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As the last traces of autumn leave the city, the international section
collectively gears for the onset of a hectic exam season. November
came with a flurry of activity - the renowned Chirec Model United
Nations, the Chirec Fiesta, numerous sports tournaments, Diwali’s joy,
Children’s Day celebrations - it was truly the month of year for
debaters, sports players, writers, dancers and creative enthusiasts
across the campus. As the sun sets on this whirlwind of a month, we
present to you the November issue of the Erudite Newspaper,
complete with news reporting and discussion pieces spanning a vast
expanse of topics.

Mehek, Annapurna and Naisha take on the role of expert national

reporters, viewing the country’s happenings from a global lens. Kaia
from 7th grade joins them as a guest writer with an informative piece
on the national Right to Education Act. Atharva, Kathya and Dhanika
travel across the country’s borders to explore and journal worldwide

Zooming down into our school, Oishaani pens a comprehensive

report on tips for the IGCSE batch, who will be giving their critical
board exams in only a few months. Sahana documents the popularity
of the MUN circuit, and Nivrithi takes a look into two popular student
clubs of the international section.

Additionally, Anwita explores the impact social media has had in

terms of redefining beauty standards, and Nithika shines the spotlight
on sustainable fashion and its recent growth. Don’t miss our fantastic
opinion pieces by Hari on the battle of generative AI, and Angel as she
delves into the growing trend of “cancel culture.”

As November comes to an end, we wish you all the best for the fast
approaching exams and a merry holiday season after that!

To infinity and beyond,

Sarah Badshah, Editor-In-Chief


The Surge of Start-Ups and Innovation
Revolutionising India: The Surge
of Start-Ups and Innovation
Indian Court Refusal To Same-Sex
Marriages: Advocate For Change!
Article 21A & Right to Education
Act: A Critical Analysis
India's Abstention in the Israel-
Palestine Conflict: Is India
Abstaining from Justice?

American Sikh Teen Brutalised for
The world is currently witnessing a surge of innovation and His Faith: Will American Racism
entrepreneurship as more and more people launch their ideas and Ever Be Eradicated?
propel creativity. These new ideas are often born as start-ups: newly A New Era for Space Exploration:
established businesses that aim to develop a viable product or service, Private Companies and
often with the help of technology. Entrepreneurs initiate, organize, International Collaboration
and manage these start-ups, enduring the risks and rewards that come Seismic Activity in Southern Iran:
with the position. They often seek the safety net of a venture 5.8 Magnitude Earthquake Jolts
capitalist- an investor who provides funding and support to start-ups, Region
usually in exchange for equity or ownership in the company.

All these components act as cogs for the metaphorical well-oiled

machine of the global start-up ecosystem: an interconnected network
Tips for the current IGCSE batch
of entrepreneurs, investors, support organizations, and other
on boards from the alumni
stakeholders that facilitate the creation and growth of start-ups.
Unveiling the Global Craze: The
According to the Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2020, the global
Soaring Popularity of Model United
start-up ecosystem is valued at $3.3 trillion, up from $2.8 trillion in
2019. (“The State Of Indian Startup Ecosystem Report 2021”) The
Importance of school clubs - a look
report also ranks the top 30 start-up ecosystems in the world, based
into two Chirec student clubs
on factors such as performance, funding, talent, market reach, and
connectedness. The top five start-up ecosystems are Silicon Valley,
New York City, London, Beijing, and Boston.
India has emerged as the third-largest start-up ecosystem in the From Selfies to Self-Care: How
world, with over 55,000 start-ups launched to date and over 3,200 Social Media Has Redefined Beauty
start-ups raising $63 billion in funding in the last five and a half years Standards
alone (“The State Of Indian Startup Ecosystem Report, 2022”). India is Sustainable Fashion in the
also home to 34 unicorns - start-ups valued at over $1 billion - and 52 Spotlight: Brands Making a
soonicorns - start-ups with the potential to become unicorns by 2022. Difference
The Indian start-up scene in particular is seeing a boom in creativity, The Battle of Generative AI
with blooming industries, thriving start-ups, and flourishing sectors, Cancel Culture: Is it doing more
setting the stage for future growth and innovation. harm than good?

- 0 3 -
Several factors influence the start-up ecosystem, one Another instance of government intervention would
of the main ones being the economic conditions of the be the introduction of the Development of Enterprise
country. India is one of the fastest-growing economies and Service Hubs (DESH) Bill in 2022. The DESH Bill
in the world, with a GDP growth rate of 6.8% in 2018- proposes to reform the special economic zones in
19 (“Indian Unicorn Landscape - Startups, Growth, India by allowing them to produce for both domestic
FDI, Investors”). India also has a large and young and international markets, introducing net positive
population of over 1.4 billion people, of which 65% are growth criteria, renaming them as Development Hubs,
below the age of 35 (“The State Of Indian Startup imposing an equalization levy, and making them more
Ecosystem Report, 2022”). This creates a huge market WTO-compliant. The bill was announced in 2022 but
opportunity and talent pool for start-ups to cast. has not been tabled in Parliament yet. These policies
Moreover, India has a rising middle class, with and initiatives create a conducive environment and a
increasing disposable income and consumer spending. level playing field for start-ups to thrive and compete
According to a report by Bain & Company, India's in the global market
middle class is expected to grow from 50 million
households in 2018 to 140 million households by 2030 As we conclude, it is important to note the importance
and account for 40% of the total consumption funding plays in promoting the start-up ecosystem.
expenditure. (Singh) These factors make India a Start-ups are expensive projects, as they require a lot
favorable destination for investment and activity. of capital to develop their products or services, acquire
customers, scale their operations, and compete in the
Another factor that influences the start-up ecosystem market. Start-ups usually do not generate enough
is the tidal wave of technology trends that are shaping revenue or profit in the initial stages and hence rely
the world. India is at the forefront of adopting and on external sources of funding to sustain and grow
developing new technologies such as artificial their businesses. Funding is the process of raising
intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, Internet of money from investors, who provide capital in
Things, and biotechnology. These technologies enable exchange for equity or ownership in the start-up. This
start-ups to create innovative and scalable solutions is essential for start-ups, as it helps them validate
for various sectors and industries, such as e- their ideas, test their products, hire talent, expand
commerce, fintech, healthtech, edtech, agritech, and their markets, and achieve their goals. (“Emerge
social impact. According to a report by Nasscom, India Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the
has over 1,600 AI start-ups, which raised $2.3 billion New Normal - COVID-19: Challenges and
in funding in 2019. (“The Indian startup ecosystem: Opportunities for Indian Start-Ups in the New
Drivers, challenges, and pillars of support | ORF”) Normal”)
India also has over 2,000 blockchain start-ups, which
raised $1.8 billion in funding in 2019 (“According to In conclusion, the Indian start-up ecosystem is one of
Women in India’s Startup Ecosystem Report (WISER), the most promising ecosystems in the world. As
in the past 5 years women-led startups rise to 18%”). Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, once said,
These start-ups are leveraging the power of "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." The
technology to solve real-world problems and create Indian start-ups and the ecosystem players are doing
value for customers and society. just that by being the catalysts of innovation and
entrepreneurship in India and the world.
The start-up ecosystem is also influenced by
government intervention. In this case, the regulatory
changes that are introduced by the government to
support and facilitate the start-up activity. The Indian
government has been supportive of the start-up
ecosystem by introducing various policies and
initiatives, such as the Startup India initiative, which
provides tax benefits, funding support, and ease of
doing business for start-ups; the Digital India
initiative, which aims to transform India into a
digitally empowered society and economy; the
Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, which promotes self-
reliance and local manufacturing; and the National
Innovation and Startup Policy, which encourages
innovation and entrepreneurship in academic

- 0 4 -
to same-sex marriages
“Advocate for Change”

