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EFL Regional Competition for 5th Grade Primary School Students

21st April 2018

Time limit: 60 minutes Total points: ______ /70

Part one
Read the descriptions of some words about the places and free time that people
have. What is the word for each one? Write your answers on the line choosing a
word from the box. Be careful there are extra words.
post guitar camera stadium magazine
picture beach pillow fridge tent

0 If you like reading about music and fashion, you can buy this.
1. People who like watching football often go to this place.
2. If you enjoy photography, you will need this. ____________________
3. People who like swimming in the sea often go here. __________________
4. You can play this instrument if you like music. _______________________
5. If you enjoy camping, you will need to take this with you.

Two points for each answer ________________ / 10 points

Part two
Read the sentences about an internet café. CIrcle the best word (A, B or C) for
each space

0 There ______ an internet cafe near Ivan's house.
A. any B. is C. are
1. The internet café is Ivan’s ............ place.
A favourite B popular C excellent
2. It only ............ five minutes to get to the café.
A takes B has C gets
3. Ivan often ............ his friends there after school.
A waits B meets C goes
4. The café has different ............ of computer games that they can play.
A things B ways C kinds
5. Ivan thinks there is a lot of ............ information on the internet.
A certain B sure C useful

Two points for each answer

______________ / 10 points

Part three
Choose ONE of the following answers and write the corresponding letter on the
space line.

The first one is an example.

0. C_ 's your name? Jack. 1. ____ two airports in the city.

a) How a) It is
b) Who b) There is
c) What c) There are
d) Where d) This is
2. There aren’t ____ in this area. 3. ______ a car? Yes, he has a nice car.

a) no restaurants a) Do he has
b) any restaurant b) Does he has
c) a restaurant c) Do he have
d) any restaurants d) Does he have

4. Elisa ______ any money. 5. I go to work ____ bus.

a) have not a) with

b) don’t have b) by
c) doesn’t have c) in
d) doesn’t has d) on
6.____ they live in Manchester? 7. When do you swim? ____ Tuesday.

a) does a) on
b) do b) in
c) are c) at
d) aren’t d) by

8. My parents have _____ own 9.He is a good singer, but I don’t like
apartment. _____
a) theirs
b) they a) he
c) their b) his
d) they’re c) him
d) them
10.He was born ____ June 5th, 1990.

a) in
b) at
c) on
d) from

Two points for each answer ________________ / 20 points

Part four
Complete the text with the Present Continuous or Present simple form of the
verbs in brackets.
It is a warm , lovely day today. The Cohens 0.are getting (get ) ready for a picnic
in the Carmel Woods.

Mrs. Cohen 1. ____________________(prepare) the sandwiches and Mr.

Cohen 2._____________________________( pack ) some warm clothes and some
canned food.

Uri, the oldest son, 3._______________________(wash) the family car and

Ronen, his brother 4._________________________( plan) the route on the map.
Only Dafna, the youngest one , 5. ___________________________ (not do)
anything helpful. She 6.________________________(sit) by the computer and 7.
____________________( chat) with her best friend on Facebook. The boys can
see that Mrs. Cohen 8.____________________ (be) very angry.

Look ! Uri 9. ___________________(run) to Dafna's room to tell her she should

better finish her chat and 10. _______________________(get) ready for the trip. I
hope the Cohens will enjoy their picnic even though they are a bit nervous now!

Two points for each answer ________________ / 20 points

Part five
Complete the sentences. Write the time/ Use (Minutes + PAST / TO + Hour).

10:40 - It’s twenty to eleven

1. 4:45 - __________________________________________________
2. 12:30 - __________________________________________________
3. 9: 20 - ___________________________________________________
4. 10:55 - __________________________________________________
5. 1:10 - ___________________________________________________

Two points for each answer ________________ / 10 points

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