Savage Tide - Adventure Path - Adventure 6

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Li htless
eep beneath the Isle of Dread , in a place forgotte n by th e world ofl ight, an anci en t,

D unfathom able evil festers. With in the d esiccated ru in known as Golismorga, the
de based kopru servant s ofDemogorgon work foul rites, steeping immature shadow
pearls in pits of liq uid in san ity. None from the world above have yet fatho me d wha t ter rors
lurk ben eath the lsle of D read , nor what m ad scheme roil s to profan e life deep within the
city's gangrenous corpse.
"Th e Light less Depths" is the sixt h chapte r of the Savage T ide Adven tu re Path, a com plete
cam paign consisting of 1 2 advent u res appear ing in D UNG EO N m agazine. For ad d itio na l aid
in run ning this cam paign, ch eck out D R_4 G O N magazine's m ont hlyvSavage Tid in gs" art icles,
a series tha t helps players and OMs prepare for an d expand u pon the cam paign . D RAGON
#353 feature s ways to improve the pes' vessel, the Sea Wyvern, as th ey take their adventu r es
back to the seas.
T he pe s shou ld he n th level when they hegin "T he Ligh tless Dep th s/' Th ey shoo ld gain
enough experience to advance to rath by the time th ey reach Golismo rga, an d to i jth by the
end ofthe advent ure .




ens laved shoc k troops harvested from gon. Th ro ugh the m, the dem on prince
the depths belo w the isle, th e Olmans can harnes s the power of the Elder Evils,
need ed time to harvest, hunt, and replen- using it to fortifyand strengthen his seeds
ish th eir numbers. A war of attrition was ofdestru ction.
one they would event ually lose. To pre-
vent this , they gathered their most pow- Adventure Synopsis
erful spellcasters and set them to work After lear ning th at th e Crimson Fleet
creat ing a weapon capable of ending the has been purchasin g shadow pearls from
assaul t in a singfe decisive blo w. After troglodyte s on the north sho re of the Isle
weeks of franti c research, they created of Dread, the PCs venture forth to put
some thing th ey could use against their an end to the shadolv pearl pr oduction .
insc ru table enemies- TIaloc'sTea r. Upon arrivi ng , they d iscover that the
Their cre ation came not a moment tro glod ytes are merely a front for more
too soon. The Olma ns gathered a group sinister subterran ean forces. Venturing
of th eir fin est warri ors and prie sts and bel ow with the help of a rel uctant tro g-
sent them with TIaloe's Tear into alien lodyte guide, th e characters pass through
Goli srno rga . where the wrat h of the the ancient Olman ward known as the
rain god would d rive from the abo leth Cer ulean Curtain, designed to hold back
city the on e thing th ey cou ld not live th e water th at would rel ease th e abo-
withou t -water . All kn ew it to be a leth s from hib ernatio n. From th ere, the
suicide mi ssion, and the fero city of this par ty takes its ease in a town of inbred
fina l pus h surprised the aboleths long mongrelfolk befor e j ourneying farther,
en ough for th e few survivi ng Olman s making the ir first contact with an abo-
Adventure Backgroond to reach th e sub merged city and tri gger leth in a long- forgott en Olman temple.
Ages ago, the Olman empire span ned the Tear. In an instant, the device tore a Im prisoned b y the kopru in a pool of
vast reaches of the voh oun Ocean and ho le be tween the Material Plane and the co nj ured water, thi s abo leth in form s
the contine nts to eithe r side. Per hap s Olm an afterli fe, releasin g the raw energy them that the only way to sto p the shadow
their greates t achievement was the city ofcenturies ofangry spirits and infusing pearl op er ation is to destroy th e Ceru -
ofThanaclan , a masterpiece oflakes an d them with T laloc's wrath . Th e result ing lean Curtain, flood ing Golismorga and
stone ziggurats built high on a remote explo sion pu she d all th e water from freeing the aboleth to take revenge on
islan d's cent ral mesa. The y were a wise the city, laying waste to buildi ng s and th eir usurpers. To do so the party m ust
and powerfu l peo ple, with abili tie s far abolet h alike. When the wave reach ed pus h fur the r, int o the very heart of the
beyond their current descendan ts. its apex it froze, holding back the sea enemy city. Th ere, th ey m ust distract the
Ye t even before the Olmans arriv ed, and leaving Colismorga bone-dry. The kopru guard ians by destroyin g TIaloc's
the island was home to an empire olde r su rviving abo leth . h elple ss ou tside of Tear, flood ing th e city and allowing the m
an d greater than their own. Far below their element and unwilling to further to assault th e kopru lead er at the seat of
the surface, in dark places uns een by test the limits of th e rain god's power, his power.
hum an eyes, a su bme rged men ace aband oned Golismorga and returned to
woke to their pr esen ce. In the city of the dep th s of the sea. Adventure Hooks
Golismorga, the aboleth took affront to Over th e cent urie s, the surface world Working off of intelli gence gained from
the human enc roac hment above , and forgot the slumbering menace. Stories of shi p logs and pirates captured in the final
sent an ens laved army up th rough the the great aboleth war were superceded by attack on the colony.the PCs learn that th e
tun nels and waterways in to the he art of legend s ofthe island's savage transfo nna- Crimso n Fleet has been bu ying shadow
Thanaclan itself Contact, when it came, tion as an entirely separate catastrophe pearls from a m ysterious group called the
was swift and blood y, but though the stru ck Thanaclan. In the silent subterra- "Lord s of Dread." This group is located
Olm an s were in itiall y taken by surp rise, nean city, the kop rus ofthe surroun ding in a secluded bay on the north shore of
they were not defeated . Fightin g for thei r ocean mo ved in and capitalized on the the island. Natu rally concerned about the
lives, every man and child took up arms aboleth's mi sfortune, att em pting with thre at ofthese artifacts, Lavinia urges the
again st waves ofskum that em erged from lim ited success to extract the city's alien PCs to contact these "Lord s of Dread ,"
below, sta unch ing the flow wh erever secre ts for their own aggrandizeme nt. determine their role in the produ ction
it em erged. Now, after cent u ries offailed attem pts to of the shadow pearls, and. if possible, end
For all th eir resilience, the Olman contac t th e unknowable abo leth patrons , the production ofthe dangerous weapons
leaders kn ew that they co uld n't ho ld ent iti es known as the Elde r Evils, the once and for all.
ou t fore ver. Unlike the abolet hs, with ko prus ha ve fina lly ma de progres s, If you're no t ru nn ing th is adventure as
their seem ingly inexhau stib le sup ply of thanks to the patronage of Dem ogor- part of the Savage Tide Advent ure Path ,


there are still several ways to involve your Idols are deadlier than tho se waiting for long before Lavinia hears th e tales her -
pes in the action. Instead of a demonic th em in the aboleth ruins ofGolismorga. self and requests the PCs join her for a
plot, the shadow pearls mig ht be par t of a so you sho uld do your best to subt ly morning meal.
kopru plan to wipe the island's surface encourage the PCs to head down before vanderbo ren Manor is one ofthe larg-
clean ofsentien t races, or a sacrifice nec- they head up. est an d mos t lavishl y appo inted homes
essary to gain th e favor ofthe Elder Evi ls. in Farshore. Rivaled onl y by Lord Mera-
Even if you wish to avoid the shadow PART ONE: NEGOTIATING vanchi's Estate , the whitewashe d man -
pearls altogether, th e in herent lure of a WITH MONSTERS sion's two-story height is crowned by a
lost subte rra nean city filled with ancient Having survived the wrath of the Crim- small dome set with stained-glass win -
an d alien secret s might be enough to son Fleet, the peopl e of Farshore are dows that depi ct sailing ships and fair
per suade PCs to venture below. slowly putting their lives back together. seas. Within, much of the h ouse re mains
Finally, keep in mind tha t although this Th e pe s can take this oppo rtunity to unu sed, d usty gray sheets covering fine
adven ture appears chro nologically before ind ulge in some well-deserved rest, do furniture and artwork in all the rooms
"City of Broken Idols" in the Savage T ide some magical craft ing, ingratiate them- except the kitchen , d ining hall, Lavinia's
Adventu re Path , there's no reason the pes selves with the locals by helping in the qu arters, and the room s she's invited the
need to tackle the alien dep ths below the colony's reconstruction , or perhaps even PCs to occup y. Having taken up the reins
Isle of Dread before they travel to the take on a side quest or two. D UNGEO N # 143 as Farsho re's leader, Lavini a has spent
central plateau and explore the ruin s of details n umerous possibili ties for adven- litt le tim e seeing to her personal affairs.
Thanaclan . Pr od uction of the shad01v ture in and around the Isle ofDread, and Reali zing th e impact the colon ists'
pearls occurs at both sites, and in orde r to any enco unt ers left unu sed from "Tides unease might have on her control over
permanently shu t them down, both need of Dread" are a good place to start. The Far sh o re, Lavini a has no in tention of
to be disru pted. Ofcourse, the challenges advent ure tim eline is fluid at this point; letti ng th e people dwell on fancifu l con -
that await th e PCs in th e City of Broken give the PCs as long as they need to settle spi racies and rumored faul ts. To th at
in to life at Farshore. end , she has a sim ple breakfast of toast,
In the wake of the coffee, and boiled turtle eggs prepare d,
Crimson Flee t assault, over which she descri bes her latest mis-
Excerpt from the Brine Harlot's Log- n umerous rumors have sio n to the PCs.
sp read th rough Far -
sh ore. The de ath of "In the past hours I'vediscovered that Far-
Lavini a vanderboren's shore wasn't the only victim of the pirates'
brother Vanthu s, hi s attac k-it seems that my personal repu-
invol vem ent with the tat ion also took a bit of fire. The people
Crimson Fleet, and his of Earshore have see n too much panic
demonic natu re are all and death und er my leade rship, and the
tales th at has been told appearance of the pirates and Van- ,"
and exaggerated again Lavinia chokes on the name, and takes a
and again. In th e wake moment to steady herself before ccnt inu-
of the se sto ries, so me ing, "-the pirates and my brother startled
ha ve co m e to q ues- them. Nowsome of the colonists claim that
tio n Lavinia 's right to my family is cursed, while ot hers whisper
lead the people of the that I somehow orchest rated the attack."
colony, and whi sp ers Lavinia takes a sip of her tea, then con-
of a hidden fiendi sh tin ues. "Although it aggr avates me after
taint in her soul and all we've been t hrough , I won't allow
t ies to the Crimson a few rumors to discourage me from
Flee t g row stro ng er my work here. Part of me even unde r-
every week.Thi s slan- sta nds t he peop le's conce rns, and I'd
der is fueled in large like to do what I can to d issuad e their
part by no t-so-se cret fears. This would be where you come in."
whi sp er s from the "Along the no rth coast of the isle, a
Meravan chi s, yet it d ragon turt le of giga ntic proport ions
still ero des Lavinia's makes his home . The beast calls himself
(and by extension, Emraag. but the locals know him as 'The
the PCs') autho rity Glutto n.' Ifwe're to believe the rumors, it's
in Earshore. It isn 't a miracle that any of us are sitting here



ago, ju st before you r visit the re. The "When should we leave?" Lavinia h as
tho ug ht of doze ns of shadow pearls in the alre ady made arrange m en ts to have h er
possess ion of the Crimso n Fleet is chilling." brib e for Emraag collected and loa ded
Putt ing her cup down, Lavinia looks to abo ard the SeaWy vcfIl . Everyth ing sh ou ld
you each in turn . " I know it's dangerous, be in order for the PCs to depart as soon
dealing with such a beast, but if you can as th e following morning.
convince Emraag to accept our offer, you " Why don't we j us t kill Em raag ?"
might even be able to learn a few th ings Lavin ia hesitant ly agrees th at th is wo uld
from him. In 'any event , secu ring the indeed be th e bes t solu tion, but po ints
dr agon turtl e's goo dwill should allow free out that if the dragon turtle's reputation
access to the l ords of Dread. And it'd be a is even half-deserved , he m ay well be a
huge step in tur ning this colony from an foe beyond the capabili ties of even suc h
isolate d backwater into a destinat ion for great he ro es as the PCs. Lavin ia urges
me rchants from the world over. Therefore, caution ifth c p e s seem eager to take thi s
I ask you this not just for myself, but on rou te.
beha lf of all the peop le of Farshore. Will While there's no great ru sh for th e
you help?" PCs to get their voyage n o rth un derwa y,
Lavin ia urge s them to set sail as soon as
Aft er m akin g h er o fTer , La vin ia the Sea Wyvern is properly provisi oned
welcomes q u es tion s fro m th e p e s. and pre pa re d . Soon afte r he r discussio n
now, as the Glutton supposedly has a Some of th e m ost li kely on es fo llow, with the p ar ty, several workers loa d
taste for ships and sailors. Yet apparently along with her res ponses. Bm raag's b ribe into th e Sea Wy vern's
the t hing's vices aren 't limited to swa llow- "How much ar e we bei ng paid to hold. This cargo cons ists of four large
jng d own who le crews. The Crimso n Fleet negotiate with a monster?" Lavinia offers woo den ch ests, an impressive, 8-foot-tall
mad e a dea l with the creature, bribing it each ofthe party members 1,0 0 0 gp , but statue ofVen tru e Vanderboren (a fam ed
to leave th eir s hips intact o n t he ir visits to hone stly h opes that b y th is time , th e PCs exp lorer an d privat eer ), and th e sea skir l.
Gallivant Cove. Lord Merivanchi, however, don't ask for ad ditional payment. The ches ts con tai n jewel ry, coins , and
has refused to 'negotiate with mo nste rs'- "What do you pl an to bribe Emraag waterp roof a rtwork with a total valu e of
appa rent ly preferring that our supply with?" Lavini a's par en ts exp ected to 16,0 0 0 gp , with the statu e wor th 4,000
shi ps be eaten and our people go hungry. even tu all y re tu rn to Farshore, and left gp alo ne. Afte r loading t he bribe into
"Therefore, my thought to ease the con- a mo d est a mo u n t of wea lt h (m os tly the Sea Wy vern, one of Lavi ni a's workers
ce rns of the colo nists is to appease the jewelry and a rtwork) a t th ei r man or. p rovide s th e PCs with a set of brass keys
bea st that's alrea dy ca use d t hem so much Lavinia wan t s to u se thi s trea sur e- to the ches ts be fore de parting.
hardship. I'd like you to sail to the isle's so me with co n side rab le sen ti m e ntal
nort hern sho res and seek out Emraag t he value-to bar ter with the drago n tu r tle. To Gallivant Cove
Gl utto n. I'll provide you with a cache of She tru st s th e PCs not to squan de r or The j ou r n ey to Gallivant Cove covers
treasures to bribe the brute-a down pay- abscon d with it. about 350 miles-assuming normal wind
ment on Farshore's "tribute" to him, offered " D o }'ou know wh ere the dra gon spee d, th is voyage takes the Sea Wy vertl
for the ass urance that he leaves vessels fly- turtle lives?" Natives have war ned colo - just under five days. Th e checks to set
ing my family's colors be. If an agree ment ni sts away from the in let whe re Emraa g cou rse to Galli vant Cove and to p ilot
can be met , excellent. If not.. . well, I trust makes h is lair. It 's a siz ab le ba y that the ship are low enough that, as long as
in your abilityto conque r tha t arena as well. b ecame know n as Gall ivant Cove after the sh ip h ug s the coast, th er e's no real
"More to the point, there's the matter an in famou s sh ip bea ring tha t n a m e ch ance of becom ing lost un less no one
of t he Crimson Fleet's interest in Gallivant san k in its wate rs . on board h as a ny ranks in Knowl edg e
Cove. According to logs and papers we've " H ow do we contact th e beast on ce (geograph y). If no PC has thi s skill, the
recovered from my brother's ship, the Brine we're in th e right pla ce?" Lavin ia h as gnome Ural Forol gladly accompanies
Harlot, they've made several visits to a beach alr ea dy bartered for a strange na ti ve th em to aid in navigation. The journey
on th e southern sho re of the cove to meet inst ru m en t th e coloni st s h ave dubbed nor th can be as d etailed or as brie f as
with a group they call the ' Lords of Dread.' a "sea ski rl." Th es e sets o f long r eed you wish . Issue # 144 of D UN G EON pro -
Accord ing to th ese notes, they've been p ipes a r e u sed b y th e O lm an s to vid es a deta iled wan de ring mon ster
pu rchasing large quantities of what they' re attrac t sea cre atu res, b u t al so p roduce ch a rt for the wate rs off th e coast of th e
calling 'sha dow pearls.' 1 believe you've had a stran ge kind of drowned mu sic if th e Isle of Dread. Alternately, you can use
some experience with these things before, pipes a re played u nd erwate r. Em raag any of the follo wing en coun ter id eas to
as one of them was appare ntly the cause of sh ou ld hear and r es p ond with i n a n liven up th e j ou rn ey no rth. O f co urse,
the trouble at xraken's Cove some mo nths h our o f the se p ip es bein g sou n d ed . parti es with po werful m ag ic or m ethod s


of transpo rting large qu anti ties of trea- Emraag Diplomacy Modifiers
sure (such as telep ortation and portable Presenting the bribe to Emraag. +10
lloles) may be able to avoid taking the Sea Refer ring to the bribe as "tribute." +5
\\y vern entirely, altho ugh this adventure Flattering Emraag, referri ng to his dom inance over the area. +4
assumes that the y do. Continuing to play the sea skirl with at least a DC 24 result. +2
Shipwre ck /Ruin : Nume rous Adding tribute in addition to Lavinia's offer (per 5,000 gp value). +1

shi pwrecks an d half-submerged Olman Referring to any creature as being more powerful tha n Emraag. -8
rui ns dot the isle's treach ero us coast. Referri ng to Lavinia's offer as a bribe. -s
During the ir travels , the PCs sp ot such Continuingto play the sea skirl with a result less than DC 24. -2
a rui n, either th e weathered timbers of Each previous check. -4 cumulative
a sha tte red galley o r eroded ob sidi an
columns and statues jutt ing from the vessel th at gives the bay its nam e is territory, he must be made helpfu l. If
surf 1ft he PCs choo se to investiga te the merely one ofthe Glutton's mos t rece nt he's pleased by the sea slid' s soun d when
remains the y discover froll idas (1) 750 gp and memo rable victim s. Its splintered he arrives, he gives the PCs 1d3 minutes
worth ofsupplies or ancient artifacts.u )« wreck m arks th e ent rance to Emraag's to pre sent their case befo re he grows
pair ofghostly sailor s or Oltnan warriors den, a deep sea cave filled with the cargo imp atien t, allowing one Diplomacycheck
(ghost gtb-level fight ers, Mom/a Manual of a hund red sh ips and the tr easure of per min ute, Ifh c's hostile,he onlygives the
117), (3) un stable structure s resu lt ing dozens of costa l Olman ru ins. Em raag PCs 1d6 rounds (remember, Diplomacy
in falling timbers or rock dealing Sd6 sty les himself the lo rd of th e seas checks suffer a - 10 penal ty if rushed as a
point sof damage (Reflex save for half), surrounding th e Isle of Dread, although full-round action).
or (4) a random minor mag ic weapon hi s claim is larg ely ho llow, The aboleth In th is en cou nter, allow the player s
or wand guarded by a giant octopus that dwell in th e deepe r waters give the to prese n t their cas e to the d rago n
(Monster Manua/ 276). Glutton a wide be rth, not int erfer ing turtle , T h e PC tha t d oes the most
Roc: Acurious roc (Monster Manua121S) with his endless rampage and preferring talking durin g this en coun ter is the
dives low to investigate th e Sea Wyvern. to let air -b reather s believe tha t an on e who rolls th e primary Diplomac y
Seein g the ship's d raconi c figur ehead ar rogan t dragon turtle is th e greatest che ck to influ ence Emraag's attitud e;
alar ms the gigantic bird, inciti ng it to threat that lurks beneath the waves. all othe r PCs may att empt to aid th e
make several low swoops as it pu zzles out Th e sea ski d Lavinia loaded onto p rimary ch eck by m aking a DC 10
what manner of creature the Sea \\)'vcm the sh ip along with he r bribe proves Diplom acy check. The PCs may att empt
is.The roc makes for a startling sight , bu t the simplest me tho d of contacting th e as ma ny ch ecks as th ey have time for.
ultimately poses no threat, flying offafter drago n turtl e. Like a long, complica ted Modi fy the results or each check if the
a minute or so. Th e beast onl y attacks if set of pan pipe s or di dg eri do os. on e PCs bring up any of th e topics in th e
members of the crew attack it first. end of th e sea skid dip s into th e water , sidebar above.
Feeding Frenzy: The water chums in allowi ng a mu sic ian to create a variety If made friend ly, Emraag agrees to let
a bloody frenzy where a schoo l of six of bu bbling noises. The strange m usic th e Sea Wy vern pa ss th rough Galliva nt
great white sha rks (Huge sharks, Monster coaxes Emraag from hi s lair within in Cove for the span of a week. If made
"fo. fanual 279) fight over th e carcass of a 2d6 mi nute s. How he respo nds to the helpful, he extends this exception to
jo-foot-long giant squid. Hidd en below noise depends o n the skill of th e sea all shi ps flying the flag of Farsho re for
the chaos circles a scarred old dire shark skirt's player. With a DC 20 Per fo rm the spa n of a yea r, wit h th e optio n to
(MonsterManual 64),waiting for additional (wind instruments) check, the dragon extend safe passage for anot her year
pre y att racted to th e kill. Interfering turtle is int rigu ed by the musi c and with furt he r t ribute. In either cas e,
pes make j ust the sort of meal the dire his in itial att itude is indi fferenl as he Emraa g rem ain s in th e a rea lon g
shark craves. rises ne xt to the ship to discover its en ou gh to entertain any ques t ions
Pl esiosaur: A h ung ry ple siosau r source. If the check pro duces a lowe r the pe s mi gh t have for him. While
(Stornnvrack 1.46) raises its head from the re su lt, Emraag is annoyed to find a he know s no thing of shadow prarls, the
waves and attem pts to grab a PC or crew- noisy hu man sh ip distu rbing his rest savage tide , o r the Lords of D read , he
man fro m the deck of the Sea Wy venJ. and em erges near th e Sea Wyvern with a docs know th at the Cri mson Fleet paid
The gigantic reptil e has no in ter est in hostile att itu de. him a fortune in gold and exotic goods to
a prolonged fight and, o pon grabbing a After attr acting Brnraag's att ention, the meet with a tribe of degenerate troglodytes
victim, dives under water to dr own and PCs must negotiate with the capricious living near th e sout hern most shores of
cons ume its meal. creature. In orde r to get Emraag to grant Gallivant Cove. With his directions, it's a
the Sea \Vy vern permission to ply the se simple matt er to find this cove. Emraag's
Indul ging the Glullon (EL 16) waters,he must be made friendly;to secure patience doesn' t last forever, and a few
Emraag the Glutt on dwells be nea th the perm ission from him to allow Farshore's minutes later he retires to his lair with
m u rky waters of Gallivan t Cove. Th e ships unrest ricted passage thro ugh his the tribute. Any attempt to draw him to



th e surface again annoys him , de crea sing Search +19, Sense Motive +19, Spot +29, something forces the Sea Wy vcrn agai nst
his att itude one step. Swim +50 th e cliffs edging th e bay. the party sho uld
If the PCs fail to placate th e Glu tton, Develo p me n t : If t he P Cs d e fe at have litt le trouble navigating its waters.
h e roa rs in rage and bl asts the Sea Emraag a n d seek ou t his t reasu re, you T he j ourn ey into th e caverns below
Wyvern wi th his breat h weapon. He th en ca n de velop h is su b m e rge d lair in to a the Isle of Dread is perilous , ult imatel y
submerges, on ly to rise again 1d3 ro unds m em o rab le sid e-quest by p opula ting leadi ng to th e ruin ed aboleth city of
lat er in an attempt to caps ize th e Sea it wit h a few aq u atic p et s the d ra gon Golisrn orga, near ly 2 miles below sea
\\)'vern. lfth e PCs escap e an d the dragon turtl e keeps. H is treas u re sho uld b e level. Th is far below the su rface of the
turtle st ill lives, they may h ave to sn eak sig n ifi ca nt, worth a to tal o f 90,000 gp , ear th, th e en vironm ent is stra nge and
into Galli vant Cove. Em raa g watc he s alth ougb n o mor e tha n ha tf sh o uld b e alien. The route from Gallivant Cove to
for th e sh ip during dayligh t h ou rs for in p or tab le magic i tems. Golismorg a is shown on th e map of the
th e n ext week, immed iately attacking if Ad - H oc Ex pe r ie nc e Award : If th e Underdark below the Isle of Dread. For
th e PCs re tu rn . During the night an d PCs secu re safe p assage from Em ra ag, the sake of clarity. the vertica l scale of
aft er a week 's ti m e, h owever, th e dragon give th e m a CR 16 awa rd . this map is distorted. Actual d istances
tu rt le grows lax an d th e party mi gh t traveled between each locati on listed are
slip by. Upon heari ng tbat th e PCs were PART TWO: DREAD DESCENT given in the adve nt ure text.
unsu ccessfu l in their m ission, Lavinia is Aller dealing with Em raag the Glutton ,the While the ir abundance oflife suggests
visibly disap pointed with th em-dou b ly PCs arc free to invest igate Gallivant Cove tha t they may once have been connected
so ifth ey gave the d ragon tu rt le h er b ri be and searc h for th e source of the Cri mson to fu r th er ne two rk s, t h e tunnel s a nd
an d still failed . lfth e PCs m an aged to Fleet's shadow pearls. Th e waters of Galli- ca vern s b en eat h th e Isl e o f Dre ad
kill th e Glutt on, sh e gives th em each a vant Cove are uni formly deep and, unless differ co ns ide rably from th e sta n d a rd
500 gp bonu s. This bonu s increases to
1,000 gp if they managed to re tai n he r
fam ily's wealth.