In recent years, the LGBTQ+ community in India has This decision not only upheld an outdated
been fighting for equal rights and recognition. (Jaswal) discriminatory law but also sent heartbreaking
Despite significant progress, this battle is far from over. messages to the LGBTQ+ community, re-emphasizing
The Indian courts’ recent refusal to same-sex marriages the court's reluctance to support their rights. Despite
have been yet another barricade for the LGBTQ+ these disagreements, progress has slowly been made.
community's Outcry for equality in the current and The revisitation of section 377 of the penal code in
upcoming years. This issue is not only prevalent in 2018 led to the decriminalisation of homosexuality and
India but is a microscopic part of a huge battle faced by marked an impactful shift in the courts' stance. This
the LGBTQ+ community around the world. The recent change represented a celebratory moment for the
court judgement has not only hindered the LGBTQ+ LGBTQ+ community, showing that the Indian legal
community’s persistent efforts but has also shown the system was gradually moving towards greater inclusion
courts’ failure to align itself with the global progress on and recognition of same-sex relationships.
this issue.
Despite some victories, the courts' many refusals of
This battle has roots that go deep into the colonial age positive LGBTQ+ legislation have been a significant
when homosexuality was criminalised. (“Same Sex problem for the community as they represent a form of
Marriages in India: A complete overview”) During this discrimination and denial of equal rights in a ‘diverse’
era, section 377 of the penal code was introduced, country. (‘LGBT rights in India’) Marriage equality is a
criminalising, “carnal intercourse against the order of basic human right, crucial for those in the LGBTQ+
nature”. This law enforced Victorian-era morality, community.
leaving a lasting impact of discrimination and
stigmatisation in today’s society. Even after India
gained independence and was decolonized in the
1900s, the legal and societal problems towards India's
own homosexual citizens continued, as they were
denied basic rights such as protection from
discrimination, and access to legal benefits that
heterosexual couples enjoyed. (Khan and Saha) The
courts unfortunately remain reluctant to recognize the
LGBTQ+ community’s rights to this day, perpetuating
the marginalisation of this community; and denying
them the fundamental right to love and form
relationships without fear of persecution. The Indian
courts often upheld Section 377 and were hesitant to
grant legal recognition to same-sex marriages; this
refusal is shown in the ‘Suresh v. Naz Foundation’ case
(Singhvi) when the Supreme Court reinstated Section
377, effectively criminalising homosexuality.
It symbolises societal acceptance and providing access (“Issues and Challenges of Same-Sex Marriages in
to legal and financial benefits. Moreover, these recent India”) religious differences and religious beliefs also
refusals have sparked debates about the balance play a significant role in shaping public reactions, with
between religious freedom and equal rights; even some religious leaders and communities expressing
though India has taken important steps by striking out support for the LGBTQ+ communities’ rights while
section 377 of the penal code, the absence of laws others maintain traditional and conservative positions,
allowing same-sex marriages underscores the ongoing often viewing same-sex marriage as incompatible with
struggle for full equality and emphasises the need for religious teachings. Hinduism, a predominant religion
legal reforms that address this issue in an in India, showcases a wide range of views from
understanding manner. The Indian courts have placed acceptance to resistance while some interpretations of
the responsibility or decision for recognizing same-sex Islam and Christianity in India have led to vocal
marriages on the parliament and the likelihood of such opposition to LGBTQ+ rights. Research has also shown
legislation is unclear. This decision reflected the that urban areas often being more supportive of the
separation of powers in Indian democracy, where the entire LGBTQ+ community compared to rural areas due
judiciary can state laws unconstitutional but relies on to their more developing nature, aligning with the
the legislature to pass new laws. Even though the world's global issues as demonstrated by the supreme
Indian courts have stressed the importance of marriage court ruling in october, In cases of court disagreements,
equality at various times, there has been no legislation public reactions can range from disappointment to
passed, showing the uncertainty and reluctance of the advocacy for change, causing heightened public
court. Due to this, the problems faced by same-sex discourse and activism.
couples continue to pile up, with repercussions
extending to inheritance rights, legal protections, and Worldwide, the LGBTQ+ community and organisations
social acceptance. The biggest hurdle faced by same- persist in their efforts to advance the cause of marriage
sex couples is related to parenthood- when these equality. This commitment is evident through ongoing
couples want a child through surrogacy or adoption, it legal battles, advocacy for legislative change, and
is almost impossible for them to start and raise families public awareness campaigns, all aimed at the
because of legal barriers. The problems have had a huge significance of recognizing same-sex marriages. In
emotional and psychological toll on the community’s India, The post-decriminalization era has witnessed a
mental wellbeing. (“Mental Health issues LGBTQ surge in LGBTQ+ activism. (“Activists, petitioners call
community members face in society”) Research done for legislative action in same-sex marriage matter after
by the William Institute at UCLA School of Law has SC ruling”) The communities’ dedication to achieving
indicated that relationship recognition positively marriage equality has become more prominent. Pride
impacts the stability and well-being of LGBTQ+ parades, Awareness campaigns, and community-
couples; it is proven that LGBTQ+ youth suffer 1.75 building initiatives have become common tools of
times more from anxiety and depression and the advocacy, creating public support for marriage equality.
transgender community faces these issues 2.4 times India’s stance on same-sex marriage contrasts with
more than the society around them. These issues other countries around the world. While countries like
highlight the urgent need for equal rights for the the United States, various European nations, and parts
LGBTQ+ in India, promoting a more inclusive and of America have legalised same-sex marriages, India
“diverse” society. has yet to formally recognize them. This difference
reflects the complex interplay of cultural, legal and
The public reaction to same-sex marriage refusals has societal factors in India, even though the country is
changed over the years, (Rathore) contrasting with the ‘diverse’.
court's stance. The public shift in stance increased from
31% of people supporting same-sex marriages in 2004 In conclusion, the importance of continued activism for
to 60% people supporting them in 2021, according to LGBTQ+ rights cannot be understated. The difficulties
data from the PEW RESEARCH centre. Keeping a close faced by the LGBTQ+ individuals demand our collective
eye on the generational divide, there has been a recognition, action and attention. Every step towards
notable change which shows that the younger recognizing their rights and equal standing in society is
generation is more supportive compared to older a step towards a more inclusive, diverse and accepting
generations. As younger people become more world. It is definite the we continue to support the
electrocate, support for same-sex marriage is likely to LGBTQ+ community in their battle of equal rights and
continue its upward trajectory. work towards a future where love knows no bounds.

- 0 6 -
a critical analysis

“Education is one the necessities of

life - and one of its blessings.”
Malala Yousafzai

Article 21A of the Indian Constitution was introduced by the

86th Amendment to the Indian Constitution in 2002 to
provide for the right to education as a fundamental right for
all children in the age group of 6-14 years. The Right to
Education Act (“RTE Act”) was enacted in 2009 to give effect
to this constitutional provision.

Article 21A holds a significant place under Article 21 of the

Indian Constitution which deals with the right to life. This is
because education plays a crucial role in shaping individuals'
lives which enables them to earn their livelihood. Education
lets individuals make informed choices, pursue their
aspirations, and contribute positively to society. It equips
them with the essential tools needed to secure employment,
improve their standard of living, and uplift themselves from

Therefore, placing the right to education within the

framework of the right to life supports the idea that
education is not only a fundamental human right but also an
integral part of living a dignified life.

Article 21A was introduced by the lawmakers to ensure free

and compulsory education for children during their formative
years. The provision was seen as a significant step towards
transforming the Indian education system. However, has this
constitutional provision truly made a difference or is it just a
toothless tiger?

Article 21A states, "The State shall provide free and compulsory
education to all children of the age of six to fourteen years in
such a manner as the State may, by law, determine." This
fundamental right ensures that every child has access to
quality education without any discrimination, ultimately
paving the way for a brighter future for millions of young

- 0 7 -
The RTE Act strives to make free and compulsory education a reality. The Act emphasizes the need for
proper infrastructure, qualified teachers, and adequate resources in schools.

However, while Article 21A and RTE Act hold great promise in theory and offer the first step towards a
holistic education system in India, its effective implantation has faced numerous challenges. One
troublesome obstacle lies in the limited grants of funds for the implementation of the Act. The
necessary infrastructure, including schools and proper facilities, remains lacking in many regions.
Insufficient funding has hindered progress in providing quality education for all children especially in
rural areas.

RTE Act states that unaided private schools must reserve at least 25% of their seats for children from
underprivileged children of society. However, according to the RTE Forum’s Stocktaking Report of 2014
across India, less than 10% schools have been complying with the RTE Act norms and standards. While
the Act has triggered positive responses, however concerns regarding the privatization of education
remain due to educational inequalities in our society.

Even in schools where the RTE Act has been implemented, often there is discrimination towards
parents and students belonging to disadvantaged groups or such students have a hard time blending in
with other students.

Another major challenge is the issue of the limited number of teachers to impart quality education.
Despite efforts to recruit the best teachers, there is still a severe shortage of education providers in
several cities, towns and villages. Additionally, ensuring that these teachers are well-trained and
capable of delivering quality education remains a considerable hurdle in implementing this law

To address some of these challenges, the Indian government has undertaken several initiatives.
Schemes like the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and the Mid-Day Meal Scheme have been implemented
to improve enrolment rates and nutrition levels among students. Child Rights Commissions have been
given the responsibility to monitor implementation of RTE Act in each state. Citizens have also
benefited by evoking their right to demand information from schools under the Right to Information
Act, 2005 to ensure they follow the guidelines laid out in the RTE Act.

Despite the challenges, these progressive laws have undoubtedly had a positive impact on the Indian
education system. They have led to an increase in enrolment rates in elementary schools and have
raised awareness about the importance of education and fostered a shift in societal attitudes toward
prioritizing education for all. Even the Indian judiciary has in several judgments recognised the right to
education as being integral to the fundamental right to life as envisaged by our constituent assembly.
With continued and combined efforts of all interested parties, access to free and compulsory education
and winning the battle against illiteracy will hopefully become a reality for all Indians in the near

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in the Israel-Palestine conflict
Is India abstaining from justice?

At the heart of one of the world's most enduring and contentious conflicts
lies a question that has provoked debates and sparked concerns about India's
stance: Is India abstaining from justice in the Israel-Palestine conflict?

