Revision SB025 Set 1 Answer

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SESSION 2020/2021



1. This question booklet consists of 10 questions.

2. Answer all questions in your own paper.

Name : _________________________ Class : ________________

For examiner use only

1 /7
2 /5
3 /6
4 / 14
5 /9
6 /6
7 /9
8 /6
9 / 13
10 /5
TOTAL / 80
Anwer all questions given in space provided

1 (a) FIGURE 1 below shows a food chain.


i How many trophic levels are in the food chain above? [1 mark]
4 (trophic levels)

ii If 6805J of energy is passed on to the humming bird, from 35532J of energy [2 marks]
in caterpillar, calculate the percentage of energy lost between this two trophic
35532J – 6805J = 28727J

% Energy lost = initial – final x 100 1

= 28727J X 100
= 80.85 % 1

iii Predict what would tertiary consumer do to survive when the population of [1 mark]
secondary consumer drastically reduced in size due to infection.
Look for other alternatives of food / Prey on other types of organisms / 1
Changes the food sources

(b) Explain the light penetration zonation in shallow lake ecosystem. [3 marks]
- Based on light penetration, zonation in lake can be divided 1
into two which are into photic and aphotic zone.
- Photic zone is the upper layer where it receives sufficient light
penetration (to carry out photosynthesis) while aphotic zone is 1
the lower layer that receives little / insufficient light penetration
and little / no photosynthesis occur.
- Zonation in shallow lake has only photic zone and no aphotic 1
- This is because sunlight can reach / penetrate all the way to the 1
bottom of the bottom of shallow lake
2 (a) ‘In Galapagos Island, birds with medium-size beaks will be eliminated
because it is difficult for them to feed on both types of seeds’

i Based on the statement above, state the type of natural selection involved [2 marks]
and its definition
Type: Disruptive selection 1

Definition: Natural selection that favour both extreme phenotypes by 1

acting against intermediate phenotype

ii Predict the effect of the type of natural selection stated in (a) (i) to the [2 marks]
population of seed-eating birds in Galapagos Island
This can split a population into two subpopulations 1
New species may form 1

(b) FIGURE 2 below shows the reproductive isolation which occurs in a population [1 mark]
of Bradybaena snails with shells spiraling in opposite direction. The arrows
show the genital opening of these snails.


Identify type of reproductive barrier involve in the situation in FIGURE 2


Mechanical isolation
3 (a) The enzyme DHPS is involved in the production of folic acid in bacteria. The
substrate for DHPS is a molecule known as PABA. The enzyme DHPS is
inhibited by the drug sulfonamide.

FIGURE 3A below shows the structure of PABA and sulfonamide.


i FIGURE 3B represent the enzyme X, Y and Z with their respective active



Between X, Y and Z, which one is most accurately represents the enzyme [1 mark]

ii Why does sulfonamide acts as a competitive inhibitor of DHPS. [2 marks]

Inhibitor/ sulfonamide have similar shape/ conformation with the 1
substrate/ PABA
Thus, it compete with substrate to bind with the same active site 1

iii What happen to the rate of reaction if concentration of PABA increases? [1 mark]
(b) Why quick-freezing food is one way of preserving food for long period? [2 marks]
Low / cold temperature deactivates / slows down the action of 1
(digestive) enzymes in microbes
Some enzymes lose their function when frozen making food impossible 1
to decompose by microbes// the decay process is slowed down/
stopped completely

4 (a) FIGURE 4 below shows a step in cellular respiration in yeast cell


i Name Process R [1 mark]


ii State the precise location where the above process occur. [1 mark]
In the cytoplasm / cytosol

iii Name the step that produced ATP in Process R. [1 mark]

Substrate level phospohorylation

iv. Explain the step you mentioned in (a) (iii) above [2 marks]
-An (enzyme facilitates direct) transfer of a phosphate group from a 1
substrate to ADP
-To form ATP 1

v What is the role of NADH produced in the above process? [1 mark]

Reducing agent / electron carrier

vi What happen to pyruvate if no oxygen occurs in the surrounding? [1 mark]

Pyruvate undergo alcohol fermentation // pyruvate is convert to ethanol
and CO2
(b) Describe the formation of NADH during the pathway where most of the [7 marks]
oxidation of the carbon intermediates derived from 1 molecules of glucose
during cellular respiration
- NADH is formed when NAD+ accepts electrons (and H+) from 1
substrates that undergo oxidation // when NAD+ reduce
- During glycolysis, 2 NADH is form when glyceraldehyde -3 – 1
phosphate is oxidised to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate
- During link reaction, 2 NADH is formed when pyruvate undergo 1
oxidative decarboxylation to form acetyl CoA
- 6 NADH are formed in Krebs cycle, where 1
- 2 NADH is formed when isocitrate undergoes oxidative 1
decarboxylation to form α-ketoglutarate
- 2 NADH is formed when α-ketoglutarate undergoes oxidative 1
decarboxylation to form succinyl CoA
- 2 NADH is formed when malate is oxidised to form oxaloacetate 1

5 FIGURE 5 shows the Calvin cycle in the light independent reactions of




(a) State precisely the location of Calvin cycle in plant cell. [1 mark]
Stroma of chloroplast

(b) What is P? [1 mark]

Carbon dioxide/ CO2

(c) Identify the enzymes that used to catalyze the process in phase A. [1 mark]
Rubisco/ RuBP carboxylase-oxygenase

(d) Describe the roles of molecule W and Y in Calvin cycle. [2 marks]

