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2021-07-08 2197671

2197671 - [AR] RG 3781/2015 - Libro de Sueldos Digital

Version 11 Type SAP Note
Language Inglés Master Language Inglés
Priority Correction with high priority Category Legal change
Release Status Released for Customer Released On 09.10.2015
Component PY-AR ( Argentina )

Please find the original document at 2197671


As described in the Announcement Note 2192719, the new law RG 3781/2015 published by AFIP on June
26, 2015, introduced a new legal report.

This note provides you with the relevant system changes to address this legal report, called in the SAP
standard as Libro de Sueldos Digital (F931).

For more information, see also

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&LIBRODIGITAL; Libro de Sueldos Digital; F931

Reason and Prerequisites

You have applied the following SAP Notes:

• 2210757 (creates the necessary data dictionary (DDIC) objects in your system
• 2205044 (pre-requisite note)
• 2210707 (pre-requisite note)

The following Support Package level is also the minimum prerequisite:

Release Support Package

6.00 HR SP A6
6.04 HR SP 72

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(For more information, click on "R/3 HR Support Package Schedule" in


The new report called Libro de Sueldos Digital (report RPC_PAYAR_F931, transaction PC00_M29_F931)
was created. According to law RG 3781/2015, this report has to generate a text file with the following format:

• Record 01: Datos referenciales del envío (liquidación de SyJ y datos para DJ F931).
• Record 02: Datos referenciales de la liquidación de sueldos y jornales del trabajador.
• Record 03: Detalle de los conceptos de sueldo liquidados al trabajador.
• Record 04: Datos del trabajador para el cálculo de la dj F931.
• Record 05: Datos del trabajador de la empresa de servicios eventuales.

For details on how the fields of each record are filled in the standard system, as well as a description of the
necessary customizing steps, refer to the Setup and Configuration section below.

Setup and Configuration

To fill the information related to amounts that are processed and store it in employees’ cluster (payroll
results), the new report will consider the wage types customized in the new subapplication Libro de Sueldo
Digital (F931) and the corresponding cumulation groups. This subapplication has the following cumulation

Group Description Record Field

AADS Porcentaje de aporte adicional para 04 Porcentaje de aporte adicional de seguridad
Seguridad Social social
AAOS Aporte adicional Obra Social 04 Aporte adicional de obra social
ADHE Adherentes a la Obra Social 04 Cantidad de adherentes de obra social
DAOF Base para el cálculo diferencial de 04 Base para el cálculo diferencial de aporte de
aporte de obra social y FSR obra social y FSR
DCOF Base para el cálculo diferencial de 04 Base para el cálculo diferencial de
contribuciones de obra social y FSR contribuciones de obra social y FSR
DLRT Base para el cálculo diferencial Ley de 04 Base para el cálculo diferencial Ley de Riesgos
Riesgos del Trabajo del Trabajo
HORA Cantidad de horas trabajadas 04 Cantidad de horas trabajadas
IAOS Importe adicional para Obra Social 04 Contribución adicional de obra social
MATR Remuneración maternidad para 04 Remuneración maternidad para ANSeS
PRDT Porcentaje Tarea Diferencial 04 Porcentaje de contribución por tarea diferencial
RIM1 Base imponible 1 04 Base imponible 1
RIM2 Base imponible 2 04 Base imponible 2
RIM3 Base imponible 3 04 Base imponible 3
RIM4 Base imponible 4 04 Base imponible 4
RIM5 Base imponible 5 04 Base imponible 5
RIM6 Base imponible 6 04 Base imponible 6
RIM7 Base imponible 7 04 Base imponible 7
RIM8 Base imponible 8 04 Base imponible 8
RIM9 Base imponible 9 04 Base imponible 9
RTOT Remuneración total del empleado 04 Remuneración bruta
(suma bruta liquidada)
SVCO Seguro Vida Colectivo Obligatorio 04 *Marca de cobertura de SCVO
PDAY Cantidad de días liquidados 02 Cantidad de días liquidados

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*For cumulation SVCO, if any wage type is customized in this group and is found in the employees' cluster
with an amount different from zero, the indicator of "Marca de cobertura de SCVO" is set to true, otherwise it
is set to false.

All cumulations above are available in table view "Asignación CC-nóminas a CC-nóm.acumulación
(tab.clientes)" (V_T596J) for sub-application F931.

You must assign the corresponding wage types to the corresponding cumulations for the record fields to be
filled correctly. SAP delivers a model customizing in view "Asignación claves concepto nómina a CC-nómina
acumulación" (V_T596I), however it is overwritten in case you create your own customizing in view V_T596J
(customer table).