The Israel-Palestine conflict, characterized by decades of political tensions,

territorial disputes, and recurring violence, has unfortunately reached a
critical juncture in recent times with the eruption of conflict between Israel
and Hamas. As the two sides attacked each other, a United Nations
resolution, aiming at an immediate humanitarian truce, became a focal point
on the international stage. However, to much surprise, India has abstained
from voting for this resolution, putting India in the controversial spotlight of
the world.

India, a country that has a reputation for always upholding justice in

international disputes, is facing a difficult situation. India's recent decision to
abstain from this crucial resolution regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict has
caused disputes in the international community and sparked a number of
arguments that delve deeply into the country's past and its changing global
role. (“Israel-Palestine Conflict: Why Has India Forsaken Its Role as a Voice
of Moderation?”)

India's foreign policy has long been associated with the principles of justice
and fairness, rooted in its history as a champion of oppressed nations. Over
the years, India's role as a voice for moderation in international conflicts, its
support for anti-colonial movements, and its continuous stand for a country’s
right to self-determination have become defining features of its global

India's commitment to justice came in 1947 when the country voted in favor
of the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, which showed the
country's dedication to the principles of self-determination, justice, and
empathy. Moreover, in the 1950s, India supported the cause of Palestinian
statehood, and this support was further demonstrated through India's
recognition of the State of Palestine in 1988. This was an act driven by deep
moral conviction, reflecting India's continued commitment to justice for
oppressed people around the world. Although India has continued to
advocate for justice for multiple countries, their decision of abstention has
raised questions regarding their credibility as a country with much diplomatic
influence over the International Community.

- 0 9 -
The United Nations resolution, presented by actions against innocent civilians in Palestine
Jordan, sought an immediate end to the violence might send mixed messages about India's
and intended to provide vital humanitarian commitment to justice and human rights in the
assistance to the civilians affected by the conflict in region. (“Israel-Hamas War: Will India Draw Closer
Gaza. With 120 votes in favor, 14 against, and 45 to Israel?”) While the Prime Minister's statement
abstentions, the resolution was adopted by an condemns terrorism, it could also be viewed as an
overwhelming majority of member states. India's attempt to try and whitewash the grim reality, and
decision to abstain, however, raised concerns all distract the populace, so that they can continue
over the international community, and sparked forming closer bonds with Israel, while still wanting
discussions amongst politicians, experts, and to be viewed as advocates for justice. The
civilians. (“Shifting politics make India a hotbed for international community also expects India to
Israel-Hamas war misinformation.”) consider its strategic partnerships carefully and
maintain its long-standing legacy of advocating for
The opposition parties of India, including justice and peaceful resolutions in the Israel-
prominent figures from the Congress party, did not Palestine conflict.
mince words in expressing their disappointment
and concerns regarding the government's In the International Community, India's abstention
abstention. from the UN resolution did not go unnoticed. The
global community's reaction was mixed, with some
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, a prominent Congress nations understanding India's concerns about
leader, expressed her shock and shame over India's civilian casualties and terrorism, while others are
decision, emphasizing that the nation's criticizing it as a departure from its historical
commitment to non-violence and truth should position. The implications of India's stance has
guide its international actions. She stated, "An eye created diplomatic tensions and drawn attention to
for an eye makes the whole world blind," trying to its role as a historically justice-oriented nation.
showcase the moral principles that have guided
India's actions as a member of the international The Palestinian government was “shocked” at
community. She added, "To refuse to take a stand India’s abstention. Palestinian Ambassador Adnan
and watch in silence as every law of humanity is Abu Alhaija has also stated that India’s decision has
pulverized, food, water, medical supplies, been “affected” by its “burgeoning military
communication, and power are cut off to millions relationship with Israel”.
of people, and thousands of men, women, and
children in Palestine are being annihilated goes As the nation is forced to grapple with the
against everything our country has stood for multifaceted nature of justice and diplomacy, the
throughout its life as a nation." questions raised by this controversy are not just
about India's alignment in the Israel-Palestine
India's Prime Minister issued a statement issue, but about its role as a moral, important, and
emphasizing the shocking nature of the October 7 trusted voice in international conflicts.
terror attacks and calling for the immediate release (“India's Hindu Extremists Are Trolling the Israel
of hostages taken by Hamas. The Prime Minister's Conflict.”) India’s stance raises questions about the
statement declared, 'Terrorism is a malignancy and nation's identity, its commitment to their own
knows no borders, nationality, or race. The world principles, foreign policy, and the challenges it
should not buy into any justification of terror acts. faces as it walks across the rope of international
Let us keep aside differences, unite, and adopt a diplomacy. While India’s government continues to
zero-tolerance approach to terrorism.' (“India find a way to end discussion on the topic, our
explains why it abstained in UN vote on Israel- questions remain the same: Will India's legacy of
Hamas conflict.”) advocating justice find new avenues for expression,
or will the controversy leave a permanent mark on
India's commitment to combating terrorism aligns the nation's journey on a global stage?
with its global efforts to address security threats
effectively. However, some people have raised And as we continue to wonder, one must also ask:
concerns regarding the broader context. As India Is India's neutrality a betrayal of its legacy, or a
looks to strengthen ties with Israel, critics question calculated move in the ever-changing landscape of
whether this endeavor, especially during Israel's international politics?

- 1 0 -


The United States of America is widely considered to be an ideal example of freedom and fairness. Despite this,
it has a rampant, toxic, and evil problem - most of humanity’s raw hatred, for the least rational reasoning. An
unfortunate, but real example of this, is the perturbing, racially motivated attack that took place in New York. A
Sikh teen, aged 19, was repeatedly and brutally assaulted. For what, one may ask? Simply for following his faith.
In a horrifying set of events, he endured repeated punches to his face while being forcibly instructed to remove
his turban. The assaulter then proceeded to flee the scene, leaving the teen alone to process the living
nightmare he had just gone through. What is even more horrifying? This teen isn’t alone in his experience.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of these ‘identical’ cases occur on a yearly basis. Unfortunately, cases like these are
so prevalent, that they are considered a daily facet of life in many parts of the states. It speaks volumes about
hate crimes like these happening in broad daylight now being considered 'normal'. All this points to one
message: change is needed, and it is needed fast.

Before discussing the eradication of racism, we must first understand why it is such a widespread problem in the
first place. Let us travel back in time, to the days when the Southern United States was a cesspit for institutional
and culturally embedded racism. For starters, there is the most obvious and famous example of Southern racism
- slavery. This practice was what defined the region at the time, and for good reason: it was the juggernaut that
fuelled the South’s economy. Through what? The unpaid labor of millions of African Americans. The sheer scale
of this money-making machine was truly terrifying, and the pain that every man, woman, and child under
slavery had to undergo is beyond our comprehension. Slavery, however, was not the end of it. During
Reconstruction, a variety of laws and practices started to emerge, that enforced the idea of race-based
segregation. This further cemented a concept into the minds of millions of people that racism was okay. These
practices don’t exist anymore, so why is racism still so prevalent? Well, it mostly has to do with the
internalization of racism. Although racism has ended as a legal practice, its effects still live on in those who
either aren’t properly educated about the subject, have been misled, or don’t root out subconscious bias. In
addition, politicians throughout the political spectrum find ways to utilize racism as a tool for their benefit or
the betterment of society.

Systemic racism is a major factor in the prevalence of racism as a

whole. There is a wide range of practices and policies that can be
reasonably associated with perpetuating systemic racism. A major
example of this would be in the unfair criminal convictions of
thousands of African Americans in crimes relating to drug abuse, and
the supply and distribution of illicit drugs. It has been proven through
a wide range of sources and statistics that most drug-related
convictions are racially motivated. Some practices and policies
regarding drug-related convictions, which can be accurately accused of
being racially motivated, are the disparities in sentencing, unequal
access to legal representation, and unfair policing tactics. Having
examined these examples, we must address the fact that a significant
number of Americans simply do not regard systemic racism to be as big
of a problem as it is, either due to the fact they are directly involved or
they just have implicit misconceptions about racism. To put it mildly,
it is deeply concerning.
- 1 1 -

Even though racism may seem like an

unstoppable problem, it is currently being
fought by a wide variety of people and
organizations. To begin with, institutions- in
both the public and private sectors- are
implementing credible programs to counteract
the threat of racism: such as DEI (diversity,
equality, and inclusion), bias training, and
racial sensitivity training. Schools also
implement these programs, implementing the
‘teach them young’ mentality. The positive
outcomes of these initiatives, however, are not
guaranteed. Mainstream media is an example
of “adding fuel to a raging fire”; in its effort to
spread awareness, it has inadvertently caused
more damage by polarizing various topics
relating to racism, reaffirming stereotypes for
the nation to see, and misrepresenting various
problems. This has contributed to apathy on a We must also see what we, as human beings, can
wide scale regarding the subject. On a brighter do to help eradicate racism. For instance, let’s
note, there are better and more effective ways take a good look in the mirror. Identifying and
that awareness is being spread throughout the eliminating internal biases and prejudices is a
nation- grassroots movements and various great first step. Next, let's look around us; let’s try
NGOs are spreading awareness, and fighting to speak out more often against any signs of
for a better America. These organizations have racism we can identify; and challenge any
been the backbone of the fight against racism. stereotypes we may find ourselves in. Lastly, let’s
try to aid any struggling members of marginalized
communities whenever we can. This can take
shape in a variety of ways - financially,
emotionally, or merely providing support for

Unfortunately, in conclusion, although racism is

being worked upon, it will persist. It is far too vast
and prominent to be completely eradicated. But
that doesn’t mean we, as humanity, won’t try. The
United States of America in 2023 is in a much
better place than it was before- for every one
racial attack now, there were a hundred a century
ago. We are on the right path, now all we can hope
is that we continue to follow this route. In the
words of Nelson Mandela, ‘People must learn to
hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be
taught to love.’

