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We Make Your Dreams True..!

After analyzing the market our ad agency found some lacking of RADHUNI brand
which is creating barriers to grab a substantial market share for this brand. These
problems are -

 People of our country still think that this type of ready mix spice will not
give them that taste what they could have from the powdered spice which
they make manually.
 The Consumers are exposed to ads given by some other companies.


 In resolving this problem we need to develop a creative and effective ad

which should be focusing on the attitude of the consumers and change it
accordingly by assuring more benefit from that of traditional VANGANO
MASALA. If we can build an ad which contains a massage, through that
people can understand this product will meet their demand and this brand
will give them more than what they can get from the traditional VANGANO

 We have to make an ad which must be more creative and more effective

then the competitors. In this way we can attract our target consumers and
make them aware about our brand.



As we have said RADHUNI has successfully made the awareness. Almost every
one of our target consumers knows the brand and they mention the name of
RADHUNI when they are asked. So our advertising objective should be such so
that people prefer to have our brand. We have come to know that a major threat

We Make Your Dreams True..!

in the powdered spice business is the perception of consumers toward packet

powered spice. People think it is not as better as VANGANNO MASALA. So
trough the advertisement we need to change the consumers’ perception about
the packet powered spice. We should be encouraging the consumers switching
to our brand by changing their perception.

As RADHUNI has very good quality and pure powdered spice which is very easy
to use anyone can use it for cooking a tasty food. Our target consumers are
middle and upper class women of urban areas. Who are very conscious about
the taste of their food and also very quality conscious. And this people always
prefer to use traditional VANGANO MASALA. They think that no packet
powdered spice can give them as good as their VANGANO MASALA can give.
On the other hand they also think this brand powdered spice is very expensive.

So in this case we need to focus our brand’s features which can change this
perception of our target consumers.

According to us the unique selling proposition of our brand is PURITY. Which

ensures our target consumers fresh and quality products through which people
can have tasty food. We also need focus that it takes very less amount of spice
to cook tasty food.
Through the below slogan we can position our product and send the massage
which our target consumers wants to hear -


Through this tagline we want to say that, if one uses RADHUNI to cook ones
food it will take very less quantity and time to prepare a testy food.

We Make Your Dreams True..!

Target Market

Our target market is middle and upper class women who live in urban area and
who cook their food in home by themselves. Who are very conscious about the
taste of their food and very conscious about the product’s quality also.
Our target market comprises of women in job, housewives. The majority of them
do not read newspaper. Only a few reads newspaper especially those who are
having a good job. Our target markets usually do not get that much time to watch
TV. They usually watch some selective programs which include Drama, Movie
and so on. Therefore we have to be very selective in selecting the media and
while selecting TV we have to be selective enough to fix time to give ad.

A cooking contest is going on. There are five contestants who will compete with
each other. Here he judge is very serious and very strict person.

Then the judge request to the competitors to start cooking. All the contestant use
regular powdered spice for cooking their food but one of these five contestants is
use RADHUNI powdered spice for cook her food. After finishing their cooking the
judge started to taste all the foods.

The judge went to first participant for testing her food and after testing her food
he become very upset about the test of that food. Then he went to another
participant for testing her food and he found that this is very bad in taste also
then he also becomes annoyed. In this way when he tastes all four participant’s
food he lost his patient and he is no more interested to test the fifth one’s food.
He will not test that food any way. After a lot argument the judge decided to test
the fifth one’s food and he taste that and he found that this food is delicious and it

We Make Your Dreams True..!

taste is best then all others. Then he announces the fifth participant number one.
Whose food was made by RADHUNI powdered spice.

So if you want to make your food tasty and delicious then must use RADHUNI
powdered spice for cooking your food. This always promises you purity, tasty
foods and easier use.


One day a mother was engage in blending spice (chili). At that time her baby was
crying, so she came to her baby to stop his crying, As she come in hurry she
forgot to wash her hand. When she took her baby and the spice which were
melted to her hand create problem with the baby and the baby started crying
At that time if the woman were using RADHUNI READY SPICE then she would
not have such problem. She can easily cook testy food without any hassle by
using RADHUNI powered spice.

Other information

Analyze the Market

Establish Media

Develop Media
We Make Your Dreams True..!


RADHUNI’s mind share, heart share, and market share are in the highest
position in its industry. ”RADHUNI” has successfully made awareness build up.
Almost everyone mentioned the name of “RADHUNI” when they are asked to
name a brand of this kind. “RADHUNI” has just finished its introduction stage in
the product life cycle (PLC) and it is now at the beginning of the growth stage in
As RADHUNI is leader in the market, it has a high growth rate and its relative
market share is also high.
“RADHUNI” is leading the market with a variety of products. “RADHUNI” has
almost every items of cooking starting from turmeric powder to spicy mixed
powder for meat, fish, chotpoty, halim, kheer, and even pachforon.

Though “RADHUNI” has got some competitors in spicy powder like chilly powder
but it has got a relatively competitive advantage in mixed powder with one or two
competitors. These competitors have a little share here and there in the country.
And they are not that much strong either. One of such competitors is ‘Ideal’.

“RADHUNI” has got a competitive advantage over its competitors through proper
utilization of the promotion mix. While the major competitors are spending a lot in
TV ads, they are doing a little for sales promotion and so on. Whereas
“RADHUNI” constantly giving incentives to wholesalers and retailers. Only a
company gave a minor incentive to wholesalers and retailers in the month of
Today understanding customer is crucial, but it is not enough. Companies gain
competitive advantage by satisfying target consumer needs better than
competitors do. Therefore it is important to know the competitors, their strengths
and weakness and also the strategies of the competitors. First comes the
competitors’ analysis or identifying competitors.