EMRA AG THE GLUTTON CR 16 01-02 1 b eholder 13 Monster Manual 26

Male advanced dragon tu rtle 03-05 1 purple worm 12 Monster Manual 211
NEGargantuan dragon (aquatic) 06--081 roper 12 l\fonster Manual 215
Monster Manua/88 09=11 Id S spect res 11 Monster MmJUal 232
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 fl., low-light 12- 131 retr iever 11 Monster Manual 46
vision, scent: Listen +29, Spot +29 14- 18Zd4 wraith s 10 Monster Manual 258
Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic lC)-231 chasm spid er 10 Monster Manual 288
AC 27, touch 6, flat-footed 27 (Gargantuan sp ider)
hp 337 (25 H D) 24- 25 1 bebelith 10 Monst r MaUl/a t ~ 2
Immune fire, sleep, paralysis 26-29 Id4 dest rachans 10 Monster Manual 49
Fort +21, Ref+14, Will+15 30 -33 rdi z centipede swarm s 9 Monster Manual 238
Spd 20 ft., swim 30 ft. 34-37 Id4 umb er hulks 9 Monster Manual 249
Melee* bite +25(6d6+24) and 3&=41 Id8 blackfan g rnagooessas 9 Page 53
2 claws +20 (3d8+l7) 42- 46 1d4+2 t roglodyte lepe rs 9 Page 38
Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft. 47--5 0 Id6 hook norrors 9 Page 45
Base Atk +25: Grp +51 51--5 6 Id6 kopru s 9 Page 54
Atk Option s Awesome Blow, Improved Bull 57- 61 1 dark n aga 8 Monster Manual 191
Rush, Powe r Attack,Snatch 62-66 1d4+1 p hase sp iders 8 Monster Manua l Z07
Special Actions breath weapon (20-ft. by 67-1 0 1 ghos tbelly spi de r 8 Monster Manual 289
25-ft. by 50-ft. cloud: 12d6 fire: DC 29), (Gar gan tuan spider)
capsize (20% chance vs. Sea \\yvern) 7 -73 Id 6 cloak ers 8 MonsterManual 36
*10-point Power Attack 74-7 6 1 black l' u dding 7 Monster MatlUal 201
Abilities Str 38, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 12, Wis 77--82 1 pit sco rp io n 7 Monster Manual z87
13. Cha 12 (H uge scorpion)
Feats Aweso me Blow, Bli nd-Fight, Cleave, 83- 86 Id6 carrion crawlers 7 MonsterMamla130
Great Cleave, Improved Bull Ru sh, 87- 9 2 1 h ornba ck centipede 6 Monster Manual 286
Improved Natural Attack (bite, claw), (Gargant uan cen tip ede)
PowerAttack, Snatch 93 5 1 gibbering mouther 5 MonsterManllal 126
Skills Diplomacy +3, Hide +16 (+24 when 96--00 1 ribbo nweb spi der 5 MonsterManual 289
subme rged), Intimidate +29, Listen +29, (H uge spide r)


Un derda r k envi ro n m en t. Missing Underdark sou rcebook provides a wealth meet every few months to deliver ship-
from these caver ns are m ost of th e of ideas. ment s of SJJadOlV pearls to th e pirates of
the classic underd ark races-no d row, Several set enco un ter locations await the Crimson Fleet. Vanthus Vander boren
d uergar, or mind flayers dwell un der the th e PCs along th eir j ourney. Check for paid these troglodytes a visit on his way
Isle of Dread . Unless otherwise no ted, random encounters four tim es a day; to Farsho re- the shadow pearl he tried to
floors, ceili ngs, and walls are all mad e once at mo rning, once at noon, once at trigger at th e end of "Tides ofDread" was
of natural ston e, carved by water and dusk, and once at midnight.The chance of the Fleet's most recent acqui sition.
volcan ic activ ity from the foundation a wandering m~ n st e r encou nter is 12 % in Th e troglodytes ofLaogzed's Redeemed
of th e isle itself Ot he r th an wha t th e upper cavern s. Inside ofthe Cerulean sh are o n e un fortu n ate tr ai t- th ey
illu min atio n the cha racters and oth er Curtain (areas E-J), the scarcity of water are plague carriers. Nearly all of th em
creatures br in g with them, the passages m akes for more spars ely-pop ulated suffer from a rare and hideo us disease
are completely light less. tunnels; the chance ofan encoun ter here called vile rig idity. While it's actually a
Th e tunne ls sh own on th e map is only 6%. side effect of extended exposu re to th e
represent the large st an d m ost stable freshly created shadow pearls they've been
rout es through th e Dread Underdark. A: Entrance Caverns provid in g th e Crimson Fleet pirates, th e
Th ese tun nels range from 'ten to th ir ty Th e shores of Gallivant Cove are sheer troglod ytes of Laogzed's Redeemed have
feel in widt h. and are generally as tall cliffs that plunge directly into the watery interp reted th e plague as a blessing from
as the y are wide. Countless othe r routes depths below. yet near the bay's farthest their deit y. Th ey refer to it as "Laogzed's
exist, secondary passages tha t are ra rely inland point. a cru de pier of rocks and Embrace" and welcome it, piling their
more than ten feet wide. These rout es yellowed bones extend s from the maw dead in a charn el pit at the comm unity's
are untru stworth y at best, openi ng and of a treacherous-looking sea cave. Twin cen ter an d encouraging th e affliction 's
clo si ng wit h the Dread Unde rda rk's rows of hollow, yellowed skulls bum with constant spread.
tec ton ic shifts. If you wish to expand an eerie green fire dayand night, making Vile rigidit y at fir st seems li ke a
th e enco u nte rs in thi s adventure , o r the ramshackle dock easy to locate. This boon. One day afte r faili n g a DC 19
extend the adventure int o the numerou s morbid pier is where th e diseased trog- For ti tude save to 're sist in fection , th e
o the r regio ns hinted at on th e map, the lodyt es kno wn as Laogzed's Redeemed victi m's skin tou gh ens, g ran ting hi m a



+1 na tural armo r bon us. On the second

failed sa ve, th is beco m es a +2 bon us.
On th e th ir d failed save, th e n atu ral
armor b o nu s im prov es to +3, b ut the
vict im takes a -2 pen al ty to De xterit y.
Each d ay thereafter tha t h e fails h is
save, th e vict im's skin becomes thi cker,
addin g a cum u lative +1 natura l armor
b onus an d a - 2 p ena lty to De xt eri ty.
T hi s lasts unt il the victim's Dexterity
reach es 0 , ind icat in g tha t hi s ever -
thickening fles h h as en trappe d him.
So o n there aft er , th e vict i m d ie s
of suffocation.
The tr og lod yte s have I dev elo ped
a foul- sme llin g t re at m en t fo r th e
d ise ase 10 p reven t it fro m linge ring
long enough to cause su ffocation. Th is
treatm e n t is known as black pulp pOfdtice
(see sidebar).

Al. Putrid Pier

Seemingl y held togethe r by brine an d

urchi ns, th is ricket y pier of rotted woo d
and gigantic bones looks as much a scav-
enger-picked corpse as a derelict berth.
Twin rows of skulls impaled upon spears
line th e pier, thei r eye sockets flicke ring
with ot herworld ly green flames and vent-
ing sickly vapor s. This unnatu ral ligh t
illuminates an eerie path into the dark -
ness of a yawni ng cave entrance fiftee n
feet above the su rf below.
with in 15 feet of one of these skulls in the ar ea by some one with the Tra ck
Constructed of bones and driftwood, m ust make a DC 16 For ti tud e sa ve or feat reveals a large number of footprints
thi s pier juts 30 feet into the m urky green be n au seated for as long as the y remain in th is cha mber, so m e booted (pirates),
waters of Gallivant Cove. While the surf is in the area an d 2d6 round s th ereafte r. so me ba re (slaves given to th e troglo-
mild ,th e water is 15feet deep,forcing those Tr eat th is effect as an inh aled po ison. dyt es as partial paym en t for th e shadow
who Iall in to make DC 10 Swim checks. pearls), an d so m e repti lian (troglodytes).
Th e pier's pilings rise 15 feet above the surf A2. Sea Cave (EL 7) Th e tr oglodyt es built a cru de gra te of
at high tide, requiring a DC 20 Clim b check cro oke d bars to p reven t int ruders from
to ascend,altho ugh a slippery ladder at the Soggy plan ks asce nd the sloped floor of wanderi ng in to their caves. While sim ply
end ofthe pier can be ascended with a DC this salt-encrusted grotto . Refuse and bro- mad e, the grate is quite h eavy-it's a full-
10 Climb check.. It's only a DC 15 Climb ken crustacean s hells litter several shallow rou nd action to ope n or close it.
check to ascend the ragged cliffside from pools near the walls, making easy meals for Iro n Grate: 1 in. thi ck; Har dness 10; hp
the su rf up to the caveen trance above. a small flock of sickly gulls roost ing in th e JO; Break DC 25.
The spears alon g th e pier 's edges dis - cracked walls. A ten-foot-wide opening in Creat u re: Th e t roglo dyt es keep a
play human and troglodyte sku lls. Set the southern wall has been d osed off by a guardian an d p et in this roo m , an
10 feel apart, thes e m or bid to rch es bur n rusty iron gate. immense and ca n tankerous re ptile
a mixture of rare m old s, swam p pl ants, known as a d im etrodo n. Th e mo ns ter
and the p reserved m usk glands o f dead A natural staging place for mee tin gs looks li ke a sh ort-sn outed , IS-foot- Iong
troglodyt es. T his concoc t io n causes b etween the Crimson Fleet and Laog- lizard , but he r m ost di stinctive featu re
revolti ng smo ke to sp ill from the sku lls ' zed's Rede em ed (whic h th e pirates call is the 8-foo t-tall sail -li ke fin that ri ses
mout h s and eye soc kets. Any creatur e "canke r skin ks"). a DC 21 Survival check from her back. Name d ve th vusk (after


o f o n e o f Lao gzed's man y festering her natural armor and Dexterity, adju sting
co nsorts), t hi s d im etr o d o n is in fected her AC to 14.
wit h vil e r ig id ity-her fle sh is thick Developmen t: As Van th us has j ust
and crus ty , a n d la rge s h in g les o f recen t ly pi cked u p the latest shadow
e xce ss g rowt h h a ng from her sa il. pf'£l rl fro m the troglodyt es, they aren't
Th e t roglo dy tes treat h e r wit h black expecting a visit from th e Crimson Fleet
pulp poulJices to m it ig ate th e wo rst o f fo r so me tim e. Nevertheless , the s heltered
her conditio n. t ro g lodytes have g rea t d ifficul ty telling
Whe n she no tices the PCs, Vet h vusk one fle shy hu m ano id from an ot he r,
immediately begins barling an d roar- an d unless th e pe s im mediat ely attack
ing. The noise is ce rtain to alert the trog- them, th ey are likely to mi stake the
lo dy tes in area A3, who come t o i nves - pa rty fo r age nts of the Crims on Fleet.
tigate i n Id 3 ro unds . Veth vu sk ha s bee n Assuming th e PCs haven't attacked the
tra in ed to attack o nly in sel f-d efens e o r dimetrod on b y the ti me the tr ogl o dytes
if a n on-tro glodyte att em p ts to m ove arrive t o in vest igate her barking, t h e
m o re than 10 feet int o th is roo m. If lead tro glodyt e approaches and ra sps
the PCs provoke the dime trodon, sh e a g re eti ng in Com mon : "May Laog zed
attacks immed ia tel y, purs u ing fo es in t o gnaw you slo wly." Th eir initial att itu d e is
th e wate rs o f Galli van t Co ve for u p to indiffe ren t- th ey view thei r interact ion s
200 feet before giving up and ret u r ning with th e Crimson Fleet as a n ecessar y
to her lair h ere. Vethvu sk fight s to the evil in spread ing the influence of the ir
de ath once her blood is up. dei ty b y trad ing shadow pearls for slave s
and tre asu re.
V ETH VUS K CR 7 The rept ilian savag es s n arl an d
Advanced elite dimet rodo n complain abo u t the PCs' unu su ally ea rly
N Large animal a rriva l. point in g o u t that th ey've just
DRA GO N #3 18 64 han d ed over th ei r latest shadowpearl and
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Li sten that ma rc aren't expected to be read y for
+3, Spot +18 month s. As long as the PCs d on't reveal Ofcourse, the pirates know be tter than
AC 16, touch 6, flat-footed 16 thei r true identi ties (such as by m aki ng a to attack t h e t ro glodyte's dimet rodon
hp 162 (12 HD) poor Bluffche ck), the troglo dytes rem ain gua rd- if the PCs have kill ed Vethvu sk,
Fort +16, Ref +5, Will +7 rel ativel y ca lm , but once th ey re alize any tr oglodyte s that respond to th e sound
Spd 10 ft. , swim 10 ft.; burst of speed so m et h ing st ra nge is go ing on t he y ofcomba t and find th e PCs quickly realize
Melee bite +18 (2d6+15) ret reat to area A3 to prepare a d efense. that they're not members o f the Crimson
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. If the pe s m anage t o converse with Fleet. They retr eat to area A3 to prepa re a
Base Atk +9; Grp +23 th e trog lo d ytes o n civi l terms, they can defen se of th e caves.
Abilities Str 31, Dex 5, Ca n 26, Int 2. Wis 12, draw o ut so m e informa tion fr o m the
Cha 6 d im -wi tt ed crea tu res. Th e trog lodyte s A3. Emissaries' nen (EL 8)
SQ vile rigidity have been trading shadow pea rls to th e
Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative. pi rat es fo r nearl y two ye ars n o w, in The ste nch of waste and d ecay lingers in
Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved exc ha nge for large n u mbe rs of slav es the br iny air. Two alcoves form t his claus -
Toughness (+l hp/ HD), Iro n Will an d s h ipme nts o f drug s an d t rinkets. t rophobic g rott o. To the north , t hree piles
Skills Listen +3, Spot +18, Swim +14 If asked abo u t t h ese payments, the of matted and moldering palm fronds
Burst of Speed (Ex) Up to th ree times per trog lod yt es ad mi t t hat w h ile t hey ge t cluste r arou nd a mound of ash and dying
hour, Vethvusk can increase her land to ke ep all th e drug s and trinket s, t h ey embers. Opposite them rest several mis-
speed to 60 feet for one round as a free are on ly a llowed to kee p a few sla ves shapen clayjars, a rack on which hang dead
action. During this round, she gains a +2 as sacr ifices. T h e bu lk of t h es e slaves octopi and cave lizard s, and a rickety cart
dodge bonus to her armor class. are le d de ep below, t o be given t o the filled with large black rocks that g listen
Vi le Rigidity (EX) vethvusk suffers from vile Lords o f D read in re tu rn for more ofthe wetl y. A low passage in t he weste rn wall
rigidity; her toughe ned skin improves her slJa clolV pearls at a meeting place called d escend s stee ply into da rkness.
nat ural armor bonus by +3, but penalizes the Temple o f t he An cient Ones. Asking
her Dexterity by- 2. Daily applications too many que st ion s eventually makes C rea t u r es: Four troglod yte le p er s
of black pulp poultices stave off furt her th e troglo d yte s s us p ic io us, l eading linger h ere, gua rd ing the en trance to t he
developme nts of her sickness. A remove t hem to q ue st ion the PCs in retu r n and lower cavern s and patie ntly awaiting the
disease spell removes the adjust me nts to po ss ibly at tack . n ext sch ed u led visit from the Crim son



T RO G O DYTE LEPERS (4) CR 4 ously turn against the mel ee att acke rs,
Troglodyte rogue I/deric 3 (Laogzed) however, those stayin g back flee down the
CE Medium humanoid (reptilian) ha ll through ar ea A4 to warn their people
Mon ster Manual 246 in Laogr oat ofthe attack.
Init - l ; Sen ses darkvisic n 90 ft.; listen +6, The clay j ug near est th e grate leading
Spo( +1 to area Az is filled wit h g ree n slime- the
All" stench (30 ft., DC 16) troglodyte s u se it to di spose o f waste . On
Languages Co mmo n. Draconic th e seco n d round of bat tl e, one of the
AC 19, touc h 9, flat-footed 19 lepers casts shatter on the jar, causing the
hp 56 (6 HD) sli m e to sp ill ou t over everyt h ing wit h in
Fort +11, Ref+2, Will +4 5 feet. Creatures in th at area must m ake a
Spd 30 ft. DC 12 Reflex save to avoid bein g spattered
Melee 2 claws +6 (l d6+2 plus disease) and with slim e (sec p age 76 of the Dunncon
bite +3 (1d4+l) Master's Gilide for de tails on green sli me).
Base At k +3; Grp +S Tr ea sure: 1\vo of the three j ars al o ng
AtkOptions smite l /day (+4 att ack, +3 the wall co n t ai n three d o ses o f blackpulp
damage), sneak attack +l d6 poultice. The large black roc ks are geod es
Special Ad ions death touch IJday (3d6), co mpri sed of sh arp bl ack crystals and a
rebuke undead 2/d,y (- I , 2d6+2) sickly black ooze- the se st on es arc the
Comba t Gear potionof cure moderate wounds remain s o f p ro tective bilest one shells
Clerie Spells Prepared (CL 3rd) (see sidebar}-conta iners used to tra ns -
2nd- hold person(DC 13), shott, r' (DC 13) port shadow pearls from Holashn er's
rst-c-btess, causefearO (DC 12), doom (DC Ziggurat (area Q). A DC 16 Knowled ge
12), divinefavor (nature) chec k r eveals that th ese sto nes
o-create water, cure minor wounds, detect are mere sh ells a n d t hat so m et h ing
moyie,guidance sp h erical was once suspen d ed inside. A
o domain spell; Domains Death, Destruction DC 30 Knowl ed ge (arca na ) check re cog·
Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Can 20, Int 8, Wis 13, nize s the ro ck as bi lestone: fortunately,
Fle et in seve ral month s' time. These Ch. 8 there 's not eno ugh of the fou l stuffhe re
tr oglodytes are all afflicted wit h vile SQ sponta neo us casting (inflict spells), to i m pact the minds ofn earby n o n-aber-
rigidi ty, which infests their flesh with trapfinding, vile rigidity rations. There ar e 12 fr actured bilestone
hard tumor s and ever-thickening layers Feat s Brew Potion, Improved Natural Attack geodes in all , ea ch weighing 10 po unds
of dry skin. To ease their su fferi ng , th e (claw), Multiattack, Weapon Focus (claw) an d wo rt h 50 gp apiece .
lepers wrap th em selves in bandages Skills Hide +8 (+12 in rocky or unde rground
soa ked in numbi ng salves and black areas), Knowledge (religion) +1, li sten +6, A4. Hall of Visions
pilip pOllltices. Despite the pa in , they Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +0
fanatically view their affliction as a d ivin e Posses sion s bracers of armor +1, black pulp Fou l-sm elling dyes and flakin g pigm e nts
ble ssin g sent by thei r god , Laog zed. poultice(Ida doses) cove r th e cracked st o ne walls of thi s slo p-
Th ey grow the ir na ils in cred ibly long Disease (Ex) Any crea ture damaged by a ing passage. Decaying orga ns-pe rhaps
and co..n stant ly scrape at th eir dead tro glodyte lepe r's claws mus t ma ke a t he mo rbid palett es of th e walls' brut ish
flesh , tran sforming the ir claws in to DC 19 Fortit ude save to avoid catc hing artists- lie in reeking heaps on th e grou nd .
cruelly dis eased weapons. vile rigidity. Between t he p rimi tive m arkin g s a nd
Un less th ey hear a commo ti on Vile Rigid ity (Ex)The troglodytes suffer blo od y claw - p rints , a le ng t hy se ries of
in ar ea A2 and go to inve st igate, from vile rigidity; their toughened skin crude pictogram s exte nds down t he ha ll.
the tro glod ytes lie on filt h y piles of improves their natur al armor bonus by While ma ny are fad ed and ob scured ,
sea weed, me dita tin g on th eir pain . +3, but penalizes their Dexterity by-2. t h ree sta nd o ut clearly. In th e first , s pea r·
If the p e s mana ge to reach thi s are a Daily applicatio ns of black pulp poultices bearin g rep tiles wand er a maze of ever -
un detected , th ey sta rtle the troglodyt es, stave off furthe r developments of the de sce nding t u nnels. In th e next, a large
wh o cl amber to thei r feet an d hiss in sickness. A remove disease spe ll removes liza rd like creature exalt s am id columned
s urpri se. Ca n n y PC s m ay be ab le to the adjustm ent s to the ir natural armo r ru ins, holdin g a black circle above its head
convince th e savages they are membe rs and Dexterity. as sma ller crea t ures bow and a re st ricken
of the Crimso n Fleet (see area Az). If Tactics: 1\\10 of the troglodyt e le pers dead . In th e final secti o n, a re ptilian skull
not , t he tro g lod yt e s see t he pa rt y's ru sh forward to engage in tru d ers while s u rrou nde d by a smo ky m ass of s piraling
intr u si o n as a bla s ph e m y agai nst their allies hang back to su pport the fight- tent acles rai ns black sphe res upon a crack-
La o gzed and att ack . ers with spells. Should th e battle obvi- ing , smoki ng islan d.