- 1 2 -

“to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and
new civilisation, to boldly go where no one has gone before”
- mission of the USS enterprise (star trek)
Ever since the age of cavemen, it has been the human instinct to explore,
exploring space helps us satisfy this instinct, it allows us to discover more
about the infinitesimal portion of the universe in which we live. It is one of
the ways that we as individuals can understand a part of ourselves as beings
that inhabit the cosmos. However, the exploration of space, of whatever it
is that lies beyond, is no longer just to satisfy this instinct or for research
but for the survival of humanity.

When we look around us we see a planet torn by pollution, climate change

and depleted resources. Our greed for innovation has blinded us into using
an abundance of fossil fuels causing global warming - the largest crisis that
humanity as a whole is facing. Our careless use of resources has left us with
depleted mines and a limited amount of freshwater. We must ask ourselves
a question that will define us for the rest of eternity, ‘Is this how humanity
ends?’. The vastness beyond the Earth is thought to contain the resources
needed to make sure the answer to this question is a resounding ‘no’ but
using these is only possible with international collaboration and private
participation in the field of space exploration.

Russian advancements at the start of the Cold War led the United States to
establish NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), and soon
after many other countries established space research centres such as
India’s, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), and Japan’s (Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency) JAXA. However, as the world becomes more
advanced, privately owned space research companies are becoming
increasingly common, some of the best known of which are Virgin Galactic,
Blue Origin and SpaceX. Private participation is heavily encouraged in the
space sector for several reasons, the major one being there is a higher
chance for success in the field of space research which can be prone to a lot
of trial and error, a higher chance of success is not only beneficial to the
one company but the research could help the entire world. Furthermore,
other companies or governmental organisations could build on this
research giving it a new perspective and valuable inputs. To give an
example of just how successful the push for privatisation of space
exploration has been, we can look at one of the private space agencies that
have sprung up Virgin Galactic.
Virgin Galactic was started by Richard Branson, the co-founder of the
Virgin Group of companies, and a lifelong adventurer. In 2023,
Branson decided to expand his domain beyond the skies and start
Virgin Galactic, a company devoted to developing commercial
spacecraft. The company soon hopes to be able to provide suborbital
space flights for space tourists. Recently, Virgin Galactic completed its
fifth successful human spaceflight and made headlines around the

When we talk about private corporations entering this relatively

modern field, one thing that we need to talk about is the pedigree of
these new companies that are facilitating space exploration. Different
owners have different motives and reasons for wanting to explore the
vast expanses of the cosmos. The previously mentioned Richard
Branson, the owner of Virgin Galactic, wanted to expand his areas of
expertise in the aeronautical field after establishing his airline, Virgin
Atlantic, while Elon Musk started SpaceX in the hopes of
revolutionising the aerospace industry and making cheap and efficient
space flight a reality. When we look at Virgin Atlantic and SpaceX, we
see that both these companies have similar goals, but were started for
wildly different reasons. Several advancements by private companies
have propelled us forward in the field of space. Virgin Galactic's
successful spaceflights, SpaceX’s launch into the future with its
invention of reusable rockets. “Six million dollars is falling through
the sky. Would we try to catch it?”, Elon Musk said a short while after
the introduction of this latter groundbreaking development. SpaceX is
an example of a private enterprise that is much ahead of some
government enterprises. Some have even started to compare NASA
and SpaceX, with many believing that SpaceX exceeds NASA in terms
of cost cutting, speed and efficiency.

Space exploration today has gone past simply researching outer space.
It has set goals, both short-term as well as long-term. In the near
future, presumably by 2048, it is hoped that the extraction of minerals
and rare metals such as titanium on meteorites and the moon will
help innovation on Earth. Besides this, it would also be beneficial to
our slowly deteriorating environment. The mining of minerals here on
Earth causes pollution and often releases greenhouse gases such as
carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere, speeding up the
process of global warming. Extracting minerals in space is one of the
things that will help us reduce our carbon footprint. Another
important goal that several governmental organisations (including
NASA and ISRO) as well as private companies are working towards is
the exploration of the planet Mars. We have sent satellites and rovers
to study the surface and the atmosphere of the red planet in the hope
that Mars is practically occupiable by humans.

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As space exploration becomes more common, there arises a need for certain rules and
regulations, as there is for any field that pertains to the international community. The United
Nations have taken it upon themselves to create a department dedicated solely to outer space
research. The UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs) was established on the
13th of December 1958. It Took quick action by creating the Outer Space Treaty in 1967, which
was signed by the US, the UK, the USSR, and several minor countries. The Outer Space Treaty
states that exploration of space shall be carried out by peaceful means and for peaceful
purposes only. It prohibits military action on celestial bodies or in outer space. It also states
that no nation can ‘own’ the moon or any other part of space. However, when we look at the
Outer Space treaty in today's day and age it seems outdated. Nations with the facilities that are
needed to explore space want to position themselves strategically at certain places in space
with the intention of international peace and friendly relations with other nations. The treaty is
also so old that it does not comply with the technology that we have today.

To amend the Outer Space Treaty, the Artemis accords were formed in 2020 as a framework for
systematic and sustainable space exploration. However, the accords do not violate the treaty
but simply enhance it to fit the advancements that we have made. The Artemis Accords were
also signed by more countries. International collaboration, especially in the space sector, is
vital to advancement. This is mainly due to costs. International collaboration means pooling
the resources of several nations, these resources can be minerals, metals or financial, and
working together to make something larger than any one country could have done by
themselves. One example of a result of international collaboration is the ISS (the International
Space Station ) which serves as a research centre for scientists around the world, this was
achieved by countries like the USA and Japan working together to do something beneficial for
all the countries involved. Space exploration missions may sometimes fail, if several countries
contribute a sum of money the loss is not too great for any of them, so the one great loss is not
borne by one country but a much smaller loss is borne by several countries.

In conclusion, space exploration is essential to the future. As the Russian-Soviet aerospace

engineer, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky said in a letter in 1911, “Earth is the cradle of humanity, but
one cannot live in the cradle forever”. And here we are almost a century later, with satellites
that orbit planets 600 million kilometres from our own and rovers on Mars and the Moon that
relay information back almost every month. The field of science is fast changing. Soon, space
shuttles carrying tourists will become a reality and maybe a century after, we’ll be calling
friends that live on different planets to tell them about our day. One thing is certain - as we
continue to push forward in the of space exploration and advancement, international
collaboration will become more necessary and common, while private companies will continue
to make advancements and we as citizens of the planet will wait with bated breath as discovery
after discovery and invention after invention, the Earth will be but a background of cosmic
infinity. These are exciting times - so may the force be with all of us.

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A 5.8 magnitude earthquake occurred in Bandar Abbas county in southern Iran on 17th October
at 5:10 UTC (8:40 AM local time). The epicenter was 61 km north of the provincial capital in
Hormozgan province.

The quake took place at a depth of 10 km, according to the German Research Center for
Geosciences (GFZ). Ramshir, a city in the Khuzestan province of Iran, faced the most
destruction. The quake was immensely powerful; Dubai residents reported feeling shocks when
the earthquake struck Iran.

The root cause of several earthquakes in Iran is its geographic location. Iran is one of the most
seismically active countries in the world, composed of fault lines that cover at least 90% of the
country. It also has a tragic history of experiencing devastating earthquakes in recent decades,
some of which have resulted in the loss of thousands of lives and caused billions of dollars in
damages. Since Iran is located over multiple faultlines, it is unfortunately no stranger to
earthquakes. On average, Iran experiences one earthquake every day! The 2003 magnitude 6.6
earthquake in Kerman province, for example, claimed the lives of 31,000 people and reduced
the city of Bam to rubble. Given that the country also lies over numerous tectonic plates, the
5.8 magnitude tremor may have been caused as a plate subducted or shifted below another.
Although schools collapsed and masses were left
stranded after numerous houses were destroyed,
students were evacuated instantly and none were
missing. Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for
Response (PAGER) estimates that up to 1,000 people
were exposed to extremely strong jolts and up to 4,000
people to moderate jolts. Although there is a high
possibility of several fatalities, there are no immediate
reports of any casualties or damages. Nevertheless,
national authorities and officials are investigating the
damage assessment with the expectation of finding
casualties. The area is predicted to battle against the
effects of this earthquake for a long period because of the
severity of the damage caused. The economy may be
affected, and there also may be a break in the
educational systems due to the wrecked campuses - all
due to the lack of preparation.

