Chapter 0 - Vocabulary Pe Sessions

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Your teacher uses this vocabulary in every lesson. It is very important for you to know it, so you can understand the lessons. ATTENTION : Come here, please: You must go where Wait a moment, please: Un momento, the teacher is and form a semi-circle. por favor Silence, please: Do not speak Please, stay put: You must not make noise and you must not move. Be quiet: Do not shout or speak loud Are you ready?: Ests listo? Pay attention: Look to your teacher an listen to what he says. We are finished/done: Hemos terminado To blow the whistle: The teacher makes a noise with the whistle so you We have no more time for anything pay attention. else: No tenemos tiempo para nada ms Be careful:cuidado Please open your books to page: Abrir vuestro libro por la pgina Ready, steady, go: Preparados, listos, ya


Endurance/ Stamina: resistencia.

Stretching: estirar

Strength: fuerza

Physical activity: actividad fsica

Suppleness/Flexibility: Flexibilidad

Weight: peso

Speed: Velocidad

Height: altura

Balance: equilibrio

Health: salud

Agility: agilidad

Joint: articulacin

Coordination: Coordinacin

Muscles: msculos

Hamstring: isquiotibiales

Clap: palmada

Calves/gastronecmius: Gemelos

Step: paso

Quadriceps: cudriceps.

Partner: pareja

Deltoids: deltoides

Forwards: hacia adelante

Each one: cada uno.

Backwards: hacia atrs

Heart rate: nmero de pulsaciones por unidad de tiempo

Maximum heart rate: mxima frecuencia cardaca.

Cart-wheel: rueda lateral

A backward roll: voltereta agrupada Tracksuit: chndal. hacia atrs.

Handball: balonmano.

A hand stand: equilibrio invertido.

Walking race: carrera pedestre.

Spin: giro sobre s mismo.

Hurdle race: carrera de vallas.

Sport Facilities/places:

Pitch: campo football/rugby/hockey

Circuit: Formula 1 /motorcycling

Track: pista atletismo

Course: golf

Court: pista tennis/basketball

Slope: ski

Pool: Piscina


Beat: ganar a un equipo o a una persona

Draw: empatar

Warm up: calentar Win: ganar una medalla, una competicin, un partido o un trofeo. Train: entrenar

Lose: perder

Get injured: Lesionarse

To Do: Hacer

Get fit: Estar en forma

To Touch: tocar

Score: marcar

To improve: mejorar.

To Play: jugar

To walk: caminar

Tor run: correr

To warm up: calentar

To jump: saltar

To rest: descansar

To skip: saltar a la comba

To turn around: cambiar de sentido

To hop: saltar a la pata coja

To shoot: chutar

To climb: escalar

To bounce: botar

To pass: Pasar

To take: coger

To roll: rodar en sentido longitudinal

To do a somersault: hacer una voltereta hacia adelante agrupada.

To cross: cruzar

Parts of your body and joints:

Neck: cuello Shoulder: hombro

Elbow: Codo Wrist: mueca

Knee: rodilla Leg: pierna Waist: cintura Back: espalda Arm: brazo

Ankle: tobillo Hip: cadera Foot: pie Stomach: barriga Chest: pecho MATERIALS:

Ropes: cuerdas Rackets: raquetas Sticks: picas y stick hochey Bat: bate Bench: banco Basket: canasta Balls: balones Goal: portera futbol Mat: colchoneta Hand pump: bomba de inflar a mano Cones: conos Whistle: silbato Hoops: aros Net: red Hurdle: valla, obstculo

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