Painted by clerics of Laogzed, these
walls dep ict the trog lodytes' misle d
visio n of the cr eation and pu rp ose of
the shadow pearls. Th ere are n o words
on the walls and nothing spec ific can be
d eciphered. If the PCs have cap tured a
troglodyte, it m ight be able to interpret
that these images show member s oftheir
tribe t raveli ng deep to gath er th e shadow
pearls, a priest ofLaogzed claiming one
ofthe pearl s at the Tem ple ofthe Ancient
Ones, and Laogzed himself creating the
shadow pearls to sow d estruction upon
his people's en em ies.

R Laogroat
Elevat ion: 18 0 feet below sea level
Dis tance from Entrance Cave r ns :
4 m iles
The caver n-village of Laogroa t is dying.
Thi s wret che d commu nity of over 50
troglodytes is prim it ive even by th eir
stan dards . The village cons is ts of a
do zen cru de mu d and stone h uts, each
b uil t. at a re spectful distance fr om a
eo-foot-tall statue of Laogzed. Th is
im age ofthe tr oglodyte god , ho wever, is
significantly warpe d from the standard
in terpretatio n, reflecting the corru ption
o f their faith b y the Demogo rgon -
wors hiping koprus. A DC 25 Kno wledge
(r eligion) check correctly id en tifies the
sym bolisim of the change.
Thre e passages con nect to th e cavern
housin g Laog roat. The two eastern on es th is ch am be r. A character who leaves damp dwelling reeks of rottin g meat, rep-
are secur ed by iron grates , and while they the cavern for at least te n m inutes tile, and pungent herbs. Crude paintings
are kep t unlocked, they're awkward and may atte mpt to re- ent er, m aki ng a on the wall depict all mann er of reptilian
difficult to move witho ut a grea t deal of new For titude save to avoid becoming creatures feast ing on hum anoid shapes .
noise (see area Az). The no rthern tunnel n auseate d again . Many of these reptiles have two heads.
leads back to area A, while the southern Th e troglod yte s o f Laogro at are
one quickly tu rn s int o a warren ofnarrow se de n tary and d o n ot expec t vis itors Creatures: Within each warr en dwell
tunnels that eventually conn ects to othe r unless a troglodyte from area A mad e it four troglodytes deep in the ecstatic throes
trog lod yte lairs an d exit s in to the j un gles here to warn them . Unless the PCs are of vile rigi dity. The tr oglodyte lep ers
of the Isle ofDread above. The third exit particularly loud or carry br ight lig h ts, tend to the se suffering , linen-wrapped
fro m th is cavern is at area B6, and lead s the lep ers in area BS don't no tice the ir creatures , usi ng hlack pulppoultices to keep
fur th er down. A DC 10 Survival check is arrival in the caver n. If the y d o, the y them on the verge of death , where their
enough to note a path th at has been worn qui ckly mo ve to intercept the intruders, m inds can be m ore open to visions from
from th e northern passageway in to the d ealing with th em as det aile d in th eir god. The diseased tro glodytes aren't
cavern toward B6, and tha t the entrance ar ea B5. quite helpl ess, but fight onl y to defend
to th e souther n pa ssageway appears th eir particular hovels and do notj oin in a
relatively untraveled. Bl. Trog lodyre Hove ls defense ofth e cavern proper. Killing th em
Th e horrific reek tha t fills th is cavern is almo st a m ercy.
force s an y n on -troglo d yte to ma ke a Cobbled domes of rock and mud cover Diseased Troglodytes (44): AC' 7, touch
DC 14 For tit ude save to avoid being shallow pits in th is large cavern. Ente red 5,flat-footed ' 7; lnit -S; Ref-S; h p 1) each;
naus eated as long as th ey rem ain in throug h holes in th e sto ne roofs, each Dex 1; Monster Manual 246.



B2. Blessing Cages (EL 7) Creatures: The village's on ly h eret ic from which th e kop rus eme rged, to find
lan gu ish es among the dea d with in one ou t what th ey were doin g to h is people,
A pair of large cages with woo de n bars sits of the cages, slumpe d on his side and but he ne ver quite made it across. For
p reca rious ly at t he edge of a t h irty-foot - app earing as dead as hi s cellmat e. lrgzid imp risoned with in th e waters of thi s
wide charnel pit in t he ce nte r of th is cav- Uzeye was once a member of th e tribe's sunken ch amb er was an an cient an d
ern. Each cage co ntains two d ead reptilian pri est caste an d on e ofthe first servants tor m en ted aboleth named N'gloth n or u,
hu man oids, th eir bod ies twisted masses of of Laogzed to accept the b lessed shadow a creatu re that had b een held capt ive by
t u mors and s hing les of u n necessary skin. pearls in th e Temple ofthe Ancient On es. th e koprus for centur ies. With n o koprus
Yet, wh ile hi ~ bre th ren were blessed pr esent to pu ni sh it, th e abol cth seized
Laogz ed's Red eem ed have take n to with Laogzcd's Embrace soon after, due the opp ortun ity and sur faced to speak
rai ding n earby tr oglodyte an d lizar d - to som e ser en dipitous resilien ce Irgzid with Irgzid as he en tere d th e tem ple
folk tr ibes livin g to the so uth an d on ne ver d evelo p ed signs of th e di sease. alone. Un able to enslave the tro glodyte
the island sur face ab ove. The y imprison Fearin g what thi s suggested, lrgzid fol- du e to a IJ ly ph of .~upp re ss i on placed in
their cap tives he re, allowin g them to lowed the oth er pri ests' lead, growin g his the chambe r long ago by th e kop ru s,
con trac t (and the n die from ) vi le rigid- claws to a wicked length and wrapping N'glothnoru was forced to use subtl ety.
ity. Capture d PCs likel y en d up he re as h is body in rags. Over th e course of sev- Using veil to assu me the form of a ghostly
well, facing the sam e fate. eral vis its to th e Temple of the Ancient tr oglodyt e priest, he th en projecte d an
Ones, Ir gzid watche d in silent d espair image into th e room above to spea k
as hi s tribe gre w more and more sic kly, to Irgzid, foo lin g th e troglo dyte in to
an d as his fellow prie sts seem ed to drift belie ving he was spe aking to an an cestor
further astray from the proper teachin gs gh ost of a b ygo ne age.
of Laogzed. Whe n the ot h er priests took N'glothnoru reali zed Irgzid was not
to addin g a second h ead to the statue afflicted as hi s broth ers and preyed on the
of Laogzed in area B4, Irgz id re alized trog lodyte's fears. Thre atenin g to re veal
some th in g horribl e was happening to that th e troglodyte was n ot "bles sed" by
hi s p eopl e, an d decid ed to do so m e- th eir god, the aboleth also hi nted th at
thi ng about it. th e secre t truth s th e kop rus were telli ng
The n ext time th e troglodytes h is p eop le wer e lies and th at Laogzed's
traveled to the Temple of the Em brace was actua lly a di sease sp read by
Ancie nt Ones to re ceive a th e Lords of Dread . N'glothnoru offered
sh ipm en t of shadow pearls, to keep the troglod yte's secret an d free
Irgz id gave his d im-witted his people if he re tu rne d ho m e and
kin th e sli p an d sn uck gathered warriors cap abl e of slaying th e
b ac k into the floo d ed ab oleth's captors .
chambe r aft er th e Up on retu rn in g to Laogro at , lrgzid
m eeti ng . He hoped to tr ied to rally the stro n gest amo ng hi s
cross to the oth er side p eop le to hi s ca use . His coup quickly
and explore the t u n n el backfir ed with th e u ni nt end ed rev ela-
tio n of hi s h ealt h. Unwilling to murder
one ofth clr own, th e lepers caged Irg zid,
alon g with the corpses of several wh o
had died of the ir afflicti on, ho ping th at
force d proximity would break thro ugh
hi s immun ity.
Irg zid has spen t the p ast several
m onths im prison ed h er e, with lep er s
visitin g h im dail y to preach to h im of
th e sins of h ealth. The prie sts hope th at
Irgzi d will con tract Laogzed's Em br ace,
so tha t he may again walk am ong his
pe opl e. Irgzid clings to N'glothnoru 's
wor ds , however, and dail y seeks ways to
escap e an d fulfill hi s prom ise to the abo-
leth. Wit h th e PCs' coming, h e mig ht j us t
find a way to do both.


Sm all for h is rac e and te rribly Unfort u na tely, [akara ne ver made it to znd-c-becr 's endurance, cure moderate
em aciated, Irg zid is swad dl ed in filthy rags Ears hore. He was attacke d no t lo ng aft er wounds, death kne! P (DC 14), sound
an d sa lve-soa ked ba n da ges. Cu rre nt ly, he left Nol tus's compan y by a group of bu" t (DC ' 4)
lrgzid h udd les withi n' a large red cloak, ski nwa lkers (feral half-dem on Olmans in 1st-bless, cause!earO (DC 13), command
whic h he stole from on e of the co rpses th rall to th e current lo rd of Than aclan). (DC 13), curelight wounds, obscuring mist
placed wi thin his cage. As soo n as he H e d efeated th em , bu t not b efo re one o-create water, cure minor wounds, detect
not ices the PCs, he calls out to th em , first of the ir sorc erers managed tofteblemincl magic, detect poison , resistance
in D raco n ic, th en in Co m m o n. He begs h im . Reduced. to littl e m ore th an a n D domain spell; Domains Death, Destruction
them to set him free, offeri ng the wealth animal, h e wan dered t he jungles for Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 11, Wis
and magic ofthe tribe's lep ers [little more several days before be ing cap ture d by a I S, Cha 10
than the id ol s an d fetis hes in the pri ests' group of tro glo dy te lepers and bro ught SQ spontaneous casting (inflict spells),
wa rre n). If that doesn't work, he offers back he re. t rapfinding, t rap sense +1
the m his aid in obtaini n g whatever they Sin ce his cap t ure, [aka ra h as also Feats Brew Potion, lmproved Initiative,
ca me for. Should th e party m en tion th at cont racted vile rigidi ty. This, pl u s h is Improved Natu ral Attack (claws),
they seek th e sou rce ofth e shadowpearls, fee ble min de d state have left h im in Multiattack,Weapon Focus (claw)
Irgzid grows excited an d e.~c1a im s th at a n ea r catatonic sta te. If cu red of hi s Skills Balance +2, Bluff+3, Concentration
h e knows wh er e they' re from and, if the m alad ies, he t hanks the PCs gracio us ly +9, Hide +9 (+13 in rockyor underg round
PCs free him, he promises to lead them a nd ferven tly,but is eager to return to the areas), Intim idate +3,Jump +6,
t her e. At th is po int, Irgzid should m ake wo rl d abov e and co nti nue o n hi s t rek to Knowled ge (religion) +2, Listen +7, Move
an o p pos ed Bluff check agai nst th e PCs. Far sh o re. Ift he PCs ment ion th ey come Silently+3, Sleight of Hand +5,Tumble +7
lfhe fails, it's obvious that th e tro glod yte fro m th ere , [akara p ro mi ses to sp eak jakara of the T iger Clan: h p 97; cur-
is hi ding someth ing. If pr essed on t his wit h t he m more when they return from ren tly su ffering fromftcblemind an d late
m att er, Irgzid ad m its that he bel ieves th e their cu rren t m issio n . stage vile rigidity; DRA CO N #354.
Lords of Dread have led h is peopl e away Th e inform ation [ ak a ra has can
fro m t he tru t h of Laogzed's wo rsh ip serve as an ad ven ture h oo k fo r th e B3. Charnel Pit
and infected them wit h th e disease they next i n stall me n t in t he Savage Tid e
su ffer from. Short of be ing tortured or Advent u re Path . In add ition, h e may This te n-foot -deep, t hirty-foot -wide sl nk-
m ag ically compelled , Irgzid doe s not be willin g to tea ch hi s method s of hole is rim med wit h woode n stakes. Dis-
me ntio n N'glo thno ru o r hi s deal with co m ba tti ng demons to a PC he deems t urbin g fetishes and bits of bone hang from
the abolet h . Once freed, the t roglod yte worthy. Further detail s on [akara m ay these rotti ng lengths of wood . Withi n the
leads the pe s to area B6, alt hough, this be foun d in the ne xt adve ntur e, "C ity pit, dozens of reptil ian bodies lie heaped
probably att ract s the atte ntion of th e o f Broken Id ols," and in DRA.CO:S # 354'S in various stages of decay. The bodies are
lep er s in area BS. in stallment of Savage Tid ings. strangelyd ry, the ir skin flaking off t he bone
Irgzid isn 't th e o nl y pr iso n e r kept in brittle sheets and cance rous hunks.
h ere. On a recen t raid above , th e lepe rs IRGZI D U ZE YE CR7
cap t u re d a ra re prize-a n Olma n Male trog lodyte rogue 3jderic 4 Dozen s of t ro glodyt es have die d as
wa r rio r. The y've left him i n a cag e here , CE Medium hu manoid (reptilian) a resu lt of Laogzed 's Emb race, sm ot h-
an d o n ce he's d ee p in t he clutches of Monster Manua/2 46 ered by th eir own scales. To show th eir
vile r igid it y, they pl an on sacrific ing fnit +4; Senses darkvision 90 ft.; listen +7, dev o ti on to th e ir god an d hi s fatal boo n,
h im to Laogzed. Spot +2 Laogzed's Redeemed have dug this 10-
This man is named [akara. a member of Aura stench (30 ft.. DC 16) foo t-d eep pit that serves as an ope n-a ir
a select gr oup ofOl mans who rely u po n languages Common , Draconic g rave. Any cr eatu re that falls in to the pit
to tems to aid them in the ir lifelong quests AC 16, touch i o, flat-footed 16 m us t m ake a DC 12 Fo r tit ude sa ve to
to rid th e Isle of Dread from it s dem o ni c hp 82 (9 HD) resist catchi ng filt h fever, a nd a seco nd
in flu en ces. [akara recently encountered Immun e disease DC 19 Fortitude save to resi st con tract-
a Pel ori an missio n ary n am ed No lt us Fo rt +13, Ref +4"Will +7; evasion i ng vile ri gid ity.
l n n ersol who was sp read ing the word Spd 30 ft.
of hi s go d to the m o re savage t rib es of Melee 2 claws +6 (l d6-1) and B4. Laogzed's Altar (EL 9)
h umanoids dw elling in the isle's in teri or. bite +3(. d4- ')
Noltus was im pressed with [akar a's skills Base Atk +6; Grp +S An im mense sta tue of a rearing lizard like
and devotion to the sla ught er ofdemons, Atk Options smite l /day(+4 attack, +4 beast crouches against the wall here . A sec-
a nd convinced the totemic dem o nslaye r damage), sneak attack +2d6 ond visage, t hat of a crudely carved fange d
to tra vel to Far sh ore to sho w Vesserin Special Actions death touch l /day(4d6), toad, j uts from its exposed sto mach, its
Cat he rly (the co lo ny's residen t cle ric) h is rebuke undead 3/day (+0, 2d6+4) maw parti ally o pe n before a bloodstained
m et hod s an d gifts. Cleric Spells Prepa red (CL4th) alta r sto ne.



This statue and altar arc the spir itual

cen ter of Laogr oat . Vill age meetings.
daily prayers, and sac rifices to Laogzed
are cond ucted here. Desp it e be ing a
fanatically devout community, the vision
Laogzed's Red eem ed have ofthe ir de ity
is unlike that held by the majo rit y of
the ir race. This du al-h eade d in terpreta-
tion of Laogzed st ems from the influ -
ence of the Lords of Dr ead . Throu gh
con tin ued con tact and increasi ng influ-
ence , the kcprus hope to gradu ally con-
vcrt Laogzed's Redeem ed to the wo rshi p
of Dem ogorgo n.
Crea tu r es: Asid e from ,th e statue,
two large pil es of swam p , plants and
m ud flank th e alt a r. These ' m asses
ar e ut il ized b y the troglo dyte lepers
as places to fixate o n their pain and
Laogzed's will. Of th e 1 2 troglod yte
lepers that d well in thi s caver n, s ix
ar e gene ra ll y fo un d h er e, de ep in
me di ta tion an d prayer. T he y ri se
qu ic kly t o defend any in t r us i o n ,
fightin g to the death . On ce comba t
be gins he re, th e remain in g lepers in
area B5 arrive in Id 3 roun d s.
Troglodyte Lepers (6): hp 56 each; see
page 38.

BT, Priest,' Warren (EL 9)

This mud and stone hut is festoo ned with

cha ins of he rbs, dr ied animal parts, an d
nasty-looking fungi. Between these deco- use of black pulp poultice, these clerics drug also n umb s pain , and would wo rk
rat ion s, ima ges of fan ged . two - heade d drift in and out ofpain -filled consc ious- wond er s fo r th e troglodyte's suffering,
reptiles have bee n painted on t he stone ness. These elde rs have the sam e stats the tr oglod yt es view their pain as a
in blood . South of the hut, seve ral bloated as tr oglodyte lep er s, bu t are so d isease - gift from Lao gzed an d to use the d r ug
reptilian bodies float within three stinking add led that they do n't per ceive the PCs to le ssen it wo uld be b las phemous. In
pools of briny flu id. as th reat s. The s ix le pe rs th at att end fact , san n ish is a primary ingre d ien t in
to th e elder s, how ever, att ack the party the crafling of the black pull>poultices
T hi s hut is the dwellin g place oft he on sigh t. th ey const an t ly brew. T her e are 11 0
tr oglodyte lepe rs. Within, the hu t is a Troglodyte Lep ers (6): h p 56 each; see dose s o f the d ru g h er e--each d o se
cra mp ed chambe r th at allows up to a page )8. is wo rt h 15 gp on the black m arket.
do zen lepe rs to sleep at the sam e tim e. Treasu re: A DC 2 0 Search of the filth Ad d iti on al in form ation on san nis h
The cleric s of Laogzed use the n earby with in the priests' warr en reveals a shed (as well as rule s for add ict ion ) can be
pools to bre w th eir black pulp poultice. tcoglodyte skin parti ally filled with shiny found on pages 4'- 43 of the Book oj
s har in g it fi rs t amo ng th ems elves rocks, h u nks of glass, bits of me tal, and Vile Darkness.
an d di st rib ut ing th e re m ain d er to chips of gold and silver. The skin's con- Out si de the warren, the three pools
th eir people. ten ts are worth 450 gold. contai n nearly com plete bre ws of black
Creat ures: Within the warren , sever al Again st o n e wall of the ch amber pulp poultice. Any chara cter who makes a
of the tr ibe 's oldes t clerics lie im m o- are do zens of vials of a st ran ge blu ish DC 2 0 Spelleraft check or a DC 25 Heal
bilized on leafy pallets, the ir bod ies li q u id. This st ufT is san n is h , a d ru g che ck can dr aw eigh tee n do ses of black
trap ped under the weight of Laogzed 's pop ul ar in Scu tt leco ve fo r the eup ho ri a pulp poultice fr om th e po ols, given an
Embra ce. Fending otfdeath throu gh th e it in d uces in it s users. Although the ho ur of nauseating toil.