Iran must increase public awareness of seismic hazards

and promote a collective prevention culture for the
safety of its citizens. It is vital for Iran to develop plans
for post-earthquake actions to ensure that the region
recovers quickly from disasters since it is prone to severe
earthquakes. The region may take years to recover as
homes, roads and major infrastructure take time to be
rebuilt again. To mitigate the damage caused by
earthquakes, increasing the scientific knowledge of
people is essential.

This earthquake is a result of the fault lines surrounding

Iran. To mitigate tremors, Iran can install multiple
seismometers near areas where they occur most and
make buildings earthquake-proof. The earthquake may
fade from the headlines after a few weeks, but the
recovery in the impacted region may last years. Hence,
people must remain alert, and the government needs to
spread awareness about the effects of earthquakes and
how to survive during them. Even though Iran provided
stipends to families whose homes were destroyed during
the quake, it is not enough to replenish the resources lost
during this quake. To lose lives to a disaster so
predictable it can barely be called so is a tragedy that no
country should ever commit the folly of allowing to

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The pestering feeling of self doubt, of “Am I doing Coming to efficiency, cutting down on distractions is a
enough?”, constantly thinking about when you’ll sit down must. By distractions, I don’t mean you have to eliminate
to study next and what will happen if, after everything, your social life or love life. You can most definitely
your final report card results in a letdown. Boards stress balance it with boards. However, unnecessary
can hang over your head like a cloud of car gas trying to distractions, such as social media, drama, etc. need to be
suffocate you for months. In the months leading up to cut out. This is a vital time during your academic career
them, everything revolves around boards. All your tasks and it is important that it isn’t compromised for anything.
become rushed so you can finish studying on time, your Going off social media a few months before boards was
social life declines, you don’t have time to eat, breathe, or one of the best decisions I made.
sleep. It’s just boards, boards, boards.
Another aspect that has been slept on is hobbies.
That’s a myth. It only has to be that way if you let it be Whether you play an instrument or like to draw, write, or
that way. You can do well while avoiding the stress. You read, don’t put a stop to this because of boards. In fact,
can do well even if you haven’t gotten into the flow of it they may improve your performance. (
and haven’t started studying properly yet, or if you’re Academic performance when students engage with music
behind your peers. You can do well against all odds, even and instruments increased by 5.7% in math, 5.3% in
while having a personal life outside of school and staying science, and 4.9% in English. Students who used
healthy. This article will help you do exactly that. instruments were observed to do significantly better than
their peers who didn’t.
My own experience during boards was a relatively great
one. I managed to maintain a personal life, stay healthy Moving forth to tips for giving the exams itself, there are
and physically active, not take too much stress, study several ways you can prepare in advance. It cannot be
consistently and learn to enjoy the activity of studying. In emphasized enough how important it is to familiarize
the end, I scored 7 A*s and 2 As. yourself with marking schemes and question patterns.
You might know everything in the textbook and still not
The most important key to doing all of this was discipline. be able to answer the question - IGCSE is strictly
Every morning, I got up and created a to-do and schedule application based. Avoid writing excessively long answers
for the day, ensuring to include time to pursue my - stick to what the examiner wants to hear. You can only
hobbies, work out, take a nap in the afternoon, relax, call know exactly what the paper expects by knowing your
my friends, and, most vitally, time for meals. Stick to the mark schemes.
schedule, don’t slack. Do not skip meals or neglect sleep
during this time, it is twice as important as getting any If you still have a few months before boards, there’s
studying done. If you need time to unwind or rest, create plenty you can do to improve your grades or maintain
time for it in your schedule in the morning but don’t do it them. You may be facing a big dilemma about whether or
when you’re supposed to be doing something else or you not to drop subjects, and whether or not to keep certain
risk the entire routine falling apart. Naps were very subjects for the ICE certificate. In my own experience, I
helpful for me. You might not feel like you have the time considered dropping a science and most definitely
to take a nap, or the willpower to sleep instead of considered dropping my second language. In second
watching TV or talking to friends in your brief periods of language, I was scoring D’s in my mocks, and it wouldn’t
downtime, but they are majorly rejuvenating.Taking naps have looked pretty on my report card. I’d never given
will clear your head, give you energy, and majorly boost much heed to second language, and had pretty much
your efficiency. It is not about how much you study, it’s accepted the fact that I was awful at it. However, once I
about how efficiently. made up my mind not to drop it, I began seriously
working on bringing my grade up.

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I maintained a notebook with all the new words I I would never advise studying just before the exam.
learned and in the days before the exam, wrote It will only build up tension, and by then, your brain
around 20 pages worth of paragraphs inculcating is already retaining everything it needs to. You’ll
every new word I’d learned. I also did a past paper begin to worry about all the gaps in your knowledge
almost every day. So, for your weakest subject, if you which likely click either way while you give the
aren’t dropping it, prioritize it immensely. Do it exam. The vitality of keeping a clear mind during
every day. You might hate it. You might be the exam cannot be stressed enough. It can make
demoralized by your previous performance in it. But the difference between an A* and an A, or an A and a
if I could bring my D up to an A in a matter of two B. Furthermore, studying right before an exam can
months, so can you. meddle with memory consolidation, which needs
time and sleep to be effective and is probably your
As for sciences, I decided against dropping a science best bet when it comes to memorizing.
as well. It’s not a decision I regret, because I ended
up getting in the top 5 percentile in all three. Again, Coming back to the subject itself, additional
it’s a grade I brought up by the time boards rolled mathematics is no cakewalk. The most important
around, as I’d gotten B’s and C’s in sciences in the thing is knowing how to go about all the kinds of
previous exams. Evidently, it is very important not questions that may come, which can only be done
to let mocks or 9th grade final marks demoralize you through doing past papers and learning how to solve
- those exams are supposed to be difficult. They’re questions you may get stuck on. Conceptually, a
supposed to ensure that you don’t get complacent. very useful tactic for me was creating notes of
However, the ICE certificate isn’t compromised everything I needed to know from each chapter
when you drop a science - it’s the only option to multiple times - like a summary or a cheat sheet.
drop a subject that doesn’t cost you the certificate. After that, it’s all about practice. Mathematics in
Altogether, bite as much as you can chew and don’t general is definitely a subject that should be studied
compromise your mental health. Know your every day; try to do one math past paper daily.
priorities - your health comes first. However, if you
see taking all the subjects as a challenge, exciting, Here are some more tips from the previous IGCSE
even, I’d say go for it. There is nothing stopping you board-going batch. The most emphasized aspect
from taking all your subjects and excelling if you can from all my peers was to avoid procrastination.
handle taking it on and pushing yourself to succeed. Procrastination seemed to be a huge obstacle for
most. Someone who struggled with this specifically
Additional mathematics is another subject that said, “Getting myself to finish assignments, begin
requires special attention. In my personal studying, or even make a schedule was very difficult.
experience, I was fully prepared for the exam, yet, I overcame this problem by trying to create a
during the board, I completely blanked out and suitable study environment in accordance with what
performed subpar compared to what I expected. This I liked; for example, cleaning my room and listening
could happen for any subject. To avoid this, try to music helped clear my thoughts and assisted
stretching and meditating before the exam. Though massively with lessening my procrastination.”
it may work for some students,
- 1 9 -
“Procrastination is your biggest enemy, the faster you begin to take the exams seriously and
make a study schedule, the better you will perform. Make sure you know what your weak
points are - focus on revision / syllabus guides if your concepts are weak. Past papers are
your bible,” says Sarah Badshah, one of our top-scoring students. Another one of our
highest-scoring students, Kushi Tummula, who scored all A*s, suggested, “Firstly, it's very
important to manage your time effectively, dedicating the appropriate amount of time to all
your subjects accordingly, focusing more on the ones you're not as good at than others.
Another key tip for an efficient study schedule is giving yourself time to relax and de-stress
in order to get the best results. Lastly, try to take setbacks and minor challenges in stride;
don't be let down or demotivated because of a bad grade in the mocks - rather learn from
your mistakes so you can do better next time.”

While past papers were the most useful thing for many students, some say that past papers
were not as helpful as they were made out to be. For them, understanding and mastering
concepts themselves was most helpful. Despite all the general tricks and tips given, make
sure you learn what’s best suited for you and focus on that- what works for everyone else
might not work for you. Search up techniques and ideas for how to study best, and target the
ones you think may suit you best. One recommended technique from our batch is the
pomodoro technique- a time management technique based on studying for 25-minute
stretches with 5-minute breaks. Furthermore, syllabus guides are highly recommended -
they were life-savers for our batch. IGCSE is so application-oriented that opening your entire
textbook before boards probably won’t do you much good. Syllabus guides, especially for
sciences, will have pretty much everything you’ll need to know, and then it’s up to you to
practice and test your knowledge.

All in all, boards aren’t the end of the world. Don't give them excessive importance- they
don’t determine your future. The most important thing is taking care of yourself during this
time, physically and mentally.

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The Soaring Popularity of

Model United Nations (MUN) - the path to a better world. MUNs give
participants, typically students, the opportunity to participate in a United
Nations simulation as delegates from several nations trying to resolve real-
world problems, using the viewpoints and policies of their designated nation.
In today’s conflicted world, the United Nations serves as a platform for
countries to come together and address global challenges, promoting
international harmony. Similarly, MUNs advocate for the same through
discussions, debates and resolutions, encouraging the youth to contribute
and impact the world.

