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Generative AI is type of artificial intelligence that is capable of generating new data or content that

has not been explicitly programmed or inputted by a human.

It uses deep learning techniques such as neutral network to analyze large amount of data and learn
patterns and relationship between different data points.

There are four use cases that I have selected:

First being

Generative AI can be used to generate new and unique advertising content, such as ad copy and

There are some tools we can use to help us with this use case

Such as

Adacus for Ad creation that typically uses machine learning algorithms to create custom ads in real-

Adext for Ad optimization that also uses machine learning algorithms to optimize ad campaigns
based on real-time performance data.

Phrasee for Ad writing that uses natural language processing algorithms to generate custom ad

These are some tools we can use with this use case

Moving on to next use case that is

Content Creation:

Generative AI can be used to create unique and diverse content, such a written articles, music, and

Here are some tools that can helps us with it

Articolo for Automated Content Creation which uses natural language processing to generate
unique articles based on a topic or keyword.
Capitona for Social Media Captioning which also uses natural language processing to generate
relevant and engaging captions for images.

Lumen5 for Video Creation which uses machine learning language which uses natural language
processing to generate relevant and engaging captions for images.


Financial Analysis:

Here Generative AI can be used to create financial models and predict market trends, assisting in
investment and risk management decisions.

Tools we can use in this use case are

Qlik for Automated Financial Reporting which uses natural language generation to create written
reports based on financial data.

Feedzai for Fraud Detection which uses machine learning to analyze financial data in real-time and
detect fraud.

Kensho for Fraud Detection which uses both natural language processing and machine learning to
analyze financial news and data and make investment recommendations.

Last use case is

Music Composition:

Generative AI can be used to create original music compositions based on specific genres, styles, or

Some tools to use in this use case is

Amper Music for Music Composition, which uses machine learning algorithms to generate original
music based on user inputs.

AnthemScore for Music Transcription which uses deep learning algorithms to transcribe audio
recordings into sheet music.

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