We Make Your Dreams True..!

At the narrowest level, there are a number of competitors competing in the

market these are;

 BD

At a wider range of competition, the brand is challenged by local spice shop. It

has been found that this type of producers altogether grab a substantial amount
of market share. And it has achieved so much market share only on the basis of
people’s tradition to consume spicy powder. And people’s attitude toward spicy
powder led them to have a strong position in the market.

Though the market has already got some competitors, “RADHUNI” is doing quite
fine in the market. This has been possible through its strong reputation for quality
and trust. But the situation has challenged the new entrants while the existing
firms are having hardship to increase or grab market share.
Many companies are not getting the market share because of their poor
distribution coverage, advertising, sales promotion and so on.
Competitors pricing are relatively low compare to “RADHUNI”.

We have analyzed the market in order to develop a media plan we have to set
the media objective and then the strategy to achieve the objective and this
information should be organized into the media plan.

We Make Your Dreams True..!

Our media objective is to reach to our target consumer and to change their
perception and switch to our brand. We therefore choose media which will
convey this massage effectively and efficiently.

We will go for heaviest advertisement in the forthcoming 1 year period. After that
we will concentrate on public relations and publicity.

Since our media objective is set, now we should choose the media. Which media
will be the most effective to position our brand.


Since our target market is women of upper and middle class in urban areas and
since they are scattered in different parts of the country the best way to reach
them by giving ads on TV. Moreover this is the best way to attract consumers to
our brand through a creative advertisement. We will be able to grab the attention
of the consumers by using different senses. It is very important to touch the
hearts of the consumers in consumer products like RADHUNI. The ad should be
creative enough which can attract and retain consumers and which consumers
remember forever.

Adding and giving more benefits to consumers is a way of delighting them and
make them to be loyal to the brand in terms of competition. It suggests that we
care for our consumers and other concern stakeholders as well.

The reason why we have ranked TV first is it because it is more important for us
to reach our target market at the same time to fulfill our objective. As our target
market is large and may be newspaper is not going to be an effective media to
reach them. So we have decided to make our target consumer informed about
any kind of change, gift, and discount. We will let them know by sales promotion

We Make Your Dreams True..!

comes later because at first we have to reach our target market then to make
them satisfied and to retain them we must use sales promotion.


Our target market is generally the urban women with sound income. Most of our
target markets are educated. They are having jobs in different organizations.
They usually read newspaper. The main advantage of newspaper is the high
degree of market coverage. It can cover a high area at a comparatively low cost.
Moreover women are not the customer of this product because most of the cases
male persons buy this sort of product for home. Women are the ultimate
consumers who are going to use this product. But no matter what is the case
females have an influential role to affect the purchase decision. On the other
hand the men should have some sorts of awareness regarding the brands in the
markets to make the purchase decision. Moreover newspaper provides flexibility
to the advertiser that means it requires a very little time to prepare a newspaper
ad. Also we can set or change the shape, color, sizes and formats of our ad
frequently. Everyone has some special place in their newspaper for specific
products. For our brand which is “RADHUNI” most appropriate place is the part
of PROTHOM ALO which is known as NOKSHA. In NOKSHA there are some
places to give ads which can easily gain attention of the housewives because
housewives read NOKSHA most and as Friday is our holyday on this day we will
give our ad in the front page of PROTHOM ALO so that we can retain the
attention of men who usually purchase this sort of product. We choose “The Daily
Prothom Alo” newspaper for publishing our ad because this newspaper has the
highest sale in DHAKA city at present.


Giving ad in billboard is also very important to stay touch with our target market.
But in order of importance it comes in third position because we would be able to
perform our basic objective with out this. As a matter of fact billboard is important

We Make Your Dreams True..!

to keep in touch with consumers and to have a competitive advantage. As

women roam around the city for shopping and so on to be with us we must give
ads in those places. However we have to be very selective in giving ad in
billboard. We may give ad near the shopping centers in public places and so on.

Media Strategy

Media vehicle

In terms of TV ad our media vehicle will be BTV and Channel I and NTV. BTV is
our main media vehicle because we want to reach the urban territories of the
country and there are many places where cable TV connection is not available.
The reasons why we have selected the Channel I and NTV are a significant
number of people live in Dhaka and they are much more conscious. Most of them
are having cable TV connection and they are more likely to watch NTV and
Channel I for dramas and some women related TV shows.

Target Audience Coverage

We aim to achieve full market coverage but we are expecting to achieve the
maximum part of it.

Full Market

It is usual that some people will be away from the exposure so a small part will
remain uncovered.

We Make Your Dreams True..!

Scheduling Method
Ours is a consumer product the RADHUNI is having a short purchase cycle, so
media timing should be relatively high. That is why we are going to follow the
continuity scheduling method.

Reach and frequency

Factors that should be consider in determining the frequency

Brand History –

Our brand is a new brand but people have enough awareness about the brand.

Brand Share –

RADHUNI has got 55% market share. Which we have included detail in our
previous report. Which we got from a market survey.
Its relative market share is 55/10 = 5.5
Its growth is high. RADHUNI is on the star position in the BCG matrix.

Purchase and usage cycle –

Its purchase cycle is relatively short and its usage cycle is also very less.

Since RADHUNI has got short purchase cycle and it has got faced a competitive
situation from a number of competitors but its brand share is very high and
RADHUNI is leader among the entire powdered spice brand. So our frequency of
ad should be in between position.

So that our target markets do not get bored that’s why we must have massage
variation in the right time.

We Make Your Dreams True..!

Media Timing

Before and after News at 10pm and 8pm

Before some famous drama as a sponsor
Before Friday’s Bengali movie


Before news at 10:30 pm

Before some famous drama as a sponsor
Before “NARI”


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