MUNs are growing in popularity, both with the increasing number of

conferences, and participants. (Brennan) In 1996, there were 160 MUN
conferences around the world, but the number has increased rapidly with
time. There were approximately 400 MUN conferences in 2012 and today,
there are countless MUNs with almost every institute holding one. Not only
globally, but also in India, their popularity has skyrocketed with major
conferences being held in cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi, etc. The
quality of MUNs is also increasing as organizers strive to create a realistic
simulation of the United Nations by having experienced moderators and
chairs, selecting relevant and engaging committees and topics, and
simulating the format, procedures, and dynamics of actual UN meetings,
thereby providing participants with a more authentic experience. So, why are
MUNs the youth’s current fad and a global craze?

MUNs offer participants the opportunity to develop a diverse set of skills

crucial for personal and professional growth. These include improving public
speaking abilities, fostering effective communication and negotiation skills,
and cultivating critical thinking, debating and problem-solving capabilities.
MUNs also encourage participants to enhance their research and analytical
skills, imparting a deeper understanding of the workings of the UN and
international relations, diplomacy, and global issues, which develops cultural
awareness, sensitivity, and a sense of global responsibility. (“Why Is the
Model UN So Popular? | Kid Reporters' Notebook | Scholastic Inc.”)Moreover,
the collaborative nature of MUNs fosters teamwork and leadership skills, as
participants learn to work together in navigating complex debates and
drafting comprehensive resolutions. Overall, MUNs provide a dynamic
platform for participants to develop a well-rounded skill set, essential for
success in various academic, professional, and societal endeavors.

Networking is a major factor contributing to the rise in MUN's popularity.

Students get to attend committee sessions and debate, building strong
friendships while doing so. They give exposure to collaborating and
networking in formal settings, where participants can interact with
individuals who share similar interests in global affairs, creating a community
of like-minded individuals who are passionate about addressing international
challenges. MUNs include a night of fun called “social night”, where you get
to know your fellow delegates better in a livelier atmosphere. The deafening
music coupled with the ceaseless dancing is a key allurement factor.
Many educational institutions recognize the value of MUN participation and offer academic credits or
extracurricular recognition for students involved in MUN activities (“Model United Nations: 10 skills to
put on your CV”). Apart from being a shiny accolade to grace both their walls and their resumes,
winning an award during the closing ceremony is also a matter of pride and lends the recipient a sense
of achievement that cannot be found elsewhere. Participants gain debate experience, which adds to
their portfolio and is a valuable asset for all fields.

MUNs are the talk of the town, and there is no doubt as to why after considering the extent to which
they help hone critical skills, promote networking and provide valuable credits. As institutions
everywhere race to set up the finest and most dynamic conferences, Chirec is not one to be left behind.
The 11th edition of Chirec Model United Nations (CMUN), provides the ideal medium for change with its
thrilling committees, spirited debates and most importantly, excellent people, who ensure an
unparalleled MUN experience.

To know more about the conference, below is an interview with Mannan, the Deputy Secretary General
of CMUN 2023.

Q1: Can you please tell us a little about yourself and your role as the Deputy Secretary General of
CMUN 2023?
Thank you for having me here. I’m Mannan Sarda and I have been a student of Chirec for the last 14
years, maybe 15. I’ve been an MUN enthusiast since 6th grade, my first one being a Chirec JMUN, and I
was the delegate of Saudi Arabia for UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme). The day before
the conference, I was unprepared, but the experience was very impactful for future MUNs. My role as the
Deputy Secretary General includes a bit of everything, from a general overview of the MUN to ensuring
that communication is smooth and things go according to plan.

Q2: Can you please tell us a little about the work that goes into organizing an MUN and what
exactly happens behind the scenes?
This is a process that we are currently going through and keep discovering new things that we need to
do day-by-day, even hour-by-hour at times. Let me break it down chronologically – firstly, we took 3
days to finalize the dates, which seems like a seemingly simple task that doesn’t take long, but it’s quite
the opposite; we then had to get various permissions and approvals from the school, print stuff out,
allocate delegates, and manage the finances of the whole event. So, there is a lot of confidential stuff
that goes into organizing an MUN, but that’s about it.

Q3: What is your most memorable MUN moment as a delegate?

As a delegate, I think it has to be the moment when I knew I was going to win the title of best delegate
after committee, on the second day of the OakG MUN last year. I think this is in stark contrast to what
usually happens, where people are left in suspense wondering whether they will win or not, but for me, I
knew that I was going to win, and that sense of elation and confidence was a great feeling.

Q4: What do you think sets apart Chirec MUN 2023, making it the best edition yet?
Firstly, the size of the MUN, as this is the largest school-level MUN that has been conducted in
Hyderabad, and that’s definitely a major aspect. Secondly, our executive board is the best of the best,
which is a key reason to attend the conference. Furthermore, Chirec is known for its buzzing social
night, and CMUN 2023 will most certainly not disappoint. Lastly, this edition is going to be bigger and
better than any before, making it one for the books.

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Why do schools have so many clubs? Clubs are established to and gave me the opportunity to have a rapport with other
give you an enriching experience in your school years and are students. I think, most importantly, it has given me the
a source of good memories to look back on. They can help confidence to take initiative on my own when I have an idea I
you build your social circle, develop new skills, and even help want to see through.”
you in your future career. Because of all the benefits they
offer, there's no wonder CHIREC has over ten student-led Developing skills as a member is extremely important if
clubs as of 2023. In simple words, school clubs are very likely becoming a mentor is something you would like to do later.
to be the best part of your school experience! Our seniors, Jyotsna Sikhakolli, Sriya Nagavarapu, and Esha
Shah, share their words of wisdom to students who want to
When you are interested in something, it's important to join a club next year. Jyotsna and Sriya advise students,
pursue it. Here at CHIREC, there are many clubs to choose “Genuinely, we think the best advice we could give younger
from based on what you are passionate about, and the club kids is to not doubt yourself and just go with it, never waste
mentors are there to guide you at every step. Jyotsna time, and most importantly, to find suitable teammates you
Sikhakolli and Sriya Nagavarapu, the IB 11 mentors of the have great chemistry with.” Esha says, “Do it if you feel
Astrophysics club, share their thoughts on this. passionate about it. Don't do it just for a credit on your
“Astrophysics in general for us was such a cool topic and college application because you'll learn the hard way that you
something we wanted to dig deeper into and explore but won't be able to sustain it for too long, or be able to have an
hadn't had the right opportunity to do so yet. Through impact on the school community if you're not completely
starting a club, however, we as founders can dig deeper into invested in the mission of the club to begin with. If you're the
the mysteries of the universe and also inspire young minds to kind of person who feels that taking an initiative like starting
do the same.” Enrolling in a club can also help you learn a lot a club is a big step out of your comfort zone, that's okay! I felt
about the subject. For example, if you're in a Wildlife the same way, but it'll be worth it when you see the
Conservation club, you might have to research a lot, so you community that has been created as a result, and you'll grow
will definitely come across interesting things you didn't know as a person from the experience.”
I know what you’re thinking: ‘Okay, being a member or a
Clubs also allow you to meet like-minded people, which is mentor of a school club doesn’t sound half bad at all’. But
very important in your teenage years. If someone joins the wait! There’s more. This might sound exaggerated, but it’s
same club as you, they definitely have similar interests. Lots really not. School clubs can actually help you in your career.
of people struggle to be social because of the lack of common When you’re looking for a job, being part of a school club or
ground or the inability to find conversation topics. When even founding a club can look pretty impressive on your
sharing the same interests, however, there will never be a resume. This is because when you’re in a club, the skills that
shortage of things to talk about. In case this does happen, come with it are incredibly helpful in a career. The
you’ll already be close enough to converse about other collaboration, communication, and leadership skills you
things! Finding someone with whom they can bond over develop as a mentor can help you climb the ladder of success.
similar passions and interests can help someone come out of Plus, having all the extracurriculars can make you an all-
their shell. rounded person, making you more approachable as a
New experiences, new friends, what more? New skills! Clubs
help you develop new skills and upgrade on those you already Regardless or whether you’re a mentor or a member of a
have. This can be achieved through learning from your peers, school club, there are going to be tough times. You might
mentors, and even yourself! You can build organizational spend a whole night working on a project or finalizing a
skills on your own through different club activities, lesson plan. But, in the end, it’s all going to be worth it. As
collaboration skills from your colearners, as well as public- the school year draws to a close, you will look back at all your
speaking, leadership, and problem-solving skills from your hard work and think, "Wow, it was hard, but who cares? I
mentors. Esha Shah, an IB 12 student mentor of The Writing nailed it!" As a bonus, the mentors will have a new
Scape, comments, “As a mentor for writing, I have cultivated experience to add to their list of cherishable memories from
skills necessary for my particular club - such as editing pieces school!
and learning how to teach for the first time. In general, being
a part of the club taught me how to better work in a team so A special acknowledgement for Jyotsna Sikhakolli, Sriya
that we were able to get meetings ready and edits done in Nagavarapu and Esha Shah for their responses.
time, learn how to delegate between people

