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Submitted by:

Jake Hughfort Cristobal

Submitted to:

Ma’am Hidielyn Gammad


The rambutan seedling, scientifically known as Nephelium lappaeum, stands as a petite, fruit-
bearing tree indigenous to Southeast Asia. Its popularity among home gardeners and horticulturists is
attributed to its charming aesthetic, delectable fruit, and straightforward cultivation process. Ideal for
tropical and subtropical regions, rambutan seedlings thrive in environments boasting ample sunlight
and well-drained soil.

Cultivating these seedlings is a manageable task, requiring regular watering, particularly in

dry spells, and periodic fertilization to support robust growth. While the typical propagation method is
through seeds, grafting and layering techniques are also employed to maintain specific cultivars.

Patience is key with rambutan seedlings, as they may take several years to mature and produce
fruit. Yet, diligent care and maintenance yield the rewarding outcome of a plentiful harvest of
delicious rambutan fruit. Renowned for its distinctive appearance and delightful taste, the rambutan is
coveted both for culinary endeavors and nutritional benefits.

In a nursery, students and gardeners alike can engage in hands-on experiences, observing the
germination process and nurturing seedlings into robust plants. This educational setting not only
provides practical skills in planting, watering, and maintenance but also fosters environmental
awareness and a sense of responsibility towards nature. The rambutan's unique characteristics, from
its distinctive appearance to its delicious taste, make it a captivating subject for learning and
cultivating in a nursery environment. As students patiently care for these seedlings, they witness the
progression from germination to the eventual bountiful harvest, reinforcing the interconnectedness of
the natural world and the rewards of dedicated cultivation. The establishment of a nursery setting,
whether at home or in an educational institution, can further enhance the understanding of
germination and plant growth.


1. To strengthen the economic viability of rambutan cultivation by empowering local farmers

and communities.
2. To implement water-efficient practices in rambutan cultivation to contribute to local water
conservation efforts.
3. To foster continuous improvement in rambutan cultivation through research and development
4. To engage youth in educational programs to instill awareness of rambutan's ecological
importance and sustainable agriculture practices.

In the inaugural week of my observation, the journey began with the careful planting of seeds,
marking the commencement of an exciting horticultural endeavor. The focus during this week was on
creating an optimal environment for germination. I prepared the soil with precision, ensuring it was
well-draining and nutrient-rich to provide the seeds with an ideal starting point. As the seeds were
nestled in their new environment, no visible signs of growth were apparent, emphasizing the early
stages of anticipation. This week primarily involved foundational tasks, such as monitoring soil
moisture levels and adjusting environmental factors like temperature and light exposure to facilitate
the germination process.

In week 2 of my observation, I continued to closely monitor the early stages of growth in my

seeds. The most noticeable change was the emergence of small leaves, a clear indication that the seeds
were successfully germinating and transitioning into the seedling stage. The delicate shoots began to
take shape, and the tiny leaves unfolded, signaling the beginning of the plants' photosynthetic
processes. During this week, I paid special attention to maintaining optimal environmental conditions.
I adjusted factors such as light exposure and temperature to ensure that the seedlings were receiving
the right amount of warmth and light for their growth. Additionally, I carefully regulated watering to
prevent over hydration or drought stress. While the seedlings were still in their nascent stages, this
week marked a critical phase in their development. It set the groundwork for the subsequent weeks,
emphasizing the importance of providing the right care and attention to support their healthy
progression. Observing these initial signs of growth fueled my anticipation for the upcoming stages of
the plants' development.

In week 3 of my observation, the focus was on the continued growth and development of my
seedlings. I noticed promising signs of increased height and the emergence of more leaves, indicating
a healthy response to the care regimen and environmental conditions. The seedlings appeared to be
adapting well to their surroundings, with no visible signs of stress or disease. During this week, I also
paid close attention to the soil moisture levels, ensuring a balanced watering routine to provide the
seedlings with the optimal hydration they needed. The leaves maintained their vibrant coloration,
suggesting that the nutritional needs were being adequately met. While the overall progress seemed
positive, it was also a time of vigilance. I closely monitored the surroundings for any signs of
potential issues, such as pests or nutrient deficiencies, and made mental notes to address these
concerns proactively in the following weeks. This week laid the foundation for the subsequent stages
of my observation, setting the stage for the challenges and interventions that would unfold in the
weeks to come.

In week 4 of my observation, I closely monitored the progress of my seedlings and noted their
steady growth. The leaves exhibited vibrant hues, and the stems appeared robust, indicating a positive
response to the care and environmental conditions provided. However, a keen eye revealed the initial
signs of weed presence around the seedlings. Although the weeds were not yet causing visible harm,
their potential to compete for nutrients and space with the developing plants was evident. Recognizing
the importance of addressing this issue early on, I made mental notes to implement preventive
measures in the upcoming weeks.

