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METU Mechanical Engineering Department

ME 485 Computational Fluid Dynamics using Finite Volume Method

Fall 2021 (Dr. Sert)
Homework 4 – Due Date: 02/01/2022, 23:59 (Upload it to ODTU Class as a PDF file)

Read the WARNINGS given in the last page of Hw 1 before starting to work on this homework.

Q1. Download the last three tutorials and study them carefully. If there are any unclear parts, steps that you could
not follow, steps in which ANSYS did not behave in the way described in the tutorial documents or if you notice
any mistakes/typos, take notes about them and submit them as an answer to this question. They will help me
correct and improve the tutorial for the coming semesters. Otherwise answer this question by writing “Everything
was clear and I did not notice any mistakes”.

Q2. The problem in the 6th tutorial is solved as steady. However, it is also possible to find unsteady simulations of
this problem in the literature, as seen in the following videos.

Solve the 2D version of this problem as unsteady, i.e. perform URANS simulations, and generate a video similar
to the one shown above. You can create multiple videos if you want. Be creative and try to generate nice looking

 First perform a solution with first order implicit time discretization. Provide the time step size you used (give
details/comparisons if you try different values) and explain how you selected it.

 Next perform a solution with second order implicit time discretization. Provide the time step size you used
(give details/comparisons if you try different values) and explain how you selected it.

Provide Cd monitoring graphs and compare the Cd values with that obtained in the steady 2D simulation of the
tutorial. Discuss.

Note: If you want, you can change with the mesh as you wish, but report what you did if you do so.

Q3. The lower rear parts of road vehicles are usually inclined upwards as shown at the end of Tutorial 6. Modify
the 3D Ahmed Body model to put such a slant part on the lower surface. Use slant angles of 5o, 10o, 15o and 20o.
Fix the length of the slant surface at 0.222 m, same as the slant surface used on the top. Compare the streamlines
of each case with each other and with that of the original 3D solution. Plot the variation of Cd with the bottom
slant angle including the original “zero angle” solution. Discuss the effect of this change on the aerodynamics of
the vehicle. Visualize the flow fields as necessary and provide the resulting images/videos to support your

Note: If you want, you can change the mesh as you wish, but report what you did if you do so. If you have access
to a non-student version of ANSYS and want to use a finer mesh, you can do so. But report this clearly, if you do

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