Chapter 1-4

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Chapter 1

1. Electronics is a young technology that began in the 20th century.(T)

2. The early histories of radio and electronics are closely linked.(T)

3. Transistors were invented before vacuum tubes. (F)

4. A modern integrated circuit can contain thousands of transistors. (T)

5. A microprocessor is a small circuit used to replace radio receivers(F)

6. Electronic circuits can be divided into two categories, digital or analog. (T)

7. An analog circuit can produce an infinite number of output conditions(T)

8. An analog circuit recognizes only two possible input conditions.(F)

9. Rectangular waves are common in digital systems. (T)

10. D/A converters are used to convert analog signals to their digital equivalents.(F)

11. The output of a 2-bit D/A converter can produce eight different voltage levels.( F)

12. Amplifiers make signals larger(T)

13.If a signal into an amplifier is normal but the output is not, then the amplifier has to be defective(F)

14. Component-level troubleshooting requires only a block diagram.(F)

15. A schematic diagram shows how individual parts of a circuit are connected.(T)

16. The first step in troubleshooting is to check individual components for shorts.( F)

17. Determine the average value of the bottom waveform shown in Fig. 1-9 if the battery develops 7.5 V.
(−7.5 V)

18. Find the average value of the waveform for Node D and for Node E in Fig. 1-10 if the battery
provides 25 V.( 12.5 V, 0 V)

19. Which components are used in electronics to block direct current, to couple ac signals, and for
bypassing? (capacitors)

20. What is the function of C1 in Fig. 1-14? (bypass)

21. What is the function of C2 in Fig. 1-14? (coupling (dc block))

22. Integrated circuits will be used less in the future.(F)

23. The learning curve makes electronic devices less expensive as time goes on.( T)

24. In the future, more circuits will be fabricated using insertion technology and fewer with SMT.(F)

Chapter 2
1. Valence electrons are located in the nucleus of the atom. (F)

2. Copper has one valence electron. (T)

3. In conductors, the valence electrons are strongly attracted to the nucleus. (F)

4. The current carriers in conductors are the valence electrons.(T)

5. Cooling a conductor will decrease its resistance. (T)

6. Silver is not often used in electronic circuits because of its high resistance. (F)

7. Aluminum is not used as much as copper in electronic circuits because it is difficult to solder.(T)

8. Silicon is a conductor. (F)

9. Silicon has four valence electrons.(T)

10. Silicon dioxide is a good conductor.(F)

11. A silicon crystal is formed by covalent bonding. (T)

12. Intrinsic silicon acts as an insulator at room temperature.(T)

13. Heating semiconductor silicon will decrease its resistance. (T)

14. An electron that is freed from its covalent bond by heat is called a thermal carrier. (T)

15. Germanium has less resistance than silicon. (T)

16. Silicon transistors and diodes are not used as often as germanium devices. (F)

17. Integrated circuits are made from germanium(F)

18. Arsenic is a ____ impurity. (Donor)

19. Arsenic has _____valence electrons.(five)

20. When silicon is doped with arsenic, each arsenic atom will give the crystal one free ____ .(electron)

21. Free electrons in a silicon crystal will serve as current_____ .(carriers)

22. When silicon is doped, its resistance _____.(decreases)

3. Boron is an____ impurity. (acceptor)

24. Boron has______ valence electrons.(three)

25. Electrons are assigned a negative charge, and holes are assigned a _______ charge.( positive)

26. Doping a semiconductor crystal with boron will produce current carriers called_______ .(holes)

27. Electrons will drift toward the positive end of the energy source, and holes will drift toward the
_________ end.(negative)

28. In the making of N-type semiconductor material, a typical doping level is about 10 arsenic atoms for
every 90 silicon atoms(F)

29. . A free electron in a P-type crystal is called a majority carrier.(F)

30. A hole in an N-type crystal is called a minority carrier.(T)

31. As P-type semiconductor material is heated, one can expect the number of minority carriers to

32. As P-type semiconductor material is heated, the number of majority carriers decreases.(F)

33. . Heat increases the number of minority and majority carriers in semiconductors.(T)

34. The band gap of materials is measured in volts(F)

35. The band gap for copper or silver is zero.(T)

36. The electron volt is a unit of work or energy(T)

37. If a photon has more energy than the band gap of a solar cell, it cannot boost an electron into the
conduction band.(F)

38. Doping semiconductors increases their band gaps.(F)

Chapter 3

1. A junction diode is doped with both Pand N-type impurities.(T)

2. The depletion region is formed by electrons crossing over the P-type side of the junction to fill
holes on the N-type side of the junction(F)
3. The barrier potential prevents all the electrons from crossing the junction and filling all the
4. The depletion region is a good conductor.(F)