B6. The Black Way know abou t the amorphous predat or th at u nap petizing. It has no qu alms abo ut
has moved in to the cavern . eat ing PCs, of cou rs e, and once they
A deep crevice yawns in th e sto ne he re, Crea tu re: An elder black p ud d in g com e with in 60 feet of the floor of this
dropping away into the inkydark below. A seeped up from th e d ept hs below to cave, it attacks with its stra nds.
rickety wooden lift. desce nd s into the da rk- claim this cavern as its lair a few days ago. If Irgzid is with the part y, he warns
ness, raised and lowered bya primitive pul- Immune to poison but no t acid , the ooze th em of the rop er 's p rese nce but is at
ley system of frayed ropes. has learn ed to avoid the pools ofcaust ic a loss on ho w it mi ght react to the pes;
liquid on the Iloor, spending most of its he knows on ly th at whe n th e t roglodytes
This shaft serves as a passage into th e time h eap ed agains t the southeastern pass through here , th ey offer it a prisoner
Iightless reaches below the Isle ofDread . wall by the passageway leading down. as a snack.
and ult im atel y the ruined aboleth city of It swiftly m oves to atta ck anything that Rop er: hp 85; Monster .Ma nua121S.
Golis mo rga. The lift can be operated by int ru des in to the room. Treasure: The roper has 43 pp and 5
hand from abo ve or on the lift itself. If Elder Black Pudding: hp 290; Monsler garnet s (each worth 100 gp) in side it s
m ore than 4 0 0 pounds is placed u pon Manual zOl. gut. Oth er tr easur es can be found among
th e lift, th e whole thing plummets into the h u nd reds of bo nes th at lie scattered
the cavern 60 feet below. : D. The Hanging Forest (EL 12) across the floor ofthis cave. With a DC 20
A DC 10 Survival check is enough to Elevatio n: 960 feet belo w sea level Search check , ten m inutes of searching
no te tha t the re's been a lot of activity Di s tan ce fro m the Burning Pools: turns up one of the following: a silver
around the edge of this pit, and that a 8 m iles and ivor y scepter worth 1,200 gp, a +l
path has been worn between th e pit's disruptionjl ail, a cloak oj protfction +3. or a
edge and the northern passageway to th e This seventy-foot-wide cavern drops away slaffrffrost with Z4 charges rem ain ing.
cast. If Irgzid is with the part y, he tells into a blackgulf below. A forest of stalactites Developmen t: T he rop er 's initial
them the sou rce of the shadow pearls is hangs from the ceiling, some dropping away att itude is h ostil e, bu t if th e PCs call ou t
down th is shaft, and warns the PCs of out of sight into the darkness. A ledge, its to it befor e th ey come withi n reach, the y
th e lift's maxim um weight. surface glistening with moisture and mold, m ay be able to sec ure it s cooperation
winds down the inner wall of the cavern, a (at least temporari ly) with Diplomacy or
C. The Burning Pools (EL 13 ) descending path of dubious safety. Int im idate. If ma de fr iend ly, the roper
Eleva tion: 510 feet belo w sea level lets the PCs pass if th ey offer it a live
Distan ce from Laogro at: 2 miles On ce a volcanic shaft, this cavernous snack or at least 1,000 gp in gems . If
chasm dr op s 400 feet into a rubble- m ad e hel pful, the roper let s th em pass
Trickles of water emerge from a crack in the strewn field of petri fied trees ofall sizes, wit hout an offeri ng .
ceiling of this cavern, splitting into num er- subsumed by th e earth in some geol ogic
ous rivulets that roll slowlydown stalactites up he aval and su bs eq uen tly pe trified . E. The Cerulean Curtain
and drip off into the deep, milky pools that Chu n ks of shattered branches litter the Elevation: 1,800 feet below sea level
dot the floor of this chamber. floor, bu t a nu m ber of the logs are st ill Dist an ce fro m the Han gi ng For est:
su rp risingly lifelike. 16 mil es
The liquid in this chamber ma y look The led ge leading do wn the walls of
like mu rky water, but is in fact highly th e shaft is slip pery but safe as long as it The tu nnel wide ns into a large cavern
acidic . Each pool is 40 feet de ep, follow- is na vigated at no faster than a creature's nea rly two h und red feet in diamete r.
ing a twisted cou rse through soft er veins base speed. A creature th at take s faster A shi mmerin g cu rtain of rippling blue
of m etal th at have long sin ce eroded action on thi s ledge (such as fighting or light bisects th is cavern from left to right
away, leaving behind polished stone walls a double move) mu st mak e a DC 12 Bal- and floor to ceiling. The light rese mbles
the liquid can not consu me. A splash of ance chec k. Failu re by 5 or more indi - a t ranslucen t membr ane that swirls and
th is stuff d eals 1d6 acid dam age, while cates a fall off the ledge. sparkles like th e surface of a pond. The
tot al im m ersion deal s rode acid damage. Crea tu re: This vertiginous cavern has cavern on the othe r side is visible thro ugh
Worse, the fume s rising from th e acid fill lon g been the lair of a cantankerou s t his sheen, and t he tu nn el proceeds
th is cavern with toxins, constituting an ro per. Th e creatu re feeds on vermin and around a corner at the far end. Shapes and
inhaled poison (Fort itude DC 13, 1 Con othe r creatures tha t wan der thr ou gh th e figu res seem to ripple an d writhe along
damage/i da Con da mage). cave, bu t allo ws the diseased troglod ytes this curtain of cerulean light, and now and
If Irgzid is guid ing the PCs, he stop s to pass through on th eir voyages to and then these sha pes pass by slowly enough
th em before ente ring thi s cavern and from th e dept hs below for two reasons : to be identi fied as Olma n warriors in full
warn s them ofthe burning pools and th at the trogl od ytes never fail to o ffer it battle regalia, th eir mouth s open in silent
th ey m ust hurry th roug h the cave while one of the slaves they're transport ing screams. A low whispering fills th e room ,
holdi ng their br eath to avoid breathing bel ow, and t he ro per's foun d th at but th e cave is ot herwise s ilent.
the toxic air. Unfort unately, he doesn't d isea se d troglo dytes are parti cularl y



111is stra nge wall oflight is th e bou nd - As a crea tu re passes thro ugh th e a tang led m aze of chambers, bu t at the
ary of th e Cerulean Curtain, ;1 she ll of Curtain, this Whispering rises sharply to far end is a secluded settlement called
ene rgy miles acr oss th at enci rcl es the an alm ost painful roar, as ofa thousan d Barbas. lrgzi d has been to Barb as only
ancient aboleth cit y of Goli sm o rga like people sho u t ing as m an y d iffer ent once as a chi ld -before th e troglodytes
a bu bb le, its edges passing har ml essly phrases, th en fall s quiet again j ust as of Laogroat forge d th eir allianc e wit h
th rough air and sto ne alike. Cre ate d quick ly whe n th e tr avel er emer ges the Lords of Dre ad and fell victim to
ages ago whe n a group of Olman war- from the other side. From that mom ent th e sickness, they often trad ed with the
riors trigge red Tle ioc's Tear at the end on, those wit hin th e sp he re fin d town. Now, thou gh , the Barbans have
of th e abol eth war, the Cerulean Cur- the m selves subj ect to random bursts of clo sed their bo rd er s to the t rog lodytes,
tain has two effects. First, th e curtain is di sconcert ing muttcrin gs, pa rticularly at having lit tle desire to acce pt their pes-
a poten t ward against th e influence of tim es o f grea t st ress. tilen ce wit hin th eir walls. Barb as is
aberran t thoughts and magic. The cur- T ho ugh the Olman spi rits have lik ely to b e the only place whe re the
tain automatically d ispels any ongoi ng no powe r to d irec tly affect the pe s, PCs will fin d safety an d she lter in the
m ind -affecting effect on any cre atu re occasional spa tes of gh ostly wh ispers light less dep ths. and further. the y m ay
that passes th rough it. Likewise, mi nd - are an excellent way to d rive home the know m o re about the shadoUJ j,w rls and
affecting effects canno t target creatu res creepy atm osphere oft his adventu re. An the m ysteriou s kop rus. A visit to Barbas
on the opposite side ofthe curtain fro m atte m pt to comprehen d these whispe rs shouldn't ta ke too long, and whil e he is
the so u rce. In this way the Olm ans requir es a DC 15 Listen ch eck and rel uc tant to acco m pany the PCs, Irgzid
en sured th at th e abo leth would not be th e ab ili ty to un derstand the Olman encourage s th em to d o so.
able to sim ply send hordes of en slaved lang uage. Whil e th e conte nt o f th ese
minions after them or the ir d evice. ot herworld ly di atribes is left up to you, Fl. The Maze (EL 7)
Th e Curtain 's seco nd effect is that consider using them to for es ha d ow Between th is in t er sect ion and the
it blocks the waters of the sub me rge d co m ing events , d ro p ping hin ts li ke village of Bar bas is a large b ut low-
ocean from flooding th e caverns within. "two faces watch the ti de" or "the m aw ceiling ed cavern called the m aze. This
Whil e water in contain ers or as part of flows for th to bit e" between inco he r en t ar ea is little m ore than a t o-foot-hi gh
a creatu re can pass through with case, ravin gs. T he wh ispers sho uld be at hor izonta l crac k in the eart h, 200 yard s
freely flowing water can no t. H er e and the ir st ronges t near places of Olm an wid e and covered with scree an d gravel.
the re, small flaws in the curtain allow sig nificance, suc h as th e ru in ed te m ple as well as larger boulders torn loose
water to tri ckle in, p revent in g the cavern s in area I or the crat er at area P. fro m the ceiling. Du e to the density
wi th in from becom in g comp letel y T he Cerulean Cu rta in funct io ns at of these scatt ered mon oliths, vis ibili ty
lifeless. These narrow streams po ol and caste r level zoth, but as long as TIaloc's is red uced t o a max im u m of 30 feet
see p th ro ug h the caves to eventua lly Tear still exis ts in area P, no fo rm o f in any d irection. Between the stones,
collect in Golism orga and ot he r caverns, m ortal magic can di sp el or suppress patches of color hint at plant life,
fanning sma ll pool s of wate r tha t se rve this field . su ggesti ng a subter ranean past u re o f
to keep tho se wh o live in thi s regi on epic pr op o rtions. T he temperature in
alive. Yet fo r the aboleths, such trace F. The Way 10 Barbas thi s vast vault is not iceably lower tha n
amo un ts of water are little more tha n Elevation: 2 ,100 feet bel ow sea level elsewhere in the tu n nels.
a tease. D istance from the Cerulean Cur ta in: To protec t th em selves against
Seen in small sections , the Cer ulean 1 mile wan der ing m on s ters an d oth e r
Curtain ap pears as a flat blu e me mb ran e T he p rima ry t unnel br anche s one mi le un welcome visitors, the cit izens o f
that's easily pene trated and cool to th e from the Ceru lean Cur tain cavern . One Barb as hav e ca refully cultiv ate d th e
to uch. The spirits of coun tless Olrn an yo-foo t-wid e tun nel cont inu es sou th , fu ngus in this chamber to h id e a d eadly
war riors who died d uring the aboleth war while a ao -fc ot -widc cavern angles off secre t. The fungus is laced with patc hes
inh abi t th e Cu rta in- these spiri ts are to the west . A DC 20 Survival ch eck of yellow and b rown mold (bot h detailed
peri od ically visible to an yon e observin g m ade by a cha ract er with Trac k is on page 76 of the Dun.9corl Master's
th e Curtain's face. Tho ugh incapable of eno ugh to in di cate th at the amou n t of Guide), leaving a si ng le windin g trail of
tak ing direct action on their own , it is t raffic h ead ing d own the ao -fco t-wid e safety from one end to the ot he r. Th e
these spirits who infuse the shield with tunn el is m uch mo re than the t rick le to -foot-wide trail through the Maze
its power. Their whispe rs per m eate he ad ing wes t. winds ro ughly a tho usand feet in al l.
th e Cer ulea n Cur tain, occ as ion ally If Ir gzid is with the PCs, he pauses Anyone who doesn't know the safe rou te
reso lving in to snatche s o f th e Ol m an at th is in terse cti on, explaini ng tha t the can navi gate it b y m aki ng five DC 25
lan guage. With in 30 feet of th e cu rtain, sou thern rout e lead s on to whe re the Su rvival che cks to avoid the dangerous
th ese wh is pers are unmistakab le, troglo dytes have me t with the Lo rd s of mold. Each failure exposes the group to
bu t beyon d thi s ran ge they are mu ch Dread. He the n grows thought ul, tellin g bo th patch es of mo ld. Any the source
m ore subd ued. the pe s th at the western route leads to br oug h t int o th e m aze im m edia tel y


tri ggers a nearby pat ch of b ro wn mold,
causing it to expan d in to a ten- foot
square con tai n ing th e offen di ng PC,
po ten ti all y covering that sec tion of
the path.
Ad-Hoc Experien ce Award : Ift h e pes
m ake it across the m aze succ essfully,give
th em a CR 7 award.

F2. The Killing Field (EL 11)

Here the ceiling rises t.o twenty feet and the

vast plain of moldy gravel parts, giving way
to a large hemisphere of bare stone dotted
with short pillars. Ahead, makeshift walls
, .
of wood and stone surround a sprawling

Creatures: Fo r t h os e in vad er s,
monstrous or othe rwise, who manage to
make it th ro ugh th e maze an d approach
Barb as's gates, one final defen se awaits.
In th e cleare d field befor e its gates, six
hook h orrors prowl th e gro un ds. The
hook horro rs ar e fed an d cared for by
th e citizens of Barba s, an d the beetle -
like crea tu~es quickly ra lly in a line in
fron t of th e gates to Barbas ifthey notice
anyone emerging fr om the maze, h owling
an alar m an d clash ing their h ooklike
arms toge ther in a th reaten ing di splay
intended to scare off intruders and aler t
their ma ster s.
A hook horror is a o-foot-tall insectoid
hu m anoid cre ature , wit h a vu ltu relike
head and two powerful arms th at end in Abilitie s Str 24, Dex 17, Co n 14, Int 7, Wis that comes to th eir vill age th ese days is
im m ens e curved ho oks. 12, Ch a 9 an enemy. When the h ook horrors raise
Feat s Cleave, Improv ed Bull Rush , Imp roved the alarm, do zen s of Barbas's deformed
HOOK HORROR S (6) CR6 Trip, Power Atta ck, Skill Focu s (l iste n) citiz ens clam ber up ont o the walls to
N l arge abe rrat ion Skills Climb +15, Hide +3 (+11 in watch the hook horror s defend th e city.
Monster Manual II 126 subterranean areas), listen +17 As long as the pes do n't intru de m ore
lnit +3; Senses blindse nse 60 fl., darkvision light Se ns it ivity (Ex) Expos ure to brig ht light tha n 5 feet from th e ma ze into th e killing
60 ft.: liste n +17, Spot +1 im poses a -2 pe nalty o n a hook ho rror's field, th e h ook h orrors don't att ack. This
l an gu age s Unde rcommo n att ack rolls. sh ould give th e pe s a chance to sh out ou t
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 19 Powe r Sun de r (Ex) A hoo k ho rro r tha t gre etin gs to th e village of Barb as. Assume
hp 65 (10 HD) attempts to sun de r does not provo ke th e village's initia l attitud e is unfriendly.
Fort +S, Ref +6, Will +8 atta cks of o pportu nity an d inflicts doub le If th e PCs can convince Barba s of their
Wea kne ss lig ht se ns itivity da mage to any obj ect struck. pe acefu l int en tions by adj us tin g this
Spd 20 n., climb 20 ft. Rending Bite (Ex) If a hoo k ho rror win s a attitude to helpful, the guards call d O\\TI
Mele e 2 claws +13 (l d6+7) and g ra pp le chec k, it automatically hits with comman ds to th e ho ok ho rrors to stand
bite +8 (2d6+J) its rend ing bite atta ck on the same round aside and allow the PCs en try.
Space 10 fl.; Reach 10 ft. (t his repl aces its nor ma l bite attac k fo r O therwise, an y atte m p t lo ap pr oach
Ba se Atk +7; Grp +18 that rou nd ). Barbas results in the hook horror s attac k-
At k O ptio ns im proved gra b (both claws), Tactics: Th e citizens of Barba s are in g. The ce ili ng is on ly 2 0 feet hig h over
power sunder, re nd ing bite (3d6+10) isolationists,and gener ally assume anyone the killing field s, so even flyin g p e s are



st ill in reach ofthe hook horrors' attacks. Agai ns t a ll o d ds , Barb as h a s the first and only establis h me nt of its
Ifdefeated, the citizens panic and ret reat pe rsevered . Its citi zens have mas tered kind in Barb as. Most of the re sidents
to their homes,leaving the gates to Bar- the art offarming fung i and lichen and prefe r to barter with each other in the
bas u nd efende d. keep sub te rranean ver m in lik e giant streets, a pr acti ce that Shifred doe sn't
Ad-Hoc Expe rience Award: If lhe pe s beetles as livest ock. Sto ne and ore p ried m ind, as it all ows h im to snap up
tal k their way past th e ho ok h orrors, fr o m th e cave rn walls provid e th eir bar gains and sell th em back to th e
award them experience as if they had smiths and cra ftsmen with ad equate pu blic as ne ed demand s. In side the
defea ted them in combat. materi als , while gems harvested in shop, cu stomers are confronted with a
b ulk fro m cer tain volcanic caves allow wide variety of goods an d knick-knacks,
G. Bar bas the m to tra d e fo r woo d an d ot he r fr o m swords an d alchem ical gea r to
Elevatio n: 1 ,6 0 0 feet below sea level m u ch-need ed su rface supp lies wit h fodd er and j ewelry-and of cour se, th e
Dis tance fr o m the Way to Barbas: the occasiona l troglod yte merchant. bo ist erous proprie to r himself
1fz mile Tho ugh a few of the humanoid races,
such as lizar d folk an d t ro glod yt es, Gl Shrinc to Micrlantecuhtli
The town of Barbas squats in a dead -end have arr ived in s u ffici ent numb ers While th e isolation of Barbas's residents
cavern, the ceili ng of which r~re ly rises to b reed tru e, the average r esid ent is has ero de d all but the m ost cur so ry
above thirty feet and in many 'places h um anoi d in basic frame on ly. Squ at, knowledge of religion and history, th e
dips down as low as te n feet, creating a pale, and sporti ng a m yri ad of bi zarre need for som e sort ofspirituality has led
claust roph o bic shantytown. The town's de fo rmat ions, these are mongrelfo lk , them to worship an ancient ston e statu e
struct ures appear makesh ift at best and and tales of the su r face worl d are in the center of the settleme n t, a cru de
nearing collapse at worst, their walls built t old a s le gends t o th eir twitc hi ng, depiction of a skeletal figure wrappe d in
from rubble, moldy wood , caked mud , and ma lforme d ch ild r en . a large python. While the villagers know
bone. Atepid pond shimme rs in the center In addition to their strange their god only as the "Snake Father,"a DC
of town, fed by a trickle of water from th e appearances, m ongr elfolk can em ula te 20 Knowledge (religion) check is enough
wester n cave wall. A haze hangs in the air, any rac e for the pu rpo ses of usin g to identi fy the id ol as be longing to
a mixture of smoke, spores, and stink lit by racia lly-s pecific m agi c items, and can Mictlantecuhtli , th e Olm an god of death.
dozens of feebly burning torches mounted mimic any voice or so und th ey've This sam e check reveals that the rituals
on stalactites or facades. The only areas not heard-a trait that may unne rve PCs as su rrou nding his worship her e are entirely
claimed by crumbling buildings are the the naturally cu r ious reside nts begin the residen ts' inve ntion, and in some
crooked streets and several farms of faintly aping their speech and man neri sm s.The cases go di rectly against Olman canon ,
glowing fungi and pallid mush rooms th e resid ents o f Barb as go out of their way th ough the few clerics who keep this
size of men . to avoid co nflict with the PCs-they've shrine happily use the ir healing spells on
lived this long thanks to a healthy dose reside nt s and travelers in exchange for
After the Olm ans activated TIaloc's Tear of cowa r dice and self-loathi ng. As a the bare necess ities. Whether it's actually
and drove the waters fr om Golismorga, re su lt , no stat ist ics are p rovid ed fo r Mictlan tecu htli granting these powers is
th e survivin g aboleth caugh t outside th e m on grelfolk, but if require d, the y m ay anyone's guess.
Ceru lean Cu rtai n attempted to reclaim be fou nd on page 12 5 of th e Fiend Folio.
thei r city b y sending wave after wave Barba s (Ha mle t): Conventional; AL G4. Ganfer', Wallow
of enslaved m inions into the caverns, LN; Populatio n 147; 1 0 0 gp limi t; Assets Rebuilt numerous tim es over the town's
• ho ping that at least a few would manage 735 gp; Iso lated (132 m on grelfolk, 8 history and m aintained as a grou p effort,
to rea ch Golismo rga and dest roy th e tro glodyte s, 7 Iizar dfolk). the stru ctu re kn own as Gan fer's Wallow
Tea r. Passing through the Curta in freed Authority Fi,gure: Hea dma n Vertr am is a public hall used for everything from
the slaves. however, and they fled to th e Xapa ta lo (m ale mongrelfolk expert wedd ings to funera ls. Ganfer (m ale liz-
darkest come rs within to escape their 3/wizard 2). ardfolk expert 2), the gruff an d aging liz-
horri fic captors. Over the course ofseveral ard folk in charge of the establishmen t,
years, th ese freed Olrn an s, lizard fol k. G1. Town Hall m akes hi s livin g as a professional host
rakasta, pha na to ns. bullywugs, an d other The lar gest buildi ng in Barbas, and and m aster of ceremo nies. Th ough a
humanoids gath ered together for safety in certainly th e most well-made , is the town cre ature of few wo rd s, Ganter's ha lting
this dead -en d cavern, in side the Ceru lean hall. This area is described in "Visiting Com m on belies th e razor wit th at's kept
Curtain yet far from th e haunted city of Barb as" be low. him the town's r esid ent en tertainer for
Golismo rga. Over dozen s of generations, so lon g.
inb reed ing an d inters pecies affection saw G'2. Store
som eth ing ofa homogenization of the se Ru n by a one-armed and th r ice-tongued GS'. The Nurscry
folk, and in time they grew mo re alike freak nam ed Shifred Ogs mo th (m ale The children ofBarbas are too pre cious a
tha n not. m ongrelfolk expe rt 3), "Sto re" rem ains com mo dit y to be left in the care ofthe ir


