Snow Whit1

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Snow White

Narrator: In a kingdom, there lived a princess named Snow White. Her beauty was
unparalleled, but it was her kind and loving heart that made her more special than her
captivating appearance. Snow White's life was filled with goodness, yet also deep
challenges. Her story unfolds with themes of love, magic, and the battle between good and
evil. Let us witness how Snow White's fate intertwines in a series of magical events and how
true love can overcome the darkness threatening the kingdom. Enjoy the adventure that takes
us to a world full of magic and enchantment, where goodness will always shine bright amid
the darkness.

King: (with a smile) Good morning, Snow White. How are you today?

Snow White: (cheerful) Good morning, Father. Today is bright and beautiful.

Meanwhile, outside the palace window, the Evil Queen, always envious of Snow White's
beauty, listened attentively.

Evil Queen: (sniffing) Magic Mirror, tell me who is the fairest woman in the world.

Magic Mirror: (coldly) Your Majesty, Snow White's beauty surpasses all in the kingdom.

The Evil Queen smiled cunningly, plotting something wicked in her heart.

Narrator: The envious Evil Queen returned to her chambers, contemplating her evil plan to
destroy Snow White.

Evil Queen: (sighs) Unacceptable! Snow White's beauty infuriates me. I must stop her!

The Evil Queen then approached her magic mirror to seek answers.

Evil Queen: (taunting) Magic Mirror, who is the fairest in the kingdom?

Magic Mirror: Your Majesty, Snow White's beauty remains unparalleled throughout the

Evil Queen: (angry) Impossible! She must be eliminated from this life. (smirking) My
servants will assist me.

The Evil Queen ordered her servant to bring Snow White and her heart.

Evil Queen: (sharply) Go, take her heart, and bring it to me!

Servant: Yes, Your Majesty.

Narrator: The unfortunate servant heard the wicked command and felt conflicted.
Servant: (whispering to self) How can I do something so horrifying? But I fear the Queen's

However, a braver servant, with a strong conscience, approached their colleague.

Brave Servant: We cannot do this. Killing Snow White is a great sin!

Fearful Servant: (afraid) But the Evil Queen will be furious if we don't follow her orders.

Brave Servant: (determined) I have an idea. Let's save Snow White without endangering her.
I've heard about deer hearts that can be used as a substitute.

Fearful Servant: (hesitant) But what if the Queen finds out?

Brave Servant: We must hide the truth from her. Snow White must not become a victim.

Narrator: They planned to save Snow White and replace her heart with a deer's heart.

Narrator: The brave servant with a strong conscience decided to speak directly to Snow
White, who was strolling in the palace garden.

Brave Servant: (whispering) Snow White, you must leave! The Queen wants to harm you.

Snow White: (surprised) What? Why does the Queen want to hurt me?

Brave Servant: (revealing the plan) She wants to take your heart, but we won't let it happen.
We'll replace it with a deer's heart.

Snow White: (understanding) I cannot let you do this for me.

Brave Servant: (resolute) You must escape, Snow White. Far away from this kingdom. Go to
the forest, and may you remain safe.

Narrator: Snow White agreed to the plan and prepared to escape from the palace.

However, the fearful servant, lurking from a distance, approached the brave servant.

Fearful Servant: (scared) What are you doing? We must not defy the Queen's orders!

Brave Servant: (speaking courageously) I cannot help harm an innocent princess. If it means
disobeying orders, I am ready to take responsibility.

Narrator: While Snow White escaped into the forest, the brave servants continued to hide the
truth from the Evil Queen. They tried to make her believe that they had successfully carried
out her orders.

Fearful Servant: (lying) Snow White has left the palace, Your Majesty. We successfully took
her heart, as you wished.
Evil Queen: (smiling with satisfaction) Excellent. You have shown loyalty worthy of

Brave Servant: (whispering to fearful servant) We must remain cautious. Don't let the Evil
Queen discover the truth.

Narrator: Meanwhile, the Evil Queen decided to check her magic mirror once again, unaware
that Snow White was still alive and happy.