5. Once the depletion region forms, it cannot be removed. (F)

6. Forward bias expands the depletion region. (F)

7. Reverse bias collapses the depletion region and turns on the diode. (F)

8. A reverse-biased diode may show a little leakage current because of minoritycarrier action. (T)

9. High temperatures will increase the number of minority carriers and diode leakage current.(T)

10. The characteristic curve for a linear device is shaped like a . (straight line)

11. A volt-ampere characteristic curve for a resistor is shaped like a . (straight line)

12. A volt-ampere characteristic curve for a 1,000-Ω resistor will, at 10 V on the horizontal axis, pass
through a point opposite on the vertical axis. (0 mA (0.01 A))

13. The volt-ampere characteristic curve for an open circuit (∞ Ω) will be a straight line on the axis.
( . horizontal)

14. The volt-ampere characteristic curve for a short circuit (0 Ω) will be a straight line on the axis.
( vertical)

15. Resistors are linear devices. Diodes are devices. (nonlinear)

16. A silicon diode does not begin conducting until V of forward bias is applied. (0.6)

17. Diode avalanche, or reverse breakdown, is caused by excess reverse .( bias (voltage))

18. Assume that a diode is forward-biased. The diode lead that is connected to the negative side of
the source is called the . (cathode)

19. The diode lead near the band or bevel on the package is the lead. (cathode)

20. A plus (+) sign on an older diode indicates the lead. (cathode)

21. An ohmmeter is connected across a diode. A low resistance is shown. The leads are reversed. A
low resistance is still shown. The diode is .( shorted)

24. A rectifier is a device used to change alternating current to direct current. (T)

25. Schottky diodes are used in low-voltage, high-frequency applications. (T)

26. A zener diode that is serving as a voltage regulator has electron flow from its anode to its

27. A normally operating rectifier diode will conduct from its anode to its cathode. (T)

28. A diode clamp is used to limit the peakto-peak swing of a signal. (F)

29. A diode clamp may also be called a dc restorer. (T)

30. A device containing an LED and a photodiode in the same sealed package is called an
optoisolator. (T)

31. Varactor diodes show large inductance change with changing bias. (F)

32. The depletion region serves as the dielectric in a varicap diode capacitor. (T)

33. Increasing the bias (reverse) across a varicap diode will increase its capacitance. (F)

34. Decreasing the capacitance in a tuned circuit will raise its resonant frequency. (T)

35. PIN diodes are used as high-frequency rectifiers.(F)

36. Energy sources that cannot be depleted are said to be .( renewable)

37. A photon entering a PV cell might move an electron from the band to the conduction band.

38. An electron on the P side of the junction in a PV cell that has moved into the conduction band will be
swept into the N side by the . (barrier potential)

39. The liberated electrons in a PV cell can be lost to the load circuit if they are consumed by
recombination with . (holes)

40. The maximum power produced by a PV cell is than I SC × VOC. (. less than)

41. With more sunlight, more power and more are available from a PV cell. (current)

42. PV cells sawn from silicon ingots are said to be . (monocrystalline)

43. A PV module is a combination of PC . (cells)

44. PV cells are wired in series to produce more power and . (voltage)

45. Amorphous cells have the cost and the efficiency. (lowest, lowest)

46. An MPPT is a(n) converter.( dc-to-dc)

47. An inverter is a(n) converter.( dc-to-ac)

Chapter 4

1. Power supplies will usually change alternating current to . (direct current)

2. Power-supply voltages are usually specified by using the chassis as a reference(ground (common))

3. Drawings such as Fig. 4-1 are called diagrams. (. Block)

4. On a block diagram, the circuit that energizes most or all of the other blocks is called the .( power

5. Current that flows in both directions is called alternating current. (T)

6. Current that flows in one direction is called direct current. (T)

7. Diodes are used as rectifiers because they conduct in two directions. (F)

8. A rectifier can be used in a power supply to step up voltage. (F)

9. In a rectifier circuit, the positive end of the load will be connected to the cathode of the rectifier.(T)

10. The waveform across the load in a halfwave rectifier circuit is called half-wave pulsating direct
current. (T)

11. A half-wave rectifier supplies load current only 50 percent of the time. (T)

12. Half-wave rectifiers are usually used in high-power applications.(F)

13. A transformer secondary is center-tapped. If 50 V is developed across the entire secondary, the
voltage from either end to the center tap will be .( 25 V)

14. A half-wave rectifier uses diode(s). (1)

15. A full-wave rectifier using a center-tapped transformer requires diodes.(2)

16. Each cycle of the ac input has two . (alternations)

17. In rectifier circuits, the load current never changes . (direction)

18. A bridge rectifier eliminates the need for a . (center-tapped transformer)

19. A bridge rectifier requires diodes.( 4)

20. A transformer has five times as many primary turns as secondary turns. If 120 V ac is across the
primary, the secondary voltage should be . (24 V ac)

21. Suppose the transformer in question 20 is center-tapped and connected to a fullwave rectifier. The
average dc voltage across the load should be .( 10.8 V dc)