pa ren ts. As soo n as a child is born , it is Please put awayyour weapons, and be wet- troglod ytes of the uppe r caverns . Yet
taken into the cu stody of the n ur sery come in Barbas." tribe in particular has becom e
staff, whe re mongrelfolk mi dwi ves an d more aggressive, and mo re warlike. Th e
tut ors educate an d care for the you ng If the PCs make no aggressive m oves, maze and the ho ok horrors have don e
u ntil the age of fourt een, at whi ch point Vertram nods slightly,and the party sud- well enough to keep these troglodytes
they're considere d ad ults and sent ou t den ly finds itself swarme d by children from directl y assaulting Barbas, but for
to work in the profe ssion most befi tt ing and other residents, curiously pr odding the past several years it's been mu ch m ore
the ir skills. As a result , Barbas's citizens an d examining both their gear an d their da ngerous than anyone can remember to
regard numerous folk in the village as bod ies. After a ' moment Vert ram ste ps travel the outer caverns.
their pare nts, referrin g to all olde r resi- forward and leads the party thro ugh the Vertra m belie ves that change is
dents as "Mother" an d "Father." narrow streets to the town hall, asking coming to Barbas. He's hear d wh ispers
que stions and pointing out various land - in th e air warning of d ire events, of
G6. The Furnace marks. Once there, he in vites the PCs to so met hi ng sti rri ng d eep below . The
Du e to the short su pply of fuel in th e st ay with him in th e hall, an d immedi - citize ns of Bar bas know of t he kop ru
caves, blacksmith ing is an expensive ate ly orders the p reparation ofa feast. If of Goli smorga on ly as vague stories of
an d exacting pr ofession. ~ n order to Irgzid is still with th e party, Vertram is a m onst ers th at d well in the forbid den
help mi tigate this, Barbas's sm iths sha re littl e suspicious of the troglod yte, but as caverns, and whil e Vert ram knows little
a co mmu na l fo rge . Situated directl y lo ng as th e PCs vouch for him , he treats m or e tha n that , he does belie ve that
be nea th a narrow chimney in the vault's him as a gues t as well. these creatures, kn own as th e Lor ds
ceili ng, th e r esulting sm oke is qui ckly The town hall itself is two stori es tall o f Dread, have beco me more active. In
d rawn upward and out of the cavern by and significa ntly larger tha n the other th ese wh ispers an d in h is dreams, he' s
a cons tan t draft. structures, though bu ilt of th e sam e seen im ages of "m en and women from
sc ra ps and d etritus. In side, Ver tr am the land of ligh t" who com e to Barbas
G7. Stoneweep d irects the PCs to several guest room s to d eliver h er from these dark times.
Altho ugh th e st ream that fee d s th e with exactly en ough bed s to go aro und, H e does not go as far to say th at the PCs
cen tral pond in Barba s looks na tu ra l, m att resses pile d high with strange but are th e ones he's dr eam ed of, bu t h is
it is in fact ar tificial. Perh ap s the m ost soft anim al pelt s, before leading them to exp ress io n says enough.
important dut y ofBarbas's p ries ts is the a large chambe r used for town m eetin gs. Unfo rt unately, Vertr am kn ows littl e
d aily ritual in which they cast seve ral The feast is attend ed by himself and the m ore abo ut what awaits the PCs. He can
create lva ter sp ells to re plenish the su pp ly PCs only, and cons ists of a bland di n- relate the legend s and h isto ry of Barbas,
ofwater here. Ove rflow drifts to the west ncr ofm ushro oms and tough , salty m eat of ho w the an cest ors of the su r face
along an anci ent creek bed , evapo rati ng fro m a monstr ous centiped e. waged war with a city ofdemon fish deep
before accumulating enough to bur st its Vert ram (m ale mo n grelfolk expert below, and o f how they d rew tha t war to
me ager ba nks. 3/wiz.1fd 2) is an ano maly among the an end by cas ting down the tear of the
citi zens of Barbas. Despite generations god of rain and storms in to the depths .
Visiting Barbas of in cest an d int erbreed in g, his Olman This tear bu rst, and dr ove the waters of
If the PCs enter the town afte r defeating bloo d has remaine d dominant. While th e floode d caverns away, and th e spi rits
the hook horrors, they are subj ected to st ill a mong relfo lk, he co uld pass as of the fallen ancie n ts now gua rd th is
the nervous stares ofresid en ts who peer, h um an. That said. life in the caves has regi on . Their presence holds the waters
awed and anxious, from part ially dosed still left its mark-s-in addition to h is red at bay, and as long as they pers ist, the
ho vel doors. eyes and albino skin, vert ram's left cheek demon fish can not re tu rn. Yet Vertram
After a few mo me nts, a tall albino bears a swi rling, puckered scar that pu lls believes that something else has filled
mongrel folk ma le, far less d eformed th at side of his face into a permanent the void left by the expulsion ofthe fish.
than the othe rs (to the extent that he sm irk, and shoulder-length hair does not He fears th at wha tever has mov ed into
almost looks human),st eps forward an d quite h id e the fact that he 's com ple tely th e ruins ofGolismo rga may be seeking
ad dresses the party. The crowd grow s mis sing his right car. th e vile secrets of th e demon fish, and
quiet as he speaks. lfthe PCs und erstand Vert ram en cou rages th e party to rest th at if they di scover th ese secrets th ey
Olmnn, read the m th e followi ng. an d recoup, bar tering with th e locals for may beco me an even greater threat to
an ything th ey m ight need and shari ng the world.
"Greetings, travelers. My name is ve rt ram, stories oCthe su rface world. After they've Vert ra m is pr ep ar ed to let the pe s
and 1 am th e head man here. I apologize eaten and taken care of an y imm ed iate stay in Barbas as long as they wish, b ut
for th e... inconveniences... you have faced bu sin ess, however, he sits the party down on ce th ey speak of a n eed to leave, he
with our guardians, but the tunnels in this and con fesses to th em that he fears for the asks if they wou ld like to see on e of the
region become more dangerous with each safety ofhis people. For manygenerations, d em on fish . If the PCs would, he smiles
year. Regard less, our city is open to you. the y've lived in relative peace with the cryp tically, gathers severa l m ong relfolk


im m o rtal crea tu res do no t die, but in stead

ent er a state o f hibern ati on known as
"th e Long Dr eaming" until im mer sed in
water. at which point th ey return to their
no rmal state in a matter of mi nutes. While
petrifi ed, an abolcth rem ains awake and
awa re of its surround ings, but is unabl e
to take any actions, even purely m ental
one s. Over time, th is ho rrific state dri ves
most aboleths mad ,and th is particular on e
(caug ht over a th ousan d years ago by th e
detonation ofT1aloc'sTear) is no exception .
lfthe PCs were led here by Vert ra rn, he
unveils his pri ze with considerable pri de
and po mp. Though the citizens of Barbas
di scover ed the creatu re lon g ago, few have
been bra ve eno ug h to place an ear to its
side and hear the sloshing, rhythmi c thud
of th e creature's inn er organs, an d fewer
st ill have be en granted permission by th e
headma n to study it, lest they somehow
awaken the sleeping giant. That, h owever,
is exactly what he recommends the party
do, urging th em to "open it up"and learn as
m uch as th ey can from th e creature before
continuing on to Golismor ga.
PCs who ap proach and exa m in e th e
hibern ating h orror ca n m ake a DC 17
Kn owledge (d u ngeo n ee ring) check to
recognize th e petr ified fish as an abo leth.
A DC 17 Heal check made while examining
it reveals that th e aboleth is still alive, but
in som e form of hibe mation that renders
it immob ile, even whe n att acked. The
leathe ry, dried husk grants the aboleth a
gu ard s, and leads th em back t hrou gh t he O n t he far side of th is large cave rn, a +6 bonu s on its natural armor (offsetting
maze and do wn to area H . shimmering blue wall extends all the the penalty for being reduced to a Dexterity
As the p e s leave Barbas, th ey n otice way to t he sixty-foot -high ceiling . Across of 0 ) and damage red uction sfadamantine.
its resid ent s silently packing th eir few its s u rface, ghos tly Olman wa rrio rs Nonetheless, since the aboleth is unable to
belon gin gs, an d no te many exp ress ions shi m mer an d nic ker. J us t beyo nd it, defend itself, th e pe s gain no experience
of sadness and fear. Ifthcy ask Ve rtram, t he occas iona l bub ble o r flas h of sc ales for killing it.
h e exp lain s that h is visions ha ve wa rn ed revea ls t he presence of t ho usa nds of
h im that the doom tha t comes to Barb as ga llons of wate r, their awesome weight I. Temple of the Ancient Ones (EL 8)
can not be diverted. After he returns he ld at ba y by the shell of ene rgy. Eleva tio n: 4 ,0 0 0 feet belo w sea level
from gui d ing the pa rty to the Cavern On the floor in the cente r of the cave is D is tanc e fro m the Way to Barb as:
of the Sleeping Go d, h e in tend s to a st range-looking mo und of sto ne shaped 20 miles
lead his people up to h ighe r caves, o r like an e normo us, pet rified fish. Di stan ce from th e Cavern of th e Sleep.
perh aps even th e su rface. Barb as's time ing God: 16 mil es
has come an d gon e. If the p e s return Though aboleth s are cap able of leaving
h er e late r in t he advent ure, th ey find th e th e water an d dragging thems elves along The t unn el walls here cha nge sudde nly
place deser ted . th e ground with t heir tent acles when from ro ug h natu ral sto ne to an int ricately
necessary. their m ucous-like skin dries out carved corrido r bearing glyphs and mosaics
H , Cavern of the Sleeping God qu ickly, eventually ha rdening to a shell so of Olman desig n,just before they open into
Eleva tion: 2 0300 feet below sea level st iff th at they find th emselves unable to an im men se flooded chamber. The walls
Distan ce from the Way to Barb as: 2 mi les move at all. In this situation , the effectively of the sq ua re cha mber rise up in steps,

formi ng an inve rted zigg urat with an apex che ck to rea lize the troglo dyte is just to arrive at th e souther n ent ranc e.
forty feet above the da rk wate rs th at flood barel y re strainin g hi s excitemen t. If Whe n the ko prus arr ive, on e swims
t he roo m to j ust be low t he edge of the questi on ed, Irgzid adm its that th ey're across th e roo m whil e th e othe rs
en tra nce. The floor is a ruin of smas hed com ing clo se t o wher e the troglo dytes sta nd gua rd, pr ep ar ed to le ap in to
pillars and sma ll islands const ructed in t he receive sh ipme n ts of shadow pearls th e wate r to punish thei r p riso ner
sa me ro ugh ly pyramidal fas hio n. In t he from th e Lord s of Dread. Only if (see Crea ture, b elow) if i t caus es any
ce nter, a line of destroyed colum ns and m agi call y co m pelle d o r th rea tene d problems. Em erg ing at th e trogl od yte
altars protr udes a few feet above the sur; with a s uccessful In ti mid at e check en d of th e roo m, he unfold s a portable
face, creating a makesh ift br idge that d ips does he re vea l the pr es ence of the hole th at co n ta ins the latest s hip men t
briefly into the water before reachin g t he abo leth N'glot hnoru, at whic h point he of Id 4 shadow pearls, st ill crad led in
cont inuing passage o n t he far side . begs th e pe s to speak to th e cre ature t he ir bilesto ne she lls; th e tro gl od yte s
for fear of the im plied reper cussions ta ke the pearls and loa d th em on to
T h is cha mber i s whe re t h e for hi s tribe. a p alanqui n m ad e of b o n es and
t ro glo dytes m eet wit h the kopru s to The water in th is chamb er varies fro m leath er, ha n ding th e li stl ess, dru gged
rec eive shadolV pearls. This close to 10 to 50 fee t in depth , and is thick with slaves p ro vid ed by t h eir Cr imso n
h is abol eth pa tro n, Irgzid grows more dark , foul-smelling algae and ribb on s Fleet con tacts ove r to the kop rus in
and more excit ed, bu t do es h is bes t of slime from the lon g confinement of paym ent. Th e slaves are loaded into
t o ma intai n his co mp os ure. Any PC its prisone r. the portable hole an d th e ko pr u returns
tha t spea ks with lr gzid with in a mil e The tro gl od yt e s arr ive at th e with his kin to Golis m or ga, wh ile th e
of thi s locati on ca n ma ke a Sen se no r ther n la ndin g o n th e day of th e t roglodytes retu rn to Laogr oat to crack
Motive che ck op pose d by l rgzid 's Blu ff mee ti ng and wait for th e ko pr us open th e bil estone she lls, re move th e



T hey 'd seen ot he r petrifie d abo leths and glad ly relates thi s informa tion ,
else where, b ut th is one's obvio us telling the PCs that the Curta in's anchor
to r m ent amused the m . Using abolet h lies withi n the ruins of Golismo rga, and
gly ph magic th ey'd d isco vered an d that it is somehow connected to the
m as ter ed in Go li smo rg a , kopr u Oiman god of rain, T laloc. In add ition,
pri est s ins cribed an inverted E'yph of being presen t for coun tless shadowpearl
extension, t rans forming it into a .9l)'P" han d-ofTs has given it a vague outline
ofsuppression that blocks N'glo th no ru 's of th e related plot, though it remains
en slave ability.Th eythen us ed a deca nter ignorant of the plot's tr ue mastermind.
of endless woter to fill th e bott om half As soon as th e PCs arr ive, the aboleth
oft he chambe r, awakeni ng th e ab oleth realizes that its salvatio n is at hand-if
into its new prison. it plays its cards right. In talking with
The aboleth has bee n tort ured an d the PCs, it uses any means necessary to
tormented by the kop ru s for h undreds convin ce the charac ter s to contin ue on
of years now. Indeed, mu ch of what th e to Golism o rga to break the Curtain, lying
koprus know now about Golismorga's or telling the tru th with equa l ease and
secrets was pried from N'glothno ru . Yet relying on its power fu l alien m ind to
desp it e the peri od of Long Dreami ng shield its true moti ves. For some parti es,
and the followi ng centuri es of equ ally it m ight offer a portion of the tru th-
frus trat ing to rme nt, N'glothno ru has tha t dest royin g the Cerulean Curtain
re tain ed a good portion ofits cogn ition. and floodi ng Golism orga is th e best
Wh ile it knows that it sta nds a good way to take out the koprus' shadow pearl
chance of over powering its oppressors op eration completely- tho ugh whethe r
and esca ping the cham ber, it h ~s no it states this as itselfor in the guise ofthe
ide a h ow far it is to ope n water and troglodyte sp irit de pends on the party.
doesn't relish the idea of en teri ng the It migh t even att em pt blatant brib ery or
excruciating Long Dreaming agai n. For suggest that th e koprus are prepared to
centuries , it has been cont en t to wait and launch an all-out shadow pearl attack on
see what happen s. th e su rface world . Whatever the story,
Nglothn oru remains ever vigilant, and N'glot hno ru tries to ens ure that th e
as soon as it no tices the PCs' arrival in the party comes away from the conversation
cave, it uses veil on itself to assume the with two key pieces of in for mat ion :
shadow pearls, an d wait for th e next shape of a gho stly troglodyte high pri est, that th e Ceru lean Curtain is genera ted
vis it fro m Scuttl ecove to begin t h e the n uses proj ect ima,ge to manifest an from somewh ere in Go lismorga, and
process anew. image of its di sguise ato p the eastern th at destroyin g it is the only way to
Creatu re:Th e aboleth N'gloth noru was balcony. Even if the PCs are stealthy permanently disru pt the shadow pearl
tra ppe d in th is cavern wh en TIa/oc's Tear about the ir en trance, if Irgzid is with creation pr ocess.
drove th e water from th ese caves. Quickly th em , the troglodyte moves ahead of th e N'g lo thn oru has n o int ere st in
s uccumbing to the Long Dream in g, PCs into the roo m to loudly an nounce co mba t, but if attacked it uses its
th e stranded abolet h was the first one himself, saying, "I have brought you the proj ected ima,g c t o creat e hy pnotic
di scover ed by the Olman s who came h eroe s you ask ed for, Fath er! What do patterns and illu sion s to try to tri ck the
down to inve stigate the results the ir you wish ofthem?" PCs int o ent eri ng th e wate r below so
work , and it becam e a sym bol for the Through the proj ected of hi s it can att ack th em ph ysically. If al so
triu mph over Golis morga. The Olmans t roglodyte priest -gho st, N'gloth no ru tri es to tri ck the par ty into des t roying
erect ed a templ e around the d reamin g add resses the PCs (and Irgzid, if h e's the ,gly ph of suppress ion on th e ceili ng
aboleth, carving away at the cavern walls the re), telling them it is a manifesta tio n above , per haps clai m ing th at it is the
to surround their captu red foe with th e of th e to rmente d spirits ofthi s realm. It o nly th in g th at keeps the water in this
marks of their own civilization. speaks in Draconi c at first, but due to its cham ber fro m van ishing.
Afte r th e Olma n em pire collapsed, Memo ry Eater feat, it can easily switch
N'glothnoru spen t several h und red to any other language to comm unicate if N 'GLOT H N OR U e R8
yea rs alo ne in th is iso la ted cave rn . it wishes. Elit e aboleth
Not lon g after th e kopru s d iscover ed N'glothnoru wants on e thing, and one LE Garg ant uan aberrat ion (aquat ic)
the rui ns of Golismo rga, a band of thi ng on ly:the dest ruction ofthe Cerulean M onster M anual 9
scouts cam e across th is cave rn and Cu rtain. It knows that some thing in lnl t +2; Senses darkvision 60 fl.: List en +13,
were bem used by th e abol eth 's plight. Golism orga is su staini ng th e barr ier, Spot +13


Aura mucus cloud (l -ft., Fort DC 21)
Languages all
AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 15
hp 92 (8 HD)
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +8
Spd 10 ft., swim 60 ft.
Melee 4 tentacles +13 (l d8+9 plus slime,
DC 21)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +6; Grp +23
Special Actions enslave(DC 19, cannot use
in this encounter)
Psionics (CL16th)
At will-hypnotic pattern (DC 17), illusory
LVall (DC 19), mirage arcana (DC 20),
persistent image (DC 20), programmed
image (DC 21), proj ect imag e (QC 22), lieU
(DC 21)
J/day-q uickened illusory",all (DC 19)
Abilities Str 29, Dex14, Con 24,Int 15,Wis
14, Cha 21
Feats Improved Natural Attack (tentacle),
Memory Eater,Quicken Spell-like Ability
Skills Concentration +18, Knowledge (arcana)
+13, li sten +13,Spot +13, Swim +17
Memory Eater This feat (Lords of Madness
22) allows N'glothno ru to retain all of the
memories of any eaten creature, granting
it the ability to make untrained skill
checks in any skill and the ability to speak
all languages.
Ad-Ho c Expe rience Award: If the PCS
avo id combat wit h N'gloth no ru and learn
abo ut T1aloc'sTearand the koprus from it,
give them a CR 9 experience award.
of whispe ring wells up from below, and t he tering swar m s of g rubs, wh ite spid ers,
J. Hall of the Dreamers (EL 12) ground looks almost like it's moving. wh ip scor pions , cen tip edes, a nd othe r
Elevation: 7,00 0 feet below sea level ver m in. Although horrifying to observe,
D istance from th e Temple ofth e Ancient The na tu ral stone bridges are wide bu t this immense swarm is physically ha rm-
Ones: 17 miles sm ooth and slippery, 'wi th edges that slope less to larger creatu res. Nonetheless, any
away dramati cally from a fairly narrow crea tu re stan ding on th e ground in the
The passageway opens into a rough ly band of level gro und down the center of pit is quickly swar med by the crea tu res,
circular cavern. A ten-foot-wide ledge runs the bridge. A cha racter who runs or fights a nd m ust m ake a DC 14 Fortitud e save
across the nort hern and sout hern faces of on a bridge m ust make a DC 12 Balan ce eac h round or be nau seat ed for 1 ro un d.
the room, with a passage leading away from check. Failure by 5 or more indi cates a slip The larger ve rmin that dwell in th is cav-
each. Graceful arcs of natural stone bridge and ao-fbct -fall int o the rubble below. ern are not so hindered by the swarms.
the two ledges in three places, although the The six fishlike shapes are aboleth that Creat ur es : While t he majo rity of the
easte rnmost bridge has collapsed in the ha ve succu mbed to th e Lon g Dreaming. in sect s swarming in the pit are ha rm less
cente r, leaving a five-foot-wide gap. Above, Th e y've lain in cl ose proximi ty for verm in , th e th ree ho rse-sized arach n ids
the ceiling rises up to a height of nearly forty centuries, un able to make contact wit h th at clam ber abou t on t he walls a re no t.
feet, while below the ground drops away an each other or affect their surround ings. These monste rs are blackfan g rhagodes-
equal distance into a rubble-strewn gulf. Yet they are not a lo ne . sa s, sp id e r- li ke creatures with dark
What appear to be six immense petrified The whispering sound an d strangely b rown and yellow striped bod ies. The
fish lie on the floor of the crevice.The sou nd moving grou n d are the res u lt of ch it- fro nt pa ir of thei r ten spin d ly legs en d




in terrible discs st u dde d with d ozens of powerful muscles in its jaws allow it to m any ofthe city's st ru ctu res, which used
h ooked sucke rs. Even more h orr ifying apply 1.S times its Strength modifier to th e wate r fo r su pport. Stone b uildin gs
a re th eir o ver sized head s do mi nate d by damage rolls with it. have par tiall y colla psed, and organ ic ed i-
twi n pairs of vertica lly sna p pin g b lack Feats A rhagodessa gains Multiattack and fices have gasped , rotted, and suffered
ma nd ibles t he size of scim itars. Cha rac- Spring Attack as bonu s feats. cen t ur ies -lon g decli n es, growing t hick
ters may recognize t he genera l sh ape of Tr easure: A D C 25 Search check uncov- with m ol d and infectio n .
the se m on sters from their first encoun- er s the skeletal body ofa long-dead kuo - Golismo rga is a terrible ru in of sto n e
ter ab oard th e Blue Nixie so lo n g ago, yet toa exp lo rer, obscure d by the SWJrm of rubble , ram pant fungi , a nd gr ea t hunks
th ese cr eat u res ar e nearly three tim es vermin (ift he ver mi n ar e di sposed of, the of bl ack, flesh y res in too fou l to d ecay.
th e size of t he rh agodessas t hey fought body is a uto matically di scovered). Mo st After their en counter wit h N'g lot h noru
in Sasserin e. ofthe kuo-to a's gea r ha s rotted away, but or the u se of d ivination spe lls, th e PCs
T he blaekfang rhagodessas quickly glittering on o ne ofi ts skeletal finge rs is likel y hav e o n e of two obje cti ve s in
clamber up t he walls to att ack anyo ne a coral ringoJevasion. min d- an assa ul t on t he kopru -he ld
who enters, an d pursue as lo ng as the y sect io n of the ru in s, or a seek -a n d -
can to complete th eir m eals. PART THREE: CITY OF dest roy m ission to l 1aloc's Tear. While
MADNESS bot h locati o n s are re lat ively close by,
Bl.ACKFANG RHAGODESSAS (3) CR 9 Mile s beneath th e Isle of Dread's cen t ral t he mazelike na ture ofth e ru ins m eans
Advanced rhagodessa mesa and th e ru in s of an cien t Thanaclan that m a kin g the se t reks by foo t take s
N La rge vermin festers a cavity in the endless rock There, three times as long. Flight makes tra vel
D U N GEO N #13 9 46 over th e cours e ofeons, the aboleths rai sed only slightly easi er, as th e city's g narle d
Init +0; Senses darkvisio n 60 ft.; listen +2, their pr ofan e, half-living city: Golismorga. spi r es a n d fleshy a pp en dages twis t at
Spot +2 For un countable centuries they worked impo ssible an gles as th ey cla w to ward
AC 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14 their foul plots, lit only by the unhealth y th e cavern ceiling.
hp 102 (12 HD) violet light of the Pillars ofY'c bak, until
Immune vermin traits th e Olm an pe ople came to the land above. K. Entrance to Golismorga
Fort +12, Ref+4, Will +6 And with th e aid of their god of rain , th ey Elevatio n: 10 ,500 feet b elow sea level
Spd 40 fl., climb 40 fl. d ro ve th e wate r fro m the city. Di stance from th e H all ofth e Dr eamers:
Melee 2 pedipalps +17 (0 damage) and For cent u r ies , Go li smorga lay 6 m iles
bite +lS(2d6+l3) unclaimed , until the koprus, led through
Space 10 ft.: Reach 5 ft. the lab yrinthine darkness by the whispers Within th is immense cavern broods a realm
Base Atlt +9; Grp +26 of the ir un h oly m aster Demogorgon, of gigantic polyps and int ricate fungi so
Atk Options Spring Attack, improved grab discovered the dried and gas ping ru ins. In large and elaborate t hat the y seem almost
(pedi palp), powe rful bite th at p it ofinsan ity, the Prince ofDem on s to compli me nt th e twisted towers, te m ples,
Abilities Str 28, Dex 10, Con 18, Int - , Wis taugh t h is favored priests how to utilize t he myriad const ructio ns of an insa ne city.
14, Cha 6 th e foul crea tions oft he ab oleth s an d work Rui ned citad els of cyclop ean g randeu r
Feats Multiattack, Spring Attack bilest one, the secretion of unfath omab le tan gle amid spires t hat look to have been
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability,a b eings known as Elde r Evils. Koprus have g rown rat her th an built- hom es for beings
rhagodessa must hit a creature of its h au nted Go lis morga's ruins ever since, with unsp eakable forms. Sense less bridges
size o r sm aller with a pedipalp attack. It wor king the w ill of their demon m aster, reach to su icide heig hts , dropping away
can the n attempt to start a grapple as a th ough ha rassed by seem ingly end less into squamous slums and melte d ghettoes.
free action withou t provoki ng an attack abom inable remnants of t he abo leths ' Seemingly accide nta l avenues and inacces -
of opportunity. If it establishes a hold, it an cien t ru le. sible alleys form an un fat ho mab le maze,
can make a bite attack as a free action, a labyrint h th at str etches to the su bte rra-
gaining a +4 bonus on its attack roll Golismorga nean horizon. Across it all bulge imag es of
with this attack. The hooks and suckers Golismorga occu pies a ma ssive, 300 - g narled, te ntacled t hings and red dom es
the rhagodessa uses to clutch prey tear foo t- hi gh caver n n ea rly 2 ,000 fed across that glisten like un blinking, dem oniac eyes.
flesh if a grapple creature escapes with an d ove r 3,0 0 0 feet wide, su rro un d ed The already stale air has grown foul and
an opposed grapple check, causing by num ero us adjoi ning caves. On ce close in t his place, as if the sme ll of rot was
Id6 points of damage to the escaping filled com pletely with wate r, the abo leth someh ow trying to crowd ou t th e final gas p
creature. Acreature that escapes with metro poli s contains st ru ctures of ro ck, offreshness reaching these forsaken de pths.
Escape Artist does not suffer this damage. hardened mucu s, livin g flesh , an d ot h er Bursting from the demented cityscape,
A rhagodessa has a +4 racial bonus o n even m ore ali en material s. Wh en the three titanic colu mns of unearth ly violet
grapple checks. ancient Olman s u nleas hed TIaloc's Tear flame churn sile ntly like t he pillars of so me
Powerful Bite (Ex)Arhagodessa's bite u pon the city, the ban ish ed waters no t giga nt ic te mp le, bath ing t he ent ire cavern
is always a secondary attack, yet t he o n ly drove o ut t he abo leth s but ruined in a nauseati ng violet lig ht- a light that



