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The word “Moderation” generally means “to avoid the extreme” in every matter. Another meaning is to be
moderate in every aspect in our lives. Although one must strictly fulfill its spiritual duties like offering
prayers five times a day to get closer to the Almighty, fasting for sake of pleasing the Lord, performing
Hajj etc. but one is also excused not to complete such acts being in a state of some difficulty.
Allah says in Surah Baqarah ayah 185,

Allah desires ease for you, and He does not desire for you difficulty,

Balancing acts of worship entails not exhausting oneself so much that they impact
on other duties while not reducing them to the point of negligence either.

Moderation in spending
Being thoughtful and sensible about our finances is the key to moderation in
spending. A person should spend according to their need, without being
irresponsible, and by finding the middle way between extravagance and
miserliness. Our Honourable Prophet ‫ـ ُه َع َليْ ِه َواٰلِ ٖه َو َس "لم‬2‫ َص "لى الـل‬said: ‘The one who adopts
moderation will never face poverty.’ (Musnad Ahmad, vol. 3, p. 157, Hadees 4269)
Even when spending in the way of Allah Almighty, Islam teaches us to be
moderate whereby we do not give so much that we are then reduced to being in
need of charity from others.


The companion of the Prophet (SA), Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas (RA).
When he was about to die, he wanted to give all his money in charity
for the sake of Allah. However, the Prophet (SA) stopped him from
doing so, and requested him to give some of it in charity while
leaving some in inheritance for his family members. On this
occasion, the Prophet (SA) said to him, ‘It is better that you
leave your family members in sufficiency than you leave them in
want, begging from others’. (Bukhari)
Once a man was going for Hajj. He was walking by holding the
reign of his camel. He was looking tired. Prophet (P.B.U.H) saw him
and asked him to ride on his camel. He said I want to get a lot of
rewards by getting into this exertion. Prophet(P.B.U.H) said Allah
made the religion easy , He does not want to make it difficult for us.
1.The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said,”Do not do that. Fast as well as eat
and drink, Stand in prayer as well as sleep. This is because your
body has right upon you, your eyes have a right upon you, Your wife
has a right upon you, your guest have a right upon you. ( Sahi

2. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) sent his companions to people to teach

Islam He advised them ”Facilitate religious matters to people and do
not make matters difficult . Obey each other and do not differ
amongst each other”.

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