Below you can find details on how each field of each record is filled during the processing of this new report.

Record 01

1. Identificación del tipo de registro: fixed value "01"

2. CUIT del empleador: field "Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria" (CUITC) from table "Datos del
empleador según fecha informe Censo ANSES" (T7AR80) according to the selection criteria
(Company code)
3. Identificación del envío: fixed value "SJ"
4. Período: period entered on the selection screen of the report
5. Tipo de liquidación: legal value "M" (mensual), "Q" (quincenal) and "S" (semanal) according to the
customizing of tables "Áreas de nómina" (T549A) and "Parámetro período" (T549R)
6. Número de liquidación: field Nº de la liquidación from the selection screen of the report
7. Días base: value of constant "Cant. Días Tope diario aportes" (SESTD) customized in table view
"Constantes de nómina" (V_T511K)
8. Cantidad de trabajadores informados en registros '04': counting of records of type "04"

Record 02

1. Identificación del tipo de registro: fixed value "01"

2. CUIL del trabajador: field "Número de identificación personal" (PERID) from "Datos personales" (0002)
3. Legajo del trabajador: field "Nº personal" (PERNR) from "Asignación organizativa" (0001) infotype
4. Dependencia de revista del trabajador: field "Identificación de la categoría de convenio" (IDCON) from
table "Identificación de la categoria de convenio" (T7AR65) according to the selection criteria
5. CBU de acreditación del pago: When constant "" (MOCBU) is set to "0" in V_T511K, it is filled with
fields "Referencia para el banco/cuenta" (BKREF) and "Nº cuenta bancaria" (BANKN), otherwise field
(ZWECK) is used. All fields are from cluster table "Transferencias" (BT) and according to the selection
criteria and payment type set in "Relación bancaria" (0009) infotype
6. Cantidad de días liquidados: field "Cantidad" (ANZHL) of wage type(s) customized in view V_T596I/J
for subapplication F931 and cumulation PDAY
7. Fecha de pago: field "Fecha de pago de un resultado de nómina" (PAYDT) from cluster table
"Información status de nómina" (VERSC)
8. Fecha de rúbrica: field "Fecha de la ejecución de la nómina" (RUNDT) from cluster table "Información
status de nómina" (VERSC)
9. Forma de pago: field "Vía de pago" (ZLSCH) from cluster table "Transferencias" (BT) according to the
information set in "Relación bancaria" (0009) infotype.

Record 03

1. Identificación del tipo de registro: fixed value "03"

2. CUIL del trabajador: field "Número de identificación personal" (PERID) from "Datos personales" (0002)

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3. Código de concepto liquidado por el empleador: wage types customized in table view "Clases de
tratamiento, acumulaciones y clases de evaluación" (V_512W_D) with values 01 ("Remuneraciones"
(con aportes)), 02 ("Haberes sin aportes") and 03 ("Retenciones") in evaluation class 11 ("Asignación
CC-nóminas para Libro Ley")
4. Cantidad: fields "Cantidad" (ANZHL) or "Importe por unidad" (BETPE) from wage type stored in cluster
table Tabla de resultados (RT)
5. Unidades: legal values bellow according to the customizing of the corresponding wage type in table
view "Propiedades de CC-nóminas" (V_T511):

• H: value "Horas" (001) in field "Unidad de tiempo/medida" (ZEINH) of table T511

• D: value "Días" (010) in field "Unidad de tiempo/medida" (ZEINH) of table T511
• M: value "Meses" (012) in field "Unidad de tiempo/medida" (ZEINH) of table T511
• A: value "Años" (013) in field "Unidad de tiempo/medida" (ZEINH) of table T511
• %: value "Porcentaje" (030) in field "Unidad de tiempo/medida" (ZEINH) of table T511
• $: value "Grd.rend." (022) in field "Unidad de tiempo/medida" (ZEINH) of table T511

6. Importe: field "Importe" (BETRG) from wage type stored in cluster table "Tabla de resultados" (RT)
7. Indicador Débito/Crédito: legal value "C" if wage type is customized with value 01 or 02 in evaluation
class 11, and D if wage type is customized with value 03 in evaluation class 11
8. Período de ajuste retroactive: for period of payroll result in case the wage type is based on a
retroactive accounting, and blank if it is not related to a retroactive accounting