Evil Queen: (taunting) Magic Mirror, who is the fairest in the kingdom now?

Magic Mirror: Your Majesty, after Snow White's departure, you are now the fairest woman
in the entire realm.

Evil Queen: (content) Good. Everything is going according to plan.

Narrator: The Evil Queen felt secure with the false belief that Snow White had left the
kingdom, while the brave servants continued to save the princess.

Narrator: In her effort to escape the threat of the Evil Queen, Snow White entered a dense
forest and eventually found an abandoned house.

Snow White: (catching her breath) Ah, this house looks deserted. Maybe I can rest here for a

Narrator: Despite the messy state of the house, Snow White enthusiastically decided to clean
it while singing joyfully.

Snow White: (singing) "Hi, ho, hi, ho, who lives in here? Clean this house with love so

Narrator: Meanwhile, in the nearby mine, the dwarfs were busy working, unaware of the
unexpected guest in their house.

Dwarf 1: (digging) Keep working, friends! We need to gather as much gold today!

Dwarf 2: (wondering) Why does it feel like something magical is happening today?

Dwarf 3: (joking) Perhaps the wizard elves are giving our mine a magical touch!

Narrator: In the dwarfs' house, Snow White continued to clean and rearrange everything with
love and cheer.

Snow White: (smiling) I hope the homeowners don't mind. I just want to give back for their


Dwarf 1: It's time to go home, everyone. Time to return!

Narrator: They tidied up all their work and sang while returning home.

Narrator: While Snow White continued to clean the dwarfs' house, the dwarfs working in the
mine eventually discovered her presence.

Dwarf 4: (surprised) What's happening here? Our house is shining clean!

Dwarf 5: (puzzled) Who did this? We must find out!

Dwarf 6: (joking) Maybe we have a housekeeping elf!

Narrator: The dwarfs hurriedly searched for who had cleaned their house, eager to find the
unexpected guest.

Dwarf 1: (astonished) Wow, our house is now clean and tidy!

Dwarf 2: (laughing) Maybe we have a housekeeping fairy!

BRUGG (Dwarf 7 stumbled and fell)

All Dwarfs: SHUTTT!

Dwarf 7: SHUTT (pointing to the floor)

Dwarf 2: Let's check the rooms!

Narrator: How surprised they were to find a beautiful girl sleeping in their beds. Suddenly,
Snow White woke up from her nap.

Snow White: (yawning) Hi, I'm Snow White. I hope you don't mind what I did. I just wanted
to help!

Narrator: Snow White smiled gently at the dwarfs, who realized that this unexpected guest
had magically touched their house.

Dwarf 3: (grateful) Thank you, Snow White! We're very grateful for your help!

Dwarf 4: (cheerful) You can stay with us!

Narrator: Despite the initial confusion, the dwarfs happily welcomed Snow White as a new
member of their family.

Narrator: Days passed, and Snow White led a happy life with the dwarfs. They learned from
each other, shared stories, and spent time together.

Snow White: (grateful) Thank you, dwarfs, for accepting me into this home.

Dwarf 5: (joyful) You bring joy and goodness here, Snow White.

Dwarf 6: (smiling) We're glad to have a friend like you!

Narrator: Meanwhile, in the palace, the Evil Queen once again questioned her magic mirror,
unaware that Snow White was alive and well.

Evil Queen: (taunting) Magic Mirror, who is the fairest in the kingdom?

Magic Mirror: Your Majesty, Snow White's beauty surpasses all others.

Evil Queen: (angry) How can this be?! I must get rid of Snow White forever!

Narrator: The Evil Queen planned a new deceitful scheme to eliminate Snow White.

Meanwhile, Snow White and the dwarfs planned a small party at their home to celebrate
their friendship.

Snow White: (cheerful) Come, let's celebrate our togetherness with a little party!

Dwarf 1: (nodding) Sounds good! We can sing and dance!

Narrator: The small party began, accompanied by joyful laughter and cheerful music in the
dwarfs' house. They united their hearts in happiness.