seems so me how mo re ho rrib le th a n th e 'Ole pilla rs of Y'chak radiate a cold, su rr ound ing ruins , both to patrol for
dar kness tha t lu rks at t he edges of this n au seatin g aura. An y creatu re that in truder s and to seek ancient ma gic.
nightma re grotto. appro ach es within 50 feet ofone of th ese Each of these scouting parties cons ists
pillars m ust mak e a DC 30 Fortitude save of fo ur kop ru s an d eigh t do mi nated
Th e cavernous ledge is approximately to res ist beco ming na useated for 2d6 troglodyte slaves. Each pair ofslaves bear
200 feet fro m the cavern floor. Eroded rounds. A creatu re that ente rs one ofthe a single kopru on a leath ery palen qui n.
smooth, the walls are difficult to climb, pillars must mak e a DC 30 Fortitude save If the se sco u ts de tect the PCs, th ey
req uiring a DC 27 Clim b chec k to tra- each round to avoid being destroyed; a att em p t to domina te th em and br ing
verse without aid. creature slain by th e fires of'Y 'ch ak can them before their leader for question ing.
on ly be rest or ed to life by miracle, true Alterna tively, if the PCs are stea lthy, th ey
L . Secondary Entrances resurrection, or wisIJ. The denizen s of m igh t follow the kopr us back to their
Four add itional entrances exist in to Gel - Goli smorga have long since learned to redoubt at Holash ner 's Ziggu rat. In all,
ismo rga at each location mar ked "L" on avoid the pillars. there are two ba nds of kopr u scou ts
the m ap. These tunnels eventually lead active in Goli smorga; once the y are
back to the Ceru lean Curtain , arriving P. Tlaloc's Crater de feated , the PCs face no more kopru s
at poi nts wh ere th e caves 'are flood ed . Th is ar ea is detailed in Part Fou r. until th ey near Holashner 's Ziggu rat.
Little but m onstr ous vermin. dwell in A ko p ru is on ly human oid fro m
these tunnels. Q..HoIa!lhner's Ziggurat the torso up. It's lower bod y is ecllike.
This area is det ailed in Part Five. with a tail cons isting of three powerfu l
M . Deep Entrances flu kes, each end ing in a crue l hook. The
These four lower passageways con nect to Other Encounters in Golismorga creature's talo ned h and s are web be d ,
Golismo rga via deep rents in th e cavern The ruins of Golismorga are exten sive, and it s h ead is that of a h o rr ib le
floor (area N). Th ese passageways lead and far fro m safe. Rather than detail large-eyed fish wit h fac ial tenta cles
even dee per into the Unde rda rk, often numerous keyed en cou n ter locations, su rr ou ndi n g a pu cker-like m aw filled
leading to sma ller abandone d abole th th is sect ion provides several enco unters with tiny shar p teeth.
ou tpo sts similar to (bu t smaller th an ) that could occur anywhe re in the ruin s.
Golis m o rga. These passages become These en counters have been left. fairly KO .RUS (4) CR 6
flood ed once they reach the Cer ulea n un detail ed , so you can expand upon CE Medi u m m on strous huma no id
Cu rtai n, and lead on from there to them as you wis h, tailoring them to Monster Manual" 134
und ersea exits. your campaign. The PCs should have at Init +2; Senses da rkvisio n 60 ft.; li st en +1,
least one enc o unter befo re th ey reach Spot +1
N. Chasms eith er destination ift hey head direct ly to languages Aquan , Olman
Four deep chas ms dr op away fr om the T laloc's Crater or Hclashner's Ziggu rat. AC I S. touch 12. flat-footed 13
cave floor in Golismorga. These ch asms hp 36 (8 H D)
vary from on e hu ndr ed to th ree h undred Evidence of Life Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +9
feet dee p, an d allow access to the dee p As the PCs explore, they witness ever Spd 5 ft., swim 40 ft.
en trance s to th e cavern. Ropers, mon- more evidence of Golismorga's op pid an Melee tail slap +10 (l d6+2) and
strous ver m in , and clim bing oozes arc d em en tia. While not immediately dan - 2 claws +8 (ld4+l) and
comm on in thes e foul dep th s. gerous, the party rand om lyfroll rdq }sees bite +8 (l d 4+1)
one of the followi ng: (1) A mon strous Bas e Atk +8; Grp +17
O. Pillars of Y'cha' to ng ue, split in a trip le fork, rolls from Atk Options con strict 3d6+3, imp roved grab
Fou r violet colu m ns of churning fire a stru cture's flesh y absce ss, licks the red (tail slap)
lig ht Golismorga (a lth ou gh th e fou rt h do m es up on its surface, then recoils; (2)a Spe cial Action s dominate person (DC 16)
is set in a side cavern to the northwest). great pill ar of violet flam e nearly 60 feet Ab ilities Str I S, Dex 14 , Con 11, Int 11, Wis
These magical pillars offire are an cient high app ear s in th e PCs' pat h, burns for 12, Cha 10
aboleth creations th at survived the deto- 3 roun ds, then vanis hes; (3) a two-s tory - SQ amphibiou s
nation of TIntoe's Tear, and still provid e tall lu ng heaves on th e side of a stru c- Feats Ability Focu s (d o m inate per son ), Iro n
an un earthly light. These eldritch col - ture. ga sping irregularly; (4) the wa lls of Will, Mu ltiaUack
umns of fire are m onumen ts to one o f a building are alive wit h cilia that retract Skills Concent ration +8, Escap e Artist +8,
th e Elde r Evils. an entity calle d Y'cha k if the PCs touch th em , causi ng the build- Move Silently +6, Sea rch +4, Swim +10
who, un like the majo rity of Elde r Evils, ing to growl. Po sse ss io n s co ral ho ly sym bo l of
takes an active in terest in the ru in of De m ogorgon wo rth SO gp
civiliza tion. The fact tha t thes e m onu- Kopru Seouts (EL 10) Do m inat e Person (Su) A kopru ca n att empt
me n ts survived th e ruin of Golis mo rga The kop ru s dwellin g near Holashner's to domi nate pe rson o nce pe r da y, as the
is no t coinc iden tal. Ziggura t regu lar ly send gr oup s in to the s pe ll (CL 10t h), save tha t the range is 180


feet and the dur ation is eight days. A DC Damaged stone statues oft entacled eyes
16 Will save resists the dom ination. The devouring stars and suns coil out of each
save DC is Charisma-based. pool. Th e pools arc still filled with what
Im proved Grab (Ex) If a kopru hits a target looks like br ackish wate r,but a character
its own size or smalle r with a tail slap, it may make a DC 2 0 Knowledge (arcana)
can attempt to start a g rap ple as a free check to notice th at there is som e-
action that does not provoke an att ack of th ing fund amentally wrong with the
opportun ity. lfit esta blishes a hold, it can fluid. Th ese waters are actu ally ancient
constrict. A kopru has a +7 racial bonu s construct s lefl behind by the aboleths,
on gra pple checks . guard ians crafted from the ir own slimy
Troglodyt es (8): hp 13 each; Monster extru sion s known as sha boath golem s.
Manual 246. A sha peless mass of semi-transparent
sludge and water, a shaboath creates four
Scholarly Devourer (EL 11) large tenta cles to cru sh its victims on ce
An ancien t devourer named Rakis-Ka it attacks. Largelyind istingui shable from
came to Golismorga several :month s ago water when at rest, th e con stru cts lay in
and became fascinated by the ruin s. He is amb ush and do no t attack until a non -
particularly interested in the lore of the aboleth comes with in ten feet of a pool's
Elder Evils, and hopes to discover a way edge. Onc e one activates, the other does
to feed upon and draw pmver from the as well, and bot h fight unt il destroyed.
end less essences ofthese godlike beings.
It's likelyhe notices the PCs' entrance into SHABOATHS (2) ·CR 10
Golismo rga and seeks them out to dis- N cons truct (cold)
cover what they know of the Elder Evils Lords of Madness 166
an d arrogan tly converse about what he Init - l ; Sen se s da rkvision 60 ft., low-light
has learn ed (little more than the beings' vision; Li ste n +0, Spot +0 minute as a sta nda rd action tha t does not
names and what structures the aboleth AC 20, tou ch 8, flat-footed 20 pro voke an atta ck of opportunity.
built to honor them, see page 27 of Lords cif hp 60 (II HD): DR 10/- Wate ry Conc ealm ent (Ex) An u nde rwate r
Ma dTJ{~ss). You can use an encounter with Immun e add , cold shabcath is difficult to see, and gains
Rakis-Ka to help guide th e PCs toward Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3 conceal men t (50% m iss chance).
Holashn er's Ziggurat or Tlaloc's Crater if Weakne ss vuln erable to fire
they need some direction but regardless Spd 20 fl., swim 30 ft. Sloughed Skin (EL 9)
of how amenably the PCs condu ct them- Melee 4 sla ms +14 (2d l 0+7) Th e vibr ation s of the party's passage dis-
selves, the devourer is tempted by the Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. ru pt the husk of a nearby rott ing build-
part y's essences and stalks them not long Base Atk +8; Grp +19 in g, triggin g an avalanc he of decaying
after they part ways, int ent on consum ing Atk Option s improved grab flesh like resin . T he resultin g slide is 80
at least one of the ir souls. Special Act ions eng ulf, wall of ice feet wide with a ao-foot bu ry zone in th e
Rakis- Ka, devourer : hp 78; Monster Abilitie s Str 25, Dex 9, Con - , Int - , Wis cent er and a ao-foot slide zone on eith er
Manila/ 58. II , Cha 1 side. Treat th is as a normal avalanche,
SQ watery concealm ent as det ailed on page 90 of the Dun,gcon
Screaming Buildings Engulf (Ex) A sh aboath can attempt to Master's Guide, bu t any creatu re dam -
A blood -curdling screa m rises from engulf a grappled op pone nt of its size or aged by the mas sive amount ofdecaying
so me di stant place wit hin th e city. A smaller by making a successful grapple flesh mu st make a DC 15 For titu de save
moment lat er, the sound echoes back, check. Once inside, a victim takes or contr act red ach e (Durl,geon Master's
alth ough slightly distor ted. Then again 2dl 0+l 0 points of crushing da mage per Cnide,page 292).
it echoes, though taking on a gurgling rou nd. If th e oppo nent ca nnot breathe
tone , and again , closer, even m ore dis- water, it m ust hold its breath or begin to Wandering Brain Collector (EL 7)
torted. Any PC that makes a DC 18 lis- drow n. An engulfed creature can escape Wh en TIal oc's Tear deton at ed , th e
ten check perceives that the "echoes" are by mak ing a successful grapp le check resulting storm of Olma n ma gic and
actually coming from the fleshy build- or Escape Artist check. A sha boath can failing aboleth incant ation s caus ed a
ings the mselves. engulf 1 Large, 2 Medium, 4 Small, 8 mom entary ri ppl e in reali ty. In that
Tiny, 16 Diminutive, or 32 Fine creatu res in sta nt, a powerful cre ature fro m th e
Shaboath Pools (EL 1'1.) at one time. Far Realm , a hid eous monster called a
Th e PCs come to an area decorated with Wall of Ice (Su) A shabcath can gen e rate a neh -th alggu (brain collec tor ) was drawn
a pair of shallow pools of dark wate r. wall of ice (as t he spe ll, CL 20t h) once pe r into the worl d. Th e otherworldly thing



lin gere d in Go lism org a fo r a ti m e, evaporates into swirling blue-green wisps stu d ying th e ripp les of m agic ene rgy
feast ing on the abo let hs' terri fied skum of vapor. a ro u n d Tl alur's Tear, thi s g ig an t ic
servan ts and even t u all y s pawn in g brain coll ecto r b elie ves th at, gi ven a
cou nt less young. The or ig inal n eh- Wh en t h e p ries ts of Th anacla n few m ore sho rt d ecade s, it will ha ve
thal ggu h ad lon g si nc e d epa rted soug ht to pu rge Go lism orga, th ey use d determin ed th e m et ho d o f awak in g th e
Go lis morga even befor e the ko pru s th eir great magic to bore a shaft d irect ly an cien t ar tifact to ren d tim e and space
sett led he re , bu t its spawn have lin gered from their cit y into th e abo leth s' realm again, allo wing it to re tu r n to it s tru e
in th e city over th e cen tu ri es, seeking b el ow, pu n cturing th e ro of o f th e h ome and com p lete its tr an sform ation
brai n s even as they desire to stay n ear cavern dir ectly ab ove th is poi nt. The y in to a mo nster of ep ic po tent ial.
T1afoc's Tear. hopi n g it m ight aga in op en th en se n t TIaloc's Tear hurt ling in to th e Unt il t h at p oin t, th e n eh -t hal ggu
a way to thei r terrifyi ng h om e. dep th s, accom pan ied b y their grea te st g ua r ds t his si te wi t h a ho rrifi c
Brain Collector: hp 85; sec Appen d ix. war riors an d p r ie s ts. Moving into te na city.
po si tion over th e cent er of th e d read
Worm Food (EL 12) city, the terr ib le weap on of th e god o f NE H ~T H A LGGU SCION CR 14
A d u ll grin di n g no ise reson ate s from rain wo rked it s poten t m agic, d riving Advanced brain collector loremaster 4
aro und a corner. In vestigation reveals all t he wate r fr om Go li sm orga an d CE Huge aberration
the bod y o f a giga ntic pu rp le.worm, it s h ol ding it back in defin itely. It s in itial Dungeon Masters Guide 191, Page 64
bod y pinned to the ground by a terr ible purpose ful filled, th e ar ti fact s p ira led Init +1; Senses d arkvislo n 60 ft.; Listen +22,
buildin g with a b ulbous b lack exte rior int o th e collapsi n g city bel ow, st ri kin g Spot +2
ridd led with gill-like gashe s. The bu ild- th e t re m b l in g caver n floor wi t h the Languages Aboleth, Neh-thalggu: telepathy
ing seem s to have par tially collapsed on force o f its d eific creator's m igh t an d 60 fl .
th e m assive predator, but the way rows openi n g a sizable crat er u po n im pac t. AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 20
ofpale, cart ilagi no us steeples have fallen T laloc's Tear h as rema ine d th e re hp 242 (257 with false lift. 20 HD); DR5/m .g;c
make it look mor e like the structure bi t fo r cen tu ri es. Immune critical hits, disease, pois ok
down on the worm as it slith ered by. Ttal oc's cr ate r is 1 5 0 feet across Fort + 14, Ref +7, W ill +17
Una ble to escape an d slowly bleedin g to and 50 feet de ep. It s sides an gle at a Spd 60 ft.
dea th, the worm ven ts its p rimal rage on 45° slo p e, r equ ir in g a D C 1 0 Cli m b M e le ~ bite +25 (4d8+18)
any creature tha t comes with in its reach. che ck to tra verse. The cra t er flo or Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Alth ou gh it can not move , th e pu r pl e is strewn with r ub b le a nd coun ts as Base Atk +14: Grp +34
wor m can make fu ll U St of its attacks di fficul t terrain. T he fun g i an d bilious Special Actio ns extract brain, metamagic
up on anyth ing tha t st um bles in reach of se cret io ns th at tr ick le d own th e walls Spells Prepared (CL10th, +25 touch, + 14
its bite or stin g. of t h e crate r he re ar e as d an ge rous ranged touch)
Wou nded Purp le Worm: hp 2 0 0 (cu r- as the y are di sgu stin g. The p atch es 5th (5/d. y)--cone of rold (DC 25). hold
rently 120 ); Monster Manua1 211 . of mold , desp ite th eir n oxious gre en monster (DC 2S). telekinesis (DC 2S)
h u e, r eact to m otio n as yellow mold ath (7/day)--bestaw curse (DC 24),
PART FOUR: TLALOC'S (D u nn eon Master's G u id e 76 ). T h e dimension door, confusion (DC 24).
CRATER r ivule ts o f corrupt io n ar e r ip e wi th greater invisibility
d isease- an yon e who t ou ches th e stuff j rd (7/day)--dispel mag;c,JlY, haste,
A wide crater in the shatte red cavern floor m ust m ake a DC 14 Fortitude sa ve or tongues, vompiric touch
has become an abscess for all the pungent con t ract slimy d oom (Dunn eo" Master's and (8/d. y)--detect thaughts (DC n ).Jalse
fluids that seep and bleed from the alien Gu ide 29 2). Th e p ool o fi n fectio us ooze life, 9houl touch(DC 22), mirror imoge,
city. Rent as if by some great impact , the at the cr ater 's ba se is five feet d ee p. resist energy, see inlJisibility, web(DC 22)
cracked depr ession blosso ms with sickly Th e sto ne hea d at the cen ter of th e 1St (9/day}-comprehend languages,

molds and tumid blue and white mush- cr ater can be id ent ified wit h a DC 25 expeditious retreat, 9rease(DC 21), mage
rooms several heads taller tha n a full- Kn owled ge (religion) ch eck as th e h ead armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement,
grown man. Languid veins of muc us trickle ofTl al oc, th e Olman god of rain. shield, true strike
down the sides of the crater to pool at the Creatu re s: The kop rus kn ow of th is o (6/day}---acid splash, dancin9 lights,
basin's floor, leaving only a sma ll patch of site an d the stra n ge m agic that lingers detect magic, ghost sound (DC 20 ), m0ge
fractured ea rth undespoi led. Atthe crater's with in , b u t h ave be en de terred fro m hand, message, prestidi9itotion, read
botto m sits the ten-foot-wide stone head in vest igati ng it m or e tho rough ly by a moyie, touch offatigue (DC 20)
of a reptilian creature with bulging eyes, a horror b eyon d rea son in g tha t dwe lls Abilities Str 35, Dex: 12, Con 26 , Int 20, Wi s
forked ton gue, and a headdress offea thers wit hin . Th is is an im m en se n eh - 16, Cha 30
and spikes. The stone head is cracked and t ha lgg u, on e o f the o ri ginal spawn of SQ otherworldly physiology, no breath,
damaged , and as the black sludge pools th e alien th at visited thi s site ov er ten lcremaster lore +9, loremaster secrets
aro und the stump of its neck it sizzles and cent u ri es ag o. Afie r a mi llenn ium o f (weapon trick, dodge trick)


