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ICT-related terms

1. TECHNOLOGY - refers to methods, processes, and devices used for practical purposes.

2. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY - refers to the utilization of technology in teaching and


3. ICT LITERACY - the use of digital technology, communication tools, and networks to

4. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) - The simulation of human intelligence in machine to

perform tasks like problem - solving and speech recognition.

5. TECHNOLOGY TOOL - Is an instrument used for doing work. It can be anything that
helps you accomplished your goal with the use of technology.

6. PODCAST - Is a video or audio multi media clip about a single topic typically in the
format of the radio talk show.

7. FLIPPED CLASSSROOM - Utilize a reserve instructional delivery, where the teacher is

required to use the web resources.

8. WIKI - an editable website usually with limited access, allows students to collaboratively
create and post written work or digital files, such as digital photos or videos.

9. VLOG - is a video blog where each entry is posted as video instead of text.

10. FACEBOOK - is a popular social networking site used by students and adults worldwide
to present information on themselves and the world.

11. WEB QUEST - Is a teacher structured research experience for the students that are
primarily based on the use of the world wide web and typically takes one or more
instructional periods.

12. GOOGLE APPS - is a cloud - based teaching tool which is stored in the google server
and is available for students both at home and in school

13. SKYPE - It is a software application allowing you to do a videoconferencing for free. All
you need is to create an account and can be used for a video meeting.

14. DIGITAL LEARNING - is an instructional practice that utilizes technology to reinforce

students learning experience.

15. VOIP ( voice over internet protocol ) - is a category of hardware and software that
enables people to use the internet as a transmission medium for telephone calls by sending
voice data in packets using IP rather than traditional circuit transmission.
16. INTERNET - The Internet (or internet) is the global system of interconnected computer
networks that uses the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to communicate between networks and

17. SOFTWARE - Software is a set of computer programs and associated documentation and
data. This is in contrast to hardware, from which the system is built and which actually
performs the work.

18. MULTI MEDIA - Multimedia is a form of communication that uses a combination of different
content forms such as writing, audio, images, animations, or video into a single interactive
presentation, in contrast to traditional mass media, such as printed material or audio
recordings, which features little to no interaction between users.

19. INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY - Instructional technology is the practice of using

technology in education. It also encompasses developing, designing, and evaluating the tools
used in learning activities.

20. BLOG - is an online journal where posted information from both teachers and students is
arranged: Types of blogs are blog used for communication, for instruction, and blogs for both.

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