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how social media has
redefined beauty

“Everyone is comparing lives on social

media and wants the perfect body,
perfect image, perfect outfit, perfect
life - we're striving for this perfection,
and it's so unhealthy because there's no
such thing as perfection.”
--------- Emily Atack,
English Actress and Comedian

From Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to Snapchat, YouTube

and Pinterest. Social media has lately become a vital part of
our lives and plays a central role in our daily habits. Apart
from its main purpose as a platform to connect with people
globally, it has also started redefining beauty standards.
Although setting beauty standards is helpful to an extent such
as genuine advice and self-care tips online, setting high
standards can cause a multitude of consequences for

Today, 4.8 billion people use social media, many of whom are
teenagers. Surveys show that 90% of teens ages 13-17 use
social media (“Social Media and Teens”) and more than 30-
40% of teenagers using social media are affected by unrealistic
beauty standards (“Millions of teenagers worry about body
image and identify social media as a key cause – new survey
by the Mental Health Foundation”). 75% report having at least
one active social media profile, and 51% report visiting a
social media site at least daily. Teenagers are the most
vulnerable and prone in the world of social media. More than
50% of teens say it would be hard to give up social media
(“The Top 10 Social Media Sites & Platforms”). Although
there are benefits such as staying connected with friends,
there are many downsides and one of them is due to the
propagation of unrealistic beauty standards.
As of 2023, the average daily social media usage of internet users worldwide amounted to 151 minutes per day, up
from 147 minutes in the previous year (Dixon). Social media has deluded people into a desperation for
‘stereotypically attractive’ features such as a slim figure, doe eyes, fair skin, a perfect jawline, a sharp nose, glass
skin - the list goes on. Social media users and influencers often wear a mask to hide the truth and are eager to
show the world how perfect they are. They falsify their posts and highlight only their best side by using
Photoshop, special lighting, the perfect angle, and filters, thus creating unrealistic beauty standards. Many social
media users, who constantly compare themselves with the perfect pictures, face many negative consequences
such as cyberbullying, negative thoughts and damage to one's self-esteem.

A new report by the Dove Self-Esteem Project surveying more than 1,000 girls aged 10-17 revealed that 1 in 2 girls
say toxic beauty advice on social media causes low self-esteem. They have also found out that 90% of girls say
they follow at least one social media account that makes them feel less beautiful. Many teenagers have even
developed eating disorders where they develop abnormal eating behaviour that harms their physical and
psychological health. This further causes body dysmorphia, where they cannot stop thinking about one or more
perceived defects or flaws in their appearance. Sometimes, situations get so bad that the toxic beauty standards
have led to suicidal thoughts. Statistics on suicidal thoughts due to body image revealed that about 10% of women
have hurt themselves because of body dissatisfaction, and about 13% of adults have developed suicidal thoughts.
There can also be behavioural changes within a person, like acting violently, isolating themselves or not doing
good at work/school. But there is another side to social media - there is now genuine advice from people online
about self-care.

Social media can also be used positively to promote self-love, acceptance and to just be confident in our natural
persona. Social media can also encourage healthy and non-toxic self-care by inspiring people to lead a healthy
and active lifestyle. Numerous accounts promote healthy living, exercise, and encourage people to take care of
their bodies and be confident. Several communities, pages and support groups provide bundles of empathy,
understanding, and encouragement to help people in their journey toward body positivity. Celebrities such as
Bebe Rexa, Selena Gomez, Rihanna Fenty, Anne Hathaway, Serena Williams, Demi Lovato, Zendaya Maree and
many more have talked about body positivity on their social pages. In an interview with Zane Lowe on the song
“OK not to be OK” with Marshmello, Demi Lovato stated, "When I realised that perfection is unachievable, no
matter who you are, you could literally be the most perfect-looking person on the planet, but there will still be
something scientifically imperfect with you.”

Apart from the support online, there are a few ways we can cope with the negativity. For example, instead of
paying attention to our flaws, we can shift our focus to our strengths, removing the bad thoughts in our heads. We
can also lighten the mood by taking care of ourselves. Self-care, in a non-toxic way, can make us feel better about
our bodies. We can do this in simple and natural ways such as engaging in physical activities, getting sufficient
amounts of sleep, or eating a balanced diet.

Popular Platforms like Instagram and Facebook defeat their purpose of being global socialising platforms by
redefining beauty standards to extremes. The unrealistic standards set on social media platforms can be so toxic
that they may lead to serious consequences for users. Now, there are two ways we can take the situation: social
media can either continue like this and get worse, or, can be flipped into a positive supportive platform of
inclusivity where everyone is accepted. While there are still malignant comments out there, many people are
nurturing self-love, including celebrities and popular influencers. By making the right choice, social media can go
back to its core purpose and continue playing its part in fostering global connections and inclusivity.

It is necessary to know that there is no such thing as the ‘perfect body’ or the ‘perfect face’. Each one of us should
embrace our natural selves and always be proud and happy of it no matter what. Most importantly, we do not need
to strive to be perfect, because we already are!

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In a world where attention is often drawn to headline-grabbing revolutions,

there is a silent yet powerful transformation happening in the world of
fashion, where sustainability is the driving force. As individuals realise the
pressing need to adhere to the well-being of our planet, the word
sustainability continues to evolve from a mere buzzword to a symbol of
responsible living, an evolution visible in households and businesses alike.

Sustainable fashion is the holistic approach to the production and

consumption of clothing that seeks to support thriving ecosystems and
societies through its activity. By using a variety of ways to do so such as
upcycling, minimalising, and buying secondhand, this movement that has
been gaining great momentum in the fashion world, hopes to create a
positive environmental impact not only in fashion industries but
throughout the world.

The rise of multiple sustainable fashion trends owes their popularity to the
broader societal shift in sustainability. If it were not for research on the
negative environmental impact of other industries, we would not have been
able to highlight the mistakes in the fashion industry and turn the average
21st-century person into a more eco-conscious one (Pirkani). Though there
are many people around the world delving into the idea of eco-friendly
garments, it is Millenials and Gen-Z who are holding a torch for its
widespread popularity. Being born into the world of sustainable
alternatives, they can naturally consider environmental effects and
understand their significant impact on the future. That is not to say that
people of older generations do not care about the environment, it's just
that they were not raised to do so. Even with the upsurge of social media,
the youth have finally realised the horrendous footprints of fast fashion.
First taking off in the late 1990s, fast fashion aimed to sell trendy clothing
at low prices by producing cheaply. In doing so, brands opted for the most
low-cost materials available, which usually ended up being non-renewable
ones. Though it seemed like a great opportunity for the public to access
garments at affordable prices, the environmental impact was overlooked.
Now, in addition to being the second-largest consumer of the world's water
supply, fast fashion production releases 10% of all carbon emissions, more
than the carbon contribution of even air travel, one of the most widely
denounced producers of harmful emissions. (McFall). So, what is being
done to prevent further environmental damage in the future?

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When a customer considers dressing more sustainably, the key points they should
focus on is what their clothes are made of and where they are getting them from.
This is where fashion brands come in. There are multitudes of brands for
consumers to choose from but only a handful remain steadfast in maintaining
their ‘green goals’. Tentree, a US-based, earth-first fashion company, has devoted
its business to promoting sustainability. Along with its successful efforts to use
recyclable or recycled fibres and plant one billion trees by 2030, it has also
received a Climate Neutral Certificate that states that it has measured, reduced,
and compensated for all of its emissions in 2022 ( Other
international brands such as Okhai, an India-based eco-friendly fashion store, and
Vinted, a UK-based thrifting store, have made similar efforts to contribute to
global eco-fashion. A study done by market analysts has even predicted that, due
to the efforts and increasing demand from companies like these, the market value
of sustainable fashion could go from the current 6.5 billion dollars to 15 billion
dollars by 2030 (Ruiz). Apart from these smaller, environment-driven companies,
fast fashion brands have also tried to hop upon the sustainability trend. H&M, for
example, has added a sustainability page to its website, talking about what they
have done or plans to do to make its brand eco-friendly. But in a world where it is
so easy to make false claims online, we have to ask ourselves, could these
statements of sustainability be nothing but a con?

In recent years, many fast fashion brands have been able to greenwash their
customers gainfully. Greenwashing is when brands release unjustified and
misleading claims that their products are more environmentally friendly than they
really are. (Fast Fashion Claims and Campaigns). Most brands have started to use
reusable packaging and LED lights to label themselves as ‘sustainable’ but
completely ignore major environmental issues. Boohoo, a popular fast fashion
store, released a collection in 2022 full of so-called sustainable pieces. Though
some of the items contained a small percentage of recycled material, most were
neglectfully made with materials like polyester that, recycled or not, released
harmful microplastics into the ocean (Chan). How can a company that recklessly
and gratuitously uploads an average of 100 new garments a day, declare itself as

Though a number of these scams do exist, there are brands, such as the previously
mentioned Tentree and Okhai, that are genuinely putting in their best efforts to
create guilt-free fashion. But these efforts come with a cost. Since buying and
producing renewable materials is expensive, companies like these have high costs
of production leading them to charge higher prices for their products. Could this
put an end to the sustainable fashion trend? Could sustainable fashion go out of

Although people are likely to stop buying from sustainable brands due to these
prices, it does not leave us with no options. All through the rollercoaster of
sustainable fashion from promising brands to corporate scams, customers still can
thrift. Being both an inexpensive and a perfectly sustainable way to dress,
thrifting and second-hand shopping have taken the world by storm, declining the
wrongful fast fashion brands along the way (Dunphy). Numerous brands such as
Vinted and TK Maxx in the UK, are only some of which have become popular over
the years. Could this help eco-friendly fashion become the new norm? Do
businesses have the potential to make sure it does? Regardless, let us ensure we
do our part, one garment at a time.

