary classification of valence and at least 3.32% in
Moreover, the supervised dimensionality reduction algorithm we binary classification of arousal. We also compared with other methods
proposed effectively increased the separability of samples while that combined time or frequency domain features with spatial features
reducing the dimensionality. Sample labels were used to bring similar [51,53,54]. Compared with these methods, our method improved
samples closer to the center of the class, while samples of different types 2.37%–19.86% in binary classification of valence and 1.05%–16.81% in
were far away from each other. We compared the classical linear binary classification of arousal.
dimensionality reduction method PCA and the nonlinear dimensionality Our methods were also compared with other four-class emotion
reduction method Isomap with our method. The classification experi­ recognition methods and the specific details can be found in Table 1.
ments of valence, arousal and four-class on subject 1 were conducted Compared with these studies, our method is at least 13.28% higher than
through different dimensionality reduction methods. As shown in the comparative methods in four-class classification. Experimental re­
Fig. 10, the accuracy of our dimensionality reduction method is signif­ sults indicated that our method could be well used in four-class emotion
icantly better than PCA and Isomap. In addition, we conducted a paired classification tasks. Because our method could gather multi-class sam­
t-test on the results, and the p values obtained were less than 0.001, ples near multiple class centers and away from other class centers, which
indicating that the results were statistically significant. increased the separability of samples.
It is worth noting that our dimensionality reduction method maps the
SPD matrix to the low dimensional SPD matrix in Riemannian space, and 6. Conclusion
the samples obtained are suitable for both classifiers in Riemann space
and Euclidean space. Fig. 11 shows the classification accuracy for To conclude, we utilized the enhanced SPD matrix to improve the
different matrix sizes. The result show that when the matrix size is performance of EEG emotion recognition. We designed a supervised

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