CH 2 Hydrolgy

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} | L ] ( \ ae = Analysis of Rainfall Data and - Abstractions from Precipitation 2.1 INTRODUCTION rainfall ata place can be completely described if its intensity, duration and frequency are known. The intensity of arainis the rate at which the rain is falling, the duration is the time for which the rain is falling with that intensity and frequency is the numberof times the rain falls, ‘The amount of precipitation which does not appear as run-offis known as losses or abstractions of precipitation or simply water losses ie. ‘water losses = (Total precipitation - run-off). The various losses which occur during or after the rainfall are: evaporation, transpiration, evapotranspiration or consumptive use, interception, infiltration and watershed leakage. In unit 1, you have studied the various methods of measurement of rainfall. In this unit, you will study the methods of presentation of rainfall data and analysis of the rainfall data for different purposes. In the abstractions of rainfall, you will study the methods of meastirement of losses of rainfall viz. evaporation, transpiration, evaporation, infiltration etc. 2.2 PRESENTATION OF RAINFALL DATA ‘The following are some of the com of rainfall data: (Point rainfall (@Hyetograph and Gil) Mass curve of rainfall (Point Rainfall: Point cainfall is also known as sition rainfall, it also fefers to the rainfall data of a station. In this case, ainfall at a place over a number of yeass is plotted asa bar graph between rainfall versus chronological time as shown in Figure 2.1. Such a plot however is not generally convenient fordepicting a trend in the rainfall due to wide variations of data in the consecutive ‘years. In order to depict a general trend in the rainfall pattern, the ave.ages of three or four consecutive years are taken by opsecrives ‘After studying this unit, you wl be able to: Calculate he fresuency and probability of storm fora given return period. Draw depth-area-duration curve Draw Intensity duration-frequency curve oleate the methods of calculating various losses of rainfall ee. UNITSTRUCTURE aa 2 a3 24 INTRODUCTION PRESENTATION OF RAINFALL DATA ANALYSIS OF RAINFALL DATA NORMAL ANNUAL RAINFALL AND INDEN OF WETNESS ABSTRACTIONS FROM PRECIPITATION FAQ UNSOLVED PROBLEMS, wi Progressively moving the group averaged. one year ata time Fiv exannle, fer 2.8 bears moving average curve, the average of first theee years of rainfall teken and ploted a the mid point ofthe last year in the group ce. 3 year abore {he ar graph. Por the next point, the valve of rainfall at firs station is omitted and average of rainfall values for 2, 3 and 4® years is tuken and the value so Shusined is plotted atthe mid-point of fourth year above the bar graph, The 3 year moving verage cure| — Time (year) Figure 2.1: Point representation of raint data and moving average curve Tyetograph: A byctograph is a bar graph showing the intensity of rainfall with eal done Shown in Figure 2.2, From hyetograph, maximus intensity of zainfall during a particular storm can be determined. This infoxsnation is required inthe design uf drainage project in the area and design of eulvens, Alte nce Under a hyetograph represents the total rainfall received in tht period > Intensity, cme oF (rm i i | | | iy Mass curve of rainfais Mass curve of rial mated depth inst Hine as shown at Piz ve, total depth period of time can be determined. A mass ‘cand may have some horizontal sections a plot of From the mass eu of rainfall of rainfall and its intensity at any curve of rainfall is always isi vhich indicate periods of no rainfall: _ and storm Periods ot Ie so rainfall Intensity, = BP/at —> rccurwiated depth Figure 2.3: Mass curve of rainfall 2.3 ANALYSIS OF RAINFALL DATA From the rainfall data, itis possible 10 find, reourence interval of a OTM, intensity- ddumtion- frequency elationship (IDF curves), depth-rea-duration relationship (DAD curves), ete 23.1 Recurrence Interval of a Storm By analysing the annual rainfall data ofa number of years eewnrenes interval of @ geen scrn also known as frequency of storm can be determine Recurrence interval re terval during which the storm of a given magnitude i ikely vo equal aa gal For example fone say tha aa given station, a rn OF 20 ey Ne 8 aaa rce interval F 5 yeats, it means that on this station, the chances i, PrObSDI ty reel are such that once in five YEAS Tan's ikely to equal or exceed 20cm. This aoeiirevmvean that a rain equal to 20 cin or more will occur after every Five years. ¢ may no! oveve at all for consecutive five years It may occur ewive in five years Tn hydrologic engineering applications he probability of occurrence of a particular tutegme event such as maximum rainfall, maximum discharge ete. at a given place is ‘euired, Such information may be obtained bythe frequency analysis of the anova tha series ie, a record of annual rainfall values for a number of years. The purpose fof frequency analysis of an annual series or data js to obtain a relationship between the magnitude ofthe event and its probability of exceedance. The following terminology is used in the frequency analysis: if P= probability of rainfall equaled or exceeded and “The probability thatthe rainfall may not occur ina given year is: Analysis of Ranft Data iyotogs end Grown Water The binomial dstrigution say be ws wut the rainfall tins in ssecessive 3 Chg” = Pg 2.2) For example, probability of raifali occurring 2 trmes inn successive years is 03) -Py 24) Probability of rainfall occuring 2 lest once in n successive years is 4 =1-0-Py 25) If T = Recurrence interval or return period, then