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Submitted by:

Clariz Roldan

Submitted to:

Ma’am Hidielyn Gammad


First and foremost, I commence by establishing a dedicated nursery area at the QSU
MADDELA CAMPUS, ensuring that it complies with all the essential requisites for fostering optimal
seedling growth. This nursery serves as the nurturing ground where our rambutan journey takes root.
In the second phase, we approach the selection and preparation of rambutan seeds with the utmost
care and precision. Only the healthiest and most viable specimens are chosen, each harboring the
potential for robust growth within our nursery. The third step involves the meticulous preparation of
the soil, a vital foundation for our nursery's success. With deliberate consideration, we select and
amend the soil, focusing on the ideal nutrient composition and texture necessary for nurturing
rambutan seedlings. Continuing with our environmentally conscious approach, we move to the fourth
phase, where we carefully select the most suitable containers for our seedlings, including eco-friendly
options like polythene bags. These containers not only align with sustainability goals but also create
an environment conducive to healthy root development. To ensure an environment that mirrors the
seedlings' natural habitat, we proceed to the fifth step, guaranteeing a consistent and ample water
supply. I maintain meticulous moisture levels within the nursery, ensuring the ideal conditions for
seedling growth. In the sixth phase, we rigorously implement a schedule for monitoring and

Rambutan, with its scientific moniker Nephelium lappaceum, emerges as an enthralling fruit
with roots that run deep in the fertile landscapes of Southeast Asia. It is, in essence, a botanical marvel
that calls the sprawling branches of a towering tree its home, a tree that stands as tall as 80 feet,
reaching the awe-inspiring height of roughly 27 meters. This towering specimen of nature's grandeur
is a testament to the remarkable resilience and adaptability of the rambutan, which flourishes most
splendidly under the warm embrace of tropical climates, specifically finding its stronghold in
countries graced by the equatorial charm, such as Malaysia and Indonesia. The name "Rambutan"
itself, a word originating from the lyrical Malay language, carries with it a whiff of the exotic and the


1. To document the step-by-step process of rambutan seedling growth, including selection,

nurturing, and transplantation.
2. To share expert insights, tips, and techniques for successful rambutan seedling cultivation,
aiding readers in optimizing growth.
3. To emphasize the importance of sustainable practices, including eco-friendly approaches and
genetic diversity conservation, for long-term rambutan farming success and environmental

During Week one in my observation, after planting the rambutan seeds, I noticed some signs
of sprouting, though not all the seeds sprouted in the same way; some had small sprouts, while others
were taller.

During Week two in my observation, which spanned from September 11th to 15th, the
rambutan seeds showed clear signs of germination, with some reaching half an inch in height and
developing leaves. Weeds also became visible during this time, prompting me to regularly check on
the seedlings, remove any weeds that had grown, and provide daily watering if there was no rainfall. I
continued to closely observe and manage the seedlings throughout the week, ensuring they received
the care they needed.

During Week 3 in my observation, covering September 15th to 22nd, the rambutan seeds
continued to sprout, with one even developing leaves. Weeds remained a concern, and I maintained
my routine of frequent checks to remove any unwanted growth and watering as necessary, especially
in the absence of rain. My continuous observations ensured that I provided the necessary care until the
seedlings could thrive independently.

During Week 4 in my observation, from September 25th to 29th, the rambutan seeds
exhibited significant growth, although their development varied, with some seedlings growing faster
than others. I continued to closely monitor their progress, watering when required, and diligently
removing any weeds that appeared in the vicinity. This routine care ensured that the rambutan
seedlings had the best possible conditions for healthy development as they continued to thrive .

During week five in my observation allowed for a comprehensive analysis of the growth and
survival dynamics of ten distinct seedlings. In the inaugural week, seedling 1 and seedling 2 emerged
as early frontrunners, displaying impressive plant heights of 110 mm each. Their vigor was notable,
contrasting sharply with seedling3 and seedling 5, which exhibited more modest statures at just 50
mm. Meanwhile, Seed 4 and seedling 8 surged ahead, boasting heights of 120 mm and 130 mm,
respectively. Sadly, seedling 6, 7, and 9 lagged significantly behind, their heights stagnating at a mere
20 mm. It was with a heavy heart that the first week concluded, revealing the unfortunate fate of
seedling 10, which did not survive beyond its initial introduction to the experiment.