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One year ago, OpenAI’s GPT-3 rolled onto the as ChatGPT, this is what set the playing field for
search engine playing field and demolished reputed search engines of the future. Generational industry
names that had been in the business for decades. Its leaders are still playing catch-up to achieve its
popularity stemmed from its novel approach in competency. Trained on a moderate 175 billion
searching for and displaying information. While parameters, it is fairly accurate. Its easy-to-use
industry giants like Google, Bing and Yahoo! return interface and speedy answers also make it a breeze
links that are relevant to the user’s prompt, GPT-3 to use for the average person. However, it can be
processes data from billions of data points and inaccurate when it comes to less popular subjects,
writes responses that answer the user’s prompt. for example summarizing books other than Harry
However, GPT-3 is no longer the only Generative AI Potter. The model is also unaware of any events
search engine on the block. Bard, by Google; Bing past its knowledge cut-off of September 2021.
Chat, by Microsoft; and GPT-4, by OpenAI, are all
new AI search engines that are competing with it. GPT-4, the successor to GPT-3, solves most of these
And with them comes a new question: which is the issues. It is far more accurate than GPT-3, as it has
best? been trained on well over a trillion parameters and
can access the internet to search for information
But before we answer this, what is Generative AI? related to the query. Its ability to access the
Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence internet also fixes the knowledge cut-off issues.
technology that can produce content on its own – in However, GPT-4 is only offered as a paid service for
the case of GPT, text. Generative AI can be used to ChatGPT Plus or Enterprise subscribers. The
create audio or visual content as well, as seen in subscription starts at $20 per month.
another of OpenAI’s offerings, Dall-E. Generative
AI, like GPT, works by using Large Language Models Google announced its own Generative AI, Bard, in
(LLMs) to analyze billions of data points, or February 2023. Many people believe they were
parameters. It then uses its training to predict the rushed to roll out an incomplete product due to the
response to a question. It doesn’t actually know success of ChatGPT, and it is clear to see why. In
information or understand the question, but it can terms of parameters, Bard loses out to both the
identify the focus of the prompt and use this to GPTs, with its comparatively low 137 billion
predict what the response should be based on its parameter count. The effect of this is clear. Bard is
training parameters. It’s essentially auto-correct on notorious for its inaccuracy. In Google’s
steroids. This is why Generative AI can sometimes promotional video, Bard stated that the James Webb
return incorrect or nonsensical results. However, telescope took the first pictures of planets outside
this is also what makes GPT brilliant at writing of our solar system, which is completely false. This
code. Programming languages follow a specific video caused Alphabet, Google’s parent company,
syntax, which makes it very easy for LLMs to predict share prices to fall by 9%. However, it’s not all bad.
what code would solve the user’s problem. Bard is very fast to generate responses, and it can
also access the internet, unlike GPT-3. It is
Now let’s circle back to the question at hand, which completely free, and it integrates with Google’s
one is the best? suite of products, such as Google Maps, making it a
more attractive search engine for die-hard users of
Starting with GPT-3, the original. Commonly known Google products.

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Microsoft took a more “lazy” approach to their
ChatGPT competitor. As the saying goes: “If you can’t
beat them, join them.” Microsoft truly took this to
heart, by backing OpenAI with approximately 10
billion dollars of funding. Through this partnership,
Microsoft was able to deploy OpenAI’s models on its
platforms, such as Bing. This increased their active
user count sixfold. Bing Chat uses GPT-4 and Dall-E 3
to generate not just content, but also images – it is
the only search engine out of the 4 that can. It is
highly accurate and can access the internet. It allows
the user to select between creativity, precision and
balanced modes, allowing the user to make the
response more specific to their needs. And unlike
ChatGPT Plus, it is completely free. However, it is
painfully slow to generate content.

In my personal opinion, the best generative AI search

engine is Bing Chat. It can access the internet, it is
highly accurate, it has extended functionality that the
other 3 don’t, and it is completely free. The only
drawback is its excruciatingly long generation times.
GPT-3 ranks second. Its user-friendly interface and
accurate responses make it plenty good enough for
the average user. However, its knowledge cut-off can
make it difficult for programmers to use because of its
inability to work with later versions of certain
systems. Bard ranks third. The only problem with it is
the inaccuracy, but Google will inevitably roll out
updates and we could see a surge in popularity,
especially considering that it will likely be integrated
into the Google ecosystem, which includes Android.
Finally, GPT-4. GPT-4 is excellent, and objectively
the best one of the bunch, but Bing Chat is essentially
the same, only marginally slower, and $20 a month
seems an exorbitant sum of money to pay for some
added speed.

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The term "Cancel Culture" is widely used by Gen Z, Initially, Cancel Culture was meant to help
yet only a few people understand what it really individuals learn from their mistakes and reflect
means. Cancel Culture refers to the widespread act on them. However, recently, it has been exploited,
of withdrawal of support from public figures, often leading to false accusations against
holding them accountable for any of their actions individuals. The case of Johnny Depp vs. Amber
that aren’t socially accepted in today's world. Heard has caught immense attention
However, this phenomenon has also exploited internationally. This case began in 2016 when
individuals by incorrectly accusing them. Because Amber accused Depp of physically abusing her.
of this, while Cancel Culture has done some good, Depp was immediately shunned by the public and
it has also caused a lot of harm to certain lost several major contracts, one of the most
individuals. notable being Disney parting with Depp in order to
maintain their image. Years later, the tables have
Although Cancel Culture has existed for many turned, and Heard is the one receiving hate while
years, only recently has it started to gain Depp is praised and supported. This is an example
popularity. It was originally designed to hold of one of the major issues with Cancel Culture. For
individuals accountable for their mistakes- be it the longest time, Johnny Depp was ostracized, and
discrimination, unethical behavior, or inequality. only now, years later, is he given a fair chance for
Accountability also helps shine light on significant justice and an opportunity to explain himself.
issues in today's society and promotes public Volatility in image directly affects the public
discussions on them. In such situations, Cancel perception of that individual. It often reduces
Culture leads to social growth and development. career opportunities, popularity, and industry
Chrissy Teigen, a famous model, TV personality, relations. The public more often than not overuses
and social media star on X (Twitter), was called its power and takes advantage of Cancel Culture.
out and canceled for cyberbullying then 16-year- Most people don’t know how to differentiate
old Courtney Stodden, who identifies as non- between holding one accountable for their
binary. Upon losing three lucrative partnerships wrongdoings and excessively punishing someone.
with Bloomingdales, Teigen went into hiding
online and in public. She also uploaded a lengthy
apology on social media and took time to reflect
on her actions. In one Instagram post, she
mentioned that due to Cancel Culture, she
experienced depression, also stating that there is
no “winning” with Cancel Culture and that she has
learned a lot since she experienced it.
A survey which asked Americans if Cancel Culture helps
hold people accountable for their mistakes or punishes
them showed that 51% of people agreed with the former
and 45% with the latter. However, since September 2020,
opinions have changed, and 52% of people feel that
Cancel Culture punishes people, while only 46% believe
that it holds people accountable. Cancel Culture, in
some ways, resembles unforgiveness and is undeniably
discouraging and hindering personal growth.

Cancel Culture has created an almost unfriendly

environment on social media platforms, including
Instagram, X (Twitter), and Facebook, among many
others. Due to this, many individuals feel threatened and
are often scared to post their own opinions and thoughts
in fear of being canceled. Cancel Culture, in most cases,
is not beneficial and does not help social growth. A
multitude of people have been wrongly accused and
have not been given a fair chance to defend themselves.
A lot of times, this is also due to people blindly following
what they view on social media without properly
researching the situation. Although there is no
justification for wrongdoings, we need to remember that
all of us are human and are bound to make mistakes, so
instead of punishing them, we should help them grow
and learn from their errors.

The controversy on whether Cancel Culture does more

harm than good is ongoing, and we need to understand
that every coin has two sides. However, for Cancel
Culture to be truly effective, a lot of improvement is
needed. It requires the public to find a balance between
holding one accountable and giving them scope to
improve and grow. Cancel Culture will also require
society to set boundaries, defining what a fair
punishment is depending on the seriousness of the
mistake. It's necessary for the public to understand the
criticalness of Cancel Culture and how it can gravely
impact someone's life. We need to find a feasible
solution. We need to ask ourselves, how far is too far?

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