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The proposal of cystem visian sensors ta identify and separate objects according ta their respective lasses is an exciting and innovative idea, This type of system could be used in @ variety of Dee ea eae a te ts Sect Pe Oe ae ea aC Pee ee eee ESO, anne ete Ce eee eee eee ne eee nic) Pre ote enue ee a oar Pee eee ee une ec ee eke Te een different crientations and from different angles. Additionally, the system would need to be able to Pen ann eee cr et a ee be able to handle a variety of different lighting conditions, as well as different levels of noise. eee eee eee ee Finally, the éystem Would need ta be abla to handle a variety of differant materials, cuch a& metal, BBlaStig/BA wood. The system would need to be able to distinguish between different materials, as ete ee ees cred objects according to their respective classes is an exciting and innovative idea. This type of system could be usad in a variety of applications, from industrial automation to medical imaging. With the ere ee eC ete ret eT quickly identify and classify

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