Fe at s Eschew Mater ials, Extend Spell,
Improved Initiative, Improved Nat ural
Att ack (bite), Maximize Spell, Skill Focus
(Knowledge [arcanaj), Widen Spell
Skills Conc e ntration +27, Hide +12,Jump
+43, Knowl ed ge (a rcana) +27, Kno wled ge
(the planes) +24, Listen +22, Spellc raft +26
Tactics:The ne h-thalggu scion spe nds
most of its time at the bottom of the
cra ter, endlessly studying TIaloc's Tear.
It emerges on ly to de fend its territory
or to seek out new b rain s, ho ping that
one ofi ts meals mi ght som e day posses s
useful knowledg e for how the art ifact
work s. T he cre ature starts each day by
cas ting extende d maEe ar~nor and false
life spells on itsel f, and ifit has a chance
to prepare for com bat , also cast s !]reater
invisibility, see invisibility,fly, shield, haste,
an d mirror ima,ge.
The aber ration knows th at the ooze
and fu ngi in its crater are dangerou s
to ot h er crea tures, and .often move s
th r ough the m old patches to trigger
explos ions of spores, or uses telek i ne .~ i .~
to hu rl foes into the di seased ooze . The
brain collector doe sn 't pause to ext ract
b rain s unless it can do so safely or if it
de speratel y needs a ne w spell to handle
an unexpected situa tion; the monster's
ability to effectively relearn spells on th e
fly by absor bing br ains gives it a u nique
degre e of m agical diversity.
In any event, the neh-t halggu has little
in terest in perishing when it's only a few
perce ived decades away from ascensi on.
lfbrought below 40 hit point s, it attem pts unto the enemy,an d thence Tlaloc would The head is cracked in some places and
to flee via dimensioll door, returning in Id4 speak to them. appea rs to be crumbling away to dust in
hours to check on th e sit uation in the 11aloc's Tear is thi s head , a sto ne others. Once ind est ru ctib le, 11a/or's Tear
crater. Ifi t realizes the pe s wish to destr oy rep resen tation of'Tlaloc's reptilian visage is n ow p racti call y beggin g fo r release
Tllll oc ~~ Tear, though, it fights to the death upon wh ich seem to swirl all th e color s from its ancient du ty. The head can be
to protect wha t it believes to be the key to of th e rai n an d sea. The artifact's sole de stroyed b y enough p h ysic al d am age,
its apotheosis. p urpose was th e creation ofthe Ceru lean and has no particular p rotection against
Cu rtai n th at d rove the waters fro m spells li ke sroue shape. As a re sult,
Destroying Tlaloc's Tear Golismorga and disrupted the mental de stroying the Ceru lean Curt ain's anchor
While few would mi stake the Olman god co n t rol the abole th s had oyer their is surprisingly sim ple.
of rain and fer tili ty for a sympathetic enslaved arm ies. Today, the Tear serves As soon as 11aloc's Tear is de st royed ,
deity, T'laloc is feroc ious in p rotect - only as an anch or for the curta in , and the ever -present wh ispers sud denly ri se
in g h is wor shi p pers. When T ha nac lan as long as th e Ceru lean Cu rtain exist s, to a cresce ndo and the n f.111 silent as the
offere d prayer and boun tiful sacrifi ce to it also ancho rs n oloc's Tear. It cannot Ceru lean Cur tai n parts and an en tire
their gods for a soluti on to the threat of he moved. physically or magically, from ocean of wate r is releas ed from a mill -
Golism orga. Tlaloc answered by speak- this location. meum-long rest raint. Walls of seawater
ing to hi s high priest through the hea d Yet time and the eldritch influence cascade down through the tunnel s, dis-
of one of his statue s. He told th is p riest of th e brood ing alien city aro un d it cernable at first as a distan t rum bli ng
he mu st take th is head an d d eliver it have wor n upon its visage an d strength. with a DC 20 Listen check . For the next



th ree hours, eart h tremors increasingly Holash ner's Ziggurat is a rqo-Ioot-wide plateau above . When the PCs arrive in
shake the city of Goli smorga (Reflex DC ziggu rat. It was h ere, long ago, that the th is vicinity after de stro yin g Tlaloc's Tear,
12 to avoid being knocked prone) as thi s aboleth kept reposit ories of bilestone to th ey find th e place unguarded save for
low rumbling inc reases in volu me un til hon or Holashner, one of th e Elder Evils. what few b ehe m oths wait for th em on
finally th e four upper en tra nces (area K). This bilest on c, tr ansformed back into and in the ziggurat itsel f
transform into tum ult uous waterfa lls. its liqu id stat e by an ancie n t abomona- Koprus ( 8): h p )6 each: See page 54.
While the pes might fear that they mu st tion create d by the aboleth lon g ago for Kopru Beh emoths (16): h p 10 2 each ;
n ow ru sh to com pl ete any remaining expr ess ly th is .pu rp ose, was precisel y see page 60.
objectives. this is something ofa miscon- wha t Demogorgon needed to com pl ete Dark Nagas (to): hp 58 each; Monstcr
cep tio n. Entire mazes mu st refill below th e creation of the shadow pearls. Ma1Juall 91.
Golismorga before it becomes a drowned Very few kop ru s are allowe d int o the Troglodytes (70): h p I ) each; Monster
city on ce again . Fro m the poin t at which zigg ura t. Cu rre nt ly, 38 no r mal koprus. Manual 246.
TIaloc's Tear is destroyed , th e pe s h ave 16 h ulking kopru beh emoth s, 10 d ark
appro xim ately ~6 h ours to escape the city nagas the kop rus h ave alli ed 'with, and 70 Holuhnec's Ziggurat
before being forced to deal with dan ger- ens laved tro glod ytes dwell in the ru ins A parasite gnawing th rough the vitals of
ou sly rising waters. immed iate ly surrounding th e aigg u - th e wor ld, th e Elde r Evil Holashner; the
A great er p otentia l th reat lie s in th e rat . The koprus ha ve created nu me rous Hunger Below, en dlessly feeds its cos-
reawakening of the dozens of slu mber- poo ls of water (using a decanter qf endless mic hunger in the unfathom able dep th s
ing aboleths in the caverns surround- water) to serve them as shelters where below th e Underdark. Where th is god-
in g Golismorga. Within minutes of the the y ca n dwell comfortably outsid e th in g passes, it excre tes a flu id foulness
waters rus h ing over their dried bod- th eir prefe rre d aquati c enviro n me nt. known as the black bile of the world.Ter-
ies, they awaken fro m th eir long sleep. Th ey fin d th e su r rou n di ng arch it ec- rible be yond m ortal under standing an d
Lethargic an d wit h only en ou gh water to ture of Goli smorga strang ely soot h ing , pro fane beyond the capacity of m ost dei-
make th e barest moveme nt s, by the time yet have n ot done much to explo re the ties , Holash ner is hel d in high regard by
Golismorga is once again flooded, th e ruin s. Dem ogorgon's will brought th em the abolet hs, who de dicate gr eat mo nu-
aboleth have already begun the grim task to the ziggurat, but th ey dare n ot stray ments to hi s n ame. Holashner's Ziggurat
of reclaim in g th eir an cient home. Th ey far (wi th the exception of the two sco ut- is one such monu me nt.
m ay recognize tha t th ey h ave th e pes to ing pa rtie s detailed in Part Three). As a Once a h alf-living towe r of purple
th ank for thei r salvation, or they may resu lt, it's difficult for the pe s to whittle fles h oozin g black bile of the world. the
no t-in either even t, the se h ateful alien away at th e creatures' ranks. Any alarm kop rus h ave p ervert ed the ziggu rat to
fish see any in truders in Goli smorga quickly rouses all the inhabitan ts of th e Demogorgon's ne ed s, covering it with
(PCs inclu ded) as fit for slavery at best. commu nity, and while th e normal kop ru stone q uar ried from the su rr ou n d in g
Tlaloc 's Tear: 5 ft. thi ck; Hardn ess 8; an d h alf the b eh em oth s m ove to en gage caves and etchi ng it with unholy ru nes.
h p 450. th e invaders, the remaining beh emoths Th e p lace is now a do ub ly profane
Ad- H oc Expe ri enc e Award: Fo r ru sh to reinforce th ose already statio ned monument d ed icat ed to The H un ger
destroying TIoloc'sTear and flooding Gol- at Hol ashner's Ziggurat. Ulioth eme rges Below an d the Prince of Demon s.
ism orga, give th e PCs a CR 12 experienc e from within th e ziggurat quic kly to j oin
award . th e batt le. Q1 Ziggurat Esterlcr (EL 13 )
An easier way to infiltrate Hol ashn er's
PART FIVE: THE HEART OF Zigg urat is t o cr eat e a ma s si ve Amid ruin ed tower s of melted sto ne
MADNESS distraction-such as that suggested b y and malls of qu ivering ooze, a wide area
The ko pr us h ave carved ou t a sm all N'glothno ru. The destruc tion of TIaloc 's lies clear of rub ble and less wholesome
d emesne of th eir own along th e east- Tear sends th e kopru into a panic. Ulioth debr is. From these clea red acres rises a
ern wall of Golismorga. centered on an immed iately sen ds all the behemoths sto ne pyramid that looks out of place from
anc ien t abolet h ziggu rat first Viewed by (except th ose guarding the ziggurat) to the surrounding madn ess, its d imensions
their relig ious leaders in visions granted areas whe re they know drie d ab ol eth having the look of lucid design and bearing
th em by Demogorgon. The b ulk of the li n ger , ho ping to kill th e abe rrations com forting right an gles of masonry. The
fra gm ented kopru empire is no t to be before the coming wate rs waken them . sides of th e ziggur at are festooned with
foun d he re, no r in th e ruins ofThan ac- The rest ofthe koprus an d all ofthe dar k detailed carvings of reptilian and simian
lan o n Tabo o Island above (see "City nagas are sen t into the ruins an d the monsters wrapped and cradled in end less
of Brok en Id ols" in th e ne xt issue of su rroun di ng cavern s on a multitude of coils of tent acles. Steep steps rise into the
DUNCEo N}--th ey dwell in flood ed cav- tasks in hopes of discovering the reason darken ed, noxious cavern air to a sim ple
erns elsewh er e under the Isle of Dread, for th e flooding and stemming it. A sma ll platform at the zigg ura t's summit. Not
close enoug h to the surface th at they can contingent is even ordered to report the all see ms right, th ou gh, as several cracks
visit as n eeded. flooding to the kopru's masters on the mar th e pyramid 's masonry, revealing


. se ct io ns of diseased purp le flesh wit hin. cr eat ion. Th e flesh y int eri or building the pre se nce o f thi s mo ld , yet many
In add itio n, two sides of t he pyramid loo k po sses ses an anima listic form of in tel- fear that the city itsel f gr ows tire d of
to be part ially ove rgrown, covered in putri d ligen ce, fun ctioni n g mo re in terms of th eir in t ru sion . A DC 30 Kno wledge
swat hs of pale g ree n mold . In places, ins tinct th an th ough t. T he bu ilding (natu re ) check is enough to r eveal th at
great slicks of tacky, d ried blood stain t he even has a system of b rainlike organ s the mold is u nli ke any other k nown
zigg urat's sides. tha t ar e sus cep tible to mi nd-affecting fu ng us, an d th at it is closely rel ate d
spe lls and effects, allowing its ma st ers to g reen slime. Crea t u res that en ter
A DC 25Knowledge (the planes) check to ma ke demand s of th e place directly. a sq ua re covered in this mold are
identifies the mo nster an d tentacle Sharing a simila r power to an abo leths' affe cted as if th ey ente red a squa re of
motifs tha t deco ra te the ziggu rat as en slave abili ty, the koprus found them - green slime (see page 76 of the Dungeon
ass ociated with Dem ogorgon. At the selves uniquely suited to usu r p th eir Master's Gu ide). Despite the strangeness
su m m it, it becomes evident that the prede cessor 's cont rol.Th is control is far of the mo ld , however, it can be affe cted
koprus have not finis hed their work of fro m pe rfect, bu t it's enough that th is by di minish plants and remove disease,
en casin g the orig inal organic structu re bui ldi ng has finally accepted the kopru s wh ich destroys S feet of th e mo ld per
in sto ne, as bruised, purple flesh qu ivers as in ha bita n ts, even if the mold an d the caster level. Fir e also swiftly cons u m es
beneath gaps in the sto newo rk . The city itself have not. the m ol d , wit h 5 po ints o f fire dam age
blood stains th at mar the ziggu ra t's side s Foul gree n mold grows over m uc h of d est roying a 5-foo t sq ua re.
are all that remains of the co untless the so u thwestern side of the zigg u rat. In scaling the pyramid , the PCs are
slaves th e kopru s have collected from Not seen anywhere else in the city, this likely to come acro ss several areas whe re
the tro glody tes in exchange for th e m old has th e sam e pr op erti es as green the m ason ry ofthe ziggu rat's exter ior is
shadow pearls. Sacrificed atop the ziggu rat s lim e, di ssolving an y organ ic ma ter ial inco m plete or has cra cked an d fallen
to Dem ogorgon , th eir mo rtal rem ains it touches, wit h the exce p tion of the away. Th ro ugh the th ick layer of stone
have been eaten. flesh y res in o fab ole th b uildings. Even twitch es th e live, plum-colo red flesh of
Th ose who exa m ine the st ep pe d st on e s low ly succ u mbs to the o oz e, the true stru cture beneath, a living incu-
pyram id clo sely quickly notice th at the beco m in g pockmarked and me lte d as bator for black bile of the world. PCs tha t
stru cture is no mere building, but a shell it d issol ves at a nea r geological r ate. investi gate such a crac k are likely to see
of ma sonry over a sem i-livin g aboleth T h e koprus have no explan atio n fo r parti ally expose d gills, bla ck animalistic



eyes. slits lik e wide, toothless mouths, even i f th e cavern begi n s floodi ng aft e r via a stone shape spel l. A DC 30 Search
and st ranger featu res. Every square foot t h e de stru ction ofT1a loc's Tear. ch eck of thi s section of cei l ing re veals
of exposed flesh has hardness 2 an d 10 a t o-foot-sq uare area with a strangely
h it poi nts, but heals at an incred ible rate, KOPR U B EHE M OTH S (3) CR 10 sm oo t h surface. A D C 25 Spe llcraf]
as ifit had fast heali ng 'i- Dam agin g the CE La rge monstrous humanoid ch eck revea ls t ha t th is area was created
flesh caus es th e en tire stru cture to quiver Mo n~ter Manual II 134 by wall of stone. T h is wall of stone is 15
(not so much as to throw on e off balance) Init +2; Sens es darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +0, feet th ick, an d pl ugs the ent rance to a
an d causes a m uffled. unsettling wh ining Spot +0 vertical shaft th at even tually connec ts to
to issue fro m som eplace dee p within the languages Aqua n, Olman th e same sha ft the an cient Olm ans used
str ucture's in nard s. Th e bar rier of flesh AC 22, touch 11, fl at-footed 20 to d eli ver 11aloc's Tear so lo ng ago. After
between the struc ture's interio r and the hp 102 (12 HD) th ey d id , the Olmans sealed bo th end s of
outsid e is 8 feet thi ck. Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +10 th e sha ft , bu t the ko pru above an d below
At the ap ex ofth e pyrami d waits the Spd 5 fl., swim 40 ft. reopened th e m to allow delivery of par-
ent ra nce to the ch ambers within-a Melee* tail slap +15 (l d8+14) and tially co mpleted slwdolV pearls from th e
d om elike bulge of constricte d , br u ise- 2 claws +13 (l d6+9)and City of Broken Ido ls above down to Gol-
co lored mu scle. Sligh tl y to ug h e r tha n bite +lJ (,d6+9) ism orga below. Ulio th uses stone shalJc
th e su rro un d in g flesh (h a rd n ess 4 Base Atk +12; Grp +32 to open an d clos e th is p lu g as nec ess ary
and IS hit poi nts per foot) and with At k Opt ions const rict 3d8+13, improved whe ne ver th e ko p ru from above a rr ive
the sa m e f.1.5 1 healing , t h e b a r rier is grab (tail slap) with a ne w sh ip m en t of h alf-fin ish ed
d iffi cu lt to breac h . T he entrance is Special Actions dominate person shadow pearls.
ai r- t igh t when cl o s ed , p reve nt ing Combat Gear potion ofJly (J) It 's unlikely that th e PCs discover thi s
en try via ,.gaseous fo rm. There ar e *5-point Power Attack rout e into T han acla n at th is ti m e, bu t
se ve ral ways to o pe n t he passag e. An y Abilities Str 28, Dex I S, Con 18, tnt 10, Wis if they d o, re fer to the ne xt adve nture
compu ls ion m in d -affe ctin g e ffec t , 10. Cha 12 in t he Savage T id e Adventu re Pat h to
such as SUMcstion o r dominate person, SQ amphibious determ in e what th ey en co un te r alon g
t h at ta rget s the b arrie r ca n comm and Feats Ability Focus (dominate person), th e way.
it to o pen (la n g uage is n ot a fac to r Improved Bull Rush, Iron Will,
i n t hi s u sag e). T h e passage rem ai ns Multiattack, Power Attack ~ The Room That Watches
open unt il it is ord e red to close in th e Skills Escape Artist +17, Move Silently +17,
sam e wa y. Swim +17 This room is alive. The bru ised pu rple
Al te rn a tely , a DC 24 Search ch ec k Possessions combat gear, +3 studded leather walls pulse and q uiver, heaving irregu larly
re veal s four deep ci r cu lar fissures tha t armor,coral holy symbol of Demogorgon like the breath of a dying thing. Growths
bre a k th e su rfa ce of t h e flesh arou n d worth 50 gp ju t from the walls-exposed, fleshy things
the ba rrie r. These sicke ni n g, wou n d like Dominate Person (Su) Akopru can atte mpt like black lungs, giant ma ny-chambe red
rent s prote ct mu scled pad s. If a ll to dom inate person once per day,as the and inside-ou t hearts , rolling milky white
four a re depressed at th e sa m e time, spell (CL 10th), save that t he range is 180 eyes, an d ot he r o rga ns with no hum anoid
t h e o rg an ic "d oo r" refl e xi ve ly snaps feet and the du ration is eight days. A DC ana log . Unfinished sto newo rk covers
ope n . T he fou rt h of the se fissures is 17 Will save resists the domination. The patches of the floor, as if some optim istic
o bsc ure d b y gree n m old, wh ich mu st save DC is Charisma-based. architect hoped to merely brick over the
b e des t royed if the PCs a rc to safely Improved Grab (Ex) If a kopru hits a target room 's o bsce ne nature. An o pen chute
emp lo y i t. its own size or small er with a tail slap, it with a str ange ladd er, its rungs curved and
Fi na lly , t h e o r gani c d oo r ha s a can attem pt to start a grapple as a free awkwardly placed, o pens th rou gh part of
St rengt h score of 36. A c rea tu re th at action that does not provokean attack of the masonry floor, desce nding deeper into
succee ds on an o p p osed St re ngt h opportun ity. If it establishes a hold. it can t he st ructure's de pt hs.
c he ck again st the d o o r ca n force i t constrict. Akopru has a +7 racial bonus
o p e n as a fu ll- ro u nd action . on grapple checks. T hi s room is bo th g ua rd post and
O nce t h e door is op en , its a Is-foot Tactics: If en e m ies attempt to climb gu ardi an. Several of the eyes position ed
dro p to t he floo r of area Q2. belo w. the py rami d, th e beh e m ot h s drink th ro ughou t the r oo m watc h all who
C re a t u r e s: Ulio th h a s sta t io ne d potions of fly and m ove to en gage the ente r. Un less t he PCs are in visib le
t h ree p o we r ful ko p ru behemo th s a t PCs in me lee . A favo red tactic aga inst o r o the rwise disgui se th eir entry, th e
the ziggu rat's p ea k as gua rds . Th ey clim bin g in tru d er s is u sing Im pro ved struct u re becom es awar e of intruders
have o r d e rs to k ee p wat ch o ver the Bull Rush to forc e th em in to t h e an d re po rts th e in tru sion to Uli ot h in
ziggu rat a nd prevent all crea tu res from gree n mold. a rea Q3 below, at whic h poin t he begi ns
d isturbi n g t h e ir mas te r's wo rk, a nd Devel opment: The cave rn ceiling 200 casting spells to p rep are himself for any
unlike t he ot h e r kop ru , re m ai n h ere feet ab ove the zigg u ra t ha s been shaped comin g conflict. The ladder is o ptom ized


for a snake like crea ture like a kopru.
Humanoid creat ures m ust mak e a DC 10
Climb check to navigate it.

Z3. Corrupted Shrine (EL H)

The ziggurat's organs continue to twitch,

roil, and watch. The half-laid stonework
glistens amid pools of water. To the east
looms a huge bust of a demonic counte-
nance with twin baboonlike heads set in a
fearsome double roar sprouting from its
over-muscled chest. Acrossthe ground lie
hunks of shatte red black resin and, near
the stat ue, a black tu mor grows from the
fl eshy fl oor, its sizeand s ha p~ reminiscent
of some grotesq ue divan.

