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CSU_07319 &ITU_07319:

Multimedia files are always large in size and this is a challenge when you are preparing images for web.
In this lab exercise you are given the following:
i. A YouTube link to learn how you can simply reduce the file size in Photoshop
ii. An image to work with in Photoshop


a) Reduce the Image size to70% of the original image and observe how it looks like
b) Reduce the Image size to30% of the original image and observe how it looks like
c) Compare the resulting images (a) and (b) and explain the differences on the two
d) Explain the importance of reducing image size for web application
e) Explain the disadvantages of reducing image size


a) When image reduced to size of to 70% of the original image it looks like this
From above picture it looks like it has been changed from its original shape since it looks like some
details has been lost especially small details from original picture.

b) When image reduced to 30% from original image it looks like this

From above picture when it reduced to 30% from original picture it looks like reduction is more drastic,
leading to a great loss of fine details, image might appear more pixilated, and some features could be
less recognizable

c) When compare images result when reduced to 30% and 70% it indicates the differences as
Sharper appearance: when image reduced to 70% image will be smaller and some details might
become less pronounced but it may still retain a reasonable level of clarity
When image reduced to 30% it leads to great loss of fine details, the image might appear more
pixilated and some features could be less recognizable

d) The following are importances of reducing images

1. Faster transmission due to small size of picture and reduction of some details and also saving
2. Storage efficiency due to smaller images it takes up less disk space which is crucial for
devices with limited storage capacity
3. Improve rendering on certain devices or platforms, smaller images may render more
efficiently, avoiding performance less.

d) Disadvantages of reducing images

1. Loss of details especially small details which have been shown to original picture
2. Color Distortion due to resizing can impact color accuracy, leading to shift in colors or loss
of vibrancy
3. When resizing images, it essential to strike a balance between reducing file size and
maintaing acceptable visual quality, considering the specific use case and requirement

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