During week six in my observation particular, exhibited remarkable growth and resilience,
ascending to a commanding height of 140 mm. Not to be outdone, seedling 1 and seedling 2
continued their consistent progress, maintaining parity at 120 mm each. Meanwhile, seedling 3, 5, and
8 were not to be overshadowed, as they showcased substantial advancement in their heights, reaching
values that ranged between 70 mm and 130 mm. In stark contrast, seedling 6, 7, and 9 appeared to
struggle, with their heights still residing at the 40 mm mark. Tragically, seedling 10's plight persisted
as it failed to withstand the rigors of the environment.

During Week 7 in my observation provided a further glimpse into the lives of this seedling,
revealing more fascinating changes. Seedling 4, the resilient leader, pressed forward to reach a
towering 150 mm, asserting its dominance. Seedling 1 and seedling 2 closely followed at 125 mm,
consistently mirroring each other's progress. Seedling 3 and 8 exhibited remarkable growth, standing
at 120 mm and 135 mm, respectively, reflecting the tenacity of these seedling . Meanwhile, seedling 5
continued its steady ascent, reaching a commendable height of 140 mm. Seedling 6, 7, and 9 remained
stalwart, maintaining a consistent height of 120 mm. unfortunately, the shadow of doom continued to
loom over Seed 10, which remained unable to persist in the experiment.

During week 8 in my observations carried on, affirming the trends established over the
preceding weeks. Seedling 4, undeniably the star of the show, held its commanding position with a
striking height of 160 mm. Seedling 1, 2, and 5 trailed behind but were by no means unimpressive,
reaching heights of 150 mm. seedling 3, 6, 7, and 9, while not achieving the same heights as the
frontrunners, continued their steady growth pattern, displaying heights of 140 mm or 130 mm.
However, Seed 8, in a somewhat unexpected turn of events, showed no further height increase. The
experiment culminated with the unfortunate confirmation that seedling 10 had not been able to sustain
itself throughout the entire observation period.

As I delved into Week 9 of my observation, the resilience of seedling 4 continued to astound,

as it now stood proudly at an impressive height of 170 mm. Seedlings 1 and 2 maintained their
consistent growth, closely trailing at 155 mm each. Seedling 5 displayed remarkable progress,
reaching a new height of 145 mm. However, the challenges faced by seedling 8 became more evident,
as it struggled to surpass its previous height. Seedlings 3, 6, 7, and 9 continued their steady ascent,
showcasing heights ranging between 140 mm and 150 mm. The unfortunate trend persisted for
seedling 10, which could not overcome the obstacles, signaling the end of its journey.

Entering Week 10 of my observation, the vitality of seedling 4 persisted, reaching an

unprecedented height of 180 mm. Seedlings 1 and 2 remained close competitors, both standing tall at
165 mm. Seedling 5 demonstrated resilience, maintaining a steady climb to 155 mm. Despite initial
setbacks, seedling 8 managed to resume its growth, now standing at 145 mm. Seedlings 3, 6, 7, and 9
continued their upward trajectory, with heights ranging from 150 mm to 160 mm. Tragically, the fate
of seedling 10 was sealed, unable to overcome the adversities faced throughout the experiment.

Week 11 unfolded with seedling 4 continuing its dominance, towering at an astonishing

height of 190 mm. Seedlings 1 and 2 maintained their parallel growth, reaching 175 mm. Seedling 5
showcased resilience, standing at 165 mm, while seedling 8 struggled to catch up at 155 mm.
Seedlings 3, 6, 7, and 9 exhibited steady progress, boasting heights between 160 mm and 170 mm.
The persistent struggle of seedling 10 served as a somber reminder of the challenges that can arise in a
controlled environment.

In the final week of my observation, seedling 4 emerged as the undisputed champion,

reaching a remarkable height of 200 mm. Seedlings 1 and 2 maintained their consistent growth,
standing tall at 185 mm. Seedling 5 demonstrated resilience at 175 mm, while seedling 8 managed to
overcome earlier setbacks, reaching a height of 165 mm. Seedlings 3, 6, 7, and 9 continued their
upward trajectory, displaying heights ranging from 170 mm to 180 mm. As the experiment concluded,
the absence of seedling 10 cast a shadow over the otherwise triumphant journey, serving as a poignant
reminder of the fragility inherent in the life of a seedling.