Th e re lig ious leade r of the

Golismorga koprus , Ulioth, oversees
the final stage of the creatio n of shadow
pearls from th is room, spend ing muc h
of h is time offe ri ng pra yer to h is
dem onic overl o rd or to iling on his
lates t proj ect , a half-complet ed strand
of praye r beads.
A stone trapdoor wit h a broad iro n
rin g is se t in the mas onry of t~e
floo r ne ar the sta tue of Dem ogor gon ,
openin g into area Q4 belo w.
Creat ure: Ulio th , the leader of the
koprus in Golismorga ,spends much ofhis
time med itating on Demogorgon's will,
receiving visions and direction from the
Prince ofDemons himself lf the pe s have
manage d to reach th is area und etected,
they find Ulioth restin g upon his th rone Ulioth
oftumors . More likely, though, the kopru
cleri c knows of the pe s' in trus ion and
has already prepared for their ar rival as
detailed in Tactics below.
ta il sla p +20 (1d 6+2) and (DC 21), spell resistance, wallof stone
ULIOTH CR 14 bite +20 (1d4+2) 4th - a ir walk, control water, cure critical
Ma le kopru cler ic 8/t hra ll of Demogorgon 4 Base At k +18; Grp +28 wounds, dimensional anchorD, sending
CE Med iu m monstrou s h u m anoid (aquatic) Atk O pti o ns igno re ha rd ness l/d ay, 3rd-bestow curse (DC 19), contagionD (DC
Monster Manual II 134, Book of Vile Darkness 66 reachi ng tou ch 3/day 19), cure serious wounds, dispel mag;c,
Init +5; Se n se s darkvision 60 ft.; Liste n +4 , Specia l Acti ons dominate pe rson , hyp nosis protectionfrom energy
Spot +4 l /day, rebuke undead 5/d ay (+2, 2d6+10), 2nd-blindnessfdeafn essD (DC 18), bull's
Lan g uag e s Aboleth , Abyssal, Aquan, Ol ma n to uch offear 3/d ay strength, cure moderate wounds (2), death
AC 27 , touch 14 , fl at-footed 26 Co m bat Gea r potion of b/ur, potion of knell (DC 18), shatter(DC 18), silence
hp 170 (20 HD) res ist acid 10, wand of cure moderate (DC 18)
Fort +1 5, Ref +10 , Will +19 wounds (12 charges) 1st- command (DC 17), cure light wounds,
Spd 5 fl.. swim 40 fl . Spells Prepa red (CL 10t h , +21 touc h , +19 diuine[aver, doomD (DC 17), entrapic
Me lee +2 anarch ic spear+23/+18/+13/+8 ra n ged touch) shield, protectionfrom good, sanctuary
(l d8+6/19-20/x3) and sth-feeblemincP (DC 21), greater command (DC 17)



o-c-crecte water(3), cure moderate wounds, Domains The Co rruption doma in allows the flesh y ground . Four pillars separate the
guidance, light Ulioth to ignore a struck object's pools and hold the sagging flesh of the ceil-
o domain spell; Domains Corruption, hardn ess once per day. The Demonic ing aloft. With in the basin s of roiling foul-
Dem on ic domain grants him a +1 profane bonus ness float pristine black orb s, each the size
Abilit ies Str 16, Dex 12. Con 16,I nt 10 , Wis o n attac k rolls and damage rolls with of a man's head and shimmering with an
23, Cha 14 una rm ed strikes and natu ral weapon s. unsettli ng inne r light.
SQ amphibious, dual actions 2/da y, Feats Thrall to Demon allows Ulioth to gain
spontaneous casting (inflict spells) a +1 luck bonus on any attac k roll once T he con stru ctio n of a shadow pearl is
Fe ats Craft Wond rous Ite m , Imp rove d per day when performing an evil act. a lo ng and in volved pro cess that begins
Critical (spear), Improved Initiative, Willing Deformity grants a +2 deformity in the ruins ofTh an aclan on the pla tea u
Improved Toughness (+1 hpfHD), bonus on Intimidate checks. high above. By th e time th ey're sh ipp ed
Multiattack, Thrall to Demon Tactics: As soon as Ulio th realize s down t o Goli sm orga , th ey've alread y
(Demogorgon), Will ing Deformity the PCs are drawing n ear, h e cas ts the u n d ergon e a months-long creat io n
Skills Concentration +14, Escape Artist +11, followi ng spells on h imself: $pell resistance, process, yet wh en they fin ally reach this
Intimi dat e +12, Knowled ge (arca na) +6, air walk, protection ftom enerlJ)' (fire), and cha m ber th ey st ill have m onths to go. At
Knowledge (religion) +8, Knowledge (the bull's stren,gth. Once thi s is d one (or on the thi s point, the shadowpearls are allo wed to
planes) +6 fir st rou nd of combat, if the PCs rea ch stee p in the pits ofblack b ile,building up
Possessions +4 chain shirt, +2 anarchic him earlier) h e u ses controlwater to raise a shell of hardened bil eston e wh ile they
spear, periapt ofWisdom +4, riny of the pools of water on th e floor up to the absorb the inherent m adness feste ring in
protection +3, bracers of health +2 (as zo-foot-high ceili ng, flood ing the room th e leavings of an Elde r Evil.
amulet of health +2), partable hole filled ..vith water so that he's m ore m obile wh ile The four bubbling blac k pools are each
with cold, brackish water, gold unholy hopefully the PCs are hindered. 20 feet deep an d filled wit h black bile of
symbol of Demogorgon wo rth SOD gp In combat, Uli oth prefe rs op eni n g th e world, th e liq u id state of bile stone.
Domin ate Pe rso n (Su) A kopru can attemp t with h is dual actio ns, making full attack All four of t h e pool s are con nected by
to dominate person once per day, as the ac tio ns wh ile also m ovin g away t o cas t a wide pa ssages und e rg rou n d , allowing
spell(CL 10th), save that the range is 180 spell o r u si ng do m inate pe r son at range. so m eth in g th at di ves int o on e to rise
feet and th e duration is eight days. A DC If a battle t ur ns against hi m , he ret r ea ts from ano th er-s hou ld it sur vive. The
16 Will save resists the dom ination. The to ar ea Q4. O n ce there, he u ses his potion effect s of b lack bile of the world are
save DC is Charisma-based. of resist acid 10 , all owi ng h im to swim detaile d in the sidebar o n page 64.
Dual Actions (Su) Twice per day, Ulioth can in the p oo ls of bl ack bil e unh armed Currently, a to tal of eig ht unfini shed
take two full rounds' worth of actions in whil e h e heals hi s wou nds an d re ad ies shadow pearls float in th e fou r pools. They
th e same round. to d efen d the denizen of that chamber still ne ed at lea st a m onth of steeping in
Hypnosis (Su) Once per day, Ulioth can fro m th e invad ers. the bile before their bilestone sh ells can
produce an effect identical to that of the T reasu re : An y character wh o makes be cracked open and the shadow pearls
hypnotism spell, except that it functio ns a DC 18 Search check of the tumorous within are ready to release a savage tide.
as a gaze attack with a range of 30 feet. "th ro n e" in this room find s seve ral o f Crea tu re: A livi ng m onument to the
A DC 16 Will save negates t his effect; the Ulioth 's most p rized t reasures hidden Elder Evil known as a b ilewre tch of
save DC is Charisma-based. am id its folds. These incl u de a strangely Holashner lurks in this cha m be r. Without
Improved Grab (Ex) If Ulioth hits a target sh ap ed go ld a n d ivory t iara of coiling this creature's presence, th e bile pits wo uld
its own size or smaller with a tail slap, he sn akes and sh ri eking monkeys worth soo n ha rd en in to bilestone and th u s
can attempt to start a grapple as a free 2,400 gp, a ruby rin9 cfwizardry(II),a neck- become u seless for the fin ish ing stage of
action that does not provoke an attack of lace (if adalJtation, an d a decanter of endless .~hadow pearl creation. The monster has
oppo rtunity. If he establishes a hold, he water. befriended Ulioth , an d the ko pru priest
can const rict. Ulioth has a +7 racial bonus In add itio n, th e four eyes in the b ust of is th us th e o nly cre at ure th e bilewr etc h
on grapple checks. Demogorgo n arc black pearls worth 500 suffers in this ro om- all o ther intrude rs
Reachin g Touch (Su) Three times a day, as a gp each . are att acked at once.
free action, Ulioth can cause his arms to Bilewre tch of Ho la shner: hp 18 9;
st retch unnatu rally, increasing his reach Q! Hola shner's Honer (E L 13) see App endix.
by 5 feet for 1 round. Tacti cs: Knowing the effects ofbilcstone
Touch of Fear (Su) Three times per day, The stic ky heat and pulsing walls of th is on fleshy creatures, the b ilewretch stays
Ulioth can cause a creature he st rikes doying room augment perfect lythe revolt- with in o r above th e poo ls ofblack b ile in
with a touch attack to become frightened ing st ink of bile mixed with crude oil. Fo ur the room, making use ofits breath weap on
for Id4 rounds. A DC 16 Will save means poo ls of putr id black muck bub ble a nd liberally an d then ret reating beneath th e
t he creature touc hed is me rely shaken for s purt in the floor, their edges determ ined surface of a pool to emer ge from anothe r
1 round. The save DC is Charisma-based. by eit he r rigid sto ne blocks o r d imp les in pool one or two ro und s later. Should the


bilewretch be forced into melee it attempts destroying TIaloe 's Tear. This on e-two flooding most of th e caverns below the
to grapple whenever possible. Using its punch throws the kopru s offfor months, Isle of Dread once again . The refugees
breath weapon on grapple d oppo nents, bu t there remains much to doin the world of Barba s were wise to flee to the uppe r
the aber ration also atte mpt s to dive into above. Ift he PCs don't continue the fight caver ns when th ey did.
the nearest pool while grapp ling a foe, and confront the demoni c resident s of The abo let hs, free d fro m the ir
relying on the disgusting fluid to d rown Th anaclan, the powerful forces there are lon g sleep, are te mporarily conten t to
or dissolve its victim. certain to tum their resources elsewhe re. reclaim th eir former real m, repairing
Development: By destroying the bile- The first batt le against th e Lord s of the damage that tim e and ignorant races
wretch, the PCs can effectively disrupt the Dread may be won, but the ir demoni c have don e to their magni ficent edifices.
creation of shadow pearls. Within a day, lo rd still dwells in the City of Broken These alien creat ures exist on time scales
th ese poo ls hard en int o bilestonc and Idols abo ve. unfathomable to mort als, and it ma y
any un finish ed pearls still \..rithin crack as Th ou gh it takes tim e for the water to be dec ades or even cen turies before
their latent magic fades away in a no xious completely reclaim Golismorga an d the the y again turn th eir attentions to the
green puff. surrounding caverns, the effects of this world above.
delu ge should be immediately apparent
CONCLUDING THE an d give the PCs a sens e of urgency. APPENDIX: NEW MONSTERS
ADVENTURE While many players undou btedly pr efer
In ord er to disrupt the use ofGolismorga ma gical m eans such as teleport, th e rou te Brain Collector (Neh-thalggu)
as a place to fini sh the creatio n of th e PCs used to reach Golismorga in the A 1wn!Jry poly p upon twelve itlsectoid leBs
slwdOlv pearls, the PCs must bot h destroy first place is the last tunnel to flood. Th e skitters madly across tliefloor. i arEer than
the bilewretch and flood the cavern by rising waters eventually reach sea level, a horse, the thin!J 's tumid mass writlles WiOl



hp 85 (10 HD); DR 5/mag ic spell being cast from the brain collecto r's
Immu ne critical hits, disease, poison list of spells known-i n order to "relearn"
Fort +7 , Ref +6, Will +11 that spell, it must collect a replacement
5pd 60 ft. brain. When a brain collector absorbs a
Melee bite +13 (2d8+10) brain to enhance a spell, it may apply one
Space. I n fl.; Reach 5 ft. of t he following th ree effects to the spell
Base At k +7; Grp +18 being cast:
Special Actions extract brain, metamagic • It may cast the spell without using verbal
Sorcerer Spells Khown (CL6th, +13 touch, or somatic components.
+9 ranged touch) • It may cast a spell that normally has a
j rd (4!day}-dispcl magic. displacement. fly, range of touch at any distance up to
haste, vampiric touch 30 feet (t he spell effectively becomes a
and (y/day}-detect thoughts (DC 18), ghoul ray, so the brain collector must succeed
touch (DC 18), invisibility , mirror image, on a ranged touch attack to bestow the
resist energy, see invisibility spell upon t he recipient).
1St (8/day}-expeditious retreat,featherf all, • As part of a bite attack, the brain collector
greose(DC 11), magearmor, magic missile, may cast any spell that targets a
ray of enf eeblement, shield, true strike single creature (other than a spellthat
o (6/day}-dancifl9 lights, detect magic, targets itself only). If the bite attack is
ghost sound (DC 16), mage hand, successful, the spell affects the creature
prestidig itation, read magic, tauch of bitte n. Casting a spell in t his manner is
fatigue (DC . 6) an immediate action (allowing the brain
Abilities Str 24, Dex 11, Con 18, lnt 20, Wis collector to cast a spell like this as part
IS . Cha 22 of an attack of opportunity), and counts
SQ othe rworldly physiology as a quickened spell for determining
Feats Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, how many spells you can cast in a
Improved Initiative, Iron Will round. Casting a spell in this manner
Skills Concentration +17, Hide +12,Jump +32, does not provokeattacks of opportunity.
Knowledge (arcana)+18, Knowledge (any If the bite attack fails, the spell is lost.
one other) +18, listen +15, Spellcrafl +20 Oth erworldly Physiology (Ex) A brain
Environm ent any collector does not have fixed organs
Organizatio n solitary as most organisms do. As such, it is
Treasure double standard immune to critical hits, death from
Advancemenl ll-1 4 (Large), 15-30 (Huge) massiv e dam age, sneak attack, and coup
Extract Brain (Ex) Using its claws with the de grace attacks. Their alien bodies are
precision of surgical tools, a brain collector also immune to disease and poison.
can remove the brainof a helpless opponent Brain collectors do not age and, barring
in reach as a full-round action.This action violence, can live forever.
provokes an attackof opportunity, and SpellsAbrain collector casts spellsas a 6th-
stunted. whippin.CJ tentacles. A lipless mouth immediatelyslaysthe target at the end of level sorcerer. A brain collector can store
heavy wilh protrudin,g rows of daw er-length the round. Thispower is uselessagainst additional spellsknown in its collected
teeth, and a ricl.gc offO!lr bul.ginE eyesElares constructs, elementals, oozes, plants,and brains, increasing the total number of spells
fr om above tlds nightmare ,gasll. A cluster undead, and is not instantly fatal to foeswith it knowsand can cast. lfit absorbs a brai n,
of twelve knots crown the ab omination's multiple heads,such as ettins and hydras. it loses one of its known spells. When it
misslwpen fo rm, the ,gray wrinkles of Onceextracted, the neh-thalggu canswallow collects a new brain to replace an absorbed
brains trapped witJl in pressed Qna inst the the brain as a free action, storing it in one of brain. it mayselecta new spellto replace the
semi-transparent membranes. its twelve brainsacs. spell lost. Abrain collector mayknowany
Metamagic (Su) A brain collector can absorb number of spellsin this manner, although
B RAI N CO LLECTO R ( N EH - T H ALG G U) CR 7 a captured brain to enhance the effects the number of spells known of any particular
Usually e N, NEt or CE la rge aberration of its spellcasting. While these effects level cannot equal or exceed the number of
Init +3; Se ns es dark vision 60 ft.; Liste n +15 , resemble meta magic feats, they do not spells known of a lower level. The stat block
Spot +2 raise the effective level of the spell being aboveassumes a braincollector with a full
Langu ag e s Neh-t halggu; te lepath y 60 ft. cast, nor do they increase the casting time complement of 12 brains.
AC 20. touch 12, flat-footed 17 (- 1 size, +3 of spells that are spontaneously cast. Note Den izen s of the m ad n ess t hat lu rks
Dex, +8 nat u ral) that each brain absorbed removes the beh ind re ali t y, b ra in collecto rs (n eh -


tha lggu in th eir own insane langu age) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12t h)
en croac h on t he Materia l Plane from 3/day-confusion (DC 14), empowered
the incon ceivable Far Realm in wha t is poison (DC 16), deeper darkness
actually their larval stage.Terri ble bei ngs Abilitie s Str 27, Dex 20, Con 22, Int S, Wis
of unspeakab le and unwholesome 13, Cha 10
desi res, these monsters are driven to it bathes itself in an endless flow of oily SQ black bile affin ity, no brea th
collect brains, and use the kn owledg e black drool. Feat s Ability Focus (poison spell-like ability),
locked within these organs to further Combat Reflexes, Blind-Fight, Empower
their own transformation into be ings BIL.EWRETCH OF HOLA SHNER CR 13 Spell-Like Ability (poison), lm proved
of god like power (Epic Level Handbook Always CE Huge aberrat ion Critica l (te ntacle), Im proved Initiative,
207) . Un carin g of th e empty h usk s Init +9; Se nse s darkvision 60 ft.: Listen +8, Lightning Reflexes
cast aside by their feeding , th ese alien Spot +8 Skills Li st en +8, Move Silently +12, Spot +8
preda tor s u se the ir fleshy meals to languages Aboleth (ca nnot speak) Environment u nde rgr o u nd (nea r
generate great bursts of arca ne energy. AC 29, to uch 13, flat-footed 24 (- 2 size, +S bilestone depos its)
While even the weakest are capable of Dex, +16 natural ) Or ganization so litary, pa ir, or nest (3- 8)
devouri ng the sen t ience from who le hp 189 (18 HD) Tre asure none
reg ions, a fully ascended ne h- thalgg u Immun e acid , fire, inha led toxins, mind - Advancement 19- 27 H D (H uge), 28-40 H D
rivals even the eldest d ragons and affecti ng, suffocatio n (Gar gantuan), 41- 54 H D (Colossal)
som e demon lo rds in ferocity and 5R 21 AirWalk (Su) A bilewretc h may move through
arcane might. Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +12 the air as if unde r the effects of an ajr walk
Spd 40 ft., swim 40 ft.; air walk s pell. This effect cannot be d isp elled.
Bilewretch of Holashner Melee 4 ten ta cles +19 (ld8+8jI 9-20 plus Black Bile (Su) A bilew retch's tenta cle s
Many -juinted leE~ and squirmin,g ten- 1d6 add ) and co ns ta nt ly se e p black bile of t he wo rld.
tacles cloak thi.~ horror in a haze of repul- tail +14 (, d8+4) Any creature st ruck by a tentacl e
sive motion. A thinE half-centipede and Space 15 ft.: Reach 10 ft. t akes a n add it ional Id6 po int s of
half-squid, a sin,g/e alien, black eye stares Base Atk +13; Grp +29 ac id damage, and t hen a n add it io na l
fa thomlessly f rom an octopoid· head. Atk O ptio ns Co m bat Reflexes, Blind -Fight, Id6 poi nt s of acid damage the next
Curled upon itself like a titanic shrimp, the black bile, con st rict 2d8+4, improved grab ro und befo re t he bile from that att ac k
thinB ,glistens like a scarab's shell even as Special Action s bre ath weapon bec omes ine rt . Creat ure s with t he lawful



damage. On the round after suffering Mt.lo~on

damag e from a bllewretch's breath
weapon. a creature takes an additio nal GALEENA. HON EY?
3d6 acid damag e (6d6 for creatures DON'T BE UPSE T . BUT
wit h the lawful subtype) and 3d6 fire I H AVE NEVER HEARD
damage (Reflex DC 25 negates) as the
st uff clings and continues to burn, unless
the victim takes a full- round action to
wash or scrape off the bile. If it chooses, a
bilewretch may use its breath weapo n on
a single creature it is currently grappling.
To do so, it must grapple the foe with at
least two tentacles. If successful, it heaves
bile upon the victim, inflicting damage as
detailed above(no save). The save DC is
Constr ict (Ex) A ~ Iewretch deals autom atic
tail dama ge on a successful grapple check
with its tail.
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability.t he
bilewretch must hit with a tent acle or a
tail attack. It can then attempt to start a
grapple as a free action without provoking
an attack of opp ortunity.lfit establishes
a hold with its tail. it can const rict. If
it establishes a hold with at least two
tentacles, it can use its breath weapon
against that foe as detailed above.
No Breath (Ex) Abilewretch does not need
to breathe.
Monstrous aberrat ions sculpted from
unkn owable samples harvested eons
ago from Holashner itself, bilewretches
exist to perpetuate the transform ation
of black bile of the world into bilestone
subtype take double acid damage from and then back again. Like an intelligent
this attack. foun tai n, these monsters live only to
Black BileAffi nity (Ex) As a full-round action, e n d~es s l y break down bilestone an d
a bilewretch can transform a 5-foot block excrete it as liquid madn ess, protecting
of bilestone into black bile of the world. tha t whi ch the y have reform ed. Often
A bilewretch a n swim th rough black orde re d by th eir masters to gu ard
bile unimp eded, and may see t hrough it sites ho no ring th e Elder Evils, th ese
as if it were clear. While at least partially aberrationslimited intellects myopi cally
submerged in black bile, a bilewretch focus on their ins tru ction s. devising and
gains fast healing IS. honing the most effective method s of
Breath Weapon (Su) Once every Id 4 ~ou nds, protecting that which they were created
a bilewretch can expel a 30-foot-long line tn honor. iiJ
of black bile of the world t hat deals 6d6 An Associate Editor of DR AGO N ma,gazinc,
poi nts of acid damage to every creature F. Wesley Schneider believes tile shorter tile
in the area. If this bile is exposed to air, it author bio, the- .
also ign ites, inflicting an add ition al6d6
points of fire damage. Creatures with the You 1V0uid think tlwt. as a u Assistant Editor
lawful subtype take double damage from for D U NGE ON, it lVould be easyfo r James
the acid portion of this attack. A DC 25 Laf ond SuttertolVriteatl autllOrbio.You lVould
Reflex save halves both the acid and fire be Ivron,g.



The Lightless
by F. Wesley Schneider and James
Lafond Sutter
When the PCs journey deep under
the Isle of Dread to find the source
of the shadow pearls, they discover
horrors beyond imagining in a
haunted underground city perched
on sanity’s razored edge. A Savage
Tide Adventure Path scenario for
11th-level characters.

Ben Wootten

Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
8 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.
ine Harlot’s Log—
Excerpt From the Br
th no inci-
llivant Cove wi
We reached Ga il yuan-ti
the Seventh Co
dent, although sh or e leave. I
mands for
renewed their de them all
ain, promising
denied them ag my sister’s
uld want once
the leave they co t to the Glut-
mine. Paymen
little project is eth would
ly (that beast’s te
ton went smooth rso na lly led a
ies!), and I pe
Irgzid Uzeye make fine troph gs looked
the caves. The tro
group of five to so rt of malady
worse than they s of Dread?
r certain. Lord
afflicts them fo pa ym ents and
took our
Hardly. Yet they
slaves readily en ady for
e shadow pearl re
There was on only
but the sim-
my displeasure,
us. I made clear they were
nvinced me that
pering lepers co d se ve ral more
and promise
being truthful, to avoid
s’ time. I’ve tried
in a few month Its depths
pearl overmuch.
staring at the mber one of
ter seeing the nu
are hypnotic. Af en’s Cove, I
ties did on Krak
these little beau container
ep it in a padded
make sure to ke
at all times. ing into
n’t just toss the th
It’s too bad we ca them kill
catapult and let
Farshore with a one to tell
t I’ll not be the
each other off, bu eir toys!
oke another of th
command we br

Warren Mahy

Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
9 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.
Robert Lazzaretti

Beneath the Isle of Dread



Underground Rivers/Lakes
Route to Golismorga
Cerulean Curtain

Robert Lazzaretti

Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
10 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.
Robert Lazzaretti
Robert Lazzaretti
A. Entrance Caverns



One square = 5 feet




Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
11 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.
Robert Lazzaretti
Robert Lazzaretti


One square = 10 feet

B. Laogroat







Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
12 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.
Robert Lazzaretti
Robert Lazzaretti
One square = 5 feet
C. The Burning Pools





Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
13 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.
G. Barbas G1. Town Hall
G2. Store
G3. Shrine to Mictlantecuhtli

DUNGEON 144 Supplement

G4. Ganfer’s Wallow
G5. The Nursery
G6. The Furnace
G7. Stonesweep



G6 G5

nw ne

sw se
One square = 50 feet
Robert Lazzaretti Robert Lazzaretti

Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.

Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Robert Lazzaretti
Robert Lazzaretti



I. Temple of the
Ancient Ones



One square = 10 feet


Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
15 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.
Ben Wootten

Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
16 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.
Robert Lazzaretti
Robert Lazzaretti
One square = 5 feet
J. Hall of the Dreamers






Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
17 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.
Robert Lazzaretti

Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
18 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.

nw ne
sw se




0 700
Robert Lazzaretti

Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
19 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.
Robert Lazzaretti
Robert Lazzaretti
One square = 10 feet
P. Tlaloc’s Crater





Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
20 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.
Robert Lazzaretti

Q. Holashner’s Ziggurat



Liquid Bilestone
Rubbery Fleshlike Resin

Stony Fleshlike Resin Q3

N ne

sw se
One square = 20 feet One square = 5 feet

Robert Lazzaretti

Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
21 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.
Ben Wootten

Warren Mahy

Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
22 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.

Ben Wootten

Dungeon #144 Map & Handout Supplement © 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
23 DUNGEON 144 Supplement Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.

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