In Week 5 of my observation, the rambutan seedlings, having emerged over the initial four
weeks, are now well into their journey of establishment. At this stage, a majority of the seedlings
typically exhibit the development of several true leaves, distinguishing them from the initial cotyledon
leaves. These true leaves play a crucial role as the primary site for photosynthesis, marking a
significant transition in the seedlings' growth. The height of the seedlings varies within the range of 5
to 10 centimeters. This variance is influenced by several factors, including the amount of light
received, the quality of the soil in which they are planted, and the consistency of water supply.
Seedlings that have been receiving optimal care and are exposed to favorable growing conditions are
more likely to be found at the upper end of this height range, showcasing the impact of environmental
factors on their development.

As I transitioned into the sixth week of my rambutan seedling observation, the trends
established in the previous week continued to unfold. Seed 1, having reached a height of 4.5 inches
and boasting 6 leaves, maintained its steady progress despite the slight perforations noted earlier. Seed
2 stood firm at 4.3 inches, adorned with a healthy set of 7 leaves. Seed 3, with a plant height of 3.4
inches and 7 leaves, faced challenges as some leaves displayed signs of damage, requiring closer
attention. Surprisingly, Seed 4 remained consistent at a height of 3.5 inches, with all 4 leaves
appearing robust and vibrant. Seed 5 showcased resilience, standing at 3.5 inches with 7 leaves in
excellent condition, while Seed 6, at the same height, featured 6 leaves that continued to thrive. The
most notable development emerged with Seed 7, which displayed remarkable growth, reaching a plant
height of 6.5 inches and an impressive 8 leaves. Seed 8 maintained a height of 4.5 inches with 5
leaves, sustaining its growth pattern. Seeds 9 and 10 mirrored each other's progress, both standing tall
at 6.5 inches with a flourishing set of 8 leaves. These ongoing observations provide a comprehensive
view of the dynamic development and overall health of my rambutan seedlings as they progress into
the sixth week of monitoring.

As I embarked on the seventh week of closely monitoring my rambutan seedlings, the

continued growth and changes were both fascinating and revealing. Seed 1, having previously reached
a height of 4.5 inches with 6 leaves, exhibited steady progress, with the slight perforations showing
signs of healing. Seed 2, standing tall at 4.3 inches, maintained its robust stature, flaunting a healthy
set of 7 leaves. Despite challenges in the previous week, Seed 3, at a height of 3.4 inches,
demonstrated resilience by producing new leaves, contributing to a total of 8 leaves. Seed 4,
consistently at 3.5 inches, displayed continued vitality with all 4 leaves remaining in good health.
Seed 5 and Seed 6, both at a height of 3.5 inches, showcased 7 and 6 leaves, respectively, sustaining
their positive trajectory. The standout performer, Seed 7, continued its impressive growth, reaching a
remarkable height of 7 inches and maintaining its 8 leaves in optimal condition. Seed 8, at 4.5 inches,
sustained its growth with 5 leaves. Seeds 9 and 10, both standing at 6.5 inches, continued to mirror
each other's progress, maintaining their impressive set of 8 leaves. These observations during the
seventh week provide a comprehensive view of the resilience and development of my rambutan
seedlings, offering valuable insights into their overall health and progress.

In the eighth week of my seedling observation, the progress and conditions of the rambutan
seedlings presented a dynamic picture. Seedling 1, at a height of 10 centimeters, maintained a steady
growth pattern with 4 leaves contributing to its overall canopy. Seedling 2 displayed robust
development, boasting an impressive 10 leaves and reaching a height of 22 centimeters. Regrettably,
Seedling 3 and Seedling 4 did not survive, marking a setback in the overall growth experiment.
Seedling 5 exhibited commendable progress with a height of 16 centimeters and 9 leaves, showcasing
a healthy state. Similarly, Seedling 6, standing at 15 centimeters, featured 7 leaves, indicating
sustained development. Seedling 7 and Seedling 8, both at 15 centimeters, showcased 8 and 10 leaves,
respectively, contributing to their lush foliage. Seedling 9 demonstrated promising growth, reaching a
height of 25 centimeters with a full set of 10 leaves. Seedling 10, matching the height of Seedling 9,
featured 8 leaves, suggesting robust overall development.