22. The average dc load voltage for the data in question 21 will change to if one of the rectifiers burns
out (opens). (5.4 V dc)

23. The ac input to a half-wave rectifier is 32 V. A dc voltmeter connected across the load should read .
(14.4 V dc)

24. The ac input to a bridge rectifier is 20 V. A dc voltmeter connected across the load should read . (18
V dc)

25. In rectifier circuits, one can expect the output voltage to drop as load current . (increases)

26. Rectifier loss is more significant in voltage rectifier circuits. (low)

27. If each diode in a high-current bridge rectifier drops 1 V, then the total rectifier loss is .( 2 V)

28. Pure dc contains no . (ripple (ac))

29. Rectifiers provide dc.( pulsating)

30. Power supplies use filters to reduce . (ripple)

31. Capacitors are useful in filter circuits because they store electric . (energy)

32. In a power supply with a capacitor filter, the effectiveness of the filter is determined by the size of a
capacitor, the ac frequency, and the . (load resistance (current))
33. Half-wave rectifiers are more difficult to filter because the filter has more time to . (discharge)

34. Heating effect is determined by the value of a current.( rms)

35. In a filtered power supply, the dc output voltage can be as high as times the rms input voltage.

36. The conversion factor that is useful when predicting the dc output voltage of a filtered supply is .
( 1.414)

37. The conversion factors of 0.45 and 0.90 are useful for predicting the dc output of supplies.

38. A filter capacitor’s voltage rating must be greater than the value of the pulsating waveform. (peak)

39. The dc output from a lightly loaded supply using a bridge rectifier with 15 V ac input and a filter
capacitor at the output will be .( . 21.2 V dc)

40. Connecting grounded test equipment to a hot chassis will result in a ground .( loop)

41. Voltage doublers may be used to obtain higher voltages and eliminate the need for a(n) .

42. A lightly loaded voltage doubler will give a dc output voltage that is times the rms input. (2.82)

43. The output of voltage multipliers tends to quite a bit when the load is increased. (decrease)

44. To reduce shock hazard and equipment damage, a technician should use a(n) transformer. (isolation)

45. The ripple frequency in a 60-Hz halfwave doubler supply will be Hz(60 Hz)

. 46. The ripple frequency in a 60-Hz fullwave doubler supply will be Hz. (120 Hz)

47. Voltage multipliers may use surgelimiting resistors to protect the .( diodes (rectifiers))\

48. As the load current increases, the ac ripple tends to . (increase)

49. As the load current increases, the dc output voltage tends to . (decrease)

50. A power supply develops 13 V dc with 1-V ac ripple. Its percentage of ripple is . (7.69 percent)

51. A power supply develops 28 V under no-load conditions and drops to 24 V when loaded. Its
percentage of regulation is . (16.7 percent)

52. A bleeder resistor may improve supply regulation and help to ensure that the capacitors are after
the supply is turned off.( discharged)

53. A zener diode shunt regulator uses the zener connected in with the load. (parallel (shunt))

54. A power supply develops 8 V. Regulated 5 V is required at a load current of 500 mA. A zener diode
shunt regulator will be used. The zener current should be 200 mA. The value of RZ should be .( 4.29 Ω)

55. The dissipation in RZ in question 54 is . (. 2.1 W)

56. The zener dissipation in question 54 is . (1 W)

57. If the load current were interrupted in question 54, the zener would dissipate . (3.5 W)

58. A zener shunt regulator can provide voltage regulation and reduce .( ripple)

59. A skilled troubleshooter uses a random trial-and-error technique to find circuit faults. (F)
60. In troubleshooting, it is often possible to limit the problem to one area of the block diagram by
observing the symptoms. (T)

61. A resistor that is burned black may indicate that another component in the circuit has failed.

62. A supply that is overloaded will often show low output voltage. (T)

63. Refer to Fig. 4-29. Resistor RS burns out (opens). The symptom will be zero dc output voltage.( T)

64. Refer to Fig. 4-37. The fuse blows repeatedly. Rectifier D1 is probably open. (F)

65. Refer to Fig. 4-37. The output voltage is low. Capacitor C2 could be defective. (T)

66. Refer to Fig. 4-39. The zener diode burns out. Regulated output voltage will be high.( T)

67. Refer to Fig. 4-39. The zener diode is shorted. Both outputs will be zero. (F)

68. Refer to Fig. 4-39. R1 is open. Both outputs will be zero.( F)

69. It may not be good practice to replace a 1-W resistor with a 2-W resistor. (T)

70. It may not be safe to replace a film resistor with a carbon-composition resistor. (T)

71. It may not be good practice to replace a 1,000-μF filter capacitor with a 2,000-μF capacitor. (T)

72. A transistor is marked 2N3904. This is a house number. (F)

73. The safest replacement part is the exact replacement. (T)

74. The 1N914 is an example of a JEDEC registered part.( T)

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