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Tillama, Ernie S.
GENTREP - The Entrepreneurial Mind

PERSONAL VALUES DISCOVERY: As a Louisian Engineer, determine your ten (10) personal
values that are significant in making entrepreneurial decisions that help bring positive societal
changes during this challenging and changing times. Rank them as to importance then write
them in the boxes provided.
20 points

1. Trustworthy 3. Reliable 5. Honest 7. Resourceful 9. Respectful

2. Hardworking 4. Flexible 6. Generous 8. Practical 10.Good listener

2.Of these ten values, which is the most important for your entrepreneurial decision making?
Elucidate your reasoning in not more than 150 words.
For me, trust is the most important in my entrepreneurial decision making. Trust is an
indispensable part of the marketing effort as the company grows. Trust, which reliability,
compassion, and gentleness, permits the entrepreneur to overcome mistrust, selfishness, and
ruthlessness as the company deals with employees and customers

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