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What does this tell you about the types of

people who do science?

Scientist Spotlight:
Emily Levesque

To help us prepare for what we are about to study

in our class, we are going to explore the work of
Emily Levesque. Emily Levesque is an astronomer
and currently an Assistant Professor at the
University of Washington (UW). She received her
S.B. in physics from MIT and her Ph.D. in astronomy
at the University of Hawaii. Levesque has a deep
passion for astronomy, as shown in the multiple
books she published. Her most popular science
book, The Last Stargazers, talks about the history
and process of astronomical observations. In
addition, she leads the UW Massive Stars research
group, which focuses on exploring how gigantic stars evolve and die.

Click the link to learn more about the background of Emily Levesque:

Click the link to learn about the scientific work of Emily Levesque:

Instructions for Written Assignment:

After reviewing the background and scientific work of Emily Levesque,
write a reflection on what you discovered. You might wish to address
some of the following:

1. What was most interesting to you in reviewing these resources?

2. What did you learn from these resources about stars?
3. What new questions do you have after reviewing these
4. What do these resources tell you about the types of people that
do science?

Source of Scientist Photo:

The Scientist Spotlights Initiative was made possible by NIH Grant #20433000
What does this tell you about the types of
people who do science?
About the Author: My name is Dalima Lappia, and I am a
freshman at Penn State University. I am an engineering pre-
major with the intention to study computer science. I like to
read and code in my free time. I chose this scientist because she is
passionate about her work. She has accomplished a lot in her age, including
winning awards from the American Astronomical Society and the National
Academy of Sciences. In 2014, she led a research project and discovered a
new type of star known to science. Overall, her passion for and contributions to astronomy
drove me to feature this scientist.

Source of Scientist Photo:

The Scientist Spotlights Initiative was made possible by NIH Grant #20433000

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