In the ninth week of my seedling observation, significant variations in growth and survival
were evident among the rambutan seedlings. Seedling 1, standing at 10 centimeters, exhibited steady
development with 4 leaves contributing to its overall canopy. Seedling 2 flourished with impressive
vigor, boasting 10 leaves and reaching a height of 22 centimeters. Unfortunately, Seedling 3 and
Seedling 4 did not survive, marking a somber note in the observation journey. Seedling 5 showcased
commendable progress with 9 leaves and a height of 16 centimeters, while Seedling 6 displayed a
healthy state with 7 leaves at a height of 15 centimeters. Seedling 7 and Seedling 8, both standing at
15 centimeters, featured 8 and 10 leaves, respectively, contributing to their overall lush foliage.
Seedling 9 demonstrated remarkable growth, reaching a height of 25 centimeters with a full set of 10
leaves. Similarly, Seedling 10 mirrored this height with 8 leaves, indicating robust development.
These observations offer a comprehensive snapshot of the diverse outcomes among the rambutan
seedlings in terms of survival and growth during the ninth week of monitoring.

In the tenth week of my seedling observation, the rambutan seedlings continued to exhibit
intriguing patterns of growth. Seedling 1, now standing at 12 centimeters, displayed an increase in
height and showcased a total of 5 leaves, underscoring its resilient development. Seedling 2
maintained its robust stature, reaching an impressive height of 25 centimeters with 12 leaves
contributing to its flourishing canopy. Regrettably, Seedling 3 and Seedling 4 remained nonviable,
emphasizing the challenges faced by certain specimens. Seedling 5 continued its commendable
progress, reaching a height of 18 centimeters with 10 leaves, displaying a well-balanced growth.
Seedling 6, standing at 17 centimeters, featured 8 leaves, indicating sustained development. Seedling
7 and Seedling 8, both at 18 centimeters, showcased 9 and 11 leaves, respectively, contributing to
their lush and vibrant foliage. Seedling 9 demonstrated a significant growth spurt, reaching a height of
30 centimeters with a full set of 12 leaves, marking it as a standout performer. Seedling 10, matching
the height of Seedling 9, featured 9 leaves, revealing robust overall development..

In the eleventh week of my seedling observation, the rambutan seedlings exhibited further
noteworthy developments. Seedling 1, now reaching a height of 14 centimeters, continued its steady
growth with 6 leaves adorning its canopy. Seedling 2 maintained its robust stature, standing at 27
centimeters with an impressive 14 leaves, showcasing its vigorous development. Regrettably, the
challenges persisted for Seedling 3 and Seedling 4, as they did not survive, highlighting the fragility
of certain specimens in the growth experiment. However, the remaining seedlings continued to thrive.
Seedling 5 showcased commendable progress, standing at 20 centimeters with 12 leaves, indicating a
healthy and well-balanced growth pattern. Seedling 6, at 19 centimeters, displayed 9 leaves,
contributing to its overall vibrant appearance. Seedling 7 and Seedling 8, both at 20 centimeters,
boasted 10 and 12 leaves, respectively, forming lush canopies. Seedling 9 continued its remarkable
growth, now reaching a height of 35 centimeters with 14 leaves, establishing itself as a standout
performer. Seedling 10, matching the height of Seedling 9, featured 11 leaves, indicating robust
overall development.

In the twelfth and final week of my rambutan seedling observation, the once-promising
growth journey faced multifaceted challenges. Seedling 1, now at a height of 15 centimeters,
experienced setbacks with yellowing leaves indicative of nitrogen deficiency, potentially hindering its
overall vitality. Seedling 2, standing tall at 28 centimeters with 15 leaves, displayed resilience, but
signs of sunburn on a few leaves hinted at potential stress from prolonged exposure. Tragically,
Seedling 3 and Seedling 4 succumbed to the combined pressures of leaf spot and voracious leaf-eating
insects, emphasizing the delicate nature of plant development. Seedling 5, at 22 centimeters,
showcased a commendable response to nutrient management, exhibiting improved leaf coloration.
Seedling 6, now at 20 centimeters, displayed signs of leaf spot, underlining the persistent challenges
faced by the collection. Seedling 7 and Seedling 8, both reaching 22 centimeters, struggled with
yellowing leaves due to nitrogen deficiency, raising concerns about their overall health. The standout
performer, Seedling 9, faced its share of difficulties, with yellowing leaves hinting at nitrogen
deficiency and signs of leaf spot, emphasizing the interconnected challenges in maintaining plant
health. Seedling 10, at 35 centimeters, showed signs of resilience, although a few leaves displayed
damage from leaf-eating insects.