Record 04

1. Identificación del tipo de registro: fixed value "04"

2. CUIL del trabajador: field "Número de identificación personal" (PERID) from "Datos personales" (0002)
3. Marca de cónyuge: filled as true, if any spouse is found in "Familia/pers.refer." (0021) infotype, and
false, otherwise
4. Cantidad de hijos: filled with the number of children found in "Familia/pers.refer." (0021) infotype
5. Marca de trabajador en CCT: filled according to the return value of feature "Determinación de la
situacion de convenio del empleado" (ARCNV) and the selection criteria
6. Marca de cobertura de SCVO: filled with true if any wage customized in group "SCVO" (V_T596I/J) is
found in employees' cluster, and false otherwise
7. Marca de corresponde reducción: fixed value "0"
8. Código de tipo de empleador asociado al trabajador: field "Tipo empresa" from the selection screen of
the report
9. Código de tipo de operación: fixed value "0"
10. Código de situación de revista: filled according the the current situation of the employee, consideraing
actions (0000 infotype) and absences (2001 infotype)
11. Código de condición: filled according to field "Agrupación de áreas de personal para Seguridad Social"
(GESES) of cluster table "Datos maestros de Seguridad Social" (ARSES)
12. Código de actividad: filled according to field "Agrupación de áreas de personal para Seguridad Social"
(GESES) of cluster table "Datos maestros de Seguridad Social" (ARSES)
13. Código de modalidad de contratación: field "Código de modalidad de contratación para SIJP" (TCSIJ)
from table "Asignación de modalidad de contratación a tipo contrato AR" (T7AR23) according to the
selection criteria
14. Código de siniestrado: filled according to the absence situation related to ART
15. Código de localidad: field "Códigos de zona de disminución de contribuciones a la DGI" (COZON) from
table Divis./Subdiv.personal: "Datos de Seg.Social y asign.fliare" (T7AR4P) according to the selection
16. Situación de revista 1: filled according to the current situation of the employee, consideraing actions

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(0000 infotype) and absences (2001 infotype)

17. Día de inicio situación de revista 1: start day of the current situation
18. Situación de revista 2: filled according to the current situation of the employee, consideraing actions
(0000 infotype) and absences (2001 infotype)
19. Día de inicio situación de revista 2: start day of the current situation
20. Situación de revista 3: filled according to the current situation of the employee, consideraing actions
(0000 infotype) and absences (2001 infotype)
21. Día de inicio situación de revista 3: start day of the current situation
22. Cantidad de días trabajados: filled with number of days of the current period minus days of absences
of "Absentismos" (2001) infotype customized in table "Información adicional para ausentismos"
23. Cantidad de horas trabajadas: filled with the number of wage types customized in cumulation "HORA",
and subapplication "F931" in table view V_T596I/J
24. Porcentaje de aporte adicional de seguridad social: filled with the rate of wage types customized in
cumulation AADS, and subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
25. Porcentaje de contribución por tarea diferencial: filled with the rate of wage types customized in
cumulation PRDT, and subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
26. Código de obra social del trabajador: field "Obra Social" (OBRAS) from "Seguridad Social" (0392)
27. Cantidad de adherentes de obra social: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation
PRDT, and subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
28. Aporte adicional de obra social: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation AAOS,
and subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
29. Contribución adicional de obra social: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation
IAOS, and subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
30. Base para el cálculo diferencial de aporte de obra social y FSR: filled with the amount of wage types
customized in cumulation DAOF, and subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
31. Base para el cálculo diferencial de contribuciones de obra social y FSR: filled with the amount of wage
types customized in cumulation DCOF, and subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
32. Base para el cálculo diferencial Ley de Riesgos del Trabajo: filled with the amount of wage types
customized in cumulation DLRT, and subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
33. Remuneración maternidad para ANSES: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation
MATR, and subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
34. Remuneración bruta: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation RTOT, and
subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
35. Base imponible 1: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation RIM1, and
subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
36. Base imponible 2: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation RIM2, and
subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
37. Base imponible 3: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation RIM3, and
subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
38. Base imponible 4: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation RIM4, and
subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
39. Base imponible 5: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation RIM5, and
subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
40. Base imponible 6: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation RIM6, and
subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
41. Base imponible 7: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation RIM7, and
subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
42. Base imponible 8: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation RIM8, and
subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J
43. Base imponible 9: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation RIM9, and

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subapplication F931 in table view V_T596I/J

Record 05

1. Identificación del tipo de registro: fixed value "05"

2. CUIL del trabajador: field "Número de identificación personal" (PERID) from "Datos personales" (0002)
3. Categoría professional: filled with blanks
4. Puesto desempeñado: filled with blanks
5. Fecha de ingreso: filled with hiring date of the employee
6. Fecha de egreso: filled with firing date of the employee
7. Remuneración: filled with the amount of wage types customized in cumulation INCB, and
subapplication ARTE in table view V_T596I/J
8. CUIT del empleador: field "Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria" (CUITC) from table "Datos del
empleador según fecha informe Censo ANSES" (T7AR80) according to field "Número de
identificación" (ICNUM) from "ID personal" (0185) infotype and subty 41 ("CUIT/CUIL Trabajador