-Molecule W is to phosphorylate 3-phosphoglycerate to form 1,3- 1
bisphoglycerate / Act as phosphate donor.
-Molecule Y is to reduce 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate to glyceraldehyde -3- 1
phosphate / Act as reducing agent.
(e) Give TWO differences of Calvin cycle and Krebs cycle. [2 marks]

Calvin cycle occur in stroma of chloroplast while Krebs cycle occur in 1/0
matrix of mitochondria
ATP is consumed in Calvin cycle while ATP is produced in Krebs cycle 1/0
Calvin cycle use / fix CO2 to bind with RuBP while Krebs cycle released 1/0
The product of Calvin cycle is glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate/ G3P while 1/0
the product of Krebs cycle are ATP, NADH and FADH2

Any 2

(f) Describe phase B. [2 marks]

3-phosphoglycerate is phosphorylated by ATP to form 1,3- 1
1,3-bisphosphoglycerate is then reduced by NADPH, followed by 1
removal of phosphate group to form glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate/G3P

6 The events of breathing cycle in humans are shown in the FIGURE 6


(a) Name the locations of the regulator in the brain that contols the breathing [1 mark]
Medulla oblongata

(b) Explain the mechanism of process Z. [3 marks]

- Stretch receptor send impules through vagus nerve to the expiratory 1
centre in the medulla oblongata
- Diaphragm and external intercostals muscle relax 1
- Exhalation / expiration occurs 1

(c) State the main factor which influences the breathing rate. [1 mark]
Concentration of H+ in the blood / blood pH
(d) Give ONE reason why people living at high altitude have more red blood cells [1 mark]
compared to people living at sea level?
Increasing the amount of haemoglobin in the red blood cells increases
the amount of oxygen that can be carried.

7 (a) FIGURE 7 shows pressure changes (mmHg) against time (ms-1) in

mammalian heart during cardiac cycle.

i Identify phase of cardiac cycle during A [1 mark]
Ventricular systole (and atrial diastole)

ii Give ONE reason for question (a) (i) above [1 mark]

Pressure in (left) ventricle increases rapidly during A / ventricular

iii Based on graph in FIGURE 7 above, which label A, B, C and D produced [3 marks]
‘dub’ sound? Explain.
- C. 1
- Pressure in aorta is higher than pressure in (left) ventricle 1
- To prevent backflow of blood to (left) ventricle, semilunar valve close 1
- Vibrations of blood against closure semilunar valve produce ‘dub’ 1
Any 3

(b) Explain transportation of lipid from epithelial cells of small intestine to the [4 marks]
- (In epithelial cells of small intestine), fatty acids and glycerol / fatty 1
acid and monoglycerides are resynthesize again into triglycerides.
- The triglycerides are then coated with phospholipid, cholesterol and 1
protein to from chylomicron
- Chylomicrons are then transported into lacteal 1
- by exocytosis 1
8 FIGURE 8 shows summary of homeostatic control of blood glucose level


(a) Identify hormone X [1 mark]


(b) Briefly describe the function of X when blood glucose increases. [3 marks]
- X / insulin stimulate uptake of blood glucose into body cells 1
- Stimulate conversion of glucose into glycogen in muscle and liver tissue
1 (by glyco
- Stimulate conversion of glucose into fat in adipose tissue 1

(c) Even glucose normally found in blood, explain why glucose is not found in the [2 marks]
-All of the glucose is reabsorbed by the proximal convoluted tubule into 1
blood capillaries/ peritubular capillaries
-by active transport 1
9 (a) FIGURE 9A below shows changes in the membrane potential of a neuron
over a period of time. The membrane was stimulated at time A and time B
with stimuli of different intensities.


i. Name the phases label B and D [2 marks]

B: Depolarization 1
D: Falling phase of action potential 1

ii Stimulus P resulted in an action potential. Describe what happen at axon [3 marks]

membrane during phase C?
- More voltage gated Na+ channels open. 1
- Allow more Na diffuse into axoplasm / axon membrane 1
- Membrane potential inside of the axon become more positive to
generate action potential

iii Why are the membrane potential of phase E lower than phase A? [3 marks]
- Some voltage gated K+ channels remain open / slowly close 1
- Excessive K+ ions diffuse out from axoplasm / axon membrane 1
- Membrane potential inside of the axon become more negative than
at phase A

iv Suggest why stimulus Q did not result in an action potential whereas [1 marks]
stimulus P did.
Because the intensity of the stimulus Q is less than / do not reach
threshold potential
(b) Different plants response to different relative length of light and dark period in
24-hour cycle for flowering. Flowering for species M and N could be induced
by different night lengths. The result on the effect of light on flowering are
shown in the FIGURE 9B below.


i Identify the species M based on photoperiodism above [1 mark]

Short-day plant

ii Explain why species M is able to flower even after being exposed to a single [2 marks]
flash of red light followed by a single flash of far-red light?
- The flash of far-red light cancels the effect of red light. 1
- Pfr is converted to Pr and reduction in Pfr concentration stimulates
flowering in M / short-day plant 1

iii How could this phenomenon give benefit to the flower industry? [1 mark]
Flowers can be produced at all seasons / at different climate changes.
10 FIGURE 10 shows an interaction in human immune response.


(a) Label A and B in FIGURE 10 [2 marks]

A: Antibody 1
B: Antigen 1

(b) Identify and describe the interaction shown above [3 marks]

Opsonisation 1
Antibodies bind to antigens on the surface of pathogen 1
Promote phagocytosis by macrophage / neutrophils 1

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