Narrator: While Snow White and the dwarfs celebrated their friendship, the Evil Queen
devised a cunning plan. She disguised herself as an old woman selling apples.

Narrator: While the dwarfs were back at the mine, the disguised Evil Queen approached
Snow White, who was about to enjoy the apple she was given.

Evil Old Woman: (enticing) Would you like an apple? It's special for you. Tastes so sweet.

Snow White: (smiling) Thank you, ma'am. I really appreciate it.

Snow White took a small bite from the apple, unaware of the danger lurking.

After some time, the dwarfs returned from the mine and were shocked to find Snow White
lying unconscious on the floor.

Dwarf 1: (shocked) What happened here? Snow White!

Dwarf 2: (panicking) She's unconscious! What should we do?

Evil Old Woman: (pretending concern) Oh, no! How did this happen?

Narrator: The dwarfs were in a panic and confusion, trying their best to awaken the lifeless
Snow White.

Dwarf 3: (full of worry) Snow White, wake up!

Dwarf 4: (fearful) What happened? Why isn't she responding?

Evil Old Woman: (disguised as an old woman, pretending concern) Oh, no! How could this
Narrator: While the dwarfs tried to save Snow White, the Evil Queen, disguised as an old
woman, observed from a distance, smiling with satisfaction at her successful plan.

Evil Queen: (disguised) Finally, Snow White will never wake up again!

Narrator: In despair and panic, the dwarfs saw a handsome prince hunting in the nearby

Dwarf 1: (shouting) Prince! Help us!

Prince: (approaching) What happened? Why are you all so panicked?

Dwarf 2: Snow White, the king's daughter, she's unconscious! We don't know what to do!

Narrator: The prince quickly understood the emergency and followed the dwarfs to their

Prince: (examining Snow White) What happened to her?

Dwarf 3: Someone gave her an apple, and since then, she hasn't awakened!

Prince: (acting swiftly) I will try to help. (checking Snow White)

Narrator: The prince attempted various ways to wake up Snow White. He checked her
heartbeat, looking for signs of life.

Prince: (praying) Wake up, Snow White. You're not alone.

Dwarf 4: (praying) Please, Snow White, wake up!

Narrator: While the dwarfs anxiously awaited, the prince noticed a change in Snow White.

Prince: (hopeful) Look, her heartbeat is returning to normal!

Dwarf 5: (relieved) Snow White, wake up!

Dwarf 6: (smiling) She's waking up!

Narrator: Snow White, feeling the warmth and love around her, woke up. She was grateful
for still being alive and surrounded by caring friends.

Prince: You've been through a tough time, Snow White. But now, you're safe.

Snow White: (smiling) Thank you, everyone. I'm so fortunate to have friends as wonderful
as you all.

The prince, sensing love at first sight with Snow White, decided to marry her.

Narrator: One day, the prince and Snow White held a beautiful wedding in the palace. People
from various parts of the kingdom gathered to celebrate their sincere love.
Palace Priest: I hereby declare you husband and wife. May you find happiness throughout
your lives!

Happiness flowed around them, and the kingdom was filled with laughter and smiles.
However, in the shadows, the Evil Queen was plotting her final attack.

Evil Queen: (angrily) This cannot end like this! I must destroy them!

With her dark powers, the Evil Queen attempted to attack the palace. Yet, the power of love
from the prince and Snow White formed an invincible shield.

Snow White: (confidently) Together, Prince, our love is stronger than any darkness.

Prince: (holding Snow White's hand) Together, we are unbeatable.

The Evil Queen grew angrier as she couldn't penetrate the shield. However, her own evil
powers bounced back onto her.

Evil Queen: (screaming) This is not fair!

In desperation, the Evil Queen was defeated by her own powers. Simultaneously, the
darkness that loomed over the kingdom slowly faded away.

Prince: Our love has overcome evil. Now, let's build a bright future together.

Narrator: With the defeat of the Evil Queen, the kingdom returned to peace and happiness.
The prince and Snow White wisely led the kingdom, while goodness and love wove through
the threads of everyday life.

The end.

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