In Week 9, the Week 10 saw In Week 11, seedling 4 The final week
observation of continued resilience in dominated at 190 mm, showcased seedling 4
seedlings revealed seedling 4, reaching with seedlings 1 and 2 as the champion at 200
impressive growth in 180 mm. Seedlings 1 at 175 mm. Seedling 5 mm. Seedlings 1 and 2
seedling 4, standing at and 2 stood at 165 mm, stood resilient at 165 maintained growth at
170 mm, while while seedling 5 mm, while seedling 8 185 mm. Seedling 5
seedlings 1 and 2 maintained progress at struggled at 155 mm. exhibited resilience at
closely followed at 155 155 mm. Seedling 8 Seedlings 3, 6, 7, and 9 175 mm, and seedling
mm. Seedling 5 overcame setbacks at progressed steadily. 8 overcame setbacks at
showed progress at 145 145 mm. Seedlings 3, Seedling 10 continued 165 mm. Seedlings 3,
mm, but challenges 6, 7, and 9 showed to face challenges, 6, 7, and 9 continued
hindered seedling 8. upward growth, but the emphasizing the upward growth. The
Seedlings 3, 6, 7, and 9 journey ended for controlled absence of seedling 10
steadily grew, and seedling 10. environment's served as a poignant
unfortunately, seedling complexities. reminder of the
10 faced fragility inherent in the
insurmountable life of a seedling,
obstacles. concluding the

 Leaf Yellowing: Throughout the  Leaf Spot: There is a possibility of

observation period, there were leaf spot issues, as the challenges
instances of leaf yellowing observed faced by seedling 8 became more
in some seedlings, particularly evident in Week 9. Leaf spots could
seedling 8 in Week 9. This indicates be caused by various factors,
potential nutrient deficiencies or other including fungal or bacterial
stress factors affecting the plants. infections.


 Seedling Growth: Seedling 4 steady climb, reaching a height of 175

consistently demonstrated resilience mm in the final week.
and impressive growth, ultimately  Challenges Overcome by Seedling 8:
becoming the undisputed champion by Seedling 8, which initially struggled,
Week 12, reaching a remarkable managed to overcome setbacks and
height of 200 mm. reached a height of 165 mm by the
 Consistent Growth in Some final week.
Seedlings: Seedlings 1 and 2  Steady Progress in Other Seedlings:
maintained consistent growth Seedlings 3, 6, 7, and 9 exhibited
throughout the observation period, steady progress, with heights ranging
standing tall at 185 mm in the final from 170 mm to 180 mm in the last
week. week.

 Resilience in Seedling 5: Despite

facing challenges, seedling 5
showcased resilience and maintained a


In conclusion, my journey with rambutan seedling cultivation at the Quirino State University
Maddela Campus has been a testament to the meticulous care and environmentally conscious
practices employed throughout the process. From the establishment of a dedicated nursery to the
careful selection and preparation of rambutan seeds, each step was undertaken with precision to foster
optimal seedling growth. The challenges faced, such as instances of leaf yellowing and the potential
for leaf spot issues, underscore the intricacies of nurturing these delicate seedlings. However, the
results speak volumes about the resilience of the rambutan, particularly exemplified by seedling 4,
which emerged as the undisputed champion, reaching an impressive height of 200 mm by the
experiment's conclusion.

While some seedlings faced hurdles, the consistent growth of seedlings 1 and 2, the resilience
displayed by seedling 5, and the overcoming of setbacks by seedling 8 highlight the dynamic nature of
the cultivation process. The controlled environment presented both triumphs and challenges, with the
unfortunate fate of seedling 10 serving as a poignant reminder of the fragility inherent in the life of a
seedling. My objectives to document the seedling growth process, share expert insights, and
emphasize sustainable practices were met through the meticulous recording of weekly observations.
This journey contributes not only to the understanding of rambutan cultivation but also underscores
the importance of sustainable approaches for long-term farming success and positive environmental


Week 5 Caption: "Week 5: Nurturing a competition-free environment for our rambutan seedlings.
100% germination rate, a promising start."

Week 6 Caption: "Week 6: Providing individualized care to ensure every seedling thrives.
Consistent watering for optimal growth."

Week 7 Caption: "Week 7: Vibrant and healthy, our rambutan seedlings are showing remarkable
progress. One standout, but all on their way to becoming strong plants."
Week 8 Caption: "Week 8: The journey continues with enthusiasm. Special care for slower-growers,
unwavering commitment to their well-being. 100% germination rate, a success story in the making.

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