Installation Instructions

As general rule, SAP recommends that you install a solution by applying a Support Package. However, if you
need to install the solution earlier, proceed as follows:

1. Apply the manual pre-implementation steps

2. Apply SAP note 2210757 (creation of DDIC objects)
3. Use Note Assistant (SNOTE) to implement the correction instructions
4. Apply the manual post-implementations steps.

You can find more information about the Note Assistant in SAP Service Marketplace, under

Note that documentation, transactions and Customizing activities are only delivered via Support Package.
However you can find attached a documentation of the new report that will be available also via Support

Manual Activities

|Manual Pre-Implement. |
|Software Component SAP_HRCAR |
| Release 600 Until SAPK-600C6INSAPHRCAR |
| Release 604 Until SAPK-60492INSAPHRCAR |
| Release 608 Until SAPK-60820INSAPHRCAR |

Perform the manual pre-implementation steps described in the attached document


|Manual Post-Implement. |

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2021-07-08 2197671
|Software Component SAP_HRCAR |
| Release 600 Until SAPK-600C6INSAPHRCAR |
| Release 604 Until SAPK-60492INSAPHRCAR |
| Release 608 Until SAPK-60820INSAPHRCAR |

Perform the manual post-implementation steps described in the attached document


Software Components

Software Component Release

SAP_HRCAR 600 - 600

SAP_HRCAR 604 - 604

SAP_HRCAR 608 - 608

Correction Instructions

Software Component From To Version Changed on ID

SAP_HRCAR 600 600 2 09.10.2015 21:16:19 0001606638

SAP_HRCAR 604 604 2 09.10.2015 21:20:49 0001606636

SAP_HRCAR 604 604 2 09.10.2015 21:18:49 0001606635

SAP_HRCAR 600 600 2 09.10.2015 21:13:14 0001606637

SAP_HRCAR 608 608 3 09.10.2015 21:23:08 0001606634


Software SAP
From To Title Component
Component Note/KBA

HARCDGI1 - SICORE file's lacks final

SAP_HRCAR 600 600 1226464 PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 600 600 1329055 SICOSS V32 PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 600 600 1433325 SICOSS V33 PY-AR

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2021-07-08 2197671
SICOSS V34 (part 2) - New field in temse
SAP_HRCAR 600 600 1504031 PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 600 600 1520037 SICOSS V34.1 PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 600 600 1684242 [AR] New Report for ART Calculation PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 600 600 2205044 [HR-AR] HCM objects framework PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 600 600 2210707 [HR-AR] New Generic Log Framework PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 604 604 1329055 SICOSS V32 PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 604 604 1433325 SICOSS V33 PY-AR

SICOSS V34 (part 2) - New field in temse

SAP_HRCAR 604 604 1504031 PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 604 604 1520037 SICOSS V34.1 PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 604 604 1684242 [AR] New Report for ART Calculation PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 604 604 2205044 [HR-AR] HCM objects framework PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 604 604 2210707 [HR-AR] New Generic Log Framework PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 604 608 1684242 [AR] New Report for ART Calculation PY-AR

[AR] RG 3781/2015 - Libro de Sueldos

SAP_HRCAR 608 608 2197671 PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 608 608 2205044 [HR-AR] HCM objects framework PY-AR

SAP_HRCAR 608 608 2210707 [HR-AR] New Generic Log Framework PY-AR

Support Package

Software Component Release Support Package




This document refers to

SAP Note/KBA Title

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2021-07-08 2197671
2210757 [AR] RG 3781/2015 - Libro de Sueldos Digital: UDO report for SAP Note 2197671

2192719 LC AR: RG 3781/2015 - Libro de Sueldos Digital

This document is referenced by

SAP Note/KBA Title

2841959 [AR] Working Days Calculation Framework

2699306 [AR] Documentation updates (wage types, feature 29DES, BAdI HR_PAYAR_F931_BADI)

2192719 LC AR: RG 3781/2015 - Libro de Sueldos Digital

2227013 [AR] Documentation RG 3781/2015 - Libro de Sueldos Digital

2210757 [AR] RG 3781/2015 - Libro de Sueldos Digital: UDO report for SAP Note 2197671


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626 application/pdf

425 application/pdf

330 application/pdf

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