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In the music classroom, communicating high expectations and fostering an environment where

students can be successful involves strategies that can be unique when compared to typical
classroom settings. To begin, I think it's essential to establish a strong foundation by
emphasizing the value of musical education and the potential for individual growth. This can be
achieved by regularly highlighting the importance of music as a means of self-expression,
cultural understanding, and cognitive development. I would openly express my belief in each
student's musical potential, emphasizing that with dedication and practice, they can excel in
their musical journey.

Clear and challenging learning objectives are critical in the music classroom. I would set high
standards for technical proficiency, musical interpretation, and creativity. Providing students
with a well-structured curriculum that gradually progresses in difficulty while offering regular
opportunities for practice and feedback will create a framework for their intrinsic motivation.
Furthermore, fostering a growth mindset is vital by encouraging students to view mistakes and
challenges as part of the learning process. I'd also celebrate musical achievements, both small
and large, during regular recitals or in-class performances to showcase the progress and hard
work of each student. By creating a supportive, inclusive, and positive classroom environment
where students feel comfortable taking risks and expressing themselves musically, intrinsic
motivation can flourish.

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