In the ninth week, the seedlings Moving into the tenth In the eleventh week, The twelfth week brought
exhibited significant variations, week, Seedling 1 Seedling 1 continued multifaceted challenges,
with some specimens thriving continued to display steady growth, reaching with Seedling 1
while others faced challenges resilience, reaching 12 14 centimeters with 6 experiencing setbacks
leading to nonviability. Seedling centimeters with 5 leaves. Seedling 2 due to nitrogen
1 and Seedling 2 showed steady leaves. Seedling 2 maintained its robust deficiency, and Seedling
and vigorous development, maintained its robust stature at 27 2 showing signs of stress
respectively, but Seedling 3 and stature, reaching 25 centimeters with 14 from prolonged sun
Seedling 4 did not survive.. centimeters with 12 leaves. Regrettably, exposure. Tragically,
leaves. Unfortunately, Seedling 3 and Seedling 3 and Seedling 4
Seedling 3 and Seedling 4 did not succumbed to leaf spot
Seedling 4 remained survive, highlighting and leaf-eating insects.
nonviable, emphasizing the fragility of some Seedling 5 responded
the difficulties faced by specimens. Seedling 5 positively to nutrient
certain specimens. displayed management, while
Seedling 5 showed commendable progress, Seedling 9 faced
well-balanced growth, reaching 20 centimeters difficulties with nitrogen
while Seedling 9 with 12 leaves, and deficiency and leaf spot.
emerged as a standout Seedling 9 continued to
performer, reaching a stand out, reaching 35
height of 30 centimeters with 14
centimeters with 12 leaves.


Throughout weeks 9-12 of the seedling observation, several challenges were encountered that
affected the overall health and development of the rambutan seedlings:

Week 9

1. Problem Encountered: Seedling 3 and Seedling 4 did not survive, indicating potential
vulnerabilities to environmental factors or diseases.
2. Observation: This marked a somber note in the observation journey, emphasizing the fragility
of certain specimens.
Week 10

Problem Encountered: Seedling 3 and Seedling 4 remained nonviable, underscoring persistent

challenges faced by specific specimens.

Observation: Despite the ongoing challenges, Seedling 5 showcased well-balanced growth, while
Seedling 9 emerged as a standout performer

Week 11

Problem Encountered: Seedling 3 and Seedling 4 did not survive, highlighting the ongoing fragility of
certain specimens.

Observation: The remaining seedlings continued to thrive, with Seedling 5 and Seedling 9 standing
out for commendable progress and remarkable growth, respectively.

Week 12

Problems Encountered:

Seedling 1 experienced setbacks with yellowing leaves indicative of nitrogen deficiency, potentially
hindering overall vitality.

Seedling 2 showed signs of sunburn on a few leaves, hinting at potential stress from prolonged

Seedling 3 and Seedling 4 succumbed to the combined pressures of leaf spot and voracious leaf-eating

Seedling 7 and Seedling 8 struggled with yellowing leaves due to nitrogen deficiency, raising
concerns about their overall health.

Seedling 9 faced difficulties with both yellowing leaves (nitrogen deficiency) and signs of leaf spot.

Seedling 10 showed signs of resilience but had a few leaves damaged by leaf-eating insects.

Observation: These multifaceted challenges emphasized the delicate nature of plant development and
the interconnected issues impacting the seedlings.

In conclusion, the journey of observing and nurturing rambutan seedlings over the course of
twelve weeks has been a dynamic and insightful experience. The initial weeks focused on
foundational tasks, from planting seeds to monitoring optimal germination conditions. As the
seedlings progressed, variations in growth and survival became evident, with some specimens thriving
while others faced challenges. Weeks 9-12 brought to light the fragility of certain seedlings, as
observed in the nonviability of Seedling 3 and Seedling 4. Persistent challenges, such as nitrogen
deficiency, sunburn, leaf spot, and voracious leaf-eating insects, underscored the delicate nature of
plant development. Despite setbacks, standout performers like Seedling 9 showcased remarkable
growth, reaching 35 centimeters with 14 leaves.



In the transition from the eleventh to the twelfth week of my rambutan seedling
observation, the ongoing dynamics of growth and challenges continued to shape the overall
trajectory. Seedling 1, standing at 14 centimeters in week 11, demonstrated steady progress,
reaching 15 centimeters by week 12, albeit facing setbacks marked by yellowing leaves
indicative of nitrogen deficiency. Seedling 2 maintained its robust stature, standing tall at 27
centimeters in week 11 and showcasing resilience in week 12, reaching 28 centimeters
despite displaying signs of stress from prolonged sun exposure. Unfortunately, the challenges
persisted for Seedlings 3 and 4, which did not survive, underscoring the fragility of certain
specimens amidst the growth experiment. Seedling 5 continued its commendable progress,
standing at 20 centimeters with 12 leaves, showcasing a healthy and well-balanced growth
pattern. Seedling 9, the standout performer, faced difficulties with nitrogen deficiency and
signs of leaf spot, emphasizing the interconnected challenges in maintaining plant health. The
observation during these weeks encapsulated the nuanced interplay between growth and
challenges, providing a comprehensive view of the seedlings' development.

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