ea P 2.6) Also if F = Frequency of the rainfall expressed at percent of time, then 1x 100% en T For example, fora storm of turn period 5 years, is frequency is 20 ‘The probability of occurrence of rainfall whose » career’ magnitude Cie. probability of an eveit equaled or exceeded) cae be calculated by using any one of the following three ewpitical for (a) Cali ia meitiod (>) Hazen's method and (©) Weibull’s method (2.8) According to Weibull's method moon P= : ins) 2 ‘This method is also known a plotting positon Formals fal number of years of record m= Number of times the given rainfall is equaled or exceeded and is known as ranking of the storm In all the above three methods; the first step is 0 range the data in the descending cuder (highest value atthe top and minimum value at the bottom). Next step to assign rank to each of these values. If @ particular value occors more than onc then the sim value of the rank in that series shouldbe given to these values of data ( oenvymber of times exceeded + number of times equalled). Then the probability of aceedance of any valve can bé calculated by using anyone of the above formulae. {Plotting position formule isthe most popular formulae for calculating the probability). Froin probability valves, recurrence interval can easily be calculated. The values of probability, Por the return period, Tand annoal rainfall are then plotted on a semi Jog raph paper with annval rainfall on normal scale 25 ordinals and probability, P or the Fetum period, T as abscissa on Tog sale as shown in Figure 2.4 Join best-fit straight Ti boapen these ploited points, thus as to obtain a frequency curve. From this frequency curve, desired information can be obtained -The analysis of annual data series here is described with respect 10 rainfall only, ccver the same is applicable to any oer random hydrological process such as prediction of maximam stream flow. itmay be noted that al the three methods given above give very close esti particularly in the central part of the plot and when the data is large. ‘est it straight line ~ a ~o a —— Provabilty Figuee 24: Probability analysis on semi log graph paper 2.32 Intensity-Duration-Frequency Relationship (IDF Curves) “The determination of rainfall intensity for different periods of rainfall during the storm is important for computing the runoff rate or runoff volume in small eatchments. Genetally rainfall intensity does not remain same throughout the storm period but varies from to time. Rainfall intensity isthe inverse function of rainfall duration ie. for Jonger rainfall duration, the rainfall intensity i tess and vice, versa Analysis of Rainfall Data and Abstractions from Precipianon seer he ni lr tos wns tins i 9 [rn nu se pte agaist he especie dation for» paca frequency. a graph kiown as intensity dation grap is obtained. This da ng any one of the bie used to determine the frequer z cies of the various rains by three empirical formulae for probability as descrihed earlier. A typical intensity-duration curve of a stonin of a given frequency is sho Figure 25 Figure 25: IDF curve fora givan frequency of a storm An TDF curve can be represented by an equation of the type: AT , ra of2.1) The latonsip ween tensity and aration may be expressed by the following equations A is 2.3ay uae in and 2.13(0)) i 2 ike ore where intensity of rain > Duration of rain T= Return pariod or frequency of rain A.B, Ky a, B and x are al constants for a given catchment. 2.3.3 Depth-A rei-Duration Relationship (DAD Curves) DAD carves express a relat onship between progressively decreasing of rainfatt ‘average depth Over a progressively increasing area ftom the center of the storm to the > ‘mame Sy Oe Nee ~. ‘ae oan, ard edges, fora given durition of rainfall. Rainfall rarely occurs uniformly oses a gad the average depth of rainfall decreases from the maximum a5 He wares naideved increases, The purpose of depth-area-daration (DAD) analysis of & fanicular storm i to determine the largest average depth of rainfall that il fal] ove) Pejous sizes of areas during the standard duration of time in hours or days, For tample, it may be required to determine the largest average depth of rainfall over 500 kro area in | day. DAD curve can be prepared from any isohyetal map of rainfall of the given duration by measuring the area associated with each isohyel. A graph is then plotted Perween the progressively increasing areas on x-axis and the corresponding decreasing avera8e depth of rainfall on y-axis. General shape of a DAD curve is shown in Figure 2.6 duration storms. Different such curves can be plotted for different ‘The equation of DA curve is ofthe following form: 2.11) pew ie: for rainfall of given duration, the average depth decreases with area in an txponeatial form. where = Average depth over an area A P, = Maximum rainfall atthe storm center K and a are constants for a given region. —— Area Figure 2.6 DAD curve for a particular duration of a storm Example 2.1 ‘The following data are recorded from a self-recording raingauge during a storm Time T = Tl [*|*]*]=|=[*[>|= ‘Accumulated a depth at the | 9 | 10.2 | 208 | 33 | 472) 55.8 | 64 | 71.6 | 788 | 85.4 | 94.1 end of period (mm). _ sss curve (by hyetopraph fe) raxiznuin dept data, prepare (a) Prot the how we nl (d) maximum intensity-duration enrve, tion curse Solution ‘The compntations are shown in . Table E24 Table F.2 JTable E 2.2 and Table F 2.3. 658 108 9.38: Ceara 11.98 one 7.46. 13.56 0.78 7.88 15.04 [ore . 8 at 1642 066" - 30 | 941 3795 _ 0.87: Table £ 2.2 Time [Aceumulated] “ : log (f,- 1) Figure